A Hellish Past (Pt. 3)

Forgot to add some stuff to the origin story so here's part 3. Enjoy!

Everyone sat quietly in (Y/n) dorm. Yang was sitting beside him, rubbing his back, trying to comfort him. Ruby sat beside Yang, contemplating what she should do about this situation. Weiss and Blake lowered their heads and sat silently.

(Y/n): "I'm a monster."

Yang immediately pulled (Y/n) in for a hug.

Yang: "No, you're not a monster."

(Y/n): "But I am...Ruby knows that better than anyone. I gave her nightmares, what kind of friend am I?"

Ruby: "My best friend."

(Y/n) looks at Ruby with a confused expression as she stands up and sits down on the other side of him.

Ruby: "Yes, you scared me when I first saw you... I mean there was a skeleton on fire staring at me for crying out loud! So yes you gave me nightmares... But that wasn't you."

Ruby then pokes (Y/n) chest.

Ruby: "It was whatever this is."

She then proceeds to hug (Y/n) like Yang. As she did, she whispers in his ear.

Ruby: "This is you."

(Y/n) hugged Ruby tighter. His lips curved into a smile and so did Ruby's. In the middle of their hug, Ruby started feeling strange. Something she's never felt before. Her heart was beating fast and her mind was racing.

Ruby: I need to stop eating cookies before I go to bed...

They then broke the hug. Blake then spoke, gaining everyone's attention.

Blake: "What happened to the bull faunus?"

(Y/n) looked at her with cold eyes.

(Y/n): "I killed him. All of them. Revenge was the only thing on my mind. There was no forgiveness left in me... No mercy... All of that died with me."

(Y/n) looks down as he remembers that vivid day.


I was walking home, walking through a small trail in the woods to get to my house. I looked down at my blood-soaked clothes and started to remove them. My chest and stomach that once were covered in holes and blood was just my (S/C) skin.

Soon enough, I got to my house. I hid behind a tree as I inspected it to see if anybody is home. I didn't want to see my family. I couldn't look at their faces knowing that dad's death was my fault. Seeing the coast is clear, I walk over to my front door. I twisted the doorknob until the lock mechanism kept me from twisting it any further. I looked at the mat under my feet and lifted it up, revealing the spare key. I then unlocked the door and hid the key in its cliche hiding spot.

Whenever I got inside, I carefully shut the door and listen if anyone is home. Sure enough, I didn't hear anyone. I walk upstairs and into my bedroom. The first thing I saw was my favorite posters of cars and video games hanging up on my wall. I walk to my closet and change into some new clothes which consisted of a white t-shirt, blue jeans, with a black hoodie. I walk back down the stairs and imminently stop when I think I hear a sound.

I listen very carefully as I tried to figure out where it was coming from. It sounded like it was coming from the garage so i began quietly walking over to the door to the garage. I opened it and carefully stepped onto the concrete. My heart sank when i figured out what it was... It was my bike.

Dad fixed this bike up for Charles' birthday but never could give it to him since that drama happened. Dad gave it to me instead when I turned sixteen several months ago.

The bike was running, the headlights turned on. The engine was revving despite anyone being on it. Then I heard whispering and lost control of my body. I mean literally lost control, i started walking over to the garage doors and opened them. The whispering was getting louder but I couldn't make out what they were saying. I then mounted the bike and drove off. It was dark now and the bike was driving down the empty road with me trying to free myself from the invisible restraints that are holding me to the handlebars.

The whispering started getting louder but I couldn't make out what they were trying to tell me. Then a louder voice made itself known.


The bike then started going faster, the wheels burst into flames leaving a trail of fire behind me.

My power displays through you...

I tried to break free from the handles but it was like I was glued to them.

We are retribution...

The bike began to go through town at insane speeds. Cars were sent flying into store windows from the insane speeds i was going.

We are the devil's bounty hunter, the spirit of vengeance...

The bike went down an old road i knew too well. It was taking me to the bar where I met Locke.

I am you and you are me...

The bike stopped beside the bar and released my hands from the handlebar. I have control over my body again and dismounted the bike. I looked at the bar and started walking to it. The closer i got to the bar, the louder the whispers got. I could finally hear the whispers, what they were saying. They were repeatedly chanting retribution. My vision turned red when i finally made it to the door... Then i blacked out.

We are The Ghost Rider...




I then came to. Standing in the middle of the bar. The smell of meat and blood enters my nostrils as i take a look around at the horror in front of me. Bodies surrounded the bar, blood was everywhere. Some bodies appeared to be burnt but none of there were Locke.

He is near...

