
"I remember you." I turned my head to look towards Teresa who stared at me. "And she speaks."

"I remember you." She repeated and I nodded smiling towards her. "Yeah I figured you would sooner or later." I told her knowing WICKED were trying to get her memory back.

"You were my friend." She told me and I nodded sighing. "Were." Past tense. Great.

"Yeah I know. We made quite the pair." I told her and she was actually the only one who was quite comfortable with me. I guess she remembers our friendship.

"Yeah we did." She smiled. I don't think I ever saw her smile. There were a few rare moments but those were rare.

"I also remember you two." She whispered in my ear looking towards Minho and there was no point denying it. "So do I."

"I remember you and Thomas. God you never admitted that you loved the stupid idiot. Three words, eight letters. How hard was it." I groaned still annoyed to this day.

"You still act the same." She told me and I smiled to that. "Why thankyou. I was starting to think I lost my flavour."

"What are you two bickering about?" Newt asked me and we both shut our mouths grinning at each other. "Girls are dangerous dude. Just leave it." Fry warned him and I chuckled to his comment.

"They are. I would know." That's the first freaking word I heard from Aris. "Still can't believe this shank got the maze full of girls. Him out of everyone."

Minho said quite annoyed and I rolled my eyes towards him. "Maybe they knew that Aris is respectful and would actually know how to act in front of a sixty girls instead of you." I fired at him.

"Right because you know so much about the opposite sex." Minho bickered and I raised my brow at him.

"You'd be suprised I was in lov- I lived with them for practically all my life." I saved my self on that one. I think.

"That's surprising, if you spent all your life with guys how come you still don't have one?" He asked me and I was taken back by that. Technically he knows we've both subconsciously slammed each other. Right?

"Maybe because the ones I've met are complete assholes who need to learn respect." I argued and I think this is getting quite personal.

"Hey!" Newt and fry got offended.

"And maybe I need to meet one who isn't a lying backstabbing-" oh he really wants to go there.

"Hey I'm right here!" Teresa also got offended to Minhos comment.

"Great well tell me when you find one. Because I'm sure that backstabbing bitch is also the one who saved your ass." I may have raised my voice a little...just a little.

I swear we were just fine a second ago.

"Well maybe she shouldn't of got us in this mess in the first place. I mean you worked with them, you put us through hell technically this is all your god damn fault!" He raised his voice a whole lot louder though.

"How many times do I have to repeat I didn't have a choice! I either helped them or got killed!" I raged back.

"Maybe your better of dead."

Everything fell silent and I stopped at my steps looking straight in his eyes to see him caught up in his words and the entire group stopped starring at us all to.

"Okay let's just break this up for a second." Newt said coming in between me and Minho trying to ease the tension.

I feel like as soon as Minho was put in that dreadful maze. He was a new person. I just hand t accepted that. I also hadn't accepted that he didn't feel the same way about anything because he was this new person.

I guess I've accepted that now.

But that's what confused me. One point he was fine holding my hand but as soon as we got in one little argument it's like we're back to square 1.

"Okay how about we walk here." Newt pulled me right at the back as he let Minho walk ahead.

"God what is it between you two. One minute your silent and actually managing each others company the next your at each other's throats." Newt stated and I couldn't argue with that or answer that because I had no idea how to.

"He's just a egotistical idiot." I criticised and Minho turned his head as soon as I said that and Newt instantly gripped me.

"Look maybe your both randomly acting out because you just found out Winston was dead and your worried about Thomas. Or you guys have many mood swings." He stated and I nodded agreeing. Stupid raging hormones.

"Yeah maybe it is that." Newt should be a therapist.

"Okay hermanos. We're here now, I don't trust this place so whatever you do don't go anywhere alone." Jorge announced and I don't blame him. It looked like a strip club.

We stopped at what looked like the main entrance door and Jorge stopped to look at all of us. "We split up in groups to find your friend and Brenda. I'll focus on finding Marcus."

They all nodded to that idea and I just shook my head. "Someone always dies when people split up." I stated and Jorge just let out a laugh.

