Part 1

It was an ordinary day in Trollstopia.... What am I saying... what ordinary day? It was already Holiday tomorrow! The entire Troll village was getting ready to spend this wonderful time with their friends and families. The village was in total chaos. In a positive sense, of course.

Rock Trolls decorated a Christmas tree made of electric guitars, Country Trolls knitted mittens for others and Putt Putt Trolls, looked around wondering what they could help with. For the Trolls, who had been isolated from the Trollmmunity for practically all their lives, it was hard to get used to the new customs, so they simply decided that they would just help the other Trolls with their preparations.

Everyone was very happy and full of smiles, even the Country and Rock Trolls, which was strange for them themselves.

Poppy strolled among all the Trolls and soaked up all the joy that was in the air. She looked into different tribes always offering them her help, but surprisingly no one needed her help, which saddened her on the one hand and made her happy on the other, because now she could reach her destination faster. Branch. Yes, Poppy was walking right to him. Surprised? I don't think so. They had been spending a lot more time together since Branch finally opened up to her in earnest.

Strolling through the beautifully lit village by the Techno and Funk Trolls, Poppy heard behind her a walking bomb of excitement heading in her direction at a very, very, VERY high speed. Before Poppy had time to turn even an inch, someone did so behind her and firmly embraced her locking her arms and lifting her up slightly. Poppy only noticed the yellow hair.... Yellow hair? Yellow hair!

"VIVA!" She sneered, also excited by the presence of her sister.

Viva had Christmas tree ornaments in her hair and on her cape, red earmuffs on her ears that barely fit over her head because of her bouffant hairstyle, and of course red Christmas warmers on her feet.

"WOW! I can see someone here has gotten into the Christmas mood" said Poppy right after Viva finally let her go and she could finally get some air in her lungs.

"You got me" Viva winked at Poppy with one eye "I feel fantastamazing! This will be the first Christmas with you in a very long time! I can't wait for you to see what she has prepared for us" she finished, grinning her teeth at her sister.

"Yes, I too can't wait to show you what I have for you today" she clenched her teeth on her lower lip.

"Today? No, no, no, no, no. What today? Poppy, dear little sis.... You got your days mixed up. Tomorrow we celebrate Christmas. Just you, me and dad" she giggled "Don't worry, you probably have a lot on your mind, you might have gotten confused after all you" she quickly added.

Poppy no longer looked as happy as she had moments before. She tried to explain to her:"But Viva, I can't tomorrow because-" she didn't manage to finish. Viva did not hear her.

"Oh look over there! I better see what's going on over there!" And she quickly ran in a completely different direction, to a group of Putt Putt Trolls decorating a Rock tree with baubles made from different colored mini golf balls. From a gust of wind caused by Viva, while running to the other Trolls, Poppy spun around her own axis, causing her to turn in the direction she was heading before her sister stopped her, and in which an excited Viva ran.

The Queen of Pop Trolls was still trying to say something to her "...But tomorrow I was supposed to spend time with Branch..." she said quietly to herself. She didn't know what to do. She simply stood among the Trolls, who didn't even notice that she was standing there.

Oh boi, it's going to be a really, tough Holiday.
