"So how did the appointment go?" Mom asked slightly annoyed.

"It went well." I said pulling strawberry pop-tarts out of the cabinet.

"Well that's good." She said back.

"Oh. Don't act so butt hurt." I said rolling my eyes at her.

"Well you stole my keys so I couldn't follow you. Who does that?" She said mopping.

"Well there was no other way! I had to make sure you couldn't follow us and crash the appointment. I told you this was something we had to do alone. You are more than welcome to go to the next one. But I did bring you something." I said pulling one of the ultrasound images out of my purse.

"This is just like you taking my phone so I couldn't take those embarrassing tap dancing pictures." She said taking the picture and looking down at it. "It's a peanut."

"It's more than just a peanut!" I said with a chuckle, tilting my head to the side.

"Peanut." She said turning the image toward me. "That's what I shall call it."

"Great. But, cute." I responded.

"It is." She said smiling down at the image now.

"Your gonna be a grandma..." I said teasingly

"God no! I'm to young for that. Don't put that image in my head!" She said closing her eyes.

"Well you are!" I said full on laughing now.

"Now all I can picture is my mother! Eh!" she said trying to shake the image out of her head. "Thanks of that."

"Your welcome." I said still laughing.

"So where is Logan anyway." She asked after we stopped laughing.

"Back at the Inn. He's dealing with some work stuff and he wanted to give us some time. You know, since I stole your keys. He also gave me to give these to you." I said handing her a canister of chocolate covered coffee bean.

"Ah! I knew there was something to still like about that guy." She said opening the can.

We went and had a late lunch at Luke's and then walk over to the Dragonfly together. Mom wanted to check on how things were running at the Inn, especially since she had been so busy getting the annex ready for the opening. Michel was so happy when he heard that she was expanding and he didn't have to leave.

"Rory!" Michel said happily when we walked through the door.

"Hello Michel." I replied.

"How are you?" He asked.

"Doing alright. You?" I asked back.

"Good, good. Just getting ready to move over to the annex. There's going to be so much to do." he said and then the phone rang. "Oh excuse me...Dragonfly Inn, Michel speaking."

"He's happy." I said shocked.

"Yeah, he's been like that since I told him about the expansion. Still creepy." She said back.

"Hey ladies." Logan said walking up to us. "Good afternoon?"

"Yep." I said.

"Yes...Thank you for the beans Logan." Mom said happily.

"No problem Lorelai." He responded.

"Well I have some things to check on. Still trying to find a full-time chef." She said. "I see you two later."

"Did you finish what you were working on?" I asked.

"Yeah. The rest can wait until I get back to London. I'm trying to work it out so I can be here more. Possibly get a transfer back to the New York office." He said.

"Wow. That's a big move." I said surprised.

"Yeah. Well I want to be around more and the only way to do that is to get out of London." He continued.

"Well...what do we do now?" I asked

"I have a couple ideas." He said and took my hand.

"Oh?" I responded with a smile and followed him up the stairs.
