Past VII

Shortly after the three starters and Pikachu got out of there. Due to Team Rocket's fuss. Froakie and Pikachu were able to find each other,

 "C'mon!" Pikachu says to Froakie, wanting to find Fennekin and Chespin.

"Alright," Froakie replies with a patient response.

In time, they find Chespin with his legs open in a hole. Pikachu and Froakie work together pulling Chespin out of there without his legs moving in the way.

"Thanks, guys!"

"No problem!"

Froakie didn't say anything, the only Pokémon left is Fennekin. But, by surprise, they found Meowth trapped by vines. Who was innocent at first, yet scheming to himself. Froakie didn't find this appealing as he knew what the cat was up to. That wasn't going to stop him other than Pikachu from trusting the cat.

Little after, they find Fennekin. Witnessing Fennekin's tail dirty and pretty awful. She was devastated for the tail to be fixed and cleaned. Froakie found his idea.

 "Here you go." Froakie took his frubbles to Fennekin's tail, she was confused about how this would work. Eventually, it did. Coming out with sparkles and it was looking perfect.

"Thank you very much, Froakie!" She said with a very happy face, thankful for Froakie's work.

Froakie's blushes came to him. "O-oh, no problem." Rubbing the back of his head.

Present; Beginning of the Disaster

They start set high up in the skies and the beginning of dusk. There, moving forward from where we left off, the gang proceeded to use the balloon for transportation. Patrolling throughout the air is Clemont using Serena's guidebook for directions.

Clemont deeply sighs, arousing himself with wind flowing swiftly to him, and many flying type Pokémon fly. "Ash, you think you can stay for a while for this?"

"Sure, Clemont." I stood up from Serena and Bonnie to Clemont's spot to see the beautiful view with Pikachu. "Hey, bud," greeting him before getting cuddled by his cheek.

"Pika!" he says before looking forward.

I have to say, this is better than on foot for once. Haha, I chuckle to myself. I have gotten so used to it now that it's like a hobby. I check behind. Clemont, Bonnie, and Serena are asleep. Watching them puts a smile on my face about Serena. I'm not even sure what happened. It felt as if I had wandered into a dream. 

Ash looks off again. He was showing signs of daydreaming without recognizing what he's said.

"Pika?" Ash falls asleep instantly, arms crossed with his head lying on top and legs, causing him to fall. "Pi!" he falls, and somehow, he's still asleep. "Pika..." Pikachu's head shakes at the sight of his trainer but he continues to help him. "Chu!" Many attempts were made as he couldn't lift his trainer and long-time friend even at his might it wouldn't work before getting exhausted,

The sound of a Pokéball bursting open.

"Pi?" After hearing it open comes the frog friend.

"Need help?" The frog asked.

"Yeah..." Pikachu shows an embarrassed yet relieved look.

At last, they rest Ash with them. Right next to Serena. Both shoulders to shoulder. Pikachu thought it was cute, and Greninja isn't getting it.


"What is it?"

"Oh, it's that, Braixen told me about this before," he says, then. "About two people are falling for each other. What's that about?"

"How should I say this? You see, Greninja, two people start forming something when they get together. That being Love."

"Oh, I guess it can be with someone.." He mumbled,

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing, nothing." He said that to him, before going afar to see the mountains.

"So, you two on a date is nothing?"

"You know about that?"

"Chespin told me and everyone else."

"I had a feeling he'd do that," Greninja stares beyond. "Not like he does that for a living, but we're his friends. His first ones."

"I get it. Though, it will not distract me if it's official or not." Pikachu fights through this conversation with curiosity. Greninja believes he has no chance, caught up by discovery, and a sense of wonder.

"Yes, we are." Greninja saw Pikachu's surprised expression just by his eyes widening. "What? Is there a problem with 'dates'..?" Greninja questions.

"No, just that maybe everyone will take it lightly and tease it to you for the rest of your life." 

"Oh, but, how? I don't know how to start dates." 

"PFF-" Pikachu almost laughs before shutting his mouth. Greninja responds just by looking away from his sight. "Hey, I'm sorry! You're not the only one. I'm here, and I've been on so many journeys that I never got a date before!"

"Uh-huh..." He said with a low tone."Can we take a Slurpuff as an example?" Greninja didn't hesitate with his words, only looking menacing down at Pikachu.

"Come on! That was just a dance, plus it's not like I wanted to!" Pikachu proves his point.

"But, Ash insisted anyway?" Greninja comebacks and Pikachu can't say anything until the dance hits him from memory.

"What about you guys then?" Greninja gets confused for a little, but then knew what he meant.

"I never expected to dance, okay? It was just too sudden." From his point of view, he only saw it as spending time with someone he's known even feeling her warmth, and soft, fur she had—exciting his heart and all. Even the thought caught him thinking, somehow bringing unknown and suspicious imaginations to his head.

I snap out of it, Why would I think of that? I grew frustrated with myself and quickly smack my face.

"You good man?"


"Hey, how about a truce and forget all this? Like friends. Cool?" Pikachu lends his hand, and the frog looked down at it and then at Pikachu. Putting on a smile, he shakes his hand. Both have settled their agreement. 

Greninja POV

Pikachu had fallen asleep on Ash's lap. I stay up, not even feeling a bit tired. I look down at the sleeping trainers, in Bonnie's bag containing Dedenne and Squishy. I began to remember what I received when the looming figure brought his hand to mine, appearing with images and visions. What does the destruction of Lumiose mean? And what does Squishy have to do with this? Considering that it's a Pokémon we've never heard of, not even the Professor knows. But, why me? That's the question, how am I? 

