Chapter 6...


Song above is...You Don't Know by Katelyn Tarver

Happy Reading! 

The next three hours flew by pretty fast. After out mini golf incident with Derek things were pretty much smooth sailing. The place had literally everything and you could spend hours here and still not do everything.

After mini golf we went out back and raced cars around the track. The track was kind of insane with tons of turns and even had a part where you go up a little hill and go over a bridge type thing before coming down. It was by far the coolest thing I've ever done.

After a few laps I learned a few things about everyone...

Lexi: extremely competitive, held no remorse for smashing me or anyone else into the wall, scary as hell.

Nico: actually a nice guy but just as competitive as Lexi, could actually smile while having fun, super close with the guys and kept egging them on to hit him.

Olivia: while she is a sweetheart, on the track she was a monster. Would laugh and swear every time she passed someone or knocked into them, was actually a dirty competitor.

Derek: funny as hell, easy going, liked to drive so irresponsibly I didn't ever want to see him in a real car, always went after Olivia.

Noah: kind, good at everything, didn't hit anyone just passed them with a wide grin, probably the nicest when it comes to games out of everyone.

Alex: well...he was a mix of Nico and Noah. Easy going but super competitive on the track. Loved to ram into me every chance he got, speed devil.

By time I got out of my car I was a little shaky and albeit had a few bruises from being pushed around a lot, and we weren't even on bumper cars! I swear they were all a little insane.

The same thing happened with each activity; air hockey, dodgeball on the trampoline area, laser tag, arcade games.

While everyone was competitive it was a lot of fun. Everyone teased each other and you could clearly tell they all loved one another. I couldn't help but feel a bit like an outsider intruding on their day but everyone...well everyone beside Lexi and sometimes Alex...made me feel welcome and like I was apart of the group.

All of it was honestly the most fun I've ever had and I had Alex to thank for that. I wasn't ever going to tell him but I was really glad he woke me up this morning to take me along. I still had no clue why he did but I wasn't going to bother wondering about it.

We were all now seated in the little 'rest' area the place had trying to decide what to do next. It was now nearing 2:30pm and my stomach was seconds away from growling out loud. We had drinks in front of us but it was doing little to please my stomach.

"Remember that one time we played laser tag and Lexi started crying after being taken out in the first two minutes?" Derek laughed.

"I did not cry!" Lexi hissed looking at Derek like she was ready to wring his neck.

"Yes you did." Noah pipped in.

"I did not." The look on Lexi's face was enough to kill. I watched amused as Olivia pipped in as well.

"I vividly remember you crying." For the first time since the incident before I looked fully at Alex as he spoke. I was surprised to see he wasn't full out smirking; instead he had a half teasing smile on his face.

"Babe tell them to stop." Lexi tilted her head back to look up at her boyfriend. She was leaning back in his arms with both of them wrapped around her waist. They were a really cute couple. They both had hard edges about them but it fit. Looking at them I couldn't help but feel a twinge of pain in my chest.

"Stop picking on my crying girl." At Nico's words Lexi jabbed her elbow back at him making him laugh. Nico's laugh was just as deep as his voice and there was something about it that made you want to laugh alongside him.

I laughed with everyone else and the daggers Lexi was giving Nico. The poor guy would be dead if she had lasers for eyes. At my laugh Lexi turned to glare at me, not even glancing at everyone else. It was clear as day she didn't like me at all.

Clearing my throat I quickly changed the subject. "So how did you two meet?" I asked the couple, looking at Nico instead of Lexi and her heated glare.

"Oh this is a good story." Noah leaned forward grinning.

"I was walking out of The Coffee Bean a year ago just minding my own business when this one," Nico kissed the top of Lexi's head as he told the story. "crashed into me. Somehow the lid of my coffee popped off and spilt hot coffee all over her."

"You ran into me." Nico just rolled his eyes at his girlfriend.

"Anyways, I tried to get her a new shirt or something but she just kept cursing me out so I left. The next day at school I was in the cafeteria heading to get some lunch when Lexi suddenly showed up. In front of the entire school she dumped hot coffee all over me, shot me smirk and walked off. From that moment I knew I had to have her."

I watched with a smile as they kissed each other.

"It was hilarious. This little girl just marched right up to Nico and poured hot coffee all over him. She didn't just dump it on his shirt, no she got on her toes and dumped it on his head." Noah laughed. "People at school think Nico is some bad ass scary guy, something I don't see by the way. So it was hilarious that Lexi went right up to him regardless of the consequences."

