
Hello, friends.
You thought I was never going to update this book anymore, did you?
Well, I was close.
But the little urge got loud, so here I am, announcing that I am alive!
And continuing!

To be honest, I don't know if people are even reading this book anymore, but I guess that doesn't really matter. I know there will be at least, like, two people who reads it now and then, so I'll be doing it for those people lol <3 !

I'm also surprised because I took a glimpse of the writing and it's so bad! 😭
So thank you for still sticking around. 💙

I don't know when my next update will be, but it will happen. School is making me quite busy along with my personal life, but I will try to make time to write.

I honestly missed writing, so I will get started right now. And this book will be my start again lol.
