An Eventful Evening (Pt. 2)

Weiss: "Uh, (Y/n), your hands are red... Like glowing red..."

(Y/n) looks at his hands to see that they are indeed red and sizzling.

(Y/n): "I-I..."

Suddenly, as if Oum himself heard his prayers, an explosion from down the street took everyone's attention. The girls looked back only to see (Y/n) missing.

While the girls were occupied from the explosion, (Y/n) quickly ran away into an alley. He clutched his head from the excruciating pain he was feeling.

This world is broken... Tainted by the filth of sin. We ARE their salvation... By sending them all to hell.

(Y/n) skin began to burn off from his body, half of his face revealed his skull. Fire replaced where his eyes once were. He was able to get a grip on his transformation and regrew his skin.

A hellish engine can be heard getting closer from on down the alley. As he kept running, he soon found his bike already transformed. Before he mounted on, he heard gunshots in the distance.

(Y/n): What if they need help?

They are not our problem.

(Y/n): You specifically told me our job was to punish evil and protect the innocent. They ARE innocent!

The demon within him growls from defeat so (Y/n) grabs his set of chains from his bike and runs towards the gunshots.



The girls called for their weapons locker which soon arrived, they grab their weapons and run down the road to find the man himself, Roman Torchwick, along with The White Fang breaking into another dust shop.

Ruby: "You again?!"

Roman sighs and turns around.

Roman: "I swear you kids are going to be the death of me..."

He turns to his henchmen.

Roman: "Get rid of them."

They nod and start walking to them.

Roman: "And make it quick before he shows up."

A henchman with a machine gun began firing bullets at the girls but Weiss, using her glyphs, was able to block the attack. Yang seeing the opportunity rushed the guys with guns and quickly took them out. Several other henchmen and white fang grunts exited the dust shop.

Roman: "You never know when to quit, do you red?"

All the grunts and henchmen rushed team RWBY and the battle commenced. In the midst of all the fighting, Roman saw this as a chance to escape. Ruby, noticed this and ran after him but Blake quickly flipped in front of her.

Blake: "Sorry, Ruby but he's mine... I've waited to long for this."

Blake immediately charged Roman swinging gambrol shroud in blade form as Roman parried each strike with his cane. Ruby was watching in awe at Blake's fighting skills, not seeing the henchman standing up from the ground behind her and picking up a gun. Yang turned to her sister to see the man aiming his gun right at Ruby.

Yang: "RUBY!"

A chain suddenly wrapped around the henchman's neck and knocked him to the ground. Ruby turned around to see (Y/n) knocking the henchman unconscious with a fist to the face.

Ruby: "(Y/n)?"

(Y/n): "Thought you guys needed help."

Weiss: "You don't even have a weapon!"

(Y/n) tightened his grip around his chain and wrapped it around his wrist.

(Y/n): "That's where you're wrong Weiss."

He throws his chain at a white fang grunt and pulled him in close with extraordinary strength only for his head to be connected with (Y/n) fist, knocking him out. Three more grunts with swords begin to circle him so (Y/n) wraps his knuckles with the chains and does a fighting stance.

One grunt charges at him, slashing his sword as (Y/n) dodges every hit. He then does a spinning heel kick knocking the grunt unconscious. He then unraveled his chain and threw it at another grunt, wrapping around him and threw him into the dust shops windows.

He turned to look at the last grunt who was eager and ready to fight. (Y/n) simply looked at the grunt as fire erupted through his eyes causing the grunt to drop his weapon and flee with terror.

(Y/n) turned around to see Ruby right in front of him with a shocked face.

(Y/n): "Uhh.."

Ruby: "That... Was... AWESOME!!"

(Y/n) internally sighed with relief and smiled at Ruby. An explosion then occurs and Blake can be seen sent flying across the road.


The girls run to their teammate's aid as (Y/n) runs at Roman. Roman, quickly got onto a landed bullhead beside the shop that was holding all the stolen dust and took off. While taking off, Roman peeks out the window and locks eyes with (Y/n).

(Y/n): "Next time..."

(Y/n) then turns around and walks over to RWBY.

(Y/n): "How is she?"

Ruby: "Unconscious."

Yang then hangs up her scroll.

Yang: "Paramedics and the police are on their way..."

Time skip

Blake slowly opens her eyes to see that she's in a hospital room. She sits up and holds her head in pain.

Blake: "W-What happened?"

(Y/n): "Roman Torchwick happened."

Blake looks beside her to see (Y/n) sitting in a chair.

(Y/n): "You're in Beacon's infirmary. And if you're wondering where your teammates are..."

He points at the other side of the room, Blake looks only to see Ruby, Weiss and Yang all asleep sitting in a chair.

(Y/n): "They were up all night waiting for you to wake up."

Blake smiles seeing her friends worried nature.

Blake: "How long was I out?"

(Y/n): "Fourteen hours."

Blake: "Oh... Why are you still here?"

(Y/n): "Can I not be worried about my new friend?"

