
Connor made his way up to Troye's bedroom, and it was ever-familiar now. He'd lived in his own house for all his life - 16 years - and yet oddly, he felt more at home with the Australian he'd only known for a matter of months.

He was grateful to the Mellets for their lack of words as he walked upstairs. It was almost as if they just knew that he didn't want to talk - and Troye understood that too, not that it was a surprise to Connor. Troye always knew what to say and what to do - he always knew how to make Connor feel safe and happy and at times the other boy couldn't understand it; couldn't understand how someone could read him so easily and know him so well... but he appreciated it anyway.

Connor immediately flopped down on the bed, and he still felt nothing. Usually he'd be happy to be round Troye's. Usually he'd be cheerily chatting away and obviously neither of the boys were expecting that today, given the situation, but Connor kinda expected Troye's presence to make him feel something, and yet he still felt nothing. Emptiness consumed his every cell, and as he lay there, looking up to the ceiling, he just felt numb and weak.

"Do you want to, like, watch a film or go for a walk or something?" Troye suggested calmly.
"I-I don't know," the American replied honestly. Then, after a pause, he spoke again, "maybe a film?"
"Okay," Troye smiled gently, grabbing his laptop and carefully positioning himself next to Connor on the bed.

They were lined up against each other, and even the skin on skin contact that would usually fill Connor's stomach with butterflies and his cheeks with red wasn't enough to make Connor feel anything.
As the film blared in the background, his head began to fill with thoughts...and not nice ones either.
Thoughts like the fact that his own father hated him. The fact that the relationship Connor had worked so hard to build up in the last 16 years was over... and the fact that he was technically homeless.
And that was when the boy started to feel, and it suddenly he was overcome with emotion. Anger and sorrow and fear flowed throughout him and whilst he tried to surpress it, Connor felt a tear run down his cheek - and he knew that Troye sensed it.

Slowly, Troye removed the laptop from its previous position on their legs. He put it on the floor, and then turned to the boy next to him.
"Con," he whispered, sitting himself straight in front of the other boy. Carefully, he lifted his finger to Connor's face, and with one delicate sweep he wiped away the tear.
Connor's eyes locked with the Australian's, and in that moment, that was when he knew he was in love.

As the two boys sat only centimetres away from each other, they could feel the atmosphere around them. Pure and raw and real.

"It's pretty late; Con. Do you want to try and get some sleep?" Troye said, slowly getting up off the bed after their eyes had connected for what felt like hours.
"Yeah, sure" Connor answered feebly, though he had a feeling he'd be tossing and turning all night.
"Okay. You stay there, I'll try and find the blow up bed" the other boy responded, as he began to leave the room.
As he was nearly out the door, Connor spoke up, his voice quivering but persuasive.
"Wait," he called out, "You don't have to...I don't want to be a hassle to you,"
And whilst that was partly true, it definitely wasn't the entire truth.
"You sure?" Troye questioned, and Connor figured he must've just imagined the eagerness in his voice.
"Yeah," Connor smiled weakly, though it was a smile all the same.
"Did you bring anything to sleep in?" Troye asked as he made his way over to the bed.
Connor scrambled through his bag and wasn't exactly surprised at the lack of clothing, given that at the time it wasn't exactly his first priority.
"Uh, sorry, no. Can I borrow something?" he answered, without thinking.
And as the pair of sweats hit him, it dawned upon him that he was going to be wearing Troye's clothes. With Troye's scent. In Troye's bed.
And whilst Connor had just experienced the most awful night, it had somehow got just a little bit better.
a/n hello yes it's me. long time no see. (as per usual!) sorry it's been a while but school is SO stressful this year. i'm finally on a break and i could not be happier!!! have a wonderful day :)