"Come on hermano, from what I've seen I think you'll scare of people who try to kill you instead." Jorge complimented and I couldn't help but smirk. I'm flattered.

"Damn right." I heard Fry mutter and I couldn't help but let out a laugh. "Okay how about blue eyes and short blonde come with me. And you four stick together."

Jorge sorted the groups and if I was with Minho then it was a definite no. "How about I switch with Aris." Minho suggested and I was happily okay with that idea.

"No deal hermano. Let's go." Jorge walked in with Aris and Teresa and the four of us walked in after as our groups split of.

"If they start fighting again do we break it up-"

"Could you be any louder." Fry's attempt of whispering wasn't at all a whisper. It was literally him speaking.

"So why exactly are you here again?" Minho asked me and I just let out a sigh. Oh we're doing this again.

"I'm gonna save my voice for more useful things other than you and this is definitely not going to work so how about I walk away and you guys do your thing and if you find any of the two then just holler for my name." I shouted over the raving music that only got louder.

And this wasn't good for me either. Because I'm claustrophobic which doesn't help being surrounded by sweaty teenagers dancing and I'm dehydrated and haven't taken my medication so I'm either going to have some difficulty breathing or just rage out at everyone. Or a bunch of other possibilities.

"Yeah, no we're not letting out of our sight. No one trusts you enough." Imho folded his arms over his chest and I groaned.

"Actually I do trust her." This is why I love Newt.
"Yeah im starting to like her to Minho. I mean I already did but then I hated you for a little bit now I don't." Frypan does know he doesn't have to explain why he hated me.

"Seriously?" Minho raised his brow at the both of them and I smiled at them. "Great so I'm of." I said but I felt someone grab my hand.

"I'm not letting you go alone." Minho said in a firm tone and I let out a small sigh. "I'll go with her." Fry volunteered and I was fine with that.

"Fine." Minho agreed and I grabbed Frypan as we walked the opposite way, far away from them. We walked towards what looked like the bar and I felt way to light headed so I grabbed a stool placing myself on it.

"So was there ever a history between you and Minho or something?" Frypan randomly asked and I raised a brow at him confused.


"It's just that Winston told us that your not all bad. Apparently you were friends with us. You grew up with us just like everyone else did. You were one of us. You were just the unlucky one who got stuck with them." Frypan explained and I just nodded along. Winston actually managed to take in my long ass story.

"How does that connect with Minho exactly?" I asked him still wondering. "Well since you were one of us I just thought the whole thing between you and Minho wasn't all fake. Maybe there was some history behind it." When the hell did Frypan get the bloody time to think this.

"Okay how about we-" I was about to finish my sentence until something else caught my eye. Newt and Minho were approached by two barley dressed really attractive women as they held up flasks of bottles in their hands.

Oh I know this place. And I know exactly what they do. I hear dad talking to the owner of the place all the time.

"Fry we gotta go." I told him and he had no idea what was going on. I grabbed his hand racing past many drunk teenagers as we managed to reach Minho and Newt.

The two girls looked stared me down and then stared towards Fry. "Hey there. These may look like dumb distracted hormonal teenage idiots, which they are, but luckily they aren't dumb enough to be convinced by a bunch of dumb girls to be drugged up." I stopped to look back at Minho and Newt. "I hope." I actually think they would be dumb enough to fall into any attractive girls trap.

"So why don't you girls quit flirting to try knock them out and wander of somewhere else." I made my statement but apparently they had something else to say.

"I think she's quite jealous of us dont you think?" The dumb blonde said and the brunette nodded along. "Very."

I scoffed laughing a little. "Please jealous of what, if my job was to flirt with teenagers and try knocking them out then I would've got the job done twice as fast. Your really not that attractive either." I'm sorry but I was only stating facts. It's not my problem they got offended. "I say you walk away before it gets physical." I warned them balling my fists.

"Let's just go." The brunette said and the blonde nodded slowly walking away. "Yeah runaway you cowards!" I yelled and I turned myself to look at the three boys who stared blankly at me.

