Quiddich World Cup!

I was so embarrassed. I had never been like this. How could I have just ..?

Gosh, I really messed up!

"Cedric!" I said as he was making his way back to his own tent.


"Look, I'm sorry okay, I just didn't like the way he spoke to Harry," I mumbled, not facing him.

"Look, I know he was wrong and I would have probably said the same thing to him," He said.

"Then why didn't you talk to me?" I was confused now.

"Because he isn't a bad guy and you practically embarrassed him in front of every body plus I was supposed to introduce you to him and now-" I cut him off.

"He probably thinks I'm a rude person!" I muttered.

"I was going with a raving lunatic but that works too," he smirked.

"Hey!" I shoved him in the stomach.

"What was with the kneeling down thing?" He laughed.

"Stop!" I said, covering my cherry red face with my hands!

"You're so mean!" I grumbled.

"But you like it," he said, showing me an attractive grin.

"Pfft, no!" I rolled my eyes. I actually hated mean people but I couldn't hate Cedric sooooo.

"See you later," he gave me a quick kiss.

"Bye," my voice was quite breathless.


"YOU WILL NOT BE GAMBLING!" I yelled at Fred and George.

"Shut up, it's none of your business, it's our money! We can do whatever we want with it," I had forgotten that they shared my horrible temper.

"Whatever you say, Gamblers!" I rolled my eyes.

"Shut it!"

"Don't tell me to shut it!"

"What are you going to do about it?" They asked in unison.

"Tell Mom?" George teased.

"Break it up, it's time for the shopping part!" Ron grumbled.

"SHUT UP RON!" We all said in unison.

"What's got your knickers in a twist?" He asked.

"Ron, I command you to leave," Fred threatened.

"Wait for me! I don't want to stay with these raving lunatics!" I spat.

"Geez, calm down Silena!" Ron patted my shoulder awkwardly.

"Thanks Ronnie!" I smiled as we left. Really I was bipolar!!

"For what?" He asked with a stupid face.

I laughed.

"For being you!" I hugged him.

"Get off," he muttered as he saw Harry and Hermione who both didn't have any siblings so I decided to grace them with my presence instead.

"We need to get some things for the match!" Hermione squealed.

I gave her five galleons.

"Get me something cool, I can't risk running into someone," I shrugged, still embarrassed from the whole episode. I knew the rest of my friends weren't going to come so I went with Dad to set up matches.

It actually turned out to be fun! We sucked so much at Muggle stuff that it got funny in the end. We were both giggling hysterically, I would beg him to just use magic. But he would giggle and refuse.

Well, then Hermione stopped our fun and off we went to the match finally after Hermione decided to delay us by being helpful in her way for the matches.

We were right in the top box and thankfully the Diggorys weren't so yay! I could embarrass myself freely.

I met the Minister of Magic, well, it was a bit awkward.

Percy was being a prat so my not so favourite brothers who were acting like twins told him to shut up, they said "Weatherby". Huh?

I gave them a look.

"Mr Crouch doesn't know Percy's name but I'm still rooting for you both! Think about it, Silena! Percy and Barty!!"

I laughed so hard, everyone in the box looked at me.

"Let's think of a name! Hey, I know!!! 'Party' or 'Bercy'," I was laughing so much.

"PARTY" Fred and George squealed.

I laughed so hard, I nearly fell off my seat. Well, at least two positive things came out of that!! The boys and I were not fighting any more and Percy was totally humiliated!

Except some parts had to ruin my fun!

"Of course, only the Weasley's can be capable of this rowdiness, that too in front of not only one but two Ministers for Magic," Malfoy senior sneered.

I looked at the two ministers both of whom were fawning over Harry.

"Well, you forgot three snakes," I sneered back. It wasn't very savage but hey, all I could think about at that time.

Their lips curled.

Thankfully, the Minister FINALLY noticed them so that put an end to that conversation.

Well, then the match began. Ludo Bagman was the commentator. I still prefer Lee.

The match was good. The Irish Chasers were superb. I was trying to learn a few techniques here and there. Krum was amazing though.

So, it turns out for once Fred and George were right and so, their betting was actually well, smart enough.

All of us were cheering for the Irish as they won. Krum was decent though.

Ron started fawning over Viktor Krum as we were making our way back.

"Ron, I think you're in looooooove," I sang.

"Oh Viktor!!" Fred and George sang as we were back in our tent.

"Look at my brothers, one over Bartyyyyy and the over Vickyyyyyy," I laughed.

Suddenly there was a huge blast and then several shouts.

"Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on," Fred snickered and that was the last cheerful thing I heard that night.

Hello trouble!!!
