Chapter 12

Chapter 12 - The New Heart-throb

Izuku entered the classroom along with Kaminari and immediately eyed at Todoroki. He heard about the news from him of Momo dumping him last week on Valentine's Day. After that, she never said a word to Todoroki anymore. He then went straight to his place.

He saw him burying his face in his arms, having a gloomy aura around him. Izuku slowly tapped on his shoulder. The touch made Todoroki jolted slightly, putting his head up very steadily, and saw Izuku.

He weakly smiled at him. "Hey... Midoriya" He then placed his palm on his nape, still feeling downcasted.

Izuku felt sorry for him. He didn't know what to say but to just be there for him. He just watched Todoroki with those swollen eyes and the scars of his bruises and injuries from last time on his face. He has been through a lot and now he's still suffering. Izuku doesn't know how he feels.

"You okay?" Asked Izuku.

He nodded. "Y-Yeah" He forcefully grinned from all the pain that is sinking inside of him.

"I-If you need any help or you need someone with you, then I'm always here, okay?" Izuku told.

Todoroki just answered him with a nod again without saying anything else. Izuku let out small smile and nodded back as he went to his seat.

He then kept silent with Ochako also doing the same. It's been a week, since their last conversation. The last one was when Izuku thanked Ochako for the chocolates the next day after she gave it. Then, that's it, no more talks from those two.

Ochako was upset. About herself not speaking up and them not talking each other. She doesn't know why she's feeling so bothered by it. Even though, they were just good friends and nothing special. They don't even have feelings for each other. But why does she feel so much pain and agony from this? She just doesn't know.

Izuku feels the same way.

With them not speaking to each other, they both heard the door opened with the teacher entering. Everyone stopped talking and remained silent with the teacher announcing.

"Good morning, class" He greeted the class. After that, the class stood up, greeting him back before they sat back down.

Mr. Aizawa then proceeded. "I have been told yesterday that we have a new student who will be joining us" The whole class was surprised, and started chatting, making slight noises. "She is here today, so please treat her nicely"

Mr. Aizawa then looked outside the door, signalling someone, who they assume is the new student, to come inside already.

There appeared a young, beautiful, gorgeous lady, entering the classroom. With her long raven coloured hair, her perfect curved body and light, fair skin. Her face so attractive that all the boys in class started to drool over. She was totally alluring to them and with a smile on her face, the boys blushed with such cuteness.

"Introduce yourself" Said Mr. Aizawa.

The girl sighed softly before starting. She waved at the whole class with a heart-felt grin.

"I'm Hagakure Tooru. Nice to meet you all" She greeted them.

The whole class welcomed her and they started admiring her with her features which is just total perfection.

"I will arrange your seats, now, let's see..." He eyed at the class and looked straight at Ochako.

"Uraraka Ochako, you seemed to be fine with our lessons now so please sit over there next to Ashido-san at the back while Hagakure-san will be guided by Midoriya-kun this time"

Ochako's heart felt like it's been sliced into two pieces. Her chances with approaching Izuku was now low. She didn't want to move. She wants to stay next to him more. She doesn't know why she's feeling like this but she can't do anything about it. She has to move away.

She wants to talk to him more, ask him questions and just listen to his voice all day. Together with him, laughing at random times when they both see something hilarious in class. Together but now, it has come to end. She wanted those moments back but they're not even talking to each other anymore. It's as if, those times never happened. She didn't want that. She never want that to happen.

Keeping silent, she grabbed her bag and went to the back with Hagakure sitting on her seat now.

Izuku's mouth stayed gaped, shock with the sudden news. He knew that he was avoiding her as much as possible. But why this time, he feels so shock about her not sitting with him anymore. Classes will not be same for him anymore. This was the only time where he can at least look at her and have very small talks. He took it for granted and now realized that he wanted her to stay with him longer.

It's now too late to easily approach her. To have a nice conversation. He missed those days badly of when they were so comfortable with each other. He knew he was the one to blame for their huge gap between them. He didn't know what to do anymore. How could he fix this? Does he even have to? But still, all he knows is that, he wants her next to him more.

With the thought from Ochako, she sees Hagakure in the front of the class with Izuku, now talking to him. She sure was straightforward and very approachable to people and it made Ochako's heart heavy. Just seeing them talking, seeing them getting along, seeing Izuku teaching her, she felt as if she was...


"I'm Hagakure Tooru, you're Midoriya Izuku, right?" The sweet girl talked.

