Battle For The Heart - Soobin x Reader x Sunoo

A/N: If you don't know Sunoo he's a member of Enhypen who is very cute and sweet. For a reference of what he looks like if you don't know look him up and maybe check out Enypen <3. I had fun writing this and still wanted to share it even if it isn't only TxT.

I sigh looking in the mirror at the dress my parents picked out for me. I enjoy dressing up sometimes but this was way out of my comfort zone.

What started all of this is the invitation to a masked ball from the palace that the princes from neighboring kingdoms are looking for a bride. A prince from the kingdom of Everlasting who's known for his height and supposedly handsome yet adorably cute face. He has the natural instincts for leading a country which makes everyone want to be by his side, most likely only wanting to be with him for power rather than the man he is. But some say he's known to be cold to people due to the cold climate he lives in. Meanwhile the other prince from the kingdom of Fever is supposedly the cutest human to ever exist on this earth. He's the second prince in line for the throne so most don't go after him for his power yet that doesn't stop those who go after him for his money. The kingdom of Fever is the richest in the land which is why all the girls swoon over him more for his money than anything. His kindness is the thing people focus on the most saying he got it from the warm environment he lives in.

But currently the tight dress hugging my curves leaves little to zero room in my waist for room to breathe occupies my mind more, "mom is this really necessary?"

"Yes honey, we need to have them notice you for your stunning figure as well as amazing personality," my mom compliments tightening a corset around my waist. I let out a cough from the feeling of air getting squeezed out of me.

"Okay I get it mom but please let me breathe at least," I try to reason as she sighs before giving in and tying the laces of the corset at the current tightness, "thank you."

"Now remember that if you can't find a suitor we're going to have to find one for you ourselves," my mom warns, trying to encourage me to find someone that I'd be willing to marry at this ball. Sadly it worked to some extent because I'm scared of who my parents would pick for a suitor. The best case scenario would be staying single the rest of my life but that's never going to happen in this family.

"Alright mom, I promise by the end of the night that I'll attempt to have someone in mind to marry," I reply which my mom sighs in relief at from the possibility of a little effort on my end.

Carefully she takes the silver silk gloves off the bed and helps me put them on. The gloves accenting the silver dress I was wearing and white glitter corset. Next to where the gloves were is a white mask attached with silver feathers covering the upper half of my face that compliments the outfit perfectly. My mom hands it to me carefully and smiles brightly, "you've grown up so much."

"Geez mom, no need to get emotional. It's just a ball, I'll be back by midnight," I say, putting the mask on my face gently in order not to ruin it. My mom smiles softly and wipes fake tears which I giggle at.

"You can come back later than that you know," mom tries to convince me to stay out later knowing I never go out, "what happens if you meet someone you really like?"

"Well I guess they'll have to find me or I'll have to find them after this ball," I retort as my mom shakes her head.

"Y/n please just-"

"Miss Y/n your carriage has arrived," the butler states in the doorway to my room.

"Thank you," I replied not before giving mom a quick hug, "I'll be going now."

The carriage waiting outside glowed under the night from the fairy lights that dangled from the top of the carriage. The coachman sits regally on the seat waiting for my presence, his hands holding onto the reins of the horses. A footman waits beside the carriage door ready to open it for me when I come. I'll admit I'm excited to ride in a carriage as I've only ever done it a handful of times. Riding in this carriage will probably be the most exciting thing I'll experience tonight.


"Have a nice night, Miss! Just tell the staff when you would like to leave and they'll come get us," the footman explains with a soft grin as I nod in response.

"I will call you when I'm ready to leave, thank you," I say, giving a light bow as the footman bows back before joining the coachman in the carriage.

I let out a deep breath trying to calm my sudden nerves from seeing the castle's beauty. The ball is being held in the kingdom of Everlasting and their castle takes your breath away. The pure white castle is beautiful as the sun sets behind it. The trees surrounding the castle are bare due to the cold temperature of the kingdom, but they're still stunning with lights laced through the branches. Ah, I should go in. It's starting to get chilly out here.

