The kittens, understanding that they were not to show that they knew anything of Taylor and Cage, nodded. Adara saw them nod and closed her eyes as she leaned back into the seat.

"Are you going to sleep?" Cale asked. If she was, he didn't want to disturb her.

"No, just thinking." She sighed, her eyes still closed. "I don't want to meet the Crown Prince."

She couldn't see, but Cale's eyebrows shot up. "Oh, why not?"

She was petting Hong. "Just because. He's been inviting me to events since I came back 4 years ago."

"He personally invited you?" he snorted. "Most nobles would die to get such an invitation."

The corner of Adara's lip curled up. "Yeah, I guess they would. Still don't want to go."

"Did he ever do something to you?" To him, Adara was the type of person who would be fine with almost anything. But why didn't she want to meet the Crown Prince?

Adara's eyes slowly opened as she stared through her lashes at the ceiling. "No, not particularly. It was His Highness's birthday we were going to attend when my brother tried to kill me, but I don't hold it against him in any way. It was not his fault." She paused for a couple seconds. "Everyone thinks I'm a Southerner. But, because barely anyone in the Roan Kingdom originates from the South, they make fun of me because of my slight similarity to a Dark Elf. Though I tried really hard not to look like one, they see my skin and see the opportunity to make fun of me and Dark Elves at the same time. Two crows with one stone." She paused again. "Imagine how damaging it would be for a Dark Elf to be residing in the Kingdom His Highness will be ruling over? All those invites were to see if I truly was a Dark Elf. I have no way of knowing exactly how he would've realised I was one, or how he would deal with it if he did find out, but I didn't go either way. And he would have to get rid of me anyway. His Highness sees the benefits where they lay with the people. And to the people, Dark Elves are dangerous to be around."

That made them think of the Plaza Terror Incident and Crown Prince Alberu's role in it.

His Royal Highness, Crown Prince Alberu, as they wrote about in their letter to Cage and Taylor, has a single-use Ancient Power that can heal any injury or illness to the body's original healthy state. The Deceased Queen, his mother, had given it to him.

During the Plaza Terror Incident, the Secret Organisation made their move when the Royal Family arrived at the Plaza. Magic bombs they had planted around the Plaza went off at that moment.

In the novel, Choi Han, who had only been stopping by, was able to stop only half of it. Which, in itself, was extremely extraordinary seeing as he had no knowledge of it at all. That was enough for the Kingdom to consider him a hero. But Choi Han thought about the lives he could not save, making his hatred for the Secret Organisation worsen.

Some bombs were even planted on people, she thought, her eyes going blank.

Crown Princess Rosalyn, a figure in the many Royal Families in the Western Continent that Adara greatly admired when she was a kid, though the Crown Princess was only 4 years older than her, was also there. Together, Choi Han and the— not Crown Princess but— High-Grade Mage, Rosalyn, protected the people from the bombs. Then, there was an old man that Choi Han failed to save.

The old man had lost his right arm and leg to the bomb that was planted on him. Choi Han was there in his last moments. The Crown Prince was also there. He was also looking at the last moments of the old man.

[I can save him, the Crown Prince thought, his eyes on the missing limbs and the glazed-over eyes of the old man as tears leaked from them. I could save him. I could save him with 'The Healing Star'. He saw Choi Han there too. He too was staring at the old man. The young man, who saved almost everyone. Almost. His eyes went back to the old man. The dying old man. The young man, he thoughts suddenly, his gaze not shifting from the old man. He will be a hero.]

She could recall the words that Cale had recited from the novel in relation to the Crown Prince. Of course, the Crown Prince did not use his Ancient Power on the old man. Instead, he comforted Choi Han, consoled him and tried to help him not feel guilty for the old man's death. Then, continued to raise him up as a hero.

The Crown Prince had weighed the options, and he found that it paid more off to raise Choi Han as a hero to save millions of unnamed people than to use his single-use Ancient Power to save one unnamed person. Adara didn't think he had made the wrong choice.

Both Choi Han and Rosalyn would've used it in a heartbeat on the old man, she thought. She knew what to make of that. He will keep someone alive if it benefits the Kingdom. If he finds out, I will need to make him see me as a benefit. Or... her thoughts wandered. I can start early on when he still has no idea. Her mind worked like little cogs as she flashed through possibilities of making the Crown Prince see her as beneficial or— the possibility came up— trustworthy.

