Powdered forest

A group of people ran after me, but I was quicker. I finally ran until the city ambiance was overpowered by the sound of the wind blowing through the trees. The soft fluffy white melted to water at the touch of my paws. I've never felt such cold in my life, usually the buildings gave us some protection from the cold.

I could feel my joints going stiff from the cold. My body was shutting down. When night came, it made the winter even worse. I found a tree to sleep under for the time being. I rolled up into a ball to conserve warmth for as long as possible.

When it was cold, the other cats would pile on top of each other, I should've never left the clowder. I hope Oscar was ok and I didn't worry much about Lark since I knew he was at a good home and probably resting by the fireplace.

I woke up and to my surprise, there was no more snow on the ground and the sun was beaming down, not to hot and not to cold. I looked around to see a fluffy, grey stone, when I approached it, it wasn't a rock. It was Oscar. "Oscar!" I cheered. "Huh?" He woke up and finally took it all in. "Merlin!"

"I missed you so much!" I cried. But Oscar didn't respond instead he walked the opposite direction into a dark void. "Oscar?" I said trying to get his attention. No response. I walked the same way but fell into a void of nothingness. I woke up frightened but relieved that it was just a dream. 

I felt scared, lonely, and relieved, I've never felt so many emotions at once.
