FIVE | gaston's observation

Gaston, Uji and I bounced after I punched her. Like we ran, no, sprinted. They were way faster than me so I ended up walking while they were like 100 feet in front of me.

"Orchid! Are you really that out of breath?" Uji laughed. I looked at him, and decided to be straight-forward.

"My chest hurts!" I crossed my arms to support my chest. His face flushed and I laughed, "Just being honest!"

Gaston eyed Uji with a knowing smirk. I walked up to them, giving Gaston a what's-up-with-you kind of look. Uji was red as a tomato. I cocked my head to the side. Gaston snickered, "Keep your composure." Uji breathed an unamused 'Hah' then looked at me.

...Wait... YO, BROSIF. NO WAY~! Don't blush, don't do anything!

The boy got all hot and bothered from me being too blunt haha!

I looked at them cluelessly, pretending like a boss. Be an intense theatre kid like me. Pokerface's are my specialty. "Huh?"

"Nothing." Gaston smirked, it faltering when he noticed the twinkle in my eye, "Hol' up, sis, what-?" I interrupted him.

"Hm? What's wrong Gaston?" I asked obliviously.

"N-nothin'... anyways, thanks for saving me from Lydia. She was a bitch."

"Why did you even date her?" Uji asked curiously. I nodded in agreement of Uji's question.

Gaston's eyes widened, and he gestures circles around his head, "The girl was delusional. We we're both drunk, had some fun, and suddenly we were dating? Like, I'm gay. She somehow figured out the password on my phone and went through it. Deleted any pictures she didn't like, then put her number in."

I grimaced. Uji cocked an eyebrow, "That's creepy."

"Why do you think I went along with her delusion?" He retorted. I nodded in agreement and looked at Uji. His lip twitched, and he noticed me staring at him. He glanced at me with confusion. I realized I was staring and flinched down, reeling myself into reality. I broke into chills, a bit embarrassed.

"What was that?" Gaston commented with a smirk. I flushed a deep scarlet. Uji coughed.

"I spaced out," I said quickly, gazing away from them. My phone buzzed. I checked it.

blessing: aphie told me u went on a date;)

Me: :( it was chill micaelaaaaa dont do this 2 mi

blessing: haha i don't believe u

Me: hol' on brb

I shoved my phone in my pocket while Gaston and Uji talked.

Ah crap I feel out of place.

I popped my knuckles nervously, a bit uneasy. Gaston glanced at me, "What's up with you?" My eyes flickered to his in a surprised manner.

"Nothing, why?"

"Oh, sorry, you looked nervous."

I smiled, "I'm good brosif." I gave him a thumbs up, my wrist popping with it. He grimaced and looked at Uji. Uji was just chilling, stretching his arms.

"Does she always pop her joints?" He asked.

Uji looked at me, "Do you?"

I smirked, tilting my head. A series of loud cracking silenced the air. I watched them, Gaston now disgusted, Uji surprised. I laughed softly, "Need anything more? Yes, my entire body cracks."

"Nope! I don't care to hear anything else!" Gaston nearly shouted. His nose was scrunched and his face tucked back, creating a double chin. I immediately started laughing.

"Heavens, what are you doing?" Uji gasped. Gaston looked offended.

"I'm being cute, sheesh!" He paused, eyeing Uji and me, "Did I ruin a date?"

I went poker face. I glanced at Uji. He scratched his head awkwardly. I pouted, not wanting to be the one to talk.

"Uhm, we're actually friends."

"Oh?" Gaston had a glimmer his eye. I tilted my head slightly, "Forgive me for thinking this was a bit more romantic than it is, it just looks like it." He smirked.

My face heated up, and I mouthed him, 'I'll kill you.' He grinned even wider at my response.

"But honestly, I think I'm right. Tchao strangers!" He walked off. I pouted. Uji approached me, now standing side by side.

"Well that was interesting," He said, I nodded, pulling my hair closer to my face to hide my flushed face. I could feel something odd from this. "Do you think he's right?"

My eyes widened and I faced him, "What do you mean by that?" He looked down at me, a sincere look in his eyes. They were speckled with light gold flecks, the light hitting them so perfectly, allowing a whisky color to shine instead of those dark chocolate colored eyes. My breathing hitched and I shifted my gaze. On his lips. Plump, pale red lips.

Oh heck I'm losing composure.

I looked at the ground, ultimately embarrassed.

"Orchid, I can see what Gaston was talking about."

I tilted my head down, my long hair covering my face.

"And I happen to really like you."

Wait, hol' up. I sharply turned to him, "For real?"

My reaction caught him off guard, and he looked a bit puzzled, "Y-Yes?"

"Oh! Uh, well, I like you too, a lot." I squeaked, extremely anxious. My anxiety kicked in like a bullet train, and I had crippling anxiety.

"Are you okay? You're losing a lot of color in your skin?"

I sighed, "I just have really bad anxiety, yea I'm okay."

"What? Oh gosh, you should've told me earlier, but it's okay."

"It's not a big deal." I assured, ignoring the symptoms coming on, "I've had anxiety like this for almost 10 years. I've taught myself methods to help me calm down," I gave him a smile. He returned mine with a nervous smile of his own.

We continued walking the greenbelt, talking about ourselves. At the end, we gave a brief hug and parted our ways. I got into my van and melted, anxiety I'd been holding in just releasing.

Hot tears spilled from my eyes, and not because I was upset, but because I was so nervous. Like what?

I texted Aphie immediately.

Me: he confessed, he said he likes me. I'm confused?

goddess: OMG JUST GO FOR IT!!

I snickered at her response,

Me: also i didn't tell anybody we went and hung out???

goddess: What? Not even me?

Me: it was last minute!🥺

goddess: It's okay. You have to tell me what happened!

Me: you should come over?? plssssss??

goddess: I'll be there in literally 2 minutes.

Me: ah!! okay!! i'll b there in about 10, just let yourself in, u know the drill

I buckled up and drove as quick as the law would allow me.

The anxiety went away and was replaced by absolute excitement.

Eventually, I made it to my house and saw Aphie's car was here. I parked and ran inside. Aphrodite was eating yogurt. I laughed. She took one glance at me.

"Why is your mascara running?"

"A mini anxiety attack, not the point I'm as happy as can be right now!" I grabbed her arm and ran to my room.

"I'm... so... happy!" I squealed.

"What happened?"

I told her everything regarding Lydia, Gaston's observation, and the confession. She gasped, "Yes! This is awesome! Now only Amaya will be the single one in the group."

"She won't mind, haha."

"So, are you two like, dating?"

"Uhm, no we didn't establish that," I frowned. She grabbed my phone and texted Uji.

Me: hi i'm Aphrodite, Orchid's best friend and I stole her phone to talk to you.

waiter uji: uh oh am i in trouble?

Me: actually, the opposite!
Me: are you guys dating?

Aphrodite looked at me, "Why don't you have your caps on?"

"I don't like it," I replied nonchalantly.

waiter uji: we didn't clarify,, should we be??

Me: i'll ask her.

waiter uji: okey

"Orchid, should you guys date?"

I looked at her with confusion, "I dunno. The most we've done is hug briefly."

She smiled, "If you guys kiss, then your dating."

Me: if you two kiss, you're dating. problem solved!

I blew out a breath nervously, "Do you think that'll even happen?

She laughed, "Of course I do!"

We talked about this, being the romantics we are.

Today was a great day. (Maybe punching Lydia made it slightly better>:3)

December 22, 2018