"What?" I asked them.

"You June Young, are bloody incredible." Newt told me laughing a little amazed as he placed his arm around my shoulder pulling me in a side hug.

We all walked through the dancing crowds and Minho walked next to me. "You know they were right. You were jealous, just not of them." Minho told me making sure no one else heard and I raised my eyes at him.

"You think you would cause my jealousy. Please, I have higher standards." I smirked as did he. Okay so there was part truth to that but let's just ignore it.

The more steps I took the more dizzy I got. But I had to ignore that and find Thomas. I walked around and I swear I heard a familiar voice nearing towards me.

I looked around and I saw Brenda stood right in front of me about to faint. "Hey I found Brenda!" I yelled and Minho and Fry rushed over to me as Fry caught her.

"June! I found Thomas!" I heard Teresa yell and I looked over to see Thomas on the ground and I looked down at him to see him completely unconscious.

I felt myself losing my balance once again stumbling as my mind got dizzier by the second. I bumped into someone and I looked up to see Minho looking down at me.

"You good?" He asked me and I shook my head.
"I think I'm gonna-"

I didn't even get to finish of my sentence.
I just saw darkness around me.

"I'm awake I swear."

I gasped as I looked around to see that I was lying down. I shot up sitting up to see everyone starring at me.

I saw Brenda still knocked out on the couch and Thomas too as Teresa sat next to him waiting for him to wake up.

Newt and Fry were stood next to Jorge and I saw Minho sat next to me on a chair as I lay down on another couch.

I got up way to fast and i immediately lay myself back down waiting for my head to stop spinning and I heard someone snigger recognising it was Minho.

"You okay Hope?" Minho stared down at me and I looked towards him furrowing my brows at him. "You don't care if I am."

"I- your right I don't." He proved me right and Aris had walked over to me looking down towards me. "You okay to sit up?" He asked and I nodded this time slowly sitting myself up.

"Yeah." I nodded slowly managing to sit up and Minho handed me a bottle of water and I snatched it from his hand gulping it down.

"Your welcome." Minho muttered and I just gave him a thumbs up as a thankyou. I then focused my eyes to Jorge and Newt tying up a dude against a chair. I'm not even going to ask.

I placed my feet on the ground and I stood on my feet stumbling a little bit I was fine after that. I walked over to Brenda who lay there on the couch and I could tell she was about to wake up.

She widened her eyes waking up and I looked down at her with a greetful smile. "June Young." I held out my hand waiting for her to shake it and she did.

"I know, Thomas told me about you." She told me and I decided to hand her my water and she did exactly what I did. She chugged it down. "Better be good things I hope."

"Thanks." She smiled and I nodded. "Hey Jorge, this Marcus dude. You think he owns a radio?" I asked him and Jorge nodded.

"Sure, steal it if you want hermano." He winked and I liked the sound of that. I walked over snooping through all his draws finding some cool pocket knifes and also a first aid kit. Hey this actually could be useful.

I looked at the bottom drawer to find a radio and I grabbed it and I also found an attatchable mic. Great I can talk to Luke.

"What are you doing?" Great, the annoying voice has approached. "Talking to Luke."

"You sure we can trust him?" Minho asked looking down at me and I huffed. "If you can't trust me then why are you asking. I trust Luke, he's my friend. And right now I don't have many of those."

I told him whilst managing to find out how it works finding his radio number. I managed to get it connecting to some sort of signal.

"Luke?" I called out. I got no response.
"Come on Luke I know your on break." I spoke into the mic.

"Took you long enough." I heard his voice and relief flushed over me. "You got out there safe." I said slowly exhaling relieved.

"Just about. Your dads really mad."

"Yeah I figured." I said and Minho looked towards me as I was talking to Luke. "You forgot your meds."

"Please dont mention that right now." I was quick to respond not wanting Minho to know. "June you know how important they are. You get sick without them."

"Okay shut up, now." I tried making him stop. "Just worried 'bout you kid."

