Chapter 13

Chapter 13 - Her Saviour

He watched his footsteps on the ground as he walked through the corridors. Bakugou's teeth gritting furiously and his eyes flared in anger. Ochako told him everything yesterday and seeing her cry like that was the last thing he wanted to see.

He's now experiencing a feeling he has never felt before. It's a mixture of anger and hatred kind of feeling. Not towards anyone, not towards Izuku but...

...towards himself.

He doesn't know this feeling burning in his guts and he hates it. He, too, doesn't know what to do. It just makes me mad about it. He just hates it.

On the other hand, Izuku entered the classroom and spotted Hagakure on her seat next to his. His eyes looked down a little, with his heart feeling heavy. He missed Ochako being next to him. Every morning, whenever he enters class, the first thing he sees is always the face of the angel.

But everything has changed and Izuku didn't like it.

"Midoriya!" Greeted Hagakure, on her seat, waving at the guy.

Izuku looked up to her and gave a small wave back.

"Morning, Hagakure-san" He greeted as he sat down on his seat.

Hagakure leaned closer. "Don't forget to tutor me later, okay?"

Izuku widened his eyes a bit.

Oh yeah, I was supposed to.

"R-Right" He said, pretending to remember about it even though he completely forgot.

"But I hate Chemistry!" Hagakure backed away as she sat properly. "I'm seriously confused with this topic, you know..."

"Uh-huh" Izuku muttered as he set his eyes on Ochako at the back, with Hagakure's voice fading away as he ignored her completely.

He kept on taking a glimpse of her, checking on her. But something was off for him. He doesn't know if it's just him or is Ochako's eyes a little swollen. He tried to see clearly to make sure if she was alright.

But Ochako raised her head slowly and made eye contact with Izuku but he immediately looked away. Ochako's mouth gaped as she looked down, still upset and frustrated with this feeling she's having.

"Why are you avoiding me?" She whispered under her shaky breath.

"Midoriya?" Hagakure called.

Izuku jolted as he faced her.

"Are you even listening?"

The green vest boy looked around awkwardly, with a small chuckle. "I-I'm sorry, what were you saying?"

She then looked away from his eyes. "Never mind, it's nothing" she told as she sat back.

Izuku looked away slowly as he proceeded with his own doing.


"Midoriya!" Izuku heard a voice calling him from behind as he saw Kaminari appeared before his eyes.

Kaminari waved at Izuku and Todoroki next to him, showing them a bright pink blush acrossed his grinned face.

"Kaminari?" Izuku called out.

Izuku's class were having Physical Education period and their activity today was swimming. The boys were getting too excited when they heard they were combined with the girls as well. Especially when Hagakure was involved.

"Why, aren't you too happy?" Todoroki said, placing his hands on his bare waist as he looked at Kaminari.

Kaminari just giggled. "I can't wait for this activity to start"

"You little pervert" Izuku told, shooking his head.

Kaminari pouted. "I'm not!" He fought. "I'm not... the only one"

"No, you are" He fought back.

"These boys are desperate, just to see little Hagakure in her school's swimsuit" He emphasizes her name with a disgust look.

"Eh? You're not interested in her?" Todoroki asked in surprise.

Kaminari answered. "Nope. I'm not into those type of girls"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, seriously, look at her. She's literally faking her cute and adorable image infront of you guys" He said with some random hand gestures. "That's not her and I know that"

"You're weird" Todoroki said, already leaving. "Come on, teacher is calling for us"

"Alright" Izuku then went to grab his towel.

But then appeared a guy next to him, grabbing his towel as well. Izuku made eye contact with Bakugou, with his dark and glaring eyes. Izuku jolted a bit, holding onto the towel he just took and started to shiver throughout his body and spines.

Bakugou sighed sharply and heavily as he looked away from him and left. Izuku gaped his mouth, surprised the guy didn't say anything to him. "Midoriya!" Todoroki called.

"C-Coming!" Izuku answered back and went to him and Kaminari.

Izuku then exited the boy's locker room and got out to the swimming pool area. He covered a bit of his body, with his one arm hanging onto his other. He was too embarrassed exposing his bare upper body to other people. He isn't into those kind of stuffs.

He then saw the boys, all eyeing at Hagakure, who was just standing in the middle of the place, showing off her perfectly figured body being wrapped around her tight swimsuit.

"Eh? Why is everyone looking at me? It's too embarrassing" She whined as she placed both of her palms on her cheeks, showing a shy smile on her face.

