Adara opened the carriage window, the smell of the sea immediately entering their carriage. Hong climbed over her, sitting on her shoulder to sniff the air better. "It smells salty!" Hong exclaimed, sniffing again. "Is this the sea?"

Adara picked him up from her shoulder, holding him up to the window to smell it better. "Yes, it is. Do you see those islands in the distance? If you look a lot to the right, then you can see more. Those are the Hais Islands; that one right there is probably Hais Island 5; it's the biggest one and closest to the Western Continent."

Hong nodded enthusiastically at her words. He tried to squint to see the Islands better, but he could barely see them. A few other islands were closer, but they were too small.

The Black Dragon handed Cale a small, round item from next to her. She recognised it. It was the condensed mana from the bomb.

The Black Dragon pointed to the small ball. "We can make a new magic bomb now."

Cale nodded, in a much better mood now. "Good work."

Adara was about to ask a question, but On climbed up onto her lap, her front paws on the window sill. "Oh! Look at that sharp cliff!"

Adara followed her gaze, recognising the cliff as the 'Cliff of Winds', the most beautiful sight in the Ubarr Territory. She had been there before. She had stood there with Amiru before, gazing at the beautiful sight of the chaotic whirlpools. She had imagined for a second that she stood there with her Unnie and not with Amiru.

But that was rude.

There were more islands near the Ubarr coast, but most of them were uninhabitable. Between the islands and the cliff were multiple whirlpools. She had gone to one of the smaller islands with Amiru to have a picnic. She hated herself on that trip because all she could see was her Unnie when Amiru smiled at her.

Unnie always liked the sea. She would tell Adara about it all the time. Unnie especially liked the salty breeze. She always tried to get Adara in the gardens so that she could have at least some fresh air instead of the stuffy smell of the library.

Adara stopped thinking about Unnie. It would do no good, especially in this place where Unnie would have loved it and where there was another person she called Unnie. There was no point in thinking about her. Unnie was gone. Unnie left her.

Not willingly, Adara thought.


She looked at Cale. His voice had broken her out of her thoughts. "Yes?"

He stared at her with concern. He waved it off. "Nothing, don't mind me."

Adara had been glaring a terrifying glare at the sharp cliff that was the Cliff of Winds, and he had gotten worried. But he shouldn't have. Because whatever it was, she didn't want to talk about it. Especially not with the children there.

Adara turned her attention back to the small, scattered islands. The Mage Slayer will get shipwrecked by those whirlpools, she remembered, staring at the whirlpools and trying to calculate which island he would end up on. She gave up fairly quickly, as it was too unpredictable. And then he will end up finding the Sound of the Wind.

The Mage Slayer was apparently known for being an intelligent barbarian. She never heard about him until Cale recounted what he read in Birth of a Hero. But she was not very caught up on stuff that hadn't happened thousands of years ago.

This Intelligent Barbarian was strong, even stronger than Lock— a Blue Wolf Tribe Member and the Future Wolf King. He was apparently the strongest individual in the Western Continent. In terms of physical strength, of course.

His name was Toonka, though he was also known as Toonka the Tyrant.

Cale did not particularly want to bump into him, which is why they were going to the Ubarr Territory at their earliest convenience. Adara only hoped everything would go according to plan, unlike in the Capital, where—

She stopped her thoughts. Where nothing happened. Nothing happened in the Capital. Everything went according to plan.

Cale leaned over her, suddenly worried, pointed at something on the horizon. "Do you see that?"

She squinted, trying to understand what he was saying. "Yes, isn't that—?"

"A whale?" he ended her sentence.

"A few whales," she corrected, squinting. "I see a whole pod of them. They're travelling north."

"That's normal, right?" Cale asked, his voice wavering. "It's just a group of whales passing by. A lot of whales head north, right?"

The Black Dragon decided to speak up. "I feel a strong presence," he revealed.

Cale cursed under his breath.

Adara was still staring at the pod of whales. "It's normal that they're going to the north," she mused, "because the Whale Tribe's Territory is the Northern Sea. But, technically, they're coming from the south, which would be the Southern Sea. Where the Mermaid's Territory is."

The mermaids and whales had a long history of wars and battles, though they have had a peace agreement for a long time. To her knowledge, they haven't fought since they both agreed to the peace agreement and territory borders.