Izuku looked over to her, surprised with the sudden greeting. "Y-Yeah"

"So I'm right, so you are the Midoriya Izuku that is the top student in Japan" She said, showing her hand to him. "Hope we can be good friends"

It was déjà vu all over again.

"Sure" He said as he gently shook her hand.

Ochako saw everything and frowned. She doesn't know why she's feeling this towards them. Both her and Izuku are having mixed up and confusing feelings. They don't know which one to let it all out to each other. But they just kept quiet about it.


Izuku and Todoroki made their way to the cafeteria. But both of them started to hear loud conversations from other students about the new girl already.

Like -- "That girl is hot" , "Why does she have to be so pretty?", "She's absolutely gorgeous" from boys, girls and even teachers.

Izuku furrowed his eyebrows, looking around those people saying these stuffs about her. He doesn't get it. What's so special about this person? Izuku admits she is really cute and very beautiful, and he too, admires that but it's only based on appearances. He doesn't know her that well and yet he already felt a bad vibe around that girl. It doesn't make sense. That's what makes him uninterested.

"I guess Hagakure is the new topic in this school" Todoroki whispered, making Izuku raised a brow.

He looked confused. "So?"

Todoroki just shrugged. "I don't know" He said. "It just reminds me of one time"

Izuku kept quiet, after that, entering the cafeteria and hell, there were tons of people gathered in one area of rather, just a table. Izuku and Todoroki passed by them due to curiosity. Then, they saw sitting on the table, the fine looking girl, Hagakure, smiling at the crowd.

She sure became popular in just a day and everyone immediately has fallen for her looks.

She's just there, with everyone asking her questions and her replies will come along with a cute giggle. All boys would die just to hear that.

Izuku stared at them, observing Hagakure with her attitude. He watched her giggle with her eyes closed and her small hand covering her mouth, being all shy. After that, she opened her eyes and made eye contact with Izuku from the space between the crowd.

Izuku jolted a bit with surprise as he started to blush a little. He looked away immediately and quickly went to an empty table with Todoroki.

Hagakure watched Izuku passed by. Her mouth gaped a little with confusion at first but then came along with a small smirk on her pretty lips.


After lunch, Ochako started walking to her locker, alone. When she arrived, she found Hagakure with a bunch of girls next to her locker. Ochako's mouth squirmed awkwardly, trying not to get involved.

She heard Hagakure as she told her friends to leave her. After that, came only her and Ochako. She quickly grabbed her stuffs so that she could leave already but before she could, Hagakure called out for her.


Ochako stopped her tracks, and turned around to face the pretty lady. "Y-Yes?"

Hagakure then went a few steps closer, making Ochako awkwardly looking around, not making contact with her eyes.

"I've heard about you"

Still confused, Ochako just answered back. "What do you mean?"

The other girl then placed her hands in her hips. "That you're this school's heart-throb. Well, used to" She gave off a cocky smile.

"I-I don't understand"

The lady scoffed at her. "Stop playing dumb, I know you're too embarrassed to admit that I took your place"

Ochako furrowed her brows. "What the? Is this what you're aiming for?"

She just continued that smile which irritated Ochako to the fullest. "I don't know, maybe"

Ochako just gave off an angry look on her face. "Look, I don't really care if I, you or either of us is the heart-throb, okay? So just be it or whatever"

"Oh, really?" She showed a smirk as she continued.

"So it's okay if I steal Midoriya from you?"

Ochako widened her eyes, taken aback from what she said. "What do you mean?"

"Oh, I don't know, I heard some people say that you and him are close in class"

Ochako didnt know what to answer. What's with that question? Should she fight back? But what will she say about it? There is nothing special between the two. So why does she feel like she doesn't want it. They're just friends. Well, it doesn't seem like it now.

Hagakure received silence from the other girl. She smiled as she smelled defeat from her. "I guess you don't want that, huh?"

She just furrowed her eyebrows still not saying anything back. She doesn't know what to do.

Dammit, Ochako, say something!

"What if, by chance, I'll have him from you? How's that sound?"

"Why are you doing this?"

Hagakure smiled. "Well, I guess this is more important to you than being the number one girl in school"

"Why are you doing this?" She repeated, slightly raising her tone. She could feel her blood boiling in her veins.

"I just heard that you have all the boys and all in this school so I came here to just check it out" She said. "But I guess I took your spot instead" She gave a devilish chuckle which made Ochako's eye twitched a bit.

