
"Mr. Huntzberger, we are ready to start." The coordinator that Emily hired informed me.

"Okay. Thank you." I replied.

I watching her make her around to the rest of the Groomsmen and Luke, no doubt telling them the same thing. Luke walked into the house disappearing and I excused myself from the conversation I was having and followed the guys to the back.

"Well mate. I guess this is it." Finn said setting his hand on my shoulder. "You ready?"

"More then I could put into words." I replied, mimicking his gesture. The music stopped for a brief moment and then an new song started queuing us to start moving.

The Minister went first, followed by Robert, Collin and then Finn. Then I made my way down the center isle, nodding to people as I went by. I looked at all the faces around me. Everyone who had been a part of our journey had shown up to help us celebrate this special day. I made it to the front and stood next to the Minister, with Finn on my other side.

I took a deep breath, and then the music changed again. This time it was much more feminine. Lorelai was the first to walk in and once she took her seat the rest of the ladies made their way down the isle. First came Honor and when she reached the other end of the isle she stopped and pulled me into a bone-crushing hug and said, "I love you baby brother". 

Then came Paris, and finally Lane, they each wore a light pink floor length dress with lace sleeves. Each woman held a small bouquet of roses in different colors of pink, orange, red, and yellow. They all looked so happy. When I looked back down the isle Rory's sister Gigi was making her way down with Sandra, who wore a pink tulle flower girl dress that poofed out all around her, and instead of baskets with rose petals they each had a flower pomander in the same colors as the bridesmaids. Gigi walked Sandra to the end of the isle and then Lorelai picked her up and Gigi went to stand by Lane.

The music stopped once more, and I could feel my heart racing in anticipation of my Ace walking through those double doors of the house. Silence fell over the group of people, and then the Minister motioned of everyone to stand. Then music started and the doors opened.



I stood I little ways back from the double doors that I would soon walk through to meet Logan. I stood there with Luke while the coordinator straightened out the back of my gown.

"How ya doing there?" Luke asked looking at me.

"I've been calm all day, but right now, in this moment, nervous." I said, looking back at him. "I kind of feel the same way I did the day of my coming out, you weren't there for that. But I have a huge knot in my gut, having to walk out there in front of all those people."

"Yeah, I get that. But these are all people that you know. You don't having anything to worry about." Luke said, reassuring me.

"Yeah, I know." I said smiling. "Just...just don't let me fall out there okay?"

"Okay." He said laughing. "Oh, by the way, you look great Rory."

"Thanks Luke." I said.

I could hear the bridal march start playing outside, I rested my hand in the crook of his elbow, lifted my bouquet and took a deep breath. Then we walked through the double doors.



My eyes lock with hers as she walked through the double doors. I couldn't believe how beautiful she looked in this moment. She was everything I had always wanted from the moment I saw her that first moment outside her dorm and Yale, everything I would always want. She was Rory, she was my Ace.

I felt Finn's hand pat my shoulder but nothing in this moment would break our contact. She was wearing a unembelished cream colored satin gown. It hugged most of her body and from the mid-thigh it flowed away from her into a trumpet shaped that continued around to the back to form a train the followed behind her. She didn't wear a viel instead she kept her hair down and wore two medium sized flowers on one side. And there were the single strand of pearls that I had Luke take to her that very morning. She was more beautiful then ever before and I couldn't believe she was mine.



I walked out of the house with Luke and didn't see anyone, except Logan. I could feel my legs trying to turn to jelly, due to the look he gave me. Thank god I had Luke to hold me up, and I tightened my grip on his arm. Just to ensure I wouldn't fall.

Logan looked beyond hansome as he stood there smiling ear to ear and I could see Finn place his hand on Logan's shoulder.

Logan was wear a three button tuxedo and bow-tie and I could see his watch that I had gotten him for Christmas. He looked great. All the boys did.

I finally reached him and the music faded as the Minister motioned from everyone to sit.

"Who gives this woman to this man?" He asked.

"Her mother, father, and I do." Luke replied.

The Minister smiled and nodded, then Luke gave me a light kiss on the cheek, and placed my hand in Logan's before take his seat next to Mom and Dad.

I looked at Logan and smiled, noticing his eyes were glassy. "Hi."

"Hey Ace." He said squeezing my hand. "Ready?"

"Yes." I replied and then we turned to the Minister.


"The couple has decided to write their own vows." He said. "Logan?"

"Rory Gilmore, my Ace. Its been a journey getting here. From when we met all those years ago outside your dorm, to jumping off that tower, to making through long distance and finally being together again. Then came the sad day that you said no to my first proposal and we spent that time apart, just for the world to being us back together. Now we have a beautiful little girl and we have finally made it here.

I have told you many times before, you amaze me everyday, everything you do. I still can't believe that I get to call you mine on a daily bases and I fall in love with you all over again every day.

So today, as we stand here in front of our friends and family, I make this promise to you. I promise to love you every day and every minute. I can't promise that I won't mess up but I will try my best to be the man that you, and our family deserve. I love you Ace." He said, holding both my hands in his.

I had to wipe the tears from my eyes that had formed while he was speaking. "Wow. How do I top that." I said with a laugh, and I could here the group laugh along with me.

"Okay." I finally said. "Logan, when I met you, I thought you were just some spoiled rich kid, who had everything handed to him on a silver platter. But as I got to know you, I got to see what was below that first layer. I got to see and know a Logan that cared deeply for his friends and family. I got to see you differently than most people, and I want to thank you for letting me be the one you shared that with. We have had our ups and downs, as everybody does.

I've read somewhere. That a persons third love is the one that looks all wrong from them at first, but is the one that turns out to be completely right, and Logan that explains when we have perfectly. I love you more than I can put into words and I promise to keep loving you everyday of our lives together." I said dreciting my vows to him.

We exchanged rings and then waited.

"Now, it is my honor to pronounce for the first time ever Mr. And Mrs. Huntzberger! Logan you may finally kiss your bride." the Minister announced.

Logan didn't wait one second more. He pulled me into his arms and brought my face to his, smashing his lips to mine. When he pulled away it was just enough to rest his forehead against mine.

"I love you Ace." He said smiling.

"I love you to Logan." I said smiling back.
