Cyberdark vs Radraptor

Third P.O.V
Declan tournament had began and Shay was walking around the duel field looking for his next opponent when he hears footsteps come from a mysterious black fog and he saw Y/n in his outfit but Shay never met Y/n when he first arrived in the standard dimension.

"Hello Shay I'm honoured to meet you" Y/n told Shay as he activated his duel disk and Shay activated his own.

"Listen here I don't know who you are but you better get out of my way -" Shay warns Y/n be leaves off not knowing Y/n name.

"Oh we're are my manners to my opponent I'm called Dark Vortex (your name you use when no one knows your real name) and I know a great deal about you Shay and your sister" Y/n told Shay with a smile on his face as know where Lulu is thanks Yuri being apart of him now.

"WHAT? YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DONE TO MY SISTER!" Shay shouted angrily at Y/n who had a dark and twisted smile on his face because he achieved at making Shay upset.

"Well then let's Duel and if you win I will take you to Lulu" Y/n told Shay after he and Shay draw five cards each from there decks.

"Let's duel" both say to eachother.

Y/n life points: 4000
Shay life points: 4000

"I shall start things off by discarding my Cyberdark Claw from my hand to my graveyard I get to add a cyberdark spell/trap card from my deck to my hand" a card pops out of Y/n duel disk and he adds it to his hand "Next I active the card I just added it's call Cyberdark Inferno" the duel field turn into a firey infero with a dark and deadly aura.

"What this do?" Shay question Y/n who just had a smile on his face.

"You will just have to wait and see next I Summon my Cyberdark Edge" a mechanical wyvern appears on Y/n field

Level: 4
Atk points: 800
Def points: 800
Attribute: Dark
Monster type: machine

"now its affect actives I get to pick a dragon that is a level 3 or lower from my graveyard to and its power will increase so I pick my Cyberdark claw" the robotic dragon in Y/n graveyard appears on Y/n field and then it's get wires attach to it by Cyberdark Edge.

Cyberdark Edge atk points: 800 + 1600 = 2400

"Next I shall end my turn with a facedown card and it's your turn" a facedown card appears on Y/n side of the field.

"My turn I draw" Shay draws a card and adds it to his hand "from my hand I summon Raidraptor - Vanishing Lanius" a mechanical bird like creature appears on Shay side of the field.

Level: 4
Atk points: 1300
Def points: 1600
Attribute: Dark
Monster type: Winged beast

"Thanks to its effect I get to special summon a level 4 or lower Raidraptor from my hand to the field so come out Raidraptor - Mimicry Lanius" Another robotic bird appear next to Shay other monster.

Level: 4
Atk points: 1100
Def points: 1900
Monster type: Winged beast
Attribute: Dark

"Now my new Raidraptor effect activates it increases my Raidraptor monsters level by one level higher" Shay two monsters level change from level 4 to level 5.

"I now build the overlay network with my two Raidraptors to Xyz summon Rank 5 Raidraptor - Striker Falcon!" Shay only two monsters vanish into a vortex that then exploded and a new Raidraptor took there place and Shay jumped onto it.

Rank: 5
Atk points: 2000
Def points: 2000
Attribute: Dark
Monster type: Winged Beast

"Impressive tell me what is that overgrown transformer going to do against my CyberDark Edge did you forget my monster attack points" Y/n told Shay with a deadly tone in his voice and Yuri stood next to Y/n in spirit form.

'Good job at getting him angry because now he can make a mistakes but be careful of his monsters, I heard they are full of surprises' Yuri told Y/n who nodded his head in understanding Yuri statement.

"I ACTIVATED MY RAIDRAPTOR STRIKER FALCON EFFECT BY GETTING RID OF AN OVERLAY UNIT I CAN DESTROY A MONSTER YOU CONTROL AND YOU TAKE DAMAGE DUE TO ITS ORIGINAL ATTACK POINTS! RAID STRIKER BOMBARDMENT!" Shay monster use an overlay unit and sent a rocket at Y/n Cyberdark Edge destroying it and inflicting damage to Y/n who just stood there unfaze by this.

Y/n life points: 4000 to 3200

" NOW ATTACK DARK VORTEX DIRECTLY RAIDRAPTOR STRIKER FALCON GO STRIKE SLASH!" Shay monster was about to hit Y/n but a shield activated and protected Y/n and it sent Shay monster back to him.

"What? What happen ?" Shay spoke confuse and Y/n let out a dark chuckle that was very unsettling.

"Why my trap card activated its called Draining Shield it does 2 things first it stops your monster attack and the second I gain your monster attack points as life points" Y/n explained Shay as his life points went up.

Y/n life points: 3200 to 5200

"I will end my turn your move" Shay ends his turn and Y/n puts his hand on his deck.