I could then...sense him somehow, his energy, his aura...his soul. I walked out of the bar and hopped on the bike and took off towards his location.

3rd POV

Locke and his goons are in a warehouse filled with stolen weapons. They were boxing them and loading them up in several trucks to be sold in Vale.

Locke: "Hurry up, you pathetic pricks! Locke has a bad feeling about tonight..."

(Y/n) then can be seen behind a crate in the warehouse. He was crouched down hidden in darkness, a goon comes over and sits down on a crate beside him. (Y/n) sneaks up behind the man and grabs the man in a chokehold. (Y/n) then puts pressure towards the man's neck and a loud pop can be heard. He let's go and the man then falls over dead.

(Y/n) then picks up the dead goons gun and began to open fire at the small group of goons surrounding Locke. Locke takes cover behind a crate as he watches several of his men drop dead.

Locke: "What the hell?!"

(Y/n): "I've come back for you Locke!!"

Locke looks at his remaining men and nods. They shoot back towards the voice they heard but see no one. Silence feels the air for several minutes.

Locke: "Alright, search around for him."

The goons nod and split up to begin their search in the dark warehouse. As one goon was looking around, a hand wraps around his head and a knife stuck through his throat. The man chokes on his own blood and slowly dies as (Y/n) pushed the knife deeper into the man's neck.

He then goes after another, he lunges on ones back but the goon pushes him off. The goon aims at (Y/n) but before he could fire, (Y/n) throws his knife at the man, it enters his eye and he drops to the ground. Goons were then dropping like flies until Locke was the last one.

Locke was panicking, he looks all around him as he thinks he hears noises. He looks behind him as a set of chains that were hanging from the ceiling were slowly shaking back and forth, making an eerie sound.

Locke: "W-Who's there?!"

Locke then turns back around as he thinks he heard footsteps. (Y/n) then grabs the chains from the ceiling and wraps them around Locke's neck, choking him but Locke breaks free with his strength and throws (Y/n) off of him. Locke looks back and his eyes widen when sees who it is.

Locke: "I-I killed y-you!"

(Y/n) stands up and wipes his lips with his sleeve.

(Y/n): "Yeah... You did."

(Y/n) then charges at Locke, swinging his fists, he hits Locke several times causing Locke to stumble a bit. (Y/n) then grabs Locke's faunus horns and throws him into a wall where (Y/n) then proceeds to repeatedly bash his head against the wall. (Y/n) then turns Locke around, his bloody face meeting (Y/n).

(Y/n): "You did kill me... But I came back so I can drag you back to hell with me."

Locke didn't respond as he stared at (Y/n) fearfully. (Y/n) head then began smoking and his eyes turned orange. (Y/n) let's go of Locke as Locke drops to the floor. (Y/n) put his face to his hands as he began screaming in pain, his flesh burned off his body and fire erupted from his head. Locke watches on in fear.

The monster looks back at Locke and walks to him. Locke couldn't move from the intense fear he was feeling. The Rider picks Locke up and pins him to the wall, the Rider then looks at his spiked leather jacket.

(G/R: "Nice jacket..."

The Rider broke Locke's leg and watches him drop to the floor, hearing his screaming in agony. The Rider then switches his jacket for his. After he zips it up, he picks Locke back up and pins him to the wall again. He then repeatedly punch Locke in his chest, ultimately, breaking through his chest cavity, he then proceeds to rip Locke's heart out. The Rider holds Locke's still-beating heart, watching it beat slowly. He then looks directly back at Locke and squishes it.

He then lets Locke's lifeless body drop to the floor. He turns around and walks out of the warehouse, his bike comes driving down the road and stops in front of him. The Rider hops on and drives away.


(Y/n): "I then left my town, came here to Vale and started going after other people."

Yang: "So you're the Ghost."

(Y/n) nods. Yang looks down at (Y/n) crotch area and smiles, this causes (Y/n) to blush. He looks down to see what she's staring at and sees Ruby fast asleep in his lap, this causes him to smile.

He then picks up Ruby's head and gets up slowly, he then softly lowered her head back on the bed. He looks at the others and sees them asleep as well, even Yang despite being awake moments ago. (Y/n) then lifted up Ruby, bridal style, and took her to her team's dorm, then laid her gently into her bed. He then came back for Weiss and did the same, then Yang, then Blake. After he laid Blake in her bed, he watched her lips turn into a smile and could've sworn her bow moved. (Y/n) raised an eyebrow but didn't think anything of it. He turned around and walked out the door, quietly shutting it behind him. Unknown to him though, a certain busty blonde opened her eyes after watching him putting all the girls to bed, she smiles and closes her eyes before falling fast to sleep.