Blake gives a heartwarming smile.

Blake: "Thanks, (Y/n)..."

(Y/n) smiles back as several yawns then can be heard. They both look at the three sleeping girls to see them stir awake. Ruby was the first to open her eyes and as soon as she sees that Blake is awake, she rushed over to her talking way to fast for anyone to understand.

Ruby: "OhmygoshBlakeareyouokay?Doesyourheadhurt?Theway youfoughtwasamazingImeanI've seenyoufightbeforebutyoulooked soawesome!Ohanddidyouseewhen(Y/n)showedup?Hewasalllike whipawcashawwithhischain!"

Blake: "Hello Ruby."

Yang comes over and pries her sister off of Blake.

Yang: "Okay there, little sister. Give her some space."

Ruby: "Oh, right, uh sorry."

A knock can be heard at the door and a nurse along with headmaster Ozpin.

Weiss: "Headmaster Ozpin."

Ozpin: "Hello, girls. Ms. Belladonna, how are feeling?"

Blake: "Better sir. Thank you for asking."

Ozpin then noticed (Y/n).

Ozpin: "You must be (Y/n)."

(Y/n): "Uh yes?"

Ozpin raises an eyebrow.

Ozpin: "You look familiar... What's your last name?"

(Y/n): "(L/n)?"

Ozpin: "(L/n)? Do you know (M/n) and (F/n) by any chance?"

(Y/n): "They're my parents."

Ozpin: "Really now? They were fine huntsmen... How are they?"

(Y/n): "I haven't spoken to my mother since..... Since my father died."

Rwby had looks of sorrow on their faces. Especially Ruby.

Ozpin: "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that... My condolences."

(Y/n): "Thank you..."

Ozpin: "So, these girls tell me that you have skills with a... Chain whip?"

I nod my head.

(Y/n): "My mother and father trained me to use their weapons when i was younger. My mom taught me how to use a whip since hers was a bladed whip and my dad taught me swordplay."

Ozpin: "Hm, fascinating. Tell me (Y/n), why didn't you try out at Beacon? I think you could make a terrific huntsman."

(Y/n): "It was always my dream when i was a kid..."

Ozpin: "Ms. Rose here even told me you saved her life, is this true?"

(Y/n): "I don't want to toot my own horn or anything.. But yes i did. "

Ozpin: "I see... You clearly have extraordinary skills and I think we could even improve them... How would you like to attend my school?"

(Y/n): "I-I don't know..."

I turn to see everyone nodding their heads furiously.

(Y/n): "Uhh, can I think about it?"

Ozpin: "Of course.... You have one day."

Ozpin then left. The nurse was done checking up on Blake and released her.

Nurse: "Alright, Ms. Belladonna, you're free to go. If you get any more headaches please come back."

Blake: "Thank you, ma'am."

The nurse then left leaving us in the white hospital room.

Ruby: "It's going to be so much fun (Y/n) with you going here!"

Yang: "Yeah, you could help me plan the ultimate prank against Nora."

(Y/n): "Whoa, i didn't say i was going to accept."

Everyone looked at (Y/n) with confused faces.

Weiss: "Wait, are you seriously not going to accept his offer? What kind of dolt would do that?!"

(Y/n): "I just... I don't know..."

Yang: "You know..."

Yang puts on a seductive look.

Yang: "I could think of several ways to change your mind~"

Ruby: "Yang!"

(Y/n): "Look, I just have my reasons..."

Ruby: "Which are?"

(Y/n) sighs clearly frustrated.

(Y/n): "I just-"

Blake: "Does it have something to do with your outburst last night?"

(Y/n): "Outburst?"

Then (Y/n) suddenly remembered the previous night's events. His sudden outburst at Yang. He then lowers his head and spoke.

(Y/n): "...Yes."

Yang: "Well tell us what it is so we can help you!"

Ruby: "Yeah, (Y/n)! We're your friends. Let us help you."

(Y/n) smiles.

(Y/n): "I really appreciate you, girls, trying to help... But this... Reason i have is..... It isn't something that you can help with..."

Ruby walks in front of him, grinning ear to ear.

Ruby: "Try us!"

(Y/n) couldn't help but smile at her cuteness. He patted her head and walked to the door.

(Y/n): "I really do appreciate you, girls, trying to help... But I'm gonna head out and think about this. I'll talk to you later."

Ruby: "See ya!"

RWBY sat in the hospital room in silence.

Weiss: "Is he seriously even thinking about it? I mean this is Beacon, we're talking about!"

Yang: "He just needs to think about it. Maybe he's just nervous?"

Ruby: "Nervous? With his skills, why would he be?"

Yang looks at Blake who was looking down like she was thinking about something.

Yang: "What do you think, Blake?"

Blake: "...I think whatever his reason is has something to do with his hands turning red last night."

Weiss: "That was weird."

Ruby: "What do you think it is? His semblance?

Blake: "I don't know but whatever it is... I think he needs our help."
