My Knight - Taehyun x Reader

I stare into the mirror gazing at the royal blue ball gown hugging my curves before it gracefully falls onto the small hoop skirt on my waist. My hands gently run along the material of the dress as a soft sigh escapes me. I hate gowns, truly who gave someone the idea that these were the formal wear for women. I frown feeling that I wasn't meant for the life of a princess. Knowing how much I hated the appearance of looking royal from the heels to the ridiculous gowns like this one. I shudder slightly when beginning to think about the future as someone's queen. I'll probably have to wear something like this every day.

I shake my head at the thought, not wanting to spiral into a bad state of mind before this large event. The most important ball of the year for my father, where all the other kingdoms come together to discuss business. What that business is, I have no idea but I know it's very important to my father.

"The ball will begin soon Princess, we should get going," the maid says gesturing towards the door. I smile politely at her nodding and head towards my bedroom door. Let's get this over with as quickly as possible.


I meet my father and mother at the stairs before they announce our entrance to the ballroom. My mother smiled and pulled me into her arms.

"You look stunning, are you ready sweetheart?" My mother, the Queen, asks sweetly. She gently runs her hands up and down my arms comfortingly waiting for me to answer.

I quietly nod my head to ease her own nerves, "never better."

"That's my girl," my father says, giving my shoulder a small pat, making me smile. Even if I hated these balls, I'd do anything for them. My father gives the signal to the guards who open the doors to the ballroom. The sound of the ballroom doors makes everyone become so silent you could hear a pin drop. Only a soft murmuring is heard as people gawk and stare at us. Another reason I hate balls.

"King and Queen L/n," the announcer proclaims, "and their daughter Y/n!"

We descend the stairs as the orchestra plays a grand tune to our entrance. Isn't this a little over the top? But still I politely smile during our entrance knowing this is an important night. And when finally reaching the floor of the ballroom, the crowd goes back to its normal energetic self. Nobody has begun dancing yet, which means I'm safe from having to dance. I sigh quietly in relief at this and tolerate the polite greetings to different royals who came to greet us at the stairs.

"Oh! Princess Y/n, you must have met my son Chan!" The Queen of Darling says subtlety pushing her son towards me who seems disinterested. Same here, buddy.

"No I haven't, it's very nice to meet you Prince Chan," I say, giving a small curtsy as he bows in return.

"I'll leave you two to talk," the Queen of Darling exclaims with excitement before heading back into the crowd. Yet when I look back to the spot her son was in just a second ago, he's gone off towards another part of the crowd. I chuckle softly knowing he was just uninterested as me.

An arm gently nudges mine and I glance to the side to see Taehyun, my personal guard or as I like to call him, my knight.

"Another suitor, hmm?" He asks softly but I only roll my eyes at his question.

"He's even less interested than me," I giggle, finally getting a good look at Taehyun for the first time tonight. Wow. I can't help it when my eyes quickly scan his body to see him adorned in a suit that you would imagine princes in books to wear. He looks so handsome. I silently thank my maid for the makeup she caked on my face as it hides the blush blossoming on my cheeks from his appearance.

He adjusts his sword holster with a quiet sigh, "gonna be another long night."

"As is every night there is a ball," I add on agreeing with his statement making him chuckle.

"Come on, admit you like some of it," Taehyun says, giving me another nudge.

"Yeah right, I truly love having to dress up more than usual to talk and dance," I retort with a scowl. He chuckles at my response and sighs leaning against the wall near us.

"But you know if you keep standing around me people are going to start assuming things about you and me," he teases.

"As if-"

But a shriek cuts me off as a loud bang resounds throughout the ballroom. I gasp seeing the chandelier barely hanging onto the ceiling being the main target of the bullet. Bits of glass shatter and fly across the room at the impact. Taehyun reacts with lightning speed and pushes me behind him with his sword drawn. What on earth is happening? I stare wide-eyed seeing a man in all black at the center of the chaos holding the gun towards the barely hanging chandelier. People quickly back away, huddling together scared of the man's next move.