Involved in this...

I cup my hands, taking a deep breath. Hearing little snores from the group sleeping, taking a quick smirk at the sight of it. Taking away the worries in my mind. I look up, and the moon and stars illuminate from high heights, imagining Braixen, Pancham, Slyveon, and Serena doing their performance, spectacularly and ending it. That's what I think of their performances when they're eventually done. Then, I look down to see some mountains. I pause for a moment, to see something shine from a very far distance.

The sounds from the balloon begin releasing air, "What the..!" One of Greninja's instincts kicks in, using one of his moves, Cut, slashing the object causing this, Arrows? But, way up there? At this time of hour! 

Another horde came from the dark, and he continues to cut them down until Pikachu woke up,

"Pika!" |"Huh!"| Sooner or later, everyone wakes up. 

"What's going on?" Ash questions and an arrow slips through me and hits a secondary shot. 

"Whatever it is, it's not good! The balloon is losing too much air," Clemont answers Ash, holding a Pokéball. "Luxray, let's go!" Clemont throws Luxray's Pokéball mid-air and returns it in his hand.

"Luxray!" Luxray roars.

"Bonnie, get behind me." Serena tells Bonnie, "Slyveon, come on out!" Serena brings out Slyveon.

"Slyveon~!" In a cheerful mood as always.

Good, I'm not alone to defend these.


"More inbound. Shoot them."

More arrows? I had enough of these things and continue the best I can to defend alongside Luxray, Slyveon, and Pikachu. In the meantime, Noibat and Chespin patch the balloon, and Hawlucha does the same.


"Fairy Wind!"

"ThunderBolt and Water Shuriken!" 

The three trainers call their Pokémon's attacks.

The four of us use our attacks, and not a single one of them missed. Every arrow was caught in Fairy Wind, finishing them off with our unstoppable power.

"Alright!" Ash says in victory with his hands gripped. 

"Ches, Ches!" |"Wait, careful!"|Chespin would yell, scared of heights and wagging himself, which made it difficult for Noibat. Succeeding in patching the balloon.

"Hawl!" |"Done!"|Hawlucha already finished his assignment and returned on board.

"Noi noi!" Noibat flies down on board lowering Chespin.

"Ches... ches..." |"Thanks... man..."|He takes a few breathes,

"Noibat..." |"No problem..."|Noibat said, worried for Chespin who became exhausted. Maybe the fear of heights did it for him.

"Thank you guys, return." Ash thanked his Pokémon opening up the Poké balls and closing them. 

"You too, Chespin." Clemont also thanked his Pokémon. "Take a good rest. Okay, we have to get moving if more are coming again."

"Right." Ash and Serena said in unison and they stayed together to defend anymore.


I waited, waiting for any moment now. Greninja and Pikachu are ready, by now. The enemy hasn't attacked yet, my hands start to feel some sweat in them. It didn't matter other than the task at hand, I take a deep breath shaking off the intensity. Don't worry I said to myself. I look over to Serena. She was on the same focus as me, even with sweaty hands. I can see she's grown, very much.

She catches a glimpse of me looking. I didn't know what to do, I just stood there. Then she turned to me.

"Um, Ash? Are you alright?" Serena was concerned and finally knocked some sense of me.

"Oh, yeah. I'm perfectly fine. Haha!" I feel like a creep... for that, I looked away from her.

Pulling down his cap, hiding his little blushes, convincing himself that this will work.

"Mhm." Bonnie saw that as an excuse.

"Pika..." Pikachu knew what he was up to,

"Gren?" Greninja as usual doesn't get it.

"Sly~!" For Slyveon, she knew that Ash had a connection with her trainer.


He finds his solution.

"Clemont, how's it going with the fire."

"It should be done any moment. Just buy some time for me." He adjusts the Aipom Arm's movements.

"Will do." I still turn in the other direction from Serena. I don't know what to say, maybe I messed up after all. "Hey, Serena?" I asked with enough courage from my body left.




"This should distract them."


Greninja from afar sees another arrow coming. He jumps out.

He uses his white light blade, Cut. Striking it. "Greninja!" Smoke comes out yet somehow the arrow still kept going. It was a nullified arrow.


I see the arrow coming, going for the middle...

"Serena! Look out!" I immediately push away Serena to safety, and the arrow struck me. Its sharpness pierced through my sleeves more than my skin. Leaving a small cut on my arm. "Ngh!" It hurt by the minute, I grunt and hold my arm without losing any more blood.

"Ash!!" Everyone said and ran to him. 

The Pokémon remained high alert now, especially Greninja and Pikachu.

"Gren!" Now, even worse. An arrow released a smoke bomb on them. Unable to locate the individuals makes it even harder. 

"Bye." The anonymous figure pokes the balloon. Soon after another figure with so much speed made the balloon into a mess. 

Greninja continued to follow his attacks until one arrow unwrapped itself to rope. Capturing Greninja causing him to fall to the ground. 

Finally, the wind was catching up to them. The swayed balloon moves everyone on board.

"Hang on!" Clemont comments, holding Bonnie close to him.

Slyveon tried to move her ribbons to hold the trainers. But soon she was captured by her Poké ball. "Sly—!"

"Huh!" I notice that all of our Poké balls were stolen from them.

"Scatter them." The figure continues his words after the other separates all the Pokémon into different areas away from each other that's including Pikachu also. Greninja remained, still tied. Unable to break free, it is the rope that nullified his Pokémon moves. 

Down to his shock, every friend of his was gone and separated. He soon sees the balloon crashing down with everyone, exploding.


He shouted.
