

~Tommys POV~

"Alright Tubbo I think I'm ready to leave," I tell Tubbo while checking my bag seeing if I missed anything.

"Wait Tommy don't forget these!" Tubbo goes to the bottom drawer of my dresser and gets out my binders. "You never know if you'll need extra!"

I take them from Tubbos hand and shove them to the bottom of my backpack so no one could see them. "Alright Tubbo let's go." Me and Tubbo then walk outside over to the rest of my friends.

"You ready to leave Tommy?" BadBoyHalo asks me.

"Yup I'm good to go!" I say giving him an excited smile.

"Alright so Tubbo, Ranboo, Jack, and Tommy will be riding with me," Wilbur tells us. "Techno, Karl, Niki and Quackity will be riding with Dream and the rest will ride with Skeppy. Then we'll all meet at the hotel and get settled in"

Everyone nodded and agreed with the plan. I along with Tubbo Ranboo and Jack walk over to Wilbur and his car.

"Alright guys are you ready?" Wilbur asks us.

"Yup!" Me and Ranboo say in sync. I look over to him glaring in a playful way so he knows I'm not actually mad. I put my backpack in the trunk of the car and go in the front seat.

"Why does Tommy get the front seat?!" Jack whines.

"Cause it's my birthday Jack now piss off, " I tell him.  I buckle my seatbelt then fixing my shirt and hoodie to make sure no one could see my binder straps.

"You alright Tommy?" Wilbur asks me while starting the car.

"Yup this hoodie is just a little uncomfortable." I lie to him.

"Oh alright then." He responds

On the way to the hotel we blasted all kinds of music. We mostly played Wilburs songs though. We sang so loud that our throats hurt when we got to the hotel. I jump out of the car and open the trunk so I can get my backpack out. "Alright I think I'm good. Hopefully this goes well." I think to myself while staring at the hotel. "HOLY SHIT! THIS HOTEL IS MASSIVE?!" I yell out loud.

"Yah this is very fancy!" Jack exclaims.

I run inside the hotel. Everyone else is already in there "Oh I guess they were just waiting for us," I walk up to Skeppy so he can assign us which rooms we're staying in.

"Alright so here are the roommates. " He starts to explain. "Tommy with Tubbo since they're best friends. Me and Bad, Dream and George, Ranboo and Techno, Niki and Jack, Quackity and Wilbur, and then Karl and Sapnap. If you guys want to change up rooms you are allowed to I don't mind just let me know."

I look over at Tubbo and give him a thumbs up happy that I'm his roommate for the week. I walk up to Skeppy and ask him, "What room do me and Tubbo get?"

"Oh let me show you."

I grab Tubbo by the wrist and follow Skeppy. We kept walking up and up. "Skeppy why are we walking up so many stairs?" I say in a whiney voice.

"Since It's your birthday I wanted to make sure you had the best and biggest room!" He tells me.

"Awww that's very sweet of you Skeppy. You know you didn't have to do all of this."

"I know Tommy but we wanted to do something special for you. We're all very happy to have you as our friend."

I start getting tears in my eyes since we never did anything for my birthday after I turned 13. Every year I would just get a birthday card and some money so I just eventually thought of it as any other day. "Wow thank you I don't know how I'm going to repay all of you," I tell him trying to hold back tears.

"Tommy it's fine. You don't have to repay us. I promise. Also we made it to your guys's room."

I open the door and see this huge room with two full size beds, a couch, a huge flatscreen TV and a big bathroom.

"WOAH THIS IS SO COOL!" Tubbo yells while jumping on one of the beds.

"Alright I'll leave you two to get settled in. I don't think we have any plans besides dinner tonight so you guys could chill out and take a nap or go to the pool." Skeppy tells us.

"Alright Skeppy thank you." I say to him. While he walks out the door. "Alright Tubbs what do you want to do?"

"Do you want to run around the hotel and see what else is around?"

"Sure that sounds fun!" Tubbo stops jumping on the bed and runs out the door while I follow him. We run up and down the stairs and played hide and seek with ranboo.

~~A couple hours later~~

~Wilburs POV~

I love seeing Tommy so happy and having so much fun. Every few minutes I would hear his footsteps running outside my door. "How the hell is he not tired yet?" I was sitting on my bed super bored then I hear a knock at the bedroom door. I get up and go answer it. It's Bad. "Hey Bad what's up?" I ask him.

"Skeppy wanted you to know that dinner was ready," He tells me.

"Alright I'll be down in a minute." I put my shoes back on and run down the stairs. There I'm met with Niki, Bad, Skeppy, Dream, George, Techno, Jack,Quackity, Sapnap, Karl, and Ranboo.

"Wilbur would you mind getting Tubbo and Tommy?" Niki asks me.

"Ya I'll go get them right now," I respond. I head up the stairs all the way up to Tommy and Tubbos room. I knock a couple times. No answer. "Tommy Tubbo you in there?" I yell outside there door. I wait a bit to see if I get a response. "Alright guys im coming in!" I say while opening the door. There I am meant with Tommy changing his shirt. What was he wearing under it though? It's probably just an undershirt.

~Tommys POV~


Sorry guys this was really mostly a filler chapter. hope you guys enjoyed it have a good night evening or morning and let me know what i can improve on! <33
