

~Tommy's POV~

"Alright Tubbo I think I'm going to go to bed now."

"Awww already."

"Yaa sorry bud I've got stuff to do tomorrow."

"It's alright big man. Sleep well! And make sure to get a lot of sleep!"

"Ya will do. Talk to you tomorrow." I hang up the phone and put something comfortable on. I look disappointed as I see what I look like in my clothes. "Ugh why do I have to have boobs." I jump into bed making myself comfortable. I look over to my right reading the clock. 10:26pm. I stare at the ceiling thinking about random stuff like food, family, plans I have with Tubbo, and my friends. "What am I even doing tomorrow? My mom said we have plans but she never even told me what they are." I think to myself. I slowly start getting tired then eventually falling asleep.

~~The Next Morning~~

I wake up to someone calling me. I read my phone 7:34am. It's Tubbo. "Tubbo why is he calling me this early in the morning?" I say whispering to myself.

"TOMMY!!!" He yells into his phone.

I flinched at how loud he is. "What the hell man why are you being so loud?"




"Outside? Why though? And why are you calling me so early?l


"Alright Alright."

I hang up get out of my bed and put on my binder and then slip on a T-shirt and some blue jeans. I then walk to my bathroom to brush my teeth and fix my hair real quick. I open my drawer and put some socks on and grab the red and white hoodie from my bed. I walk down the hallway and open the front door.


As I look among the crowd of people in front of my house I notice they're all my friends. "Some of my friends don't even live in the UK. Why are they here? Were we supposed to meet up? How did they find my address? Do my parents know they're here?" All these thoughts and questions come flooding in my mind as I stand in the doorway confused and shocked on why my friends are standing outside my house.

"What the fuck is happening right now." I think to myself.

"Uhh hey guys? Why are you all here?"

"Tommy. You're joking right? You obviously know why we're here!" Wilbur says walking up to me patting my shoulder.

I look at him confused. I genuinely have no idea what's going on. "Umm hi Wil. How are you?"

"You can't be serious. Tommy check the date on your phone and read what it says."

"Oh alright then." I turn on my phone and open calendars. "OH IT'S MY BIRTHDAY?!" Nobody really remembers my birthday so every year I just forget about it.


I look over to see who said that. It was Sapnap.

"Thank you." I reply giving him a soft smile.

I could not believe it. All my friends came to the UK just for my birthday. I was in shock yet so happy. I step outside into my group of friends. I receive multiple hugs and high fives. Honestly I am so happy right now. I am super excited all my friends are here. Well most of them at least. The people who are here are Tubbo, Ranboo, George, Sapnap, Techno, Karl, Quackity, Niki, Jack, Skeppy, Badboyhalo, Wilbur, and this one other guy. I didn't know who he was though nor did I recognize him. I kept staring at him and he eventually noticed me staring.

"Hey Tommy what's up?" He says.

That voice. I know that voice. "Dream?!"

"Yup the one and only!" He replied.

I have never seen his face before. He looked good but it's weird seeing him. I'm not used to seeing his face. I look among all of them happily.

"Wait where are you all going to stay? There is obviously not enough room in my house for all of you! You guys could have at least called me so I could set up somewhere for you guys to stay." I say pacing back and forth worried for what they are going to do.

"Tommy relax."

I look over and see Quackity talking to me.

"Skeppy rented out a small hotel for all of us to stay at! Even you! So don't worry. We are all set."

"Skeppy how much did that cost? It must have been expensive. I can help pay." I ask him turning around so i'm facing him.

"Tommy do not worry about it. I'm rich remember. It will be fine. Now go upstairs and pack for a week. It's your birthday after all! You shouldn't be worrying about it."

"Alright Skeppy thank you." I look over at him and smile. Wait I'm staying with them for a week. A whole week with no breaks. OH NO. I grab Tubbo by the wrist and run into my house. I can hear everyone talking outside in a confused tone. I run down the hallway and into my room not looking back at them and shutting the door behind me.

"Tommy man what are you doing?" Tubbo says with a worried tone looking at me.

"Tubbo I can't stay with them for a week!" I exclaim letting go of his wrist.

"Why not we already have your parents permission and everything is already paid for. No need to worry. Buddy you will be fine."

"Tubbo you don't get it!" I pulled down the neck of my hoodie and T-shirt revealing the strap of my chest binder.

"Oh. Well don't worry Tommy we'll keep it a secret. We just keep the door closed every time you're not wearing it and I'll be your roommate. No one will ever find out or see you without it. I promise." He replies while hugging me.

"Okay Tubs. Thank you." I say hugging him back.

"Yup no problem! Now get to packing!"

Word count- 1018
Hello everyone! This is my first ever wattpad story. I hope you guys enjoy and give me tips and things I could approve on! I am trying my best so please don't be rude. I will update everytime I get the chance