"They're not necessarily coming from the Southern Sea," Cale said, more to himself than to her. "They could just be going north."

Adara frowned, continuing to stare at the whales. "That's the thing. They're probably coming from the Southern Sea. The border between the two seas is around the South of the Raon Kingdom, right where Marquis Sand Ailan's Territory is. Which is along this coast. They would have to be very close to the Southern Sea if they were coming from that direction."

Cale followed her gaze. "We know they end up having a war, don't we? Maybe this is the start of it."

Her eyes stayed on the pod of whales. But the war starts in the later months of the 782nd year of the Felix Calendar. We're at the beginning of the 781st. Were they fighting privately for two years before they finally decided to make it war officially?

But she had no more time to think about it as they arrived at the small village very close to the Cliff of Winds. There was someone waiting for her— them, and she was waiting just outside.

The small village by the seaside was in the Ubarr Territory. It was a peaceful village, and although visitors could always stay over or rent a house, it was always very barren with foreigners. But not this time. This time, there were quite a few visitors.

Cale got off first, holding his hand up so that Adara could get off as well. Together, they walked to Young Lady Amiru Ubarr, who was waiting for them to arrive. She smiled when she saw them, though she tried to hide how her eyes narrowed when Adara took Cale's hand.

Cale put his other hand out first. "Long time no see, Young Lady Amiru."

Amiru smiled calmly at him. "Hello, Young Master Cale."

Adara took her hand into both of hers, holding them. Her hands were warm. "Ah, Unnie, I'm so sorry I had to delay our trip. A distant family member I wasn't aware of was in the Capital at the same time as me. He unfortunately died, and I was required to attend his funeral." She smiled sweetly, quite aware of how Amiru was looking at her more than listening to her.

Amiru waved off her concerns with her one free hand. "Ah, don't worry, Adara, I perfectly understand. I am only glad you could arrive in the first place. It must have been sad to lose a family member, my condolences."

Adara let go of Amiru's hands. "Yes. Thank you." She put the smile back on her face. "This is where the Naval Base will be constructed?"

Amiru seemed not to have enjoyed the specific change in subject to something work-related. "We haven't settled on the exact location yet, but it will need to be close to the Village for supplies. We're thinking around there, " Amiru said, pointing a bit further down the coast.

Adara followed her finger. It wasn't a bad placement... "But that's south of the Village. Wouldn't it be handier for it to be north of the Village?"

Amiru looked at her, frowning.

Adara waved her hands. "I'm sorry for starting a conversation about work. We are only meant to be observing. And we are also supposed to be enjoying the scenery for our recovery."

Amiru nodded. "Yes, your recovery. I—."

Adara was distracted when she heard someone in a Knights' armour rush towards them. She saw the Knight before Amiru did, but he had no eyes for them as he walked to Amiru and whispered his report.

"My Lady, the person we rescued has regained consciousness."

He did not do a very good job at whispering, as both Cale and Adara heard him. They shared a glance at the word 'rescue'. Who would they have needed to rescue?

Amiru reacted very calmly. "Oh, is that so?"

Cale started to frown, though Adara could not believe there was a possibility it was the Tyrant. It would be too much of a coincidence. And coincidences did not exist.

Amiru noticed Cale's expression and explained with a small smile. "We were inspecting the shoreline and nearby islands for the new Naval Base when we rescued a shipwrecked person. It seems that he has regained consciousness."

Cale looked at Adara with an even more pressing stare. Adara gave him a side glance.

"We were debating what to do when we saw him unconscious and being dragged into the whirlpool," Amiru continued, "but I remembered what you two did at the Plaza and decided we needed to save him. Because a person's life is precious, right, Young Master Cale, Adara?"

Adara and Cale both answered, though one had his usual air of indifference. "Of course."

Amiru smiled widely. "I knew Young Master Cale and Adara would answer like that."

Adara smiled in return. She knew Cale was not paying attention; she just needed to slowly steer the conversation away from this rescued person. "Did he get hurt?" she asked. If Amiru felt like noting else could be said on the subject, then the subject would change.

Amiru shook her head. She cares so much, Amiru thought, her cheeks growing hot. "No major injuries. Based on his outfit and physique, he seemed to be someone from the Whipper Kingdom, and they don't get injuries very often."

Adara saw Cale get even paler than already was.

