Some secrets stay secret

"First, we have to wait for movements in the bushes and before you ask, yes, this bush does have small mammals." Osprey began. "I don't mean to get off topic but, did you see that bird this morning?" I brought up. "Of course! We're in a forest, there's birds everywhere!" He exclaimed acting all smart. I gave him a glare and repeated the question. "No, I didn't see a hawk. Please just leave it alone." He grunted in a serious tone. "Please, if you would just answer the qu—

"LOOK, MERLIN! I DID NOT SEE ANY BIRD, NOW JUST DROP IT AND LEAVE IT ALONE!" he growled.   I lowered my head in shame of my big, dumb mouth. Soon after, we continued with our lesson without saying a word. "I'm sorry." I said trying to heal the wound. "No, I'm the one who's sorry. I lied, I did see the hawk, I just didn't want you to worry." 

"I wouldn't care if you saw the hawk or not, I just wanted to know if you were okay." I reassured. He smiled and carried on with the lesson. We were laying in the same "hunting position" for what felt like years when finally, there was a movement in the bush. I don't know what it was but I started chattering, uncontrollably. We both moved forward, slowly. As the picture became clearer, the animal didn't have fur, it had feathers. I had sudden flashbacks of the bird so I moved back in fear.

Osprey pounced, catching the poor thing in his teeth, when finally, it took its last breath. "Dinner!" Osprey cheered. "You look frightened, everything okay?" He pointed out. "Yeah I'm fine, let's just eat."

 Soon after dinner, I went back to the pile of dead pine needles and dozed off. I was woken again to the same sound of Osprey growling and a hawk cawing. I tried to do as Osprey told me and ignored it, but I just had to investigate. I climbed the tree, this time I got better, only to see Osprey look at me with frightened eyes. The look he gave scared me out of the tree.
