
The Puma, the leopards, the Orly, and the tigers had a clear task, to get the blood of Simb and Kion, they didn't know how to do it, but they knew that if they sent spies there, they would give them a sign that they were alone.

By the tree

"Nice to see you Queen Rani," Simba said

"Also, King Simbo, can we try without titles?  Rani asked

"Sure, Rani," Simba replied

"Oh hello Rani," Nala said

"Hi Nala," Rani said

"What happened to you here?  Simba asked

"Well, Claw killed me, then I saw Janna in my head and then I ran after Rani but I saw her with Claw so I ran away and then at the island I heard a scream as Rani called my name, so I saved Rani from the Komodo dragons and then  we have once again ruled the tree of life, ”Kion explained

"Oh Kion, I still can't believe-" Nala said

"I forgot to tell you one wrong piece of information, Claw is Zira's brother." After this sentence, Simba and Nala stopped, and then Simba stuttered.

"Are you-Are you sure?  ”

"Yes, when Claw threw me off a cliff, he whispered it in my ear."

"Oh no," Nala sighed

"We need to talk to Kion," Simba said

"All right, Dad," Kion agreed

The father and son followed each other slowly until they came to a flower meadow, it was already sunset

"So Kion, what are your first feelings of rule?"  Simba asked

"Except I died and lost to the kingdom," Kion said, and Simba laughed

"Not really now.  I feel great with Rani by my side but I feel like they always take her as an exchange for the kingdom, etc. I'm afraid I might lose her "confided Kion

"Oh yes, the ones we love will never leave us, but if you're so worried about her, try spending more time with her, you're almost still young, I think she'd like to play," Simba laughed.

"I'll try well-" about 20 leopards, 5 tigers and 8 eagles, came up with them at once, and against this superiority they didn't have a chance to yell at Kion, and both of them were already in pain on the ground, full of blood.

By the tree

"You hear it, we should go check on them," Rani said, and she roared, and everyone followed her, and when they were at the scene they saw Kion and Simba surrounded by tigers and leopards and eagles.

"If anyone else takes a step, the two kings will be even worse," he said, and the leopards stepped back to see the two bleeding bodies.

"Kion!"  Rani shouted

"Simba," Nala shouted

"Enough, we're leaving, if you attack, we'll both remove them," Ashoka ordered, and they left

"We have to come up with a plan that will definitely work out otherwise we'd better not even go there," Rani said

"Yes, but we should rest, there will be no patrol today.  We'll come up with a plan tomorrow, "Surak suggested

"Come on, Nala, do you want to sleep with me in a tree?  Rani asked

"Oh yes, I'm glad," Nala replied

"All right, Surak, Baliyo, and Nirmala, good night," Rani said

"Thanks Rani, you too," Surak replied

And Nala and Rani went to the tree then Nala started a debate

"Have you and Kion planned the cubs yet?"  Nala asked

"Well, we agreed that we were still too young.  When did you have them? ”  Rani asked

"When we revived the circle of life in Pride lands, and that was when we were both officially adults," Nala replied.

"Oh, we have plenty of time," Rani laughed

"What is my son like here?  Are you doing well? ”  Nala asked in a serious tone

"Oh he's fantastic, he's doing very well.  Usually when day pride is on patrol, nothing major happens, and he's also a loving king, "Rani replied as they reached the tree of life.

"I am glad to hear it.  Good night, "Nala wished her

"Good night Nala" and they both fell asleep without their kind

V pride lands

(I made it to him there earlier)

The Claw walked around pride rock and looked at his dream home.  If Zira controlled him, he would live here.  But they also tried it with Scar's army over time.

"Who are you?" The lioness growled at him, with five lionesses behind her

"I'm a friend of Kion's tree of life and tells you he's risen from the dead," Claw replied

"Which is impossible." said Vitani

"Yes, and I have to go," he said, walking back to the tree while the Lion Guard ran to pride rock.  When they ran away he went to Rafiki's baobab and took his staff there and left when he met an old mandrill and he said

"You are Ziri's brother"

"Yes I am, and now let me go Scar's return is approaching!  Claw shouted and ran away, Rafiki staring at him and then running fast on the pride rock

"Your Majesty!  He shouted

"Yes Rafiki," Kovu replied

"I just saw your mother's brother.  He picked up my cane and ran with it to the tree of life where they would want to resurrect Scara, "Rafiki explained.

"No, Zazu!"  shouted Kov

"Yes, Your Majesty," Zazu said

"Please fly to the tree of life and warn Simba about my uncle," he asked Kov.

"Yes, Your Majesty," and flew away

"Do you think they can handle it?  Kiara asked

"I don't know I don't know," muttered Kovu

"Your Majesty," Zuri came

"Yes?  Kiara replied

"We received information from the Lion Guard that the Kion had risen from the deaths," Zuri called

“Well, that's fantastic!  Kiara rejoiced

"But now he will be threatened twice as worse as before"

"You better not even tell me metal.  It will survive "

"Okay," and Kovu pressed her

In Claw's clan                                           „So we have both of them, how do we get the blood we keep from them?" Ahsoka said

"Let's wait for Claw to come," Makucha replied

"Yes, it's a good idea," and everyone went to bed except for two leopards on patrol

By the tree

"The way we do it, we have to do it faster than Claw comes, he would kill them," Rani explained

"Your Majesty!  Zazu shouts

"Yes," Nala and Rani answered at the same time

"If Zira's brother comes here and is in control of Kion and Simba, then Scar's return is probable, Zazu explained. Everyone's knees shook as he spoke the name.

„S-c-a-r?  Nala asked

"Yes," Zazu replied

"We must get Kion and Simba back quickly!  Rani ordered

"With strench and respect," she exclaimed

"Night pride Protect" was answered by everyone, running towards the camp

will Kion and Simbu get back? you will learn this in the next chapter