She couldn't blame him; judging from what they knew about him, he seemed like someone Cale would rather steer clear of. He was a 'barbarian'.

Though she had never heard of Toonka before Cale, she had heard about the situation in the Whipper Kingdom. There were essentially two groups—or factions, as they now call them—the Non-Mage Faction and the Mages (they preferred not to use the word 'faction' to separate themselves from the Non-Mage Faction). Before it came to war, the Mages would disregard those without mana as 'barbarians'.

But they were not barbarians in the slightest. They were just different from the Mages, who used magic to help them. The non-mages had no such use. They conquered the Whipper Kingdom's harsh mountains and raging shores without any magic; their bodies strengthened and were able to sustain harsh circumstances without any potions.

But Adara could understand where they got the word 'barbarian' from, as the Non-Mage Faction is incredibly violent, another reason why Cale doesn't want to bump into them.

The Non-Mage Faction were at war with the Mages because the Whipper Kingdom was essentially for the mages, making life easy and pleasant for them but unpleasant for the ones around them.

In the eyes of the citizens, the ones who did not have an easy life, the Non-Magic Faction was the preferable of the two sides. The Mages were arrogant. But the only slight problem was that Toonka was incredibly stupid.

Cale had ranted about it to her on the carriage ride here, wondering how he could ever be called an 'intelligent barbarian' as he was simply a stupid person who happened to have become very strong.

And in Cale's opinion, stupid people were the scariest as you could not talk to them.

Adara understood his point, but she hated people smarter than her. If they were smarter than her, then they might be able to outsmart her, and that thought already sent shivers down her spine.

Amiru smiled, seeing the suddenly serious expressions on both of their faces. "Young Master Cale, Adara, you do not have to worry about that person. He seemed to recover very quickly."

Adara chuckled at her words. As if they were worried about Toonka.

Cale waved off her words. "I'm not worried at all. In fact, I'd prefer it if he continued to get treatment for a long time."

Adara knew what he meant. Knew that he meant that if Toonka were to stay in recovery until they left he would be left in peace, but looking around at Amiru and her Knights, she understood it had been the wrong thing to say. They were all staring at her and Cale with warm gazes. It made her skin crawl.

Cale did not seem to see them as he continued talking. "Young Lady Amiru, could you please show us to our rooms?"

Amiru had been slightly hesitant to assign them rooms. Some of the rumours she heard were that Adara and Cale liked to sleep in the same room. She wondered if it was true until she remembered that when she visited them in the Palace of Joy, they had been in the same room. And it was definitely not because the Palace had no more rooms available.

So she gave them a double room, usually used by parents and their young children, though the room was quite close to hers. "Of course," she smiled. "You two are still not at full strength yet, right?"

Adara nodded. "Unfortunately, we are both still recovering. However, the sea air is helping tremendously."

Amiru laughed. "I'm glad. But as you two are hurt and still recovering, we should get inside quickly."

She started walking quickly, Cale and Adara following behind her at a much slower pace. As soon as Amiru realised that she had been the only one walking so quickly, she slowed down to match their speed.

Adara began a mindless conversation with Amiru, but her mind was somewhere else. She wanted to know why Toonka had shipwrecked earlier.

Billos is a Flynn, she thought. I know that. And Flynn's have a lot of informants everywhere. But so far, he's still a bastard, so there are limits to how far his informants reach. So, how did he know about the Civil War? When according to Cale, the signs started showing much later.

She sighed, though, on the outside, she chuckled at a joke Amiru made. The Civil War must be happening earlier than in the Novel Cale read. She wasn't sure if that was a good thing.

In hindsight, it just might be. It meant they could buy the Magic Tower earlier. The only problem was that Toonka was now here, and they would have to avoid him if they wanted the Sound of the Wind for themselves.

She wondered for a moment what caused the Civil War to start earlier, but she didn't want to delve into it too much. It would all be speculation. And she was done with speculation.

What was true, and she could tell, was that since Toonka got shipwrecked, his ship was destroyed by the Mages' attacks. This means that even if the Civil War were happening a bit earlier than it was supposed to, it would still be going how Cale said it would.

But Toonka had a strength that the Mages feared. He had reached his peak of physical strength, having survived through nature's harshest elements. It was quite impossible for mages, who only used mana— a power drawn from nature— to defeat such a person.