I rub the bare skin on my arms exposed to the chilly air hoping to warm up a little and luckily it works. I head inside quickly using a hand to lift up a corner of my dress and walk up the stairs leading to the giant doors that lead to the ballroom.

"Your invitation, Miss?" One of the guards asks as I carefully hand over the invitation granting access to the ball, "right this way, Miss."

I follow behind him slightly confused as to why he's guiding me towards the ballroom until I feel my body freeze seeing his hand reach for a microphone. They're announcing people? Why?!? Aren't you not supposed to know who the people are at a masked ball? I feel my internal panic of whether to run away from this completely or stay frozen as he's about to announce my presence but my mom's voice echoes in my head. Now remember that if you can't find a suitor we're going to have to find one for you ourselves. I sigh internally knowing that if I ever want a chance of choosing something in my future I have to stay here for a little while.

"From the family of L/n, is Miss Y/n," the guard announces into the microphone.

I try to move my feet even just a little but it's like they're stuck to the floor with glue. Come on, just this once nerves, please be on my side. The staircase to the ballroom floor taunts me as I slowly begin my descent down hoping I'll not slip or fall any second. Just one step at a time, nobody is looking, it's fine.

Although when I glance up for a second I see hundreds of pairs of eyes staring as I descend down the staircase. Oh my- why are they staring? Is there something on my face? Does my dress look weird? Not liking the feeling of numerous eyes staring, I speed up my pace down the stairs and sigh quietly in relief when I reach the last step. I did it.

"Good evening, Miss," a soft voice speaks from above me causing me to flinch from the sudden presence, "oh I'm sorry didn't mean to scare you."

I glance up to see a very tall man wearing a crystal blue mask covering the upper half of his face except his eyes, similar to mine, "oh no you're fine. That was just very nerve wracking for me." Ah, why did I say that? And how is he so tall?

"I understand how you feel," he replies with a soft chuckle, "the feeling of everyone staring you down isn't a great one."

"Glad I'm not the only one who feels that way," I say with a wide grin feeling my nerves begin to ease up from his comforting words.

He smiles back with an adorable grin that makes my heart melt, the usual walls I put up around guys seem to suddenly melt around him. Maybe it's because I don't know who he is, it puts me at ease not feeling the need to put up a fake smile because of his status. His hair is a striking black but his skin is pale making it stand out against his crystal blue suit. A white button up under his suit and a dark navy rose that sits in the suit pocket accenting the crystal blue perfectly. Thinking about it, this situation almost seems to be too perfect. A cute guy came up to me and started talking to me, but why?

"If you don't mind me asking, why did you-"

I didn't finish that thought, getting distracted by the enormous buffet of food that I failed to notice behind him, "what is it, Miss?"

His eyes follow where mine were staring and he laughs seeing where I was looking, "would you like to go get some food?"

"Hmm?" I still stare at the food suddenly feeling very hungry until I realize what I was just doing, my cheeks turning a bright red in embarrassment, "I'm sorry, I got distracted, what did you ask?"

"Would you like to go get some food?" He asks with a cute tilt of his head with an endearing smile.

"Definitely," I say, beginning to walk towards the table but a hand intertwining with mine stops me.

"Let's go together, shall we?" he questions, giving my hand a small squeeze. I'm at a loss for words from the sudden gesture that all I can do is nod. What's wrong with me? I'm not usually so flustered by these small things. And why is his hand so cold?


"This is so good," I mumble out in the middle of eating a piece of chocolate cake with a fudge filling. How are the desserts here so good?!? I wish I could eat desserts like this everyday.

I glance over to see a tall man just sitting across from me leaning against his hand, staring at me with a gentle smile, "is there something on my face?"

"Nothing really- ah wait I do see something," he says leaning forward as my eyes widen from his closeness. Our faces only inches away from each other, making my breath hitch.

