Blue and Red vs Cyberdark

Third P.O.V
"Download complete" Y/n duel disk told him and his duel disk pop out a transporter card and this put a smile on his face because he can now go to Xyz and Synchro to find the two other counterparts and get stronger.

"Yes it is ready but I think that I should duel a few more people before testing this out" Y/n tells Yuri who has a thinking face similar to that of Y/n.

"True and I think I know of 2 traitors from duel academy that might peak your interest" Yuri told Y/n who then looked at Yuri with a raise eyebrow.

"Oh then you have my attention" Y/n then got a smile on his face at thought of dueling people from Yuri dimension which means he can also send a message to Yuya if he knows them.

"There names are-" Yuri was cut off by beams of red and white blast, Y/n then look to see a threehead dragon and next to it was a dragon that had a skull with red glowing eyes.

"Well that's them good luck" Yuri disappeared and Y/n got his duel disk ready to duel.

"This should be interesting and hopefully a challenge" Y/n thought to himself as he saw to girl stand infront of the dragons one had white long hair, she wore a white dress with a blue eyes duel disk on it and she also had a blue eyes head on her right shoulder next to her stood a woman with black long hair, she had red eyes and she wore a red and black outfit with a red eyes head on her left shoulder and she had a red eyes duel disk on her arm.

"There you are, you are going to pay for what you did to Shay so prepare to duel" the girl with red eyes told Y/n with rage in her voice.

"Hang on I get to duel him first so back off Raven" the girl in white outfit told the girl know as Raven.

"No Winter he is mine to duel first not yours so you back off" Raven told her ally who is know as Winter and this made Y/n confuse as to why they were arguing over who gets to duel him first.

"How about you both duel me and then we call this a day, because at the rate you 2 argue I would have just left and find someone else to duel instead" Y/n told them in a calm and relax tone with a small smirk on his face.

"But you be at a unfair advantage then?" Winter states in a confuse tone to Y/n suggestion and Raven look at him confuse as well.

"Come now think about it you both get to duel me and we can make a wager" Y/n suggest to both of them and both Winter and Raven were curious about it.

"Okay what's the wager you have in mind?" Raven question Y/n who still had a smirk on his face as he stare at them both.

"Here the wager if I win our duel I get to take a card from both of you and if you win you get two cards from me, does that sound like fair to you both?" Y/n asked them after he explained his wager to them.

"Ya that sounds fair to me what about you Raven?" Winter looked her friend who had a smile on her face and nodded her head in agreement to the wager.

"Since the both of you will be dueling me I shall start with 8000 life Points" Y/n told them and his duel disk along with there own activated.

"Let's duel" Y/n, Winter and Raven draw five cards each.

Y/n life points: 8000
Winter life points: 4000
Raven life points: 4000

"Ladies first" Y/n smirked at them and both Raven & Winter looked at eachother with confuse looks on there faces.

"I will go first by active future fusion by sending needed materials to my graveyard and in 2 turns I get my fusion monster so I will send 3 blue eyes white dragons to my graveyard" Winter sends her dragons from her deck to the graveyard.

"Next I will play the spell card call dragon mirror thanks to this I banish my three blue eyes white dragons and I GET TO FUSION SUMMON NEO BLUE EYES ULTIMATE DRAGON!" A three headed dragon with no arms appear on Winter side of the field.

Level: 11
Atk points: 4500
Def points: 3800
Monster type: dragon
Attribute: Light

"Then I will set three cards facedown your up Raven" Winter turn ends and Raven draws a card.

"First things off I play the spell card call Red eyes fusion by sending my Red eyes Black Dragon and my Meteor impact with eyes of red from my deck to my graveyard from my deck I get to fusion summon, DRAGON WITH EYES OF BURNING DARK FLAMES COMEFORTH AND BRING DESTRUCTION IN YOUR WAKE I FUSION SUMMON, METOR COMET BLACK DRAGON!" A black dragon with burning red eyes appears and flaming wings appear.

Level: 8
Atk points: 3500
Def points: 2000
Attribute: Dark
Monster type: dragon

"Thanks to my dragon ability by sending one Red eyes black dragon from my deck to the graveyard you take half it it's attack points as damage!" Raven proclaim and sent her dragon to the graveyard which made a fire ball hit Y/n who stood there still while smirking.

Y/n life points: 8000 to 6800

"Then I will set a card facedown and end my turn your move" a card appears on Raven side of the field and she ends her turn.

"My turn I draw" Y/n draws a card and looks at it with a big smile on his face, which made Raven and Winter confuse.