"Hagakure-san~!" Some of the boys called out, admiring her cuteness. Their mouths drooling with the sight and her attracted figure just draws all the boys to it.

"Fake" Kaminari said to himself as Izuku heard him says it.

Kaminari let out a sigh. "Some people just get fooled by that"

Izuku just raised an eyebrow, not getting what he's saying. He doesn't really care about what other people is saying about that girl.

But something else caught his eye. Something more important than that. He stared at the most perfect girl somewhere in the area. It was a better view.

Izuku continued to stare at Ochako, who was just standing in the crowd, across the other side of the swimming pool. Izuku gaped his mouth in awe, looking at her figure. This is the first time he sees Ochako this exposed.

He blushed red crimson on his cheeks as it started to heat up. Her hair being tied, exposing most of her skin such as her shoulder and neck. Her slender legs being shown from her shorts.

Izuku has never seen such perfection. He couldn't look away from her and he looked like a creep staring at someone from afar. His lips formed a thin line, being completely mesmerized into such beauty from the fine lady. What is this feeling he's feeling?

Her curved hips being tightly hugged by the swimsuit and most of her arms, covering up her chest area as she shyly looked down. Izuku can't stop looking, but tried his best not to look at that part. But he couldn't help it.

Just a peek.

He then looked lower to see what's on her chest area. He bulged his eyes, finally getting to see how big her size was and he immediately looked away, being totally embarrassed to himself by just looking. He thought he was disgusting.

"Stop staring at her, pervert" Kaminari whispered into his ear.

"I-I'm not"

Crap, I was staring.

"But damn, she, too, has a fine looking body right there" Kaminari said. "And I bet those has got to be F-cups"

Izuku felt his veins popped out of his temple. "Kaminari, look, Jirou in a swimsuit" He pointed.

"She's here?! Wher- WAH!" Before he could finish, Izuku despicably pushed Kaminari into the pool.

"Midoriya!" Shouted Kaminari, with some of the people giggling.

"I have to remove the pervert here"

Kaminari fought. "You were staring at her as well"

The guy said it out loud which made Izuku blushed and looked around, seeing everyone had their eyes on him. He caught Ochako looking at him, confused. He was so embarrassed that he ran away to Todoroki. But before he could, someone stopped him.

"Hi, Midoriya!" Hagakure called infront of the guy.

Izuku jumped in shock. "H-Hagakure-san?" He answered with brighter blush in his cheeks.

She went closer, whispering in his ears. "Hey, it's okay if you stare, alright?" She then went back, with a wink.

Izuku showed a confused look as she walked away. He then shook his head and went to Todoroki.

"Alright, class!" The P.E. teacher arrived. "Is everyone here?"

Kaminari then raised his hand. "No, Jirou isn't here"

"Jirou?" The teacher looked around. "Girls, where's Jirou?"

One of the girl, shook her head. "S-She doesn't want to come out, teacher"

He went to the girl who said it. "Why?"

"I'm here" Jirou said, making everyone look at her.

She was folding her arms together, covering her chest. She looked down, with her bangs covering her eyes.

"Okay, we're all here, so let's start"

Kaminari kept staring at Jirou, concerned with her sudden moody attitude. "Jirou-san?" He said under his breath.

The teacher then continued. "I'm going to do pairing for each pair to compete each other in a small 10m race. So it will be boy against boy and girl agaisnt girl"

Everyone looked at each other muttering and mumbling some words. "Okay, so here's the pairing"

He then announced.

"First we have, Kaminari and Kirishima, Bakugou and Todoroki, Uraraka and Hagakure, Midoriya and Sero, Iida and Tokoyami, Asui and Jirou, lastly, Ashido will compete to the winner from the girls. Got it?"

Everyone nodded as he continued. "Yaoyaoruzu, you won't join, for you will be in-charge of the first aid" He told to Momo. She nodded in return as she made her way to the shade where the first aid is placed.

"Without further ado, let's get started. Kaminari and Kirishima, you guys are up" He called the two as they both stood at the end of the pool, which is the starting point.

"Ready?" The two then prepared and they positioned themselves.

"Go!" With the blow of the whistle, the two jumped in the pool and started swimming.

Many of the students were cheering for the both of them as they swam with all their might. "Go, Kaminari!" Todoroki cheered.

With such a close race, Kirishima touched the end just seconds before Kaminari. The two rested at the end, panting with their hair completely wet.