"O-Oh where? I'll get it right away-"

"Right here," he says, swiping his thumb gently against my cheek with a sly grin, licking the crumb off his thumb. I feel my face flush a bright red at the action, "pretty good, maybe I should get a piece myself." Man, this guy is such a flirt.

I'm left speechless and not knowing how to respond so I just resort to continuing to eat, making him chuckle cutely, "once you're done eating how about a dance?"

"A dance? Oh but I really don't dance-"

"Just one dance? Please?" He begs with pleading eyes that for some reason I can't seem to refuse.

"Alright, just one dance," I say and immediately he takes my hand in his once again, excitedly dragging me towards the dance floor.

I stumble a bit but he steadies me right away, preparing us to dance to the next song. One of his hands takes mine gently and places it on his shoulder, which was a bit of a stretch from the height difference. The other hand finds my free hand and holds it in his hand, his arm wrapped around my waist. He really knows what he's doing.

Immediately the music for the next song starts playing and it's a gentle slow waltz from an orchestra. My feet seem to find the rhythm they lack normally when he's leading us around the dance floor. We waltz steadily making it feel as if we're floating on the dance floor. I try to glance down at my feet feeling self conscious but his hand stops me, gently lifting my chin, "look at me, I promise not to let you trip."

I could feel my face burning from the simple action as I nod, seeming to be entranced by his eyes. His gaze never wavers from mine while we continue to waltz around. The feeling as if we're in a world of our own.

"Now switch partners!" An announcer exclaims as my eyes widen. Switch?!? Wait but-

I don't even have time to think as I'm suddenly taken from the tall man's arms and into another. The new man's suit is a light orange with a white button up underneath, white buttons accenting the cuffs of his suit jacket and his shoes a pure white. His mask covers the left half of his face, the colors of orange and white swirling together as his warm brown eyes gaze down at me. I seem to be at a loss for words but the warmth he emits brings a strange source of comfort.

"So sorry to have to meet you like this since you seemed to be enjoying your time with your dance partner," he says with an awkward chuckle, "but I won't lie I noticed you earlier and have been wanting to chat. Lucky me."

I feel my face flush again for the hundredth time tonight, "I-It's alright, I'm just caught off guard from switching partners so suddenly."

His hair is platinum blonde that's slicked back but one strand was loose almost sticking out that made me chuckle. Cute.

"May I ask why you decided to come to the ball?" He questions while steadily guiding us around the dance floor and it felt so different with him but it wasn't a bad difference.

"It wasn't by choice," I say softly as he nods, listening intently, "my mother won't rest until I'm married."

"Seems we are in the same situation then," he replies with a sweet smile that makes me melt.

Slowly the waltz came to an end after what felt like an eternity for me. Yeah, dancing is still not for me. I curtsy to my unexpected partner as he did the same. But I couldn't help but look around to try and find the blue suited man. Although the sight I saw started to break my heart just a little. A damsel latched onto his arms as she gazed into his eyes lovingly. He must really be a ladies man, I should not get anymore attached than I already have. Failing to notice how my smile falls at the sight of them as I begin to walk off the dance floor. Maybe I should get some fresh air.

"Miss?" A soft voice calls and I glance back to see the blonde-haired man standing with a cute smile, "may I accompany you for a bit? My previous dance partner seems to have vanished."

I guess maybe a little company couldn't hurt, right?

"Okay," is all I say while walking to the large balcony that overlooks the small garden that lives in the greenhouse. Must be hard to keep a garden going when it's this chilly out everyday. I try to ignore the wind that sends a chill down my spine but my company seems to notice.

"Here," he says as I suddenly feel a warm jacket placed on my shoulders, "you looked a little chilly."

"Thank you," I whisper softly, feeling caught off guard from the kind gesture, "you're very kind."

"Only to those who seem good hearted and you seem the purest of them all," he replies, staring into the sky, the moon beginning to peak out after staying hidden for half the day.