Hong broke her out of her thoughts. "By the way," he asked, his paws digging into Adara's stomach as he reached closer to her, "is Little Brother Dragon still following us?"

She looked away from the ceiling and turned to Hong as she caressed his head. "Yes. He still delivers food to us every day, doesn't he? It means he's still following us."

Hong smiled at that new knowledge, climbing up her to reach her shoulders. He sat there, his cat mobility helping him stay on.

Her thoughts wandered again, this time, however, to the dragon. We might as well use the dragon too if he's going to follow us.

Their original plan was to save him and then be done with him. But, if the dragon was going to follow them around like a puppy then they might as well use the special abilities he had due to being a dragon. They already had plenty of ideas too.

They knew the locations of 5 of the 10 magic bombs, those were the ones that were hidden in the Plaza. But they weren't sure about the remaining 5 that would be on the people. All of the bombs were located by using Rosalyn's High-Level Mana Detection Abilities to find them one by one.

But now, they had a being worlds ahead of Rosalyn's Mana Detection abilities following them like a lost puppy.

"Might as well make him work hard." She heard Cale say. She smiled, he had been thinking the same time.

The kittens flinched at both Cale's statement and Adara's smile. But none of them saw it as they were discussing between themselves— using phrases and words with much-needed context so that the kittens could not understand— about what they were going to make the dragon do in the Capital. The dragon, who had no clue of what the two were scheming, delivered a boar to the campsite early in the morning as usual.

Adara had slept well since she had gotten Vitality of the Heart, she didn't use to be a light sleeper, but now it was just habits. She still woke up if someone walked too close to her sleeping place, but she had been able to actually have a deep enough sleep that she didn't wake up the second she heard walking. However, the nightmares and the grogginess when she woke up still stayed.

They had slept late, planning for preparations that would need to be done when they were in the Capital, but they decided to check out the boar in the morning. But they noticed the whole campsite had a weird atmosphere.

They had eaten and slept in the carriage— using the kittens as small body warmers— since they did not want to interact at all with Taylor and his subordinates. But, when they finally got out of the carriage since they got in, they were confused at the odd, and dark, atmosphere.

"Hans, what is going on?" she asked. It could not have been the animal and fruit that the dragon was delivering to them, their group had gotten used to the deliveries pretty quickly. Although she did not know what Ron thought, it was pretty easy to convince everyone that it was fine since Cale, Adara and Choi Han had all said it was. Beacrox also welcomed it, since he was always excited to see the high-quality ingredients in the morning.

Hans looked at them, smiling nervously. "Oh, haha, Young Mistress and Young Master, did you two finally wake up?"

Adara frowned. What's going on? Why is he acting like this? Where are Taylor and Cage?

Hans peeked behind her, before turning back to the two. "You see, Young Master and Mistress, I think Young Master Taylor has gotten the wrong idea."

"Wrong idea?" Cale mumbled.

Turning around, they could see the boar, as well as Taylor in the wheelchair with Cage standing behind him. Adara frowned as she sighed, she did not understand what had made the atmosphere but it seemed like they were going to find out.

Together Adara and Cale walked to the dead boar, standing next to Taylor's wheelchair as they started to speak. "What is going on?" Cale asked while Adara studied the boar.

It was, as usual, bigger than a boar should have been. Hah, he really tries to find us the best food, she thought, smiling on the inside. Such a cute puppy. It was larger than a tiger and fatter than one too. She looked around, she could see Beacrox standing next to his father. He looked excited, but slightly disappointed that he could not start cooking right away. He wasn't going to approach Cale and Adara until they beckoned him over. But Adara hadn't done that, she only smiled, looking back to the boar.

Also, as usual, there was a small drawing next to the boar. The dragon must've thought it was annoying to keep on drawing the fork since there was only a knife engraved into the ground.

"Young Master Cale and Young Mistress Adara. I'm sorry." Taylor looked away from the boar and at them with an apologetic expression. "It seems like my movements have been detected."

Movements? Does he mean travelling from Puzzle City to here? The space between Adara's eyebrows frowned slightly. Ever so slightly, but Taylor, who had been attentively staring at both of the Nobles' faces, saw it and felt guilty all over again.

Priestess Cage was behind her Taylor, mumbling angrily, "We left in secret, so how is it possible? Is there someone who can avoid my detection? This is too much!"

Adara snorted on the inside, already having figured out what was going on. How would someone at your level detect a great and mighty dragon? She meant no ill to Priestess Cage, but she was only human, even if she was a Priestess of the God of Death.