Kirishima wins the race.

"G-Good game" Kirishima told with his breathing heavy, showing his hand to him.

Kaminari grinned back. "Yeah!" He grabbed his hand as they both shook their hands together.

"Alright, Kirishima, you get 5 points for your record book and Kaminari, you will receive 3" The teacher said, writing it in his record book.

Izuku stared at the teacher. "So this is the competition for points, huh?" Izuku isn't good at sports but he still exercise regularly. Unlike before, he was a skinny noodle but he changed and got built up well. But he doesn't do sports so he thought his body was a waste. But he has to do well, before this grading will pull down his others.

"Next up, Bakugou and Todoroki" He teacher called.

Todoroki then went to the starting point but Bakugou went there slower. His face looking down, with a gloomy aura around which Todoroki finds it unsettling. "You guys ready?"

Todoroki nodded along with Bakugou who was still giving off his angry expression. They both positioned themselves, waiting for the call.

"Go!" The whistle blew and they started. Todoroki swimming his best as Bakugou did as well, unexpectedly.

Izuku looked at Bakugou, trying hard and it was obvious to see. It was shocking because usually Bakugou doesn't care about winning. But this time, he looked determined.

But instead, Todoroki touched the end first before Bakugou, leaving Todoroki for the win. Todoroki stood out of the pool as Bakugou followed as well.

"Good ga-" Before Todoroki could finish his sentence, Bakugou cut him short with a loud shout.


Everyone kept quiet and stared at the scene. "Bakugou?" Todoroki said, confused.

"DON'T GIVE ME THAT CRAP! YOU FUCKING CHEATED!" He screamed and punched Todoroki in the face.

"BAKUGOU!" The teacher shouted, holding onto him. "Stop it!"

Todoroki was lying on the floor, looking up at the short-tempered boy in his limit. "What's wrong with you?"

"Bakugou, that's enough, come with me to the principal's office now!" He said, grabbing his arm. Bakugou kept silent, gritting his teeth, looking down.

The teacher then told. "Iida-kun, please continue the lesson while I'm gone" Iida immediately nodded as the teacher left with Bakugou to the principal's office.

After the teacher had gone, Iida went to the middle of the crowd. "Continuing this, let's have our next pair. Uraraka-san and Hagakure-san"

Hagakure stepped onto the starting line. Every boy kept their eyes on her and Ochako went next to her, still covering up, shyly, but no boys are looking at her anymore.

Except for one. He kept staring her from afar, excited to see her compete. Her one and only supporter all the time. Izuku couldn't stop looking, he just can't.

"Are you girls ready?" Iida asked them in reassurance. Hagakure nodded happily, bending down, touching the end of the pool, with her rear stick out.

The boys can't stop staring and started drooling with the sight. Ochako looked around embarrassed. She has never felt this way before when it comes to attention. So she hesitantly bend down to ensure Iida that she was ready.

"Go!" He then blew the another whistle as the girls jumped into the pool.

But in just a second, Ochako felt her ankle being pushed too hard on the floor when she jumped, causing her foot to gain a cramp. She screamed underwater, feeling the pain spreading throughout her now injured leg.

She couldn't breathe any longer and started screaming for help but no one could hear her. Her legs unable to bring her up to the surface for air, leaving her at the bottom. She screamed once more, feeling her vision fading dark as she was about to faint.

"Help..." She said in her mind, hoping for someone to see her.

"Go, Hagakure-san!"

"You can do it, Hagakure!"

"You have to win!"

Ochako heard it from the surface. She then felt her whole body numb and her surroundings fading away. Nobody cared about her anymore. Nobody knows her anymore. Nobody remembers her anymore.

"BULLSHIT!" The shout made everyone looked at Izuku, who was running into pool. He dived in the deep and swam down.

"What's going on?"

"Why is Midoriya in the water?"

"Hey! Isn't that Uraraka drowning underwater?!"

"It is! Oh my! Someone, do something!"

Many people panicked, watching Izuku rescue Ochako from under. "Yaoyaoruzu! The first aid!" Iida told Momo. She then quickly grabbed the kit and ran to the situation occurring in the pool.

Izuku swam underwater, but just so you know, he's not a great swimmer, but it was for the sake of Ochako from drowning. He hoped he wasn't too late.

His hands and legs moving with all his might, reaching down to Ochako as fast as he could. Just a few inches left, he reached out to her and grabbed ahold of her waist as he pulled her back to the surface.

