Past VI

Moments after an event of finding Prof. Sycamore and Chespin found a trainer fitting to be one of his Pokémon. After all, he didn't have the guts to tell him, so he decided to tell Sycamore (in his way) that he wanted to go. Bonnie wanted Chespin to come and enough for Clemont to have him on the Journey. Not only that,

Ash and Serena's Pokéball go off.



Both Pokémon were happy to see Chespin, mostly Fennekin. Not so much on Froakie as he, before, didn't consider anyone as his friend. To him, Chespin is the annoying friend he sees,

"CHESPIN?!" Chespin was shocked to see his long-time friends. Coming with no hesitation, he hugs them both in tears.

"Fro...?" Pure confusion overcomes our frog as he felt crushed by Chespin but looks over to Fennekin who's trying to brighten Chespin, who couldn't stop crying from overwhelming joy to have his only two friends by his side.

The trainers and professor leave this moment to the Pokémon as one is emotional, one is happy, and leaving one who's unclear with feelings. Chespin finally let's go and nods to Clemont to join his team, Clemont knees down and brings forth Chespin's pokéball to him. And the grass Pokémon touches the button causing the ball to absorb him.

Froakie, confused, receives pats from Pikachu.

"Don't worry, Froakie. You'll be okay," said Ash, Froakie's worries were off. He just doesn't seem to know what to feel now that Fennekin, before, happens to arrive earlier with Serena. And after, he realizes Chespin was the only Pokémon that hadn't left the lab yet.

"Froakie?" Froakie snaps out of his thinking. To see the trainer lifting his eyebrow with an almost concerned look. The male frog looks away from Ash, pretending like he didn't see anything. Ash took a nervous laugh, not sure how to respond to Froakie's response yet he leaves him be.

Hours passed, and Froakie was still the same. He's giving sturdy vibes as he punches a tree. So, he continues punching and kicking. Before releasing Water Pulse at it, exploding, leaving severe damage.

Fennekin peeks, confused. Before going back to the camp, she heard a quick stud. Froakie collapsed on the floor all of a sudden.

"Fen?" She rushes by Froakie's side, he knocked himself out. Thinking that he might've fainted, she taps his head, but nothing. She immediately rolled him over.  

 Small snoring came from him, which causes the female fox to be enraged, the fall made her feel angst. She wanted to use Flamethrower however she lets her beloved friend sleep. 

"Chespin? Ches—?" Chespin's eyes widened as he saw two of his sleep beside each other. Froakie and Fennekin. He didn't understand what true friendship meant; he sees it. Or maybe something more, leaving Chespin to think, overthink, and giving up.

Afterward, he also joined in. Froakie in the middle, Fennekin on the left, and Chespin on the right.


"Slyveon! Greninja! Clemont!" I yell out.  Oh, man... I know I was alone before but, THIS is too different. I have to find everyone, while I carry my pokéball. Through the vast trees, branches, and who knows what other Pokémon monsters are there! Thinking about it makes my head wanna go BOOM! Get yourself together, don't be dumb! What would Greninja do in this situation or Braixen? 

Minutes earlier...

With devastating heat coming to pass, they finally find themselves on the right track to Serena's Pokémon Showcase. Since they got lost in the Wastelands, even so, they helped Henny and Chesnaught along with Robot to restore the forest by finding water down below.

Back on track, a mysterious mist appears in front of them, then spreads all around.

"What's going on?" Ash exclaimed as the mist became too foggy. Everyone couldn't see each other. 

"Bonnie!" Clemont yelled.

"Ash!" Serena also yelled. 

 "Uh... I don't feel too well, Clemont..." Suddenly, she falls to the floor. The thud was heard by Serena.

"Bonnie...?" Her movements were becoming slippery, and her eyes faded as she finally collapsed.

Soon Clemont and Ash fell. Pikachu included. All of their Pokémon were confused yet wondering what was happening. Finally, it clears.

"Hey, what happened?" Talonflame questioned. 

"Not sure. Someone has to get out." Hawlucha suggested. It was clear that none of them were getting it unless they try. 

"I'll go—...OW!" Noitbat went for it and ended up hurt. But would be impossible for a Pokémon to hurt inside a Pokéball? 