It was quite obvious what they were thinking once she saw all the cards laid out on the table. Most of those cards were stuff she learned from Cale, but that did not change the fact she had the cards.

In their eyes, someone was able to catch a boar as large as this one and drop it off at their campsite without being detected by Priestess Cage. That strength and stealthiness were something that only an expert could have. And next to the feat of strength and stealthiness was a drawing of a knife. It was a very small knife, but it seemed to Young Master Taylor and Priestess Cage to be a very large knife.

Taylor looked at them, his eyes twinged with despair and sorrow. And a bit of guilt. "Young Master Cale and Young Mistress Adara, this incident—."

Cale did not want to hear more. "Beacrox," he interrupted.

That cowardly bitch, Venion, is probably too busy not getting killed off by his father to worry about you, she thought, staring at him with an expression unreadable to Taylor.

Taylor frowned. He could not predict the two at all. Something about that sentence reminded him of something he heard before, something to do with someone not being able to predict— but his thoughts were interrupted by the scary-looking cook who approached the two he could not predict with a sharp kitchen knife. He looked excited.

"Yes, Young Master?" the scary cook, Beacrox, asked, though he expected something to come out of his master's mouth.

"Looks like we'll be eating steak for breakfast." While Cale said it indifferently, the corner of his mouth was slightly raised.

Beacrox moved his kitchen knife, making it gleam in the sunlight. "Young Master— and Mistress— it looks like we will get the highest quality steak once again."

She nodded. "I'm glad, your steaks are very good."

Becrox turned to look at her, but she could not see what his expression was since Taylor suddenly spoke. "Once again?"

Adara nodded, turning her head to him. "We have someone in our party who delivers food for us."

Taylor opened his mouth, then closed it, then opened it again. "Who is it?"

She snorted. And Cale explained, "He is surprisingly shy so you will not be able to see him."

Adara heard something move and she turned to a tree not far away from the campsite. Is it an inexperienced assassi—? She changed her mind as she saw a few leaves shaking up and down. A small smile came to her lips. Looks like someone is flapping their wings rather excitedly. She turned away again, seeing that Cale had also seen the leaves, but he was shaking his head. She then looked at Young Master Taylor and Priestess Cage as they turned red in embarrassment. Oh, they think he's shaking his head at them. How fun, she cooed.

Taylor smiled at them, this time his smile was embarrassed. "Ahem, I—. I see. It seems we had the wrong idea."

Cale shrugged. "It is not your fault. Beacrox is an excellent cook, so please have some steak before you go."

Beacrox, who calmed down after the unexpected compliment from the Young Mistress and started caressing the boar, now stopped caressing the boar and looked up at Cale. Neither Adara nor Cale could see his expression as Taylor had begun to speak again. "Young Master Cale and Young Mistress Adara, I heard you two are heading for the Capital. If it is okay with you, may we follow behind you?"

It was obvious why he wanted to follow behind them, he thought they would be able to shield him from any unexpected attacks. Adara stared down at Taylor, not unkindly, just, staring. It unnerved him that he could not read them. He had no idea what any of them would say next. Adara, however, was thinking about all the times assassins had crept into places they weren't supposed to be. She also thought about how paranoid she was that one would come down from a tree and snap her neck. No assassins will come to kill you, she promised herself in her head. They will have to kill me first before they kill you. Her mind flashed, from Taylor's calm expression to another person. A child. A child with the skin of a Southerner. She looked away. "Please do whatever you think is best for you, Young Master Taylor, Priestess Cage-nim." She gave a small bow, her sun pendant dangling in the air.

If we use them correctly, she thought, staring at them through her lashes as she straightened her back from the bow, they can be very beneficial to us. So let's take care of them until the Capital. It cannot go wrong, His Highness, Crown Prince Alberu, will not mess up on this opportunity. Young Master Taylor will become Marquis. And Venion will be cast aside.

Taylor smiled at them again. "Thank you. We will be under your care until we get close to the Capital."

She smiled. It was different from the usual smile on her lips, it was rough and full of coarse amusement. It did not make her any less pretty in Cage and Taylor's opinion. Taylor, however, thought he had said something to make her smile meant that what he had said was the right thing to say.