"He deserved it." Lexi shrugged but had a smirk on her face.

"Nico was already friends with us so Lexi just slid on in." Olivia added.

"That's a cute story." I smiled.

"Did you not hear the story?" Alex asked with a raised eyebrow. "That is not a cute story."

"Damn it there goes throwing hot coffee on you." I replied back sarcastically.

"If you want me to take my clothes off all you have to do is ask, freckles."

"Why would I want to see you shirtless?" I scrunched up my nose as I looked over at him.

"Freckles, everyone wants to see whats under this." Alex runs his hands down his blue shirt all the while smirking at me.

"I wouldn't be bragging big boy, theres nothing under there worth seeing." I smirked at my own comeback, proud of myself for my quick thinking. Around us I could hear stifled laughter and I noticed Olivia grinning like a weirdo at the two of us.

"Do I need to show you right here whats exactly under this shirt?" Alex raised an eyebrow at me. His grey eyes were taunting me but I didn't give in. I've dealt with enough playboys to not give in.

"I'd rather you didn't. I'm not in the mood to throw up." My comment made Derek and Noah laugh out loud, no longer able to hide it. Smiling over at Olivia as she nudged me I turned back to Alex. For a second I thought he'd be angry but I could see his eyes held amusement and the smirk on his face had softened a bit.

I continued on staring at Alex, unable to tear my gaze away from him. A throat was cleared and a voice spoke finally making me look away from Alex.

"I don't know about you guys but I'm starving." Noah spoke. I could have kissed him for changing the subject.

A chorus of yes went around the table and everyone stood up. My stomach was threatening to growl and I was so thankful we were finally going to go eat.

"Who's going with who?" Olivia asked as we came out to the parking lot.

"I'll go with Alex and Riley." Noah spoke up first. With nods everyone dispersed. Everyone but the three of us headed for a big black Chevy truck. It didn't surprise me that it belonged to Nico. Sliding in the back of Alex's Camaro I leaned forward towards the two guys.

"Where are we going to eat anyways?" No one had said a word about where we were going but it seemed they all knew where to go.

"Monroe's Place. Have you been there?" At the mention of the diner I felt my stomach drop. Out of every place in town we had to go there. Because it was the best place to eat it would be packed with kids from school.

I instantly got quiet making Noah look back at me, thankfully he didn't say a word about it. The whole car ride to the diner I tried to calm my racing heart. Maybe it wouldn't be that busy. I mean it was 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Not a lot of people would want to eat at this time...right?

The last thing I wanted was see people from school and have them make a scene. Noah, Nico and Lexi have yet to make it known that they know who I am and I wanted to keep it that way. Of course Alex, Derek and Olivia knew since we went to the same school but even they haven't said anything about the rumors. The moment they all knew it would be the end of things.

I was having such a good time today and didn't want anything to ruin that, at least not right now. I knew come Monday morning I wouldn't talk to Alex, Olivia or Derek again so for now I wanted to cherish it. Cherish the feeling of having 'friends' for a few days.

The moment we pulled into the parking lot I could feel myself starting to freak out. I didn't want to deal with all the name calling or worse having food dumped on me; it was bound to happen here at the diner with food everywhere.

"Riley you coming?" Noah asked, popping his head back in. I hadn't even realized him and Alex had already gotten out.

"I...uh..." It's okay Riley you can do this. There may not be anyone you know inside! Just keep your head low and you'll be fine. My little pep talk did little to help my nerves.

When the door to my left opened I thought it was Noah but instead I found Alex's grey eyes looking at me.

"Coming?" His tone was soft and his eyes somehow instantly soothed me. Just that one word made me nod and move out of the car. I could have almost sworn I saw a promise in his eyes that things would be okay. Maybe that is why I found myself walking beside him with Olivia on my other side.

As soon as we entered through the door I ducked my head down and moved closer to Alex's side wanting to become invisible. I didn't look up once until we got to our booth near the back. When everyone finally sat, with me at the end of the booth, did I finally let out the breath I was holding. So far so good.

Everyone was chatting to each other but I didn't hear a word they said, my eyes staring down at the menu in front of me. I could feel a pair of eyes on me and when I looked up I found Alex staring intently at me. Blushing I glanced back at the menu.