"Noibat!" Hawlucha yelled out, only to hear whining from the bat. "Greninja, whatever you do. Somethings wrong!"

"I heard my friend get hurt! No, I'm not just gonna stand here and do nothing!" He was furious, as he takes steps on his way out. He was stopped.

Greninja, stop. Hear your friends out. They may have figured out the issue. Don't be reckless right now and filled with emotion.

My hands were too gripped, I want to help... but right now, they're right at the moment. I rest my hands and listen to both of them.

"Never mind. Sorry about that. I'm listening." He replies to Hawlucha.  

"Anyways. Look at the outside, just be careful." Hawlucha said to the frog, as he looks to see barriers around the ball and everyone's Pokéballs. However, where are their trainers? Well.

"Hahahaha!" An evil laugh(s) could be heard amongst them. It was too familiar to them that it was a memory to remember. 

"You were right about this plan of yours, James!" The cat said to his lavender-haired comrade.

"Hmph! You know this genius can do this sort of thing!" he exclaimed.

"Team Rocket..." said Greninja and Hawlucha. This grows blankly between them, and others are starting to hear them. 

"Give Pikachu back!" That voice was known before, as they see Ash, their trainer. Tied with his friends by a squared machine, forming a ring around them. And being the only one acting as the rest of them were unconscious.

"Sorry, Twerp. But we've got what we came for. And it's simply Pikachu!"  

"Pika..." Pikachu is still knocked out from earlier.

On the other side

"No! NO! We got caught?!" Chespin responds to his fellow friends. Bunnelby and Luxray. 

"I'm afraid so," Bunnelby said, telling the unbelievable truth to Chespin, who's having a panic attack at the current moment. 

"NO, NO!!! I can't believe this happened to us! Clemont, Bonnie!!!" Chespin runs to the outside, and even so, he ends up getting shocked. Nobody warned him, making him a fool of himself. "OW, OW!!!" Chespin grunts in pain feeling electricity all around. 

"Hm..." Luxray thinks to himself. Giving some ideas maybe that'll reflect the barrier. Considering he's the only electric-type Pokémon here. At least, he thinks.

"Uh, Braixen?" Pancham speaks out.

"Yes, I'm here." Responding. "Slyveon—"

"Mhm!" She quickly replies. Still cheery as ever, in a situation like this. 

"Grr!" Ash was furious, he wants to break his way out and save his Pokémon though he doesn't have the strength to do so. 

Hm. It seems now we're captured... I could save everyone if I want to risk myself getting caught with Team Flare again... unless.

Squishy looks over to its right to see Dedenne as well as unconscious. It goes over to him.

"Alright, I'll go through it." Finally, Luxray says. Confusing Bunnelby and Chespin.

"But won't you—" Chespin was interrupted.

"No, but it'll give me time for you guys to save us, our trainers, and Pikachu. You guys should tell everyone, who should come out as all of us aren't gonna fit in." Luxray states some facts. He is correct.

"Wait, what do we do with those Pokémon the twerps have?" Meowth speaks,

"We have no use for them, toss them away." Jesse insists, the Pokémon were flabbergasted. 

"It's now or never! GO!" Greninja yells, reaching across everyone.

Every Pokémon came out as they start to fall. All except two were injured.

"Huh?" Team Rocket hears every one of them get flung out and attack. While Ash was astonished, he was freed by none than...


"Thanks, Dedenne." Ash thanks the little electric type-Pokémon. Giving him the time to wake his friends.

"All of them due then!" Jesse angers as she throws her Pokéball, releasing Gourgeist. 

"Okay! Go now, Inkay!" James throws his own Pokémon, summoning Inkay.

Talonflame goes for the attack, charging with Flame Charge. While Luxray hits Inkay with Swift. The Pokémon settle themselves on the ground, likely what will be the next move.

"Pikachu is still stuck and trainers need some assistance." We'll have to go in at once. Greninja steadily prepares as he soars high, seeing Serena, Clement, and Bonnie finally awake. On the other hand, Dedenne is still battling against Wobbuffet and Meowth. Bringing good and bad news to Greninja's expectations. Still, Pikachu relies on his attacks to break free but can't.