"I-I don't care if you want to be top girl in school or whatever but you shouldn't interfere with other people's personal relationship like that"

"Why can't I? Is he your boyfriend or something?"

Those words made Ochako's sent her heart beating fast, with a small light pink tint blush on her cheeks. Hagakure noticed it. "N-No, he's not"

"Do you like him?"

Again, her body started trembling and heating up. Does she, though? She doesn't know why but she just can't say it. What is she feeling towards him right now?


"Then, why bother?" She asked.

She looked down. "He's my friend and you can't just take him like that"

"He's just a friend"

She doesn't know anymore.

Hagakure then talked. "Well, too bad, I got your seat and I can get to talk to him more"

"But why him?"

Hagakure pouted, thinking. "I don't know" After that, she waved at her just like that, leaving her there.

Ochako breathed heavily, feeling scared to death. But why? She really has bad feeling about this. "So that's how you play it..."

She glared at the pretty girl's back. "...Hagakure Tooru"


Ochako immediately looked for Izuku after class to ask him about another tutoring or hangout or whatever. She just wants to spend time with him before Hagakure does. She's afraid that she will literally steal him from her and Izuku will completely forget about Ochako.

She doesn't care anymore, she doesn't care if Izuku is avoiding her right now. It's better than another girl stealing him from her. Before he really does forget about her. She doesn't want to be replaced.

She didn't understand the feeling she's having. Her breathing was heavy and her mind was losing it.

Until she finally caught him in her eyes. He was in the corridor next to the open garden, walking. Ochako ran as fast as she could to him, behind his back.


"Midoriya!" Called a girl, waving infront of him.

Ochako stopped her tracks, being this close to him. She quickly hid behind on one of the large poles, accidentally eavesdropping their conversation.

"H-Hagakure-san?" Called Izuku. The voice made Ochako's heart beating fast. It's not only that she missed his voice but she's afraid she'll be caught.

Hagakure let out a pouty mouth, looking down. She started playing with her fingers, shyly. "L-Look, I wanna tell you something. I-I may look smart but.. I'm not"

Izuku just cocked an eyebrow, not getting anything.

"S-So... Is it alright if you... c-could tutor me?" She said in a cute, soft tone.

Ochako's mouth shivered in fear. It feels like herself and Izuku last month when she asked him.

"You want me to teach you?" Izuku asked, scratching his nape, still unsure.

"Y-Yeah" She nodded. "I'm sorry, it's too embarrassing" She then placed her palms on her cheeks, being embarrassed.

Izuku raised an eyebrow, thinking. And there was Ochako, covering her mouth, hoping for the answer she wanted to hear.

"No. Please say no, please say no" She whispered under her breath.

"Please say n-"

"S-Sure. Why not?" Izuku said.

Ochako widened her eyes, and felt a tear coming out of her eyes which she was holding back. Her mouth was quivering and started to cry softly.


She was too late.

"Thanks!" Hagakure shouted in joy, raising her arms.

"So when and where?" Izuku asked.

She then answered. "I'll just text you. Can I have your number?"

It's just getting worst.


She showed her palms, with a smile, signalling to give his phone.

"O-Okay" He took out his phone and showed him his phone number.

After adding his phone number to her phone, she returned it back. "Thank you, Midoriya, you're the best" Then came a little giggle.

"N-No problem" Izuku said, before passing by her at last.

Ochako was still there, sitting down, leaning her back on the pole, crying. She then felt a presence next to her as she looked up. And there, appeared a devil.

She showed her phone in her palms with a big smirk on her face. She knew Ochako was listening through the whole conversation this whole time, so she made it as good as possible to make Ochako suffer. She then left the spot in victory.

Ochako began to cry even louder and buried her face in her arms as she hugged her legs. She doesn't know why she's crying. Why is this such a big deal to her that it actually made her cry? Her heart sinking down in agony as she felt it being shattered. Is it too late now?


Ochako jolted a bit as she hesitantly looked up, afraid to show her swollen face. But she did, anyways. She saw the person, looking down on her, with a shock look.

She then spoke weakly.


A/N: Hey guys!! Welcome back with another chapter!! Omg this book is legit going higher and higher and the more I feel like writing everyday!! It's really not easy to write one chapter in just a day, huh? Hehehe. Seriously, I'm doing my best to write just for you, guys and I can't wait to finish this!!

Please vote for this chapter even though it's quite shit due to the situation but don't worry!! It's about to get better soon ;)

Bye guys!! ♡♡♡♡