"My turn I draw" Y/n draws a card and it has a dark aura on it "First I will play monster Reborn to bring back my Cyberdark claw from my graveyard" Y/n dragon returns from the graveyard to his field "next I will play the spell card call SUPERPOLYMERZATION BY DISCARDING ONE CARD FROM MY HAND TO MY GRAVEYARD I CAN USE ANY MONSTERS ON EITHER SIDE OF THE FIELD AS FUSION MATERIAL LIKE FOR EXAMPLE MY CYBERDARK CLAW AND YOUR RAIDRAPTOR!" Both Y/n and Shay monsters disappear into a vortex in the sky "NOW BY UNITING THESE TWO DARK CREATURES TO FORM A VENOMOUS NIGHTMARE I FUSION SUMMON STARVING VENOM FUSION DRAGON!" Y/n / Yuri ace monster appears on the field and lets out a powerful roar at Shay.

"Wait I know that dragon it attack heartland my home it belong to Yuri but how do you have it?!" Shay exclaimed/question Y/n who had a dark and twisted smile on his face at Shay question.

"Well I could tell you but how about you meet another dragon of mine, I ACTIVE THE SPELL CARD CALL CYBERDARK IMPACT THANKS TO IT I GET TO RETURN MY CYBERDARK EDGE, KEEL AND HORN FROM BOTH MY HAND AND GRAVEYARD TO MY DECK TO FUSION SUMMON A DEADLY AND DESTRUCTIVE MECHANICAL MONSTER I FUSION SUMMON MY CYBERDARK DRAGON!" Y/n fusion dragon appeared and it let out a deadly screech that made Shay cover his ears because it hurt.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Forget the part for when Zane says polymerization and replace it with cyberdark impact)

Level: 8
Atk points: 1000
Def points: 1000
Attribute: Dark
Monster type: Machine

"Now my new monster effect actives by choosing a dragon type monster in my graveyard I get to equip it to my cyberdark dragon and it gains the attack points so I choose my cyberdark claw, GO INCREASE YOUR POWER WITH THAT OF YOUR FALLEN COMMRAD!" The cyberdark claw comes back to the field again for the third time and it gets cables attach to it and Y/n Cyberdark dragon let out a screech as it got stronger.

Cyberdark dragon atk points: 1000 to 2600

"Now I think it's time to end this FIRST STARVING VENOM FUSION DRAGON DRAGON ATTACK SHAY WITH VENOMOUS BLAST" Starving venom open its mouth and shot a purple/black bean at Shay and it push him back a bit but he was still standing.

Shay life points: 4000 to 1200

"NOW END THIS DUEL MY CYBERDARK DRAGON ATTACK SHAY DIRECTLY WITH CYBERDARK HOWLING!" Y/n dragon open its mouth and lets out a destructive screech that sent Shay into the wall and he slide down it with his back on it.

Shay life points: 1200 to 0000

"Well I say that was interesting don't you agree Shay" Y/n stated as he walked over to Shay who was holding his arm that was in pain from Y/n monsters attacks.

"What did you do to Lulu? Why do you have that dragon name after that summoning method?" Shay question the guy beat him in there duel and that guy just stare at him with a smile on his face.

"Well all I can say is this tell Yuya Sakaki that I'm coming for him and I will have my vengeance on him for what he did to me and that I have already begun the process to reunite with the others" Y/n then turns around and leaves Shay who looses conciseness after Y/n vanishes in the same way he came.

'That was entertaining to watch but can we focus on the main objective please' Yuri complain next to Y/n who still had a smile on his face.

At Declan office....

"Sir we have a problem" one of Declan employees informed Declan who was watching the duels in the tournament that he had set up to find help for against duel academy.

"What is it?" Declan asked his employee with a neutral and confuse tone.

"Well sir it seems our compute network was hacked and we can't trance the one that hacked it sir" the employee explain to Declan who eyes had widen that his company computers got hacked.

"Wait! What do you mean we were hacked?!" Declan exclaimed at his employee who try to keep a brave face but wasn't doing so well.

"We don't know Sir our staff has been trying to find the person who did it but nothing has turn up" the employee explain to Declan who is now deadly calm and quiet.

"Leave now" Declan order his employee who nodded his head and left the room, Declan then walked over to his desk and played the duel of Shay vs Dark Vortex but Dark Vortex face was had been hidden and cover by a dark image of no one there.

'Well let's see who hacked my company computer network' Declan then began to go to work trying to figure out who hacked his company computer network and he was also listen to the tournament duels.

(Chapter 2 is done I hope you all enjoyed it, please hit that vote button, comment your favourite part in this chapter and if you like share this story and if u have suggestions for future chapters leave them in the comment section below)