"Riley?" Hearing my name called my head snapped up. For a split second I thought it was someone from school but when I caught sight of the person I felt a grin spread across my face. Patty, the head waitress, smiled and made her way towards our table. I could see the surprise clear on her face.

"Hey Patty." I greeted. Seeing her made me feel slightly better.

"You're here with some friends." She looked around at our group and I could tell everyone was slightly confused on how I knew her.

"Yeah." I mumbled quietly. They weren't really my friends, I mean we've only hung out for two days and they didn't know the real me.

After a moment of silence Patty beamed brightly at me and took out her note pad.

"What can I get you kids to drink?"

In no time every listed off what they wanted and Patty left, not before sending me a wink. Shaking my head I turned back to the group to find them staring at me.

"How do you know the waitress?" Noah asked first before anyone else could.

"My family knows the owner and I come here often to know the workers."

"Damn you are lucky! I bet you get tons of free food and what not." Derek butted in. Laughing I nodded.

"I get a few free milkshakes." At my words Derek's eyes widened.

"Not fair!"

"Don't worry I'll put in a good word for you." I sent him a wink to which he grinned.

Before anyone could say anything else a familiar voice spoke loudly. Just by the voice alone my body tensed up and immediately knew this as not going to end well. While the diner was kind of loud with customers talking to one another I could still hear Rebecca's heels clicking on the floor.

My insides instantly went cold and I stilled myself for what was about to happen.

"Alex baby."

I inwardly gagged. Rebecca just had to have both Mitch and Alex, never satisfied with just one. Although through rumors I have heard Alex has never once done anything with her, something that just fueled Rebecca's need to have the 'bad boy'. I secretly hoped the rumors were true just this once.

From the corner of my eye I saw her come to a stop in front of our table. I could feel her looking at everyone until her gaze landed on me. In my head I cursed at myself for putting my hair in a bun, I could have maybe hid behind it a bit more.

"Didn't know you were hanging out with the school tramp." I kept my head down and eyes on the counter, not wanting to see anyones faces as Rebecca spoke. I could feel eyes on me and I felt Olivia shift next to me. The words hitting me straight in the chest.

"Looks like the slut is onto her next victim. Or rather victims..." I didn't have to look at her to know she was sneering at me. I felt tears prick the edges of my eyes. I knew I shouldn't have come in here. I should have stayed home, should have listened to my head. So stupid Riley.

I hated that she was here telling this to everyone. Now they would look at me in disgust like everyone else; believing the horrible lies. There goes the chance of letting them know me first before hearing the rumors. A small part of me was hoping that none of them cared about what was said about me but I knew that wouldn't happen.

Not wanting to keep listening to Rebecca and feeling everyone's eyes on me I quickly stood up. My eyes filling with tears. I could literally feel the confusion mixed with disgust building around us. I knew the moment I left the table Rebecca would tell them even more lies to make them hate me; just like everyone else in this god damn town.

"Aww did I hurt the little sluts feelings?" Tears were threatening to spill and I knew it would make it all worse if they fell. Don't cry here, cry at home. I agreed with my inner voice on this one.

I couldn't physically or emotionally stand to be here for another second. I reached for my bag beside Olivia, gaze still down away from them.

The sooner I got out of here the better. Wherever Rebecca was her little goons were close behind and who knew what they would do if they saw me. I've already dealt with enough humiliation and in front of Alex and his friends no less. Ready to go I gripped the strap of my bag.

"Bye." I muttered softly. Without another look back I shouldered past Rebecca and high tailed it out of the diner. I heard Rebecca yell something after me but I couldn't hear over the pounding of my ears. Patty came into view looking confused as she saw me practically run past her out the doors.

I should have known today would take a turn for the worse, it always does. I couldn't even enjoy one day without it being ruined. And gone were my chances of being friends with Alex and those guys. No way would they look at me the same after that. Rebecca was spreading more lies about me as we speak. Telling them things that were so far from the truth.

The worst part of it all was I had a small bit of hope that I could finally have some friends again. Friends that didn't care about what was said about me and knew it wasn't true. But none of them knew me. None knew me well enough to know it was all false...and they never would. I was doomed to the life of being alone.

I always have been alone. I should have taken it as a sign when my own parents didn't want to be around me, then my brother left, my friends left. It was how my life is suppose to be.

My feet pounded against the pavement as I ran home, glad I wore converse today. My chest aching as I ran home, tears were threatening to spill. Home. I just wanted to go home.

