
"Hi Rani," Claw smiled
"Uhh hello Claw, what are you doing here?" Rani asked. Claw approached her and said
"I came for what once belonged to me" and hugged her.
Anger and hatred were visible on Kion, but he held his tongue.
"Uhh I'm sorry Claw, but I'm already engaged," Rani smiled, but took him as a friend.
"Rani, can we talk?" Kion asked
"Sure, Kion," Rani replied
When they went to the mountain where they slept together, but they did not know that Claw had leopard spies there.
"So how do you plan for your future?" Kion asked
"uhh..." Rani thought
"If you choose Claw, so I don't mind, it's important for me. When you to be happy " said Kion gentlemanly.
"That's nice of you, Kion," she kissed him
"I'll give you time, my dear, as much as you want, for reflection, that kiss was ehh." Pretty nice”Kion blackened
"Yes, she was supposed to be pretty too," Rani laughed. "Give me 3 or 4 days, but I want to tell you something, you're winning," Rani chuckled.
"Shall we go?" Rani said
Kion pinned her and laughed.
"Not yet," he said as they began to play, Rani pinned him and then licked him.
"I love you," Kion said with a smile
"I love you too" and she gave him a kiss
"We can go now," Kion said with a smile.
"Go, I'll catch you right now," Rani told him.
"Okay, Rani," and left at a slow pace. There were still leopards behind them, they wanted to go when Rani said
Mom, Dad
"We're here, Rani."
"My friend from mi youth, and then there's Kion. I don't know who to choose, Kion has
roar of the elders and I love him very much. My friend is older and has more experience, I also like him very much, but not like Kion, but I think he would protect the tree better than Kion. I don't know if I should choose the best for the tree or for myself "
"And what would you like, Rani?"
"What would I like?"
"Yes, the decision is up to you, you have to choose the right path for yourself"
"Thank you Mom, Dad," they nodded and disappeared. On purpose she didn't tell them Claw's name because they died the day after, so she didn't want to remind them
"Grandma Janno"
"Yes, Rani?"
"Grandma, you know both of they, I don't know if I should make a good choice for the tree of life or for myself."
"Ah Rani my dear, it is a very difficult choice, they would both be very good kings, although Kion probably is wining a for your love, so when I first saw you and Kion, something told me that I had seen a future king and queen. I would personally choose what is best for you "
"Thank you grandma"
Rani ran back to Kion, but still had no final decision. The leopards watching them signaled to Claw that they had found something. And then came Makucha
"Thanks you  for guarding my pack until I came for reinforcements," he thanked him as three tigers followed.
"Are you bringing reinforcements , Makucha?" Claw asked
"Yes, I negotiated with them that if we get a tree of life, they will want to eat at any time, so that they can come and kill what they like," Makucha explained the outcome of the negotiations.
"That's a good offer, I'll take it and what about the eagles?"
"They will also join us and have one condition that if we take over the government, there will be such a council that will approve the decision," growled the lion.
"Unfortunately, we need the Air Force, so we accept their offer," he was satisfied with the results of the negotiations
"Queen Rani spoke to several lions in the clouds about the choice between you and the king. And she said that you would be better off protecting the tree of life, but but that he loves his king "he said everything he knew.
"So the plan is very clear, I will try to talk to her about what she would rather do, she would live like in paradise and her friends would all be dead just like the tree of life, or she would live the life she has lived so normalli and your friends are
in life. If she chooses Kion instead of me. As soon as she does, Kion will go somewhere with her, this will be our chance. The eagles will watch from heaven to see if they split up, if so, I'll come to him and talk about Rani, then take him to the place where he training the roar, as Makucho called himself, and then ask him to show me some of his roar as soon as doing so will make him a little exhausted and then you will attack. If he calls for help, I'll fight with him against you, but we won't hurt each other, you'll rush most of Kion, then kill him and I'll steal his body and run for Rani. I'll show her his dead body. Then one day I will give you a sign, you will kill the night watch and then we will surround Rani, and force her to make me a king who will have a bigger word than the queen, you will capture her brother, and if she doesn't make me king  you kill him. He will have to agree "
"It's a really brilliant plan. So it will start when the queen declares who she chooses, "said Makucha
"Exactly," Claw agreed
He walked back to the tree
It was getting dark when Kion went back to the lair, where he saw Rani lying there
"You're thinking, aren't you?"
Yes Kion
"And about what"
"About that choice between you and Claw"
"Then let it go for a moment"
And they began to cuddle
In the morning, Kion wanted to get up, but Rani wrapped her arms around his waist so he lay down not to wake her. Fortunately, when someone came in, it was Makini to wake them up
"Kion, will you wake Rani?"
"Sure Makini"
Kion kissed her and stroked her.
"Kion" river sleepily Rani
"Yes honey?"