"Ninja!" I attack Wobbuffet head-on. It weakly gets hit causing it to fall back and then bounce back from the other side of the balloon and get hit by Reflect. 

"Alright, you! Feel my Fury Swipes—! YWA!!!" Meowth almost strikes the little mouse until Greninja's body squishes Meowth against him, causing him to fall over and hold onto the ledge. For Meowth, he ended up on the ground. 

"Greninja!" Ash cried out. Running to his friend's rescue. Seeing the pain Greninja is bearing after their battle with Alain and Charizard. Serena is worried as she can't do anything but watch her Pokémon battle and witness Ash and Greninja struggle, including Clement and Bonnie, held by each other.

OW!  Augh... my body still aches from those Thunder Punches. Can't shake off the feeling. Okay, c'mon me. It isn't over yet.

"You okay bud'?" Ash requests and Greninja simply nods. Before Hawlucha swoops in and gets everyone out.

Heh, thanks Hawlucha... "Nin." I got up to my feet, tingling. Okay, let's take this to the ground! I dash and kick off the blue Pokémon. I throw a Water Shuriken to the fire above, lowering the balloon, and releasing the air out. 

The balloon lands down, and Jesse and James came confused. Only to be surprised by Dedenne's Nuzzle attack hits on them. Soon shows Gourgeist and Inkay were defeated then Wobbuffet. 

"Ninja!" Greninja used Cut, releasing Pikachu.


Pikachu jumps, caught in Ash's arms. "Ah! Pikachu!" Greninja shows a sign of relief. Before his friends come to his side.

"Feeling good?" The fox reminds the frog.

"Absolutely." Yet, he doesn't. Thinking he could have done more, doubting himself. As he looks at his short fox friend with a smile on his face to move his thoughts. She gave a quick smirk.

"What do we do about them?" Clemont responds, saying about the fallen Team Rocket. 

The group takes deep sighs, and they leave the members beside a tree.

"Should we take their balloon?" Ash suggested.

"What makes you say that?" Bonnie says.

"Oh! Um... maybe for transportation?" He thought of the idea for them. Not the best choice or conclusion for the last part of his sentence.

"That sounds great actually. Then maybe I can learn to fly one!" Clemont says with such high hopes believing to reach new heights. 

"Good luck to you brother," Bonnie shrugs it off, almost like his failed inventions. It didn't bother her too much so she's fine with it.

"You think this will be a good idea?" Serena asks Ash.

"Yeah. As long we know it works and get to your performance on time. I don't see why not!" This brings such a surprise to Serena to the boy as this is the same boy who has cheered and helped her along the way even when he doesn't remember their second introduction to each other. Nonetheless, she shares a sweet smile with him.

"Thank you very much, I couldn't be happier now that you said that for me. Ash." The affection brings a toll on Ash, brightening his face's cheeks and eyes open wide for a second. And a feeling around his chest loosened and started beating fast.

"N-no problem." Ash chuckled, looking off from Serena's direction. Curious about how and what just happened.

"Aw!" Braixen witnessed the moment before Ash looked away. "Mm!" She grips her hands together to herself of the cuteness between Ash and her trainer. While. Greninja couldn't tell.

"Greninja." |"I don't get it."|

"Braixen Brai!" |"Of course, you don't!"|

As Greninja is dense as he is. Braixen argued with romance and romantic moments like this. However, Greninja saw this only as a friend's moment. Braixen's heart was shot by an arrow, heart-stricken by those words, causing herself to almost collapse. Then, Greninja catches her even now they feel what Ash is feeling from earlier. Chespin comes out, not missing this kind of action. Bonnie comes along since she sees them pretty close too. Greninja and Braxien. Ash and Serena, what next?!

Spooky Month is here! A celebration on the 31st! And I wasn't at all expecting many readers to 1.4k. Once we reach 1.5k, should we do something? Like a Q&A? Too earlier? I could but I'll leave that choice up to you guys reading this as I have not experienced this before. So, for now, I will continue to the next chapter once this gets published. Until then, I'll see y'all in the next chapter!

(Edit: Okay, never mind about 1.5, since we reached it already lol. 2.0k will do for now.)