* * * * * * * * * *

The moment I got home I bawled my eyes out. For once I was glad no one was home to see me like that. A small part of me hoped to hear my doorbell ring and see everyone on my doorstep but I knew that was too good to be true.

After a good fifteen minute cry session I got myself together. There was no use crying over something I couldn't change. I knew something like that was bound to happen and I should have prepared for it.

With a grumbling stomach I made myself some lunch before going to my room to hide the rest of the day. And I did. The rest of my day was spent laying around in my bed watching netflix and trying not to think about what was going to happen on Monday. I had little hope that Alex, Olivia and Derek will talk to me at school.

Sunday went by in the same fashion. I did make myself get up and go to my shift at Sophia's. I couldn't let my own personal things get in the way of my job and helping Helen run her bookstore. So pushing aside my feelings I went to work.

Thankfully my 6 hours at the book store went by fast and no one my age came in. I could tell Helen knew something was up with me but fortunately she didn't say anything about it, letting me be.

While I was glad my shift was over it meant that tomorrow was Monday. Another day of torture in hell and I wasn't too keen on seeing Alex, Derek and Olivia any time soon.

That night I didn't sleep that well. My mind kept thinking about what could happen tomorrow. Every scenario played out in my head and none of them were good.

When my alarm went off Monday morning I was more than tempted to skip school and lay in bed. Besides not wanting to go I was exhausted from tossing and turning all night long. I haven't wanted to go to school for the past month but today was the worst the feeling has been. I just knew Rebecca was going to say something about Saturday.

After wasting a good ten minutes arguing in my head about going to school I forced my body out of my comfortable bed. Better to just get it over with. Not like I haven't dealt with it before. It's amazing how quick you adjust to things and soon it becomes normal.

I didn't bother dressing up, instead opting for a pair of black skinny jeans with a simple white and grey stripped shirt. I left my hair down not bothering to do more than run a brush through it. With a little bit of concealer to hide the bags under my eyes I called it good.

Slipping on my usual converse I grabbed my school bag and phone before dragging my feet downstairs. Maybe if I took long enough something would happen that would let me stay home today.

Of course luck was not on my side. Glancing at the clock I saw I had 10 minutes to get to school, all my laying in bed and dragging my feet made me late. Snatching a water and the last granola bar I grabbed my keys and ran out the door.

I ate as I drove and by time I pulled into the school parking lot I only have three minutes to get inside and to class. Cursing under my breath at having to park at the back of the parking lot I grabbed my things and all but ran towards the building.

Only a few kids hung in the hallways when I entered the building. Somehow I managed to make it to my first period and get in my seat just as the final bell rang. I could feel the stares from everyone as I panted in my seat. I hadn't even caught my breath before the teacher was starting the lesson.

Thankfully the lesson went by fast. I took my time gathering my stuff so I was the last one in the room. With a small smile at the teacher I left the classroom and headed for second period.

As per usual I felt stares on me as I walked down the hallway. Almost instantly the whispers started. As I passed by a group of freshman I heard something that made me freeze.

"Did you hear? She is now trying to sleep with Alex."

"No way!"

"Yeah Rebecca saw her all over him at Monroe's Place on Saturday." The girl said to her friend. I didn't get the chance to hear anymore as someone shoved me in the back. I managed to steady myself before I fell.

"Move out of the way tramp!" At the words I had to fight to keep my mouth shut instead of saying some retort back. It would only get me more hurt in the end. Without a word I hurried to my next class.

Just like in English first period everyone stared and whispered amongst each other when I entered Calculus. When I made it to my seat, after a few failed attempts of trying to trip me, I slumped down in my seat.

Before the bell rang a few more people in and one of them was Olivia. I watched her from my seat in the back, smile at a group of girls she walked in with. I slid further down in my seat as she got closer not wanting her to see me. I hadn't even realized she was in this class with me.

It was childish but I didn't want her to see me. Beside's what happened saturday she most likely heard the rumors going around so I doubt she wanted to see me anyways. Thankfully she sat two rows ahead and didn't seem to notice me.

I like Olivia and I had thought we could be really close friends but there is no way that will happen now. If I become friends with her she'll just end up getting shit as well despite being friends with Alex. Anyone associated with me will just get the same treatment and I can't let that happen. I'd rather be miserable by myself than drag anyone else with me.