"I'm fine don't worry. You think they'll be able to find us?" I asked him and Minho decided to walk away at that point.

"They haven't yet. Your dads going to kill you if he sees you again."

"That's why your going to keep your mouth shut and hope that never happens." I said, I'm trusting this man with my life.

"I've always got your back."
I heard a lot of punching and yelling going on in the other room and that was my que to leave.
"Hey I gotta go. I'll talk to you later."

"Until later."

I grabbed the radio along with me but before I could go back to where the those guys were Minho held onto my arm. "Your really sick, aren't you?"

"No im fine. Don't worry about me." I walked away making sure Minho didn't have a conversation on how I was sick. I joined back with the others to see Jorge beating the crap out of Marcus. Minho walked back towards Thomas.

"Welcome back you ugly shank." I heard Minho say as I saw him looking down at Thomas who was awake.

He stood up and walked over to Newt and then his eyes set upon me. "Looks like you've been having fun." Newt commented and I smiled towards him.

"Listen I don't enjoy hurting you okay? Where is the right arm Marcus?" Jorge asked the swelled up bleeding dude.

"Wait this is Marcus?" Thomas asked confused and I made my way towards him. "Kid catches on quick. Is he brains of the operation."

Jorge ignored him grabbing his head to force him to look at us. "I know you know where they are hiding. So you tell me and I'll make you a deal. You can come with us."

"I burned that bridge a long time ago. Besides I made my own deal. Your the one who told me never to miss and opportunity." He laughed weirdly and I folded my arms starring straight at him. Knowing exactly what he meant.

"What's he talking about?" Newt asked.
"I'm talking about supply and demand-" before he could finish his entire speech I cut him of.

"He works for WICKED, he gets kids all drugged up as soon as they walk in, they separate immune people like you guys, and weaker ones apart." I stated telling them and as soon as WICKED was mentioned all eyes were on me.

Marcus did his weird giggle and I stared at him in disgust. "She's right."

"I change my mind hermano I do enjoy hurting you." Jorge pulled his gun out kicking Marcus down pointing a gun to his head.

"Talk!" Jorge demanded. "Okay Jesus! I'm not making any promises, these guys like to move around. They have an outpost on the mountains. It's a long way away and with half of WICKED on your ass your not going to make it." Marcus told us and I saw Jorge grinning.

"Where's Bertha?" He asked and Marcus shook his head. "Not Bertha." Marcus didn't want to tell us so I decided to step forward.

"Can I have a turn?" I asked and Jorge nodded. God I've been waiting so long to do this. I grabbed him punching his already swollen face and kicked his chair down.

I checked my pocket pulling out some money waving it in his face. "We all know why you switched from Right Arm to WICKED." I stated and I know he was trying to reach out to grab it but I would let him.

"Where is the car?" I asked him and he let out a huff before answering. "She's parked in the garage, the keys are hidden inside a light bulb."

I looked over to Brenda who searched the hollow lamp pulling out the light bulb untwisting it and she pulled out a set of keys and I grinned.

I placed the money on his lap as Brenda threw the keys towards Jorge. "Hey your Jansons daughter aren't you." He called out and I looked down at him confused. How the hell does he know?

I just walked away without questioning him. "Your rich?" Minho walked up to me muttering in my ear and I wasn't rich but I wasn't poor.

"My dad gets a good pay for what he does. There's nothing better than watching his face fill with anger as I spend it all." I told them making my way out towards the garage.

I heard someone running up after me and I turned my head to see Thomas behind me. "Hey." He smiled at me.

"That's the first time I've seen you smile in a while." I told him and we walked together following Jorge. "I um- I remember a little about you." He told me and I was suprised.

"Really?" I asked and he nodded. "Yeah, we were close. Or at least it felt like it." He said and I stopped at his steps to see this content look in his eyes.

"We were, people were jealous of our friendship." I said as I looked over to Teresa grinning. "I'm sorry if I was rude to you back-"

"Don't be. I would've been a pain in my ass if I was your position. Which I would've been, if it wasn't for you."