But a dragon could kill him, she thought, briefly glancing at where she guessed he was. She had gotten better at picking up the slight mana fluctuations surrounding him.

Amiru looked in the direction she was looking in. "Hmm? Is there something wrong?"

Adara shook her head with a smile. "No, I was just looking at that painting. It is quite pretty; how long has it been in the Family?"

Amiru then went on, talking about the painting. Then she started talking about a poetry book she read recently, one about the passage of time and regrets of events long passed.

A dragon could definitely kill him, Adara confirmed. We just need to make sure he's close enough to kill him. Not that she wanted to kill Toonka; she just wanted to have safety measures for Cale. He deserved a rest after getting poisoned because of her.

They reached their room, and Adara excused her and Cale, saying they were both very tired from the carriage ride here.

Amiru nodded understandingly, though she looked like she would have wanted to stay with her for a bit longer. "Of course. Will you two also have dinner in your room? It is quite a long walk to the dining room."

Adara smiled again. "Yes, I'm afraid so, Unnie. Our cook is a very specific one, so I'm worried he might refuse to let anybody else cook for us."

Amiru laughed nervously. She knew the cook she was talking about. She wasn't sure if she would use the word 'specific' to describe him. "Well, I hope you rest well, Adara. Young Master Cale."

Cale only nodded at her.

Together, Cale and Adara walked into their room for a few days. It was a good room, nowhere near the Crown Prince's room for them, but that was to be expected.

Adara walked to the window, peering down. She looked around the room, counting the corners and the closets. She was about to fling open the bathroom door to inspect that as well when she realised what she was doing.

She exhaled sharply. It's fine. I'll be fine. They're still working on taking my head off. Everything will be fine.

She opened her eyes, seeing Cale had sat himself on the couch. She sat next to him. "What's on your mind?"

He sighed. "Toonka."

She grinned. "When you say it like that, it sounds like you're infatuated."

Cale looked scandalised, and she laughed harder.

The kittens had been playing on the beds before they jumped into Adara's lap. Cale, still looking pale from the information they had learned before, called out, "Hey."

The dragon knew Cale was talking to him, so he took off the invisibility spell he put over himself. "What is it, Weak Human?"

Cale spoke with all seriousness. "Stay by our side without going anywhere for a while."

Adara let out a huff of a laugh.

The Black Dragon had a similar reaction, though his huff was more arrogant and befitting of a great and mighty dragon. "I will do whatever I want." He disappeared with those words.

But what made Adara laugh even more was, judging by the sound of his wings flapping, he was flying close by. And Cale looked less pale.

Cale looked around the room. "It doesn't really fit with the rest of the village."

Adara followed his gaze. "The room? More like the whole Estate doesn't fit in with the village. It's as if you were to stick a picture of the Palace of Joy over the wretched confines of the Mogoru Empire's slave quarters. It just doesn't fit."

Cale glanced at her briefly, hearing her bubbling anger. But it seemed she suppressed it again; she was looking at him expectantly as if he was going to say something about the room. "I think Amiru's mother had plans to develop the village when she built this Estate 10 years ago."

Adara stretched her fingers out, not wanting to clench them, remembering where she was 10 years ago. Her Unnie had still been there. She hadn't left yet. Adara held her forehead, memories of Unnie forcing their way through.

Unnie had always liked being outside, Adara wasn't allowed past the garden walls, and even her time in the gardens was restricted. Sometimes, she would watch from above as her Unnie tended to the garden.

She hadn't been the gardener, but she was good friends with him and often helped out. The gardener was replaced after Unnie left.

Unnie took a lot of trips to the market, not because they needed groceries— that was the housekeeper's job. But she went to the market to have an apple pie from the nice bakery on the corner or to talk to the jeweller who was married to the baker.

She had begged and begged her Unnie to take her to the market, and she relented one day. And that had been the last day the baker and the jeweller never saw her again.

"Talk," she said, as if in pain. She didn't want to think about how she left; that hurt too much. "Please just say something. Distract me."

Cale didn't miss a beat. "You can see the Cliff of Winds from the window," he mentioned. He was going to be careful about what he said now since the last time he tried mindlessly talking to Adara to comfort her; he made it worse. "For hundreds of years, the Cliff of Winds was ravaged by a whirlpool. All the Ubarr citizens who wanted to head out to sea got major headaches from those whirlpools.