"What are your plans for today?" Rani asked
"Today we just have to help clear the road in the jungle, then I'll make time just for you"
"Oh thank you, Kione, while you make your way, I'll come up with something for us."
"Thank you Rani," Kion thanked her and gave her a kiss
When he left, Rani decided to talk to Nirmala as well. When Claw suddenly emerged from the bushes
"Hi Rani," he greeted her
"Oh hello Claw"
"Can I ask you something?"
"Yes I listen"
"What would you rather do? You lived like in paradise, but all your friends, including the tree of life, would doesn´t be , or you would live a normal life.“
Claw tossed it smartly.
"No…. Probably the second option, why? ”Rani asked
"That's exactly the situation you're in now, so hello" as he ran somewhere back to his bushes
"What? But he was actually right, I have to talk to Kion immediately, "she told herself
She sprinted across the country into the jungle when she ran there and saw Kion and the day patrol.
"Kione, I need to talk to you right now," Rani said breathlessly
"Sure, Rani, can you handle the day pride?" Kion asked
"Sure, Kione, we can handle everything," Banga assured him
"Good thanks Bunga," he said, hurrying after Rani.
Kion said how nervous he was and knew he wouldn't tell him the good news
"Kion, I don't like doing it very much, but you have 2 days to step up in some way. I don't know, I hate to do it, but Claw told me, "What would you rather do? but Claw is also bigger because he's older "
"I totally understand Rani, yes I'll try somehow."
"I wish you could handle it, love," Rani sighed
"Don't worry, Rani, I'll come up with something," Kion said, though he didn't really believe it.
He thought for himself at first. How to gain strength, strengthen, train? I don't know I don't know. I'm going to talk to my grandfather or I won't.
"Grandfather Mufaso"
"I'm here, Kion."
"Grandpa Queen Rani has to choose between me and a much older and more powerful lion. In the end she decided to give me 2 days to get stronger "
"Yes, Kion, how do you fight what could be improved?"
"ROAR!" Kion shouted triumphantly
"Thank you, Grandpa." Mufasa nodded and disappeared
Kion ran to the Chit cliff and called when he got there
Yes Kion
"Ascari, I know I'm probably not ready yet, but I desperately need to learn the best roaring weapon, my position as king depends on it."
"Um, I don't know if he can be ready, you're not ready, but maybe they can do the first lesson best of all. That is why we will try it "as wisely Ascari
"Thank you Acsary thank you very much"
"Well, Kion, the most destructive weapon of the roar is fire, a fire he ever uses in the wrong place is no longer a lifeline."
"Okay, Ascari, how do it ?"
"You have to think of something that makes you angry, but you have to be calm and focused at the same time."
"Then it will be difficult"
"Yes, Kion is not easy at all, try the stone over there"
Kion stood up roaring and roared, but the stone just rose, as he had once done with the lion's rock.
"Never mind Kion wants patience" Kion nodded
He trained until the evening, when he decided on Scara and probably arranged for the last time, what Ascari said happened, the fire was really terribly big and strong.
Meanwhile, by the tree, Rani was walking by the tree here and there when she suddenly saw any smoke from the Chit cliff.
She only realized what was happening when she heard Kion's signal of help (it was another lion yawning, but Kion was terribly loud due to the roar. She immediately ran to the Chit cliff where she saw Kion lying in flames. the way to the place where Kion lay was such a mountain of stones that exceeded the flames Rani scrambled with all her might and then stopped but then there will be no way back But I will not wash my king alone.
"Rani," he whispered
"Yes, Kion, I'm here."
"What you're doing here is suicide, I caused my own  but I don't want me to cause your death " he said, standing up with all his might.
"I love you, you have a lot ahead of you as I hope
that I'll see you as at the latest-"
"No, I won't leave you here, Kion," Rani sobbed
"But you have to" Kion smiled for the last time. He roared with all his might and the fire did not reach this place. Then he fell to the ground. Then he whispered
"Good luck Rani," and he closed his lids.
"NO that's not true," Rani sobbed, trying to at least get Kion's body out, walking just between the flames and roaring, hoping someone had accepted their help. When she saw Angu in it
"ANGO, take him to the tree as soon as possible." Anga used it and grabbed it so that it was the largest to the tree.
Rani also ran quickly along the way, sobbing, meeting day and night prites
"Kion is in danger fast behind me" everyone followed her as fast as she could. Fuli ran beside Rani
"Rani, what's going on?"
"Kion is possible - I don't want to say it and she sobbed again
"Ah sorry"
They kept running until they reached a tree. They ran inside where Anga and Maikini were already, Kion lying motionless on the stone.

"She's breathing?" Rani asked
Makini shook her head sadly.
"Oh Kion, no," she cried completely
She came to you and wiped his head on hers

I hope you like my book, I will continue to publish about 3 chapters a week
