
"I get shotgun!"

Newt yelled racing to the front and I groaned as he sat next to Jorge who was driving. "Damn it I was going to call it blondie."

"Tough luck." He grinned and I rolled my eyes at him as everyone sat in and it was quite big. And there was nine of us.

I jumped in taking my seat next to Brenda. And there was just one more space left next to me. And there was one last person to sit.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me." I complained as I saw Minho standing there with the same reaction as mine. "No way."

"Just sit down Minho." Thomas said seeming quite tired. Like he hasn't slept enough. "Your better of sitting next to her. Sort out whatever the hells going on between you guys." Newt said adding on and I was not going to enjoy this.

Minho just accepted it and took his seat next to me. "What did happen?" I heard Thomas mutter quietly but apparently not quiet enough.

"Y'all should've heard it. They were bickering and arguing the entire way here. It was quite amusing." Fry explained and me and Minho both turned our heads giving him a cold glare.

"This beauty." Jorge said referring to Bertha. The truck. He started the car pressing on the gas pedal driving us straight. The mountains are still far, so it was going to be quite a long ride.

"So why do you hate her?" Brenda chimed in and I raised my eyes at Minho wondering the same thing. "I don't hate her. She's just incredibly rude, annoying and overall useless." Minho said and I scoffed as did Thomas.

"You know that's not true Minho."

"Jansons daughter huh?" Jorge added to the conversation and I huffed. He used that tone. "I sadly didn't get to pick who I came from." I told him.

"You all trust her fully right?" Jorge asked trying to make sure I wasn't against them. They all said yes except one. We all know who the one person is. "No." Minho smugly said.

"Minhos just saying that because he doesn't want to admit that he likes her." Newt stated and I was going to agree to that.

"Shut up Newt."

"No please do carry on." I had a wide grin on my lips and they all just lightly chuckled. "You sure you trust her Thomas?" Minho turned his head and so did I.

"Yeah, I don't know where we would be here if it wasn't for her." Thomas said and I couldn't help but smile. That's the Thomas I remember.

"Plus she's rich." Brenda added and I couldn't help but snigger. "Fair play."

"I hate you shanks." Minho said annoyed and they all just grinned back at him. "No you don't mate." Newt stated.

"How about you guys carry on this argument and I decide to sleep." One of the best ideas to be honest.

That was actually quite a comfy nap. Considering the situation of being in and old ass car.

I rubbed my eyes as I looked around silently yawning and I was leaning on something. Shit. That something was Minho. And he lay his head intop of mine so if I moved then he would wake up.

I looked down to see a jacket covering me like a blanket. My jacket wasn't even this big. He gave me his jacket? So what, is he only nice when I'm not conscious?

I decided to just shut my eyes again and decide to enjoy the advantage before he woke up again and got all mean.

But as soon as I decided to rest my eyes again he decided to wake up. And my head was still on his shoulder and he decided to let me still sleep like that.

"You comfortable there Minho?" Newt asked and I know for a face Minho just shot him a deadly look. And that was my que to open my eyes back up again.

I opened my eyes lifting my head of still deciding to keep the jacket. "Have a nice nap?" I heard Teresa say and I nodded.

"Not had. Why?" I asked knowing exactly what they were all smirking about. "No reason."

"We almost there Jorge?" I asked him and he nodded as he adjust the windscreen mirror to look towards me.

"Almost hermano."

I looked up towards Minho who was back to his little let's be rude to me face. "Ugh what are you still moody about?"

"You." He muttered so only I could hear it and I rolled my eyes towards him.

"Look I'm sorry, I didn't mean to go behind your back and not tell you that I was forced by my own dad to make you trust me. But it goes both ways. You guys only became friends with me because you wanted to find out about things. But I'm not sorry for trying to regain the friendship we all once had. And I really am sorry that you have forgotten that. Now please plaster that stupid smirk you normally have back on your lips and try to find some positive part of this journey!" Okay so if anyone was sleeping in the truck they wernt anymore.

"Also do any of you idiots have any food because I'm hangry." God my stomach is more hollow than my dads heart.

"Bloody hell June." Newt commented and I was to busy focused on my stomach feeling completely empty.

"Okay but she's right about the food part." Fry chimed in and I agreed. "You were forced?" Thomas asked referring back to my long ass rant and I was surprised he was listening.

"Yeah you guys think I volunteered to go behind your backs. You guys do realise I was once friends with all of you dorks. Even everyone they sent up. Like Gally, Alby. And Chuck." I mentioned their names and they all kinda went all sad when I mentioned their names.