"Must be the reason that I'm taken advantage of so easily," I whisper more to myself but he somehow hears it.

"I'll protect you," he states, gently taking my hand in his and holding it, "I've really liked you Miss from the moment I've met you and I'd like to be the one to keep that heart of yours good."

My heart skips a beat at the unexpected confession, "that's very sweet-"

"Wait!" A voice calls and runs over to us, my eyes widening seeing the man in the blue suit.

Why is he back? I thought he already found another girl or that's what it looked like so why is he here-

The warmth from the hand that was holding mine is replaced from the chilled hand that now holds it, "why didn't you find me after the dance?" How am I supposed to respond to this? Sorry I left you alone since it seemed a girl was hanging off you? Ugh.

I try to find the words to reply as his eyes search mine for an answer but I'm left speechless. Everything I can say in this situation will seem rude, what do I do?!?

"The girl who seemed attached to you afterwards may be the reason," the man in the orange suit replies with a roll of his eyes.

"This isn't your business Sunoo," the blue suited man retorts with a light glare at the orange suited man. So his name is Sunoo? That's cute- wait not the time I need to stop them from arguing or worse.

"Don't act like it didn't happen then Soobin," Sunoo replies nonchalantly. Why are they revealing their names so casually when the purpose of the ball is to not know who is who...wait.

"Y-You're the princes," I mutter out as my eyes widen in realization. That's where I've heard their names before.

"Great! Now you blew our cover too!" Sunoo lightly punches Soobin in the shoulder while Soobin just pouts in response.

"She would've known eventually," Soobin replies with a huff.

"Can you guys stop arguing for a minute, hmm?" I question politely, Soobin nodding in response as Sunoo sends an apologetic smile, "thank you."

"Now Soobin, I honestly don't know what to say to you from seeing you with that girl," I say with a light sigh wondering how I got myself into this mess in the first place. Oh right he approached me, but why if he was just going to go off with another girl- maybe he is a big flirt-

"It wasn't what it looked like! I swear she latched onto me herself and wouldn't let go," he replies pouting, feeling a little hurt.

"How do I know you're telling the truth?" I ask seriously knowing this could all be one big trick but my heart didn't want to believe that.

"You don't," Sunoo whispers just loud enough for me to hear.

"I'll prove it to you," Soobin says, determined.

"How would you prove it to me-"

A gasp leaves my lips feeling his lips peck my cheek making my face turn a bright red. W-What? I can't seem to speak once again, at a loss for words but this time for a different reason.

"What the-" Sunoo can only stare wide-eyed at what Soobin just did, especially when Sunoo is standing right there. How can he do that when Sunoo is right there?

"Ugh you're just going to use her like the rest of them," Sunoo says with a death glare that made me shiver even with the warmth of his jacket still on my shoulders, "I don't want her to be broken hearted like the rest."

"What do you know about it? You've only heard that from the rumors, you don't know what actually happened or what I'm like," Soobin retorts glaring daggers back at Sunoo.


"No I won't stand for it! She's definitely too kind hearted for you to date her," Sunoo says, grabbing my hand back from Soobin's hand. What is happening?

"A guy can change too Sunoo," Soobin retorts with a heavy sigh.

"Well I'm not willing to take that chance here," Sunoo replies.

"I don't care what you think! It's what she thinks that matters, so who do you pick Y/n?" Soobin says turning to face me and stare right into my eyes. Huh?

"I-I don't know," I reply, looking between the two as my mind races trying to find an answer.

On the one hand there is Soobin who had been nothing but sweet and romantic to me until we danced together. Although it hurt seeing him a little with another girl I can look past it, maybe? It seems he's genuine but I could be risking my heart like Sunoo said. Meanwhile Sunoo has been nothing but kind since we met dancing. Even while on the balcony he offered me the jacket I wear around my shoulders now. But he could break my heart just as easily if he wanted to, couldn't he? What should I do?

A/N: Now it's time to decide for yourself, Soobin or Sunoo? ;)