"But the Ubarr Family didn't abandon the place just because of the whirlpools," he explained further, knowing full well Adara already knew plenty about what he was explaining. But whatever she needed distracting from, he would gladly talk. Bottling everything up never worked. "There are two other Villages; this one is in between those two. Though it is closer to the southern one than the northern one. 

"The shoreline of this Village is crescent-shaped, with two cliffs on either side, which makes it easiest for ships and boats to set out. Therefore, it is also a good location for a military base. And it has a nice view."

The kittens started pressing their paws into her stomach to get her attention. She started petting them, her voice still distant. "Yes. The view. Nice view. That's really important for a military base."

Cale looked at her, not minding her incredibly dry joke. If she could joke, it meant it was somewhat better. "We're going to one of the smaller islands tomorrow morning."

He didn't need to say the rest. She knew what was on that small island.

The Sound of the Wind.

The source of all the whirlpools.

Adara turned to look at the door. She heard Beacrox's footsteps, and in front of him, she heard 10 pairs of footsteps. She thought she could accurately guess who those belonged to.

The door was pushed open, and the 10 Wolf Children came in, carrying food trays. Adara and Cale stood up, walking to the dining table in their room.

"Young Master-nim and Young Mistress-nim! Uncle Beacrox made this seafood just for you two!"

"Uncle is very excited about the sea!"

"Right! Young Master-nim and Young Mistress-nim, please eat a lot!"

Adara smiled at the children, taking her seat at the table. "We will make sure to."

She had needed to tell Amiru that the 10 Wolf Children were Lock's cousins and that they had nowhere to go as bandits had killed their families. And she and Cale had needed to say that story to their entourage as well.

Beacrox walked in; he, too, was bringing trays of food. His clothing was normal, with not a wrinkle and no specks of dust; his hair was usual, with its slicked-back nature, not a single strand imperfect. Except, this time, he had bags under his eyes.

"Please eat, Young Master Cale and Young Mistress Adara," he said simply and tiredly.

Cale smiled his viciously sly smile, though his was more sly. "Great. Thanks." He looked at Maes, the oldest out of the 10 Wolf Children. "It was a good decision to have you all help Beacrox in the kitchen."

While they were on their journey to the Ubarr Territory, Maes had rushed to the window by their carriage, saying they wanted to work. 'Lock-Hyung told us we cannot leech off of you two,' Maes had specifically said.

Adara had wanted to sigh. It wasn't leeching off. They had nowhere else to go, and they were all still children. She wished they wouldn't try to grow up faster and just enjoy their childhood. But Cale had gotten the idea for them to help Beacrox.

Maes hadn't agreed in the beginning; he, too, thought they would be handier if they trained with the knights, but he went either way. Adara thought that cooking would be a valuable skill to learn when they were older. She hadn't cooked in years; she sometimes wondered if she still could.

Adara had refused Maes's offer to train with the Knights. 'It is too early for you to be training with the Knights. You are still children. Go help Beacrox in the Kitchens.'

Maes had beamed at her. 'You both are really like Lock-Hyung said. We will do our best.'

And they had done their best. They worked incredibly hard, and Beacrox ended up looking more tired each day. Even now, he just plainly observed the children set up the table. Once they were done, they walked out, looking at Beacrox, who was still standing and staring at the table.

"Uncle, are you not coming?"

If Adara could only use two words to describe the Wolf Children, then they would definitely be bright and pure. They treated Beacrox like family, even calling him uncle.

Beacrox took a moment to answer. "I'm coming."

The children headed out, talking between themselves. Beacrox slowly made his way to follow them. Since the children were in his care, they were all dressed very cleanly, their clothes like his in the sense that they had very few wrinkles. And their hair was very well-kept as well, brushed out and washed.

It was definitely Beacrox's style.

Cale, who was already picking up his fork and knife, spoke a few words to Beacrox. "Thanks for always giving us a delicious meal."

Adara couldn't see Beacrox's face as he had his back towards them, his hand on the door handle. "Yes, sir, ma'am." He closed the door behind him.

Cale continued staring at the door as Adara poured herself a glass of wine. "I don't know why he is trying to do his dad's job while his dad is gone," Cale spoke.

Adara looked up at him. She shrugged. "Maybe he feels like there's an empty place where his father once stood."