"Why were you forced?" Minho asked looking down at me and I sighed. "Because I went against the rules." I told them and I heard Brenda scoff.

"I don't think anyones suprised. Judging from what I've heard." She said and I let out a chuckle. "Yeah I had that one coming."

"They were close to killing me. But me being Jansons daughter and also thanks to that idiot taking the fall for me." I pointed towards Thomas and he didn't seem suprised because he probably started to remember it.

"They decided to let him live but they sent him up." I explained to them. But they always knew it was me, they decided to point a gun to my head and threaten to wipe my memories unless I decided to work with them and try to make you trust me. Moral of the story, WICKED sucks." To be honest I felt obliged to tell them the whole story. It feels way better to get everything out my system.

"So I'm guessing this is from you." Thomas pulled out the pendant that was tucked in as it rested around his neck and I nodded.

"Yeah, it was a gift." From Ava. I don't know why I kept it. "Decided I needed something to make sure at least someone remembered me."

"What so the twat gets that? What do I get?" Newt asked and I laughed. "Jealous?" I asked Newt and he nodded. "Very."

"We'll I remember you." Thomas took it of handing it back to me as he let the chains fall in my hand and I took it back fitting it in my pocket.

I realised that Minhos jacket was still on top of me and to be honest I wasn't complaining. It was quite comfortable.

I felt a hand slowly make its way under the jacket finding mine and I looked up at Minho who nodded slowly interlocking our hands and I leaned against him a little holding back my smile.

"So who's that from?" Fry asked the thread that sit on my neck and it was tucked under my shirt, I pulled it out and attatched to it was this pretty blue moonstone.

"Actually this was made from my mom. Last memory I have of her." I told them and it all went silent.

"Your lucky you know." Brenda told me and I nodded. "Yeah, I know."

Okay it fell real dark real fast. But then again this whole journey has been quite the depressing. I felt Minho squeeze my hand in sentiment and I just held a tight lipped smiled as I looked up at him.

We all felt the truck slowly stop as the road was blocked completley.

We all decided to jump out one by one starring our at the many cliffs around us. "I guess we're on foot." Jorge stated the obvious and we all walked ahead starring at the abandoned cars in front of us.

I was about to go into one fo the cars until I heard a bunch of bullets aiming towards us and I immediately pulled out my gun taking cover.

"Get down!" I heard Newt yell. Brenda and I were behind a car and I saw her fall back a little on the ground and I saw something on her leg.

I looked more closely towards it and I widened my eyes. "Holy-" I cut of my words as Brenda placed her finger on her lips.

"Everyone okay out there?" Thomas yelled out to us as he and Jorge hid by another car. "We're fine!" I Teresa yell.

"My ass hurts from falling that hard!" I yelled, it really does hurt. "Anyone know where those bloody shots came from?" Newt shouted and I pulled my gun out bobbing my head back up pulling my gun out but they shot again and I quickly dipped down.

Nice aim.

"Everybody! Get ready to sprint back to the truck! And hold your ears!" Jorge told us and I looked at Brenda confused.

"It's a bomb." She told me and I was ready to get back up until I heard a female voice and I looked up to see one of them masked up pointing a gun at us.

"Get up! Now!" She said and I quickly hid my gun again as I have Brenda a hand joining the rest. There was this other girl aiming her gun at us.

"Everyone move!" The other girl yelled at us and we all stood together and one of the girls hesitated for a second.

"Aris?" She called out and we all turned our heads to him. Did they just say Aris are am I sleep deprived? "Harriet?" He said and she lifted her mask down as did the other one.

Okay but they were really hot.

She hugged him and they both seemed so happy to see him. And all of us just looked confused at eachother.

"Your lucky we didn't shoot your dimbass." I think Aris said her name was Sonya. "What's happening?" Minho asked for all of us.

"We were in the maze together." Aris told us and I couldn't help but smile to see him all happy. I haven't seen him smile at all.

Harriet looked beyond the cliffs as she whistled her voice echoing. "We're clear guys come on out!" She yelled.

The two girls decided to walk ahead and we all made the decision to follow them as the placed was just filled with trucks as a disguise so no one would know.

"Back it up Joe!" Sonya yelled so he would unblock the pavement. "How did you get out?" Aris asked her walking alongside her and I starred at the many people working around.

"The right arm rescued what was left of us." Harriet told him and Thomas made his way to the front.

"Wait you know the right arm. Can you take us there?" Thomas asked and a grinned crawled on her lips as she opened one of the truck doors. "Hop in."

"I get shotgun!"

"Damn it Newt!"