We will get in trouble with Marquis Stan if we're seen with him, she thought. So close to the Capital is not entirely unreasonable. There would be a bunch of complications if they were seen together and for Count Henituse and Count Thornwin, both of which not belonging to a faction, it would be difficult to deal with Marquis Stan should their acquaintance be brought up to the Stan Family. And rumours circle fast when they're about Adara and Cale, so there was no doubt it would be brought up. But, she smiled again and Taylor noticed it was a different one, it was viciously sly, we have a different opinion on that. They had discussed it last night, they knew exactly what they would do.

Cale was smiling the same smile as her. "We will determine that later on." After all, he thought, there are still many items in my magic box waiting to be used.

Taylor only smiled at them, he did not know what the Young Master and Mistress meant, but he was only glad for their benevolence. "Of course. Please feel free to let us know whenever is most convenient for you, Young Master Cale and Young Mistress Adara."

"Sure," she said simply.

That only got their attention more, their expressions turning even more curious. But Cale and Adara actively avoided their gazes. "Bring our meal to the carriage," Cale said to Hans.

"Yes, sir."

They made their way to the carriage without further delay, but a voice called out to them. "Young Master Cale and Young Mistress Adara?"

It was Cage, she was frowning, her hand clenching and unclenching, as she walked over to them. Adara clenched her hand too, as she felt a cold chill on the back of her head. Old bastard must be overjoyed, she thought, forcing her hand to unclench. Two of his beloved children are finally meeting. But she looked at Cage as if nothing was going on. "What can I do for you, Priestess-nim?" She was tempted to bow.

"Do you really not believe in any god?" she asked immediately. "Any god? Both of you?"

Adara frowned on the inside. Why does she have to say it like that? I know the God of Death is here, I know he is real, but I do not devote my life to him. I do not care that much.

Cale smiled at her. "I think I can speak for Adara and for myself when I say that we believe in none of them."

Cage only frowned further. "I... understand," she muttered slowly. But as she lifted her head and stared at Adara, she started to frown. Her scars, she thought, frowning further. Almost instinctively she reached out to Adara.

Adara stared at her fingertips, seeing them get closer and closer to her face, to the scars on her face. If she touches me, she will figure it out. I am not willing to share that information with her. She stepped back, away from Cage. Cage, realising how odd her behaviour was, also took a step back. "I am sorry Young Mistress Adara, I did not realise I was so close."

Adara only nodded.

Cage frowned further. "If you do not mind me asking Young Mistress Adara, but have you ever done a Vow of Death?" That would be a logical explanation as to why she felt such negative energy from her scars, why her scars specifically she did not get.

Adara grit her teeth at the memory, an action that went unnoticed by Cage but noticed by Cale. "I have. But only as a witness."

"Ah." Cage nodded. That must be it, she thought. The power is stronger on the witness than on the partakers.

She knew what Cage was thinking, it wasn't that hard to follow her trail of thought. And while she had done a Vow of Death as a witness, it was not the reason she felt such negative energy from her. "If that is all, Priestess-nim, then excuse us." Adara did another bow, acting as if Cage had never done anything. Cage's eyes still did not leave the sun pendant. Adara turned around and speed walked with Cale at her side to the carriage.

As they walked away, Taylor approached Cage. "What's going on?" Cage rarely ever spoke to people besides her close friends and people from the temple.

Cage shook her head, a bitter expression on her face. "It's odd."

"What is?"

"Well, it's like," Cage hesitated, unsure of how to describe it. She touched the back of her head almost instinctively. "I have this bitter feeling that the God of Death is caressing the back of my head with a sympathetic expression."

How specific, Taylor thought. "What kind of feeling is that? Did you not sleep properly?"


Cage felt that way every time she looked at Adara and Cale. It especially increased when she was looking at the former's sun pendant, though it seemed angry then. The only time she's ever felt like that in the past was when the temple had forced her to do manual labour in order to build a new temple. When she had plopped down onto the ground in exhaustion, the God of Death had looked at her like this with concern too. I highly doubt Young Master Cale and Young Mistress Adara will order us around like that damn temple, she thought, starting to feel anger for the temple. Cage then decided that maybe Taylor was right about her not sleeping properly and tried to shake the feeling away. But the feeling did not go away. No. The feeling always stayed.


[F̶u̶n̶ Fact]: She downplays her ability to manipulate someone to be on her side by a lot. If she knows a few basic things about someone, then she can easily make them like her— or at least tolerate her—, of course, this all depends on if she sees a benefit of said person thinking of her in high grace.