When Izuku got out of the pool, he carried Ochako out as well, carrying her gently in bridal style. He stared at Ochako's eyes closed and her hair messy and wet. She had suffered under there where no one bother to look out for her. He thought it was all his fault.

Luckily, he felt her still breathing so she was still conscious. But it still doesn't make Izuku too happy. His eyes darken with his bangs covering it. His teeth gritting in anger and glared at his classmates surrounding him.

"How could you not know when someone is dying infront you?!" He screamed at them in fury. "All you, useless people, did was googly eyed at Hagakure's fucking body instead of seeing someone about die!"

Everyone looked at him, with their faces, feeling a bit of regret. They didnt say anything back. Just seeing Ochako, looking completely worn out in his arms was their doing, honestly. Izuku was the farthest from Ochako that time and those people closer, didn't move an inch or saw Ochako drowning.

"Uraraka... I'm sorry" His tears falling out of his eyes, feeling guilt in his guts, not saving her sooner. If only he did earlier, she would still be conscious and awake and speaking to him right now.

"What happened here?!" The teacher arrived with Iida and Bakugou following him from the back.

"Uraraka drowned during practice, teacher" One of the girls told.

The teacher clicked his tongue and went straight to Ochako and checked her pulse immediately. He sighed in relief, feeling her pulse beating normally. "Thank goodness, she's still conscious. Thanks, Midoriya, bring her to the infirmary now"

Izuku nodded silently, standing up with Ochako in his arms as he went to the infirmary as told. He passed by his classmates and lastly, Bakugou. His eyes still being covered and his aura being dark which made Bakugou unexpectedly have an uneasy feeling which shivered him.

Izuku's eyes were completely flared with anger and it was too frightening to look at, even for Bakugou. Izuku could feel his heart heavy and his eyes tearing up with a mixture of madness. His surroundings was being ignored by him completely, not caring about anyone else but for Ochako.

Hagakure was there at the back of the crowd and saw the entire scene. She stared at Izuku's back, with him carrying Ochako in his arms. Her mouth gaped and eyes widened. She then squirmed her mouth and looked down, holding onto her chest tightly with a clenched fist.

This can't be happening.

As Izuku finally entered the infirmary, he gently placed Ochako on one of the beds. He then watched her for a couple of minutes, before the nurse finally arrived. After telling everything, he made a leave.

He got out of room, finding Bakugou, leaning on the door frame, folding his arms. Izuku looked at him, expressionless as the other guy gazed at the fellow.

Izuku spoke in a low tone. "Tell Uraraka you saved her" After that, he left the spot, leaving Bakugou squinted his eyes and gritting his teeth, holding back his tears, feeling rather irritated.

Hagakure caught Izuku walked in the corridors as she went towards him. "Midoriya!" She greeted with a smile. "So about our tutoring, I was thinking, instead of the library, why not just your hou-?"

Izuku cut her off short. His eyes still dark, glaring at her with it. "I'm not in the mood to teach" He told her, as he passed by the girl. "Don't ask me that ever again" Then he made a leave.

The girl was taken aback, saddening her eyebrows and looked down. Izuku wasn't Izuku now. He was different and it was because of Ochako. Ochako was the reason why he has these feelings. She was frightened by the look on his face and it was the face of anger, guilt and sadness. For Ochako. Hagakure felt defeated.

Opening her eyes slowly, her blurry image soon became clear, appearing a blonde hair boy. She groaned as she sat up steadily. "Bakugou?" Ochako whispered.

Bakugou spoke. "You alright?"

She then placed her hand on her head, gently. "What happened?"

Bakugou kept looking down, clenching his fist tightly as he teeth gritted. He shivered as he said.

"I saved you"

Ochako gazed down, away from his eyes, looking rather disappointed. "I see, thank you"

Ochako knew it wasn't him.

Bakugou continued his actions. The feelings he's having. It was still there. It's sinking him until he can't take it no more. He knew what he was doing seemed rather wrong now for him. Seeing Ochako looking sad isn't what he wanted. Now, everything was clear. He now knew this feeling he's experiencing..


A/N: YAYYY finally I'm finished with this chapter. I'm sorry to those who have been waiting for too long T^T. I'm only free in weekends :(. I'm actually happy that you are waiting for my story to update !! ♡♡♡

Sooo yeah, I'll see you in the next chapter !! Hope you like this :) Pwease vote and comment of what you think of this story !! Love you all ♡♡♡♡