"Stay behind me and don't you dare move," Taehyun mutters warning under his breath. I respond with a barely audible 'okay' the feeling of dread growing with each second inside me.

Guards rush in quickly towards the man but he expertly begins to fend them off with his sword. The entire ballroom gasps at the intense fight of blades as the mysterious man pulls out a second blade for his other hand. But the next words he says cause me to freeze completely.

"Hand over Princess Y/n and I promise to leave without any issues," the mysterious man shouts in the midst of fighting another guard.

What does he want with me of all people?

"Like hell you'll be getting the Princess!" Taehyun exclaims, making the mysterious man chuckle darkly that makes a chill run down my spine.

The mysterious man takes down the majority for the guards, knocking them all unconscious. Just who is this man and what does he want with me? I don't want Taehyun to get hurt protecting me from him. I gently hold onto his arm and when Taehyun looks back he has a firm look of assurance. The look of a protector that makes my heart swell with love and worry.

"I promised the Queen and King to protect you with my life," he whispers with a small smirk, "but I also promised to you I must stay alive so don't look so worried."

I sigh quietly seeing the mysterious man taking down the last guard, "You better keep that promise."

"Have I ever broken it?" He asks and I shake my head, "that's right. Now let me go get rid of the pest."

As the mysterious man knocks the last guard unconscious my father calls for back up yet we only had so many guards positioned inside the ballroom. Just how could this one man knock them all unconscious? The thought alone is enough to make me contribute to worry about Taehyun's well-being even knowing how much of a talented swordsman he is.

I watch the mysterious man smirk towards Taehyun cockily with each slow and steady step Taehyun takes towards him. Almost like a predator approaching its prey, especially not knowing what their next move may be. Please be careful, my Taehyun.

"Ah, if it isn't the Princess's personal guard!" The man says with a manic grin.

"You sure are cocky for an intruder," Taehyun sneers, beginning to move his sword to get his wrist semi prepared for what's to come. The two men circle around each other as the crowd takes another step back. Everyone watches in an eerie silence before the first clash of their swords echoes throughout the hall.

The air is tense watching the two ferociously battle one another testing the other's limits. Taehyun expertly dodges his every attack with precision. The man grunts in annoyance at this, losing his focus slightly which gives Taehyun the chance to knock the second blade he carries out of his other hand. The man tries to retrieve the second blade but Taehyun kicks it away from him. A few gasps echo from the crowd as they scurry away from the blade sliding towards them.

A new sense of anger emerges from the man at this event. He charges towards Taehyun causing the clash of swords to resound in the room once again. Taehyun blocks his fast and repetitive moves. My heart begins to beat faster seeing the intensity in both of their gazes. The piercing scream of the blades before one clatters to the ground unexpectedly. My eyes widen when I see Taehyun is the one without his blade. No, no!

"What was that about being cocky?" The mysterious man asks with a smirk. Although in that one moment he lets his guard down, Taehyun retrieves the blade as I let out a sigh in relief.

Taehyun doesn't answer and goes straight in for an attack causing the man to lose his footing from the unexpected action. The man grunts not braced for the power being thrown at him and falls to the ground. His sword clattering when it falls out of his grip. Taehyun hovers over the man pointing his blade to the man's throat.

"Don't ever step foot in this kingdom again or I'll kill you," Taehyun threatens before the guards from outside quickly take the man away as he struggles in their grip.

I sigh out in relief and run towards Taehyun who looks at me with a bright grin.

"See I told you-"

But I cut him off by placing a small peck on his lips. He stares at me with a shocked expression and a small blush on his cheeks, "thank you for saving my life. I love you, my knight."

He chuckles lightly and takes my hand into his gently, "I love you too, my Princess."

He places a soft kiss on my hand forgetting about the crowd of eyes watching us. Maybe it's time to change history on who a Princess should marry.