"I been meaning to test out these 2 new cards for awhile now, I SET SCALE 1 DARKCYBER SCORPION  AND SCALE 10 CYBERDARK LION!, THANKS TO THIS NEW MONSTERS I CAN PENDULUM SUMMON MONSTERS BETWEEN LEVELS 2 through 9!" This made both Winter and Raven look at Y/n with wide eyes, two pillars of light appear with one black robotic scorpion in it and the other hard a black robotic lion then a portal open above every and four Cyberdark monsters appears.

"PLEASE GIVE A WARM WELCOME TO CYBERDARK KNEEL, CYBERDARK EDGE, CYBERDARK HORN AND CYBER DARK WOLF!" The three Cyberdark monsters appeared on the field along with the new Cyberdark wolf that let out a powerful howl.

"I shall now use my two pendulum scale monsters abilities first my Cyberdark lion allows me to draw cards equal to the monsters that were pendulum summon, so I get four new cards" Y/n draws 4 new cards and adds them two his hand "next My Cyberdark scorpion ability destroys cards equal to the cards that were pendulum summon so since I summon four monsters, well you two can guess" winter and ravens eyes widen by this and there monsters and fields are destroyed.

"No way we were ahead of him how could this be?" Raven question outloud and unknown to the three dueliest the ninja dueliest know by moon shadow was watching the duel by the order of Declan Akaba.

"Now it's time to show you true power with this card, I ACTIVATE THE SPELL CYBERDARK RITUAL!" A black wormhole opens up infront of Y/n monsters "OH MIGHT DARK MACHINE OF CHAOS AND DESTRUCTION I OFFER YOU THESE DARK MACHINES TO BRING YOU INTO THIS WORLD!" Kneel, horn and edge fly into the worm hole that exploded and a firey creature flew out and landed on the ground infront of Raven and winter, when the fire died down a giant robotic dragon with black wings lets out a pose.

(I change the card to a more easier and simpler version then the description I gave in the first chapter, I don't own the picture I use I give all rights to the creator)

"Now when my machine is summon I get to pick three Dark dragon machine or dark dragon type in my graveyard and equip to my dragon to increase it attack points so whynt say hi to neo blue eyes ultimate dragon, along with Meteor Black comet dragon and Cyberdark kneel" Winter and Raven eyes widen at the site of both of there fusion monsters appeared on the field with Cyberdark kneel, wires then attack to the three monsters.

Cyberdark Ritual dragon atk points: 3000 + 3500 + 4500 = 11,000 atk points

"HOW YOU GET OUR MONSTERS?!" Both Raven and Winter exclaimed as they saw there monster were use to power the Ritual dragon attack points.

"It's because of my Cyberdark scorpion second pendulum abilitie, when monster that you control are destroyed instead of your graveyard they go to mine and become dark dragon type" Y/n explain to both of them and his dragon let out a powerful and destructive roar.

"Raven there one good thing about his dragon it can only attack one of us, so in the other turn the survivor can" "oh both of you will be wipe out in one turn" Y/n explain and both of there ideas widen at the sound of this.

"By using my Cyberdark wolf ability it can sacrifice itself it can make a Cyberdark monster attack twice in one turn" Y

Cyberdark wolf exploded and transfer a dark flame to Cyberdark Ritual dragon.

"NOW CYBERDARK RITUAL DRAGON ATTACK THEM BOTH! WITH CYBERDARK PURGATORY BLAST!" Y/n order his monster to open it mouth and it sent a 2 blast at both winter and raven, knocking them on the ground.

Raven and winter life points: 8000 to 0000

"We lost I can't believe it" winter try to get up but she landed on the ground and she looked up to see Y/n/dark vortex stood infront of them.

"We know we lost the duel-" "I hope you two stay out of my way, the path I'm on is to only get one person and I'm sorry you both were hurt by me and my deck" y/n/Dark vortex apologize to the both of them before his photo transport card glowed brightly and Y/n was gone.

"What where did he go? I need to tell Mister Akaba" Moonshadow disappear back to Declan and Winter and Raven were wondering where Dark vortex vanish to.

Fusion dimensions...

"Uggh when will something fun happen" Grace comeplain as she and her sister Grace where walking around duel academy waiting for there next assignment.

"I hope for that aswell, sis" Grace agree with Grace when a flash of light appeared infront of them to see a guy in a dark outfit with a mask on his face and he was leaning on the wall.

"Okay, so the damn card still got bugs to it" the guy spoke out loud sarcastically before passing out on the ground but was caught by the Tyler sisters.

"Okay I know when I ask for something to happen this not totally in mind of what I want to happen" Grace told her sister as she and Gloria carry the sleeping to the med room.

(There a chapter is done I'm sorry it took so long to get out there but is out and I hope you all enjoyed it and if you got a oc character you would like in this story just ask me in the comments down below)