There wasn't a reason any of them could think of as to why Beacrox was bringing the food to them. It seemed a rather lot like he was trying to do Ron's work at any chance he got.

Cale huffed. "But I can't enjoy the empty place Ron left if someone is trying to fill it."

Adara chuckled at him, turning to where the kittens and invisible dragon were talking. "Come on over here. Time to eat."

As the meal came to an end, Adara lingered at the table, sitting in her seat facing the sky. She took her last bite from her plate, watching the sun dip lower, disappearing behind the fiery clothes. The sky was as red-streaked as its clouds, the wind billowing through the curtains. She could see the sea from here, shimmering in the fading light; she could smell the salty air, the wind flowing and a light breeze hitting her face.

As she stared at the window, for a second, she could see someone standing by it, the wind fluttering through her hair and making her servant's outfit untidied. The figure turned around; she was smiling. It was her Unnie; she was smiling, her eyes lively and full of brightness. She looked so fitting, surrounded by the breeze and sea. But then her smile faded, her eyes darkened. And Adara closed her eyes.

She must not have been sleeping very well. She was starting to hallucinate.

The next morning, she forced herself to sleep a bit longer. After they had their breakfast, they were face-to-face with a fisherman, the salty sea breeze fluttering through their hair.

"Good afternoon," Adara greeted, Amiru on her side.

"Hello," Cale greeted.

The fisherman smiled. "Nice to meet you, Young Master-nim, Young Mistress-nim! I've heard a lot about you."

Amiru had talked about him to Adara. This fisherman had sailed across the Ubarr sea and battled with the whirlpools for tens of years. Amiru said he was the greatest veteran of the Ubarr sea. This old man had tanned skin, which Adara guessed came from spending most of his days out at sea.

He was smiling even wider now. "Just trust me. I will safely take you to the Central Island."

Amiru nodded from next to Adara. "Right. He is an amazing individual, so you will be able to get anywhere in the Ubarr Sea as long as he is with you. I'm sorry I cannot go with you even though I am supposed to show you around. I have some work to do."

Adara smiled, waving her off with a hand. "Oh, don't worry, Unnie, it is plenty that you introduced us to this expert fisherman."

Amiru smiled at her. "Well, I really need to be going right now. I'll see you when you are back."

Adara watched her leave for a second before she turned back to the fisherman. "Is it just the four of you?" he asked.

"And our kittens," Adara mentioned, both Hong and On on her shoulders. They thought they were calm enough with the water to go with them. But now that they were about to get in a boat, they were suddenly nervous, trying to go as high as possible on her shoulders.

Cale nodded. "Yes. The kittens. Let's go."

The fisherman nodded, probably excited to be out at sea again. "Yes, sir, ma'am. Please get on."

Cale got on the small but sturdy boat, holding out his hand to help Adara get on as well. Behind her, the Vice Captain got on. They weren't planning on bringing any more Knights with them as they already had the Vice Captain.

Hans, who was waving them off from the dock, said a few words. "Please be safe, Young Master and Mistress. And kitten-nims."

Adara nodded at Hans. "I will try very hard to."

Hans knew she was being sarcastic, so he only smiled at her.

'I will be flying,' the Black Dragon announced.

Cale joked with Beacrox, the last person to board the boat. "Beacrox, apparently, the nets near the island tend to catch a lot of rare seafood. It will be great to broaden your palate."

Beacrox didn't answer for a moment, his face stiff. "Thank you very much, Young Master Cale."

Cale nodded at the fisherman once everyone was on board. The fisherman nodded back, the excitement in his eyes clear. The fisherman and his son started to row.

In a sea plagued by whirlpools like this one, speed was not important. It was better— and safer— to rely on the fisherman's experience with rowing.

Just before they left, the old fisherman gave a bit of advice. "The boat may rock quite a bit, so please hold on tightly."

Adara had underestimated what he meant. She was holding on very tightly to the edge of the boat, the kittens meowing in her ears and their claws digging into her shoulders. She could barely hear Cale curse over the loud sounds of the water smashing against the rocking boat.

She avoided looking outside the boat, as she felt sick looking at the whirlpools that seemed like they would suck everything in. 

And among all this chaos, the fisherman laughed and shouted, "Young Master-nim, Young Mistress-nim, isn't the whirlpool grand?!"