Throughout class I kept my head down but the one time I did look up I found myself looking at Olivia. She stared back at me with an unreadable expression and for some reason it made my chest ache. Bet she believed everyone, not that I blame her. I mean the lies spread around here sounded so real that if it wasn't me this was happening to I'd believe them as well.

No one tells better lies than a teenager.

After that I kept my head down until classes ended. Another surprise came next period during Government. Derek strolled into class and immediately we saw one another. How I didn't know I shared a class with both him and Olivia bets me. I must really be in my own world not to notice that.

Just like with Olivia I looked away first and ignored his presence the entire class. Ignoring your problems makes them go away...or at least that is what I keep telling myself. Class went by pretty fast fortunately and it was finally lunch time. Which meant a moment of peace for me.

The moment I walked through the library doors I felt my shoulders relax. I had no lunch with me today and no way In hell was I going to chance grabbing something from the cafeteria or the vending machines. So instead I planned on taking a quick nap until the bell rang.

Plopping down in my comfy chair I got comfortable. Right as I was able to close my eyes I heard a familiar annoying voice speak.

"So this is where you go." I cracked open my eyes to see Alex leaning against the stack of books across from me.

"Why is it every time I am sleeping you interrupt me?" I questioned.

"It's a gift."

"Why are you here Alex?" I made myself close my eyes again so I wouldn't stare at him. He was wearing a yummy black leather jacket that made him seem even more of the bad boy that people think he is.

"Can't I have lunch with my new friend?" Scoffing I opened my eyes.

"We aren't friends." With a sigh I looked away from him. "You can't be friends with me."

"Why do you hide out in here?" Alex ignored my remark and moved around my little section. I watched him run his fingers across the backs of books. I must have really been lacking in sleep for I found myself watching the back of him as he walked and finding him really attractive.

"Crime and Punishment, Things Fall Apart, Great Expectations." He rattled off. "At least you are sitting by good books." For a second I was floored that he knew what any of those books were. They were books we had to read for AP English but I didn't know he was in another AP Eng class.

"Personally I like The Count Of Monte Cristo the best." Okay yeah I really needed sleep because I was now finding myself comparing him to a bad boy who likes to read from teen fiction books.

"You've read Count Of Monte Cristo?"

"Do I live under a rock?" I found myself smiling at his reply.

"The bad boy reads." I smirked.

"Why do you seem so surprised?"

"You just don't seem like the type." I answered truthfully.

"And what type am I?" Alex turned around, leaning his shoulder on the bookcase, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Uh..." I wasn't sure if I should say. Alex stood there silently waiting for my answer. "More of a 'I'll-punch-anyone-who-looks-at-me-wrong' type of guy."

Alex didn't say a word and continued on staring at me. I squirmed in my seat under his gaze. His grey eyes had a way of making me feel slightly uneasy at times. I bet he used that to his advantaged, especially on girls.

"You are wasting your lunch hour." I randomly said when the silence got too much.

"Why do you hide out here?" Alex asked suddenly.

"What? I'm not hiding." That was such a lie and we both knew it.

"So sitting in the very back of the library isn't hiding." He scoffed rolling his eyes.

"I just want some peace and quiet, nothing wrong with that." I shot back.

"It is when you are a hermit." For some reason his comment pissed me off.

"Sorry I don't want to be out there," I gestured out the window at everyone eating outside. "and have to hear about how I threw myself at you the other day." I snapped.

"That's why you've been ignoring Olivia and Derek." He stated.

"It's not...just forget it." Knowing the bell was about to ring I grabbed my bag and stood up. So much for taking a nap during lunch.

"Why does some stupid rumor matter? " Alex's words stopped me. He probably meant it nicely but he just didn't get it. It wasn't that simple.

"It matters because its my life Alex. I'm the only one affected by it. I don't see you being called names while walking down the hallway." Closing my eyes briefly I shook my head.

"You just don't understand."

Just then the bell rang. Without waiting for Alex to reply I turned and walked away, leaving him standing there staring after me.


Hello! I know this update is a bit late but with Thanksgiving and being around family all weekend I haven't had time to write let alone update. But Thanksgiving weekend is over and it is back to the grind!

I know this chapter isn't too much but Alex and everyone finally found out about the rumor. Think it will effect everyone's friendship? 

I do want to tell you guys that bullying is one of the worst things out there. No way do I condone bullying! This book is anti-bullying. So please don't think because this book has that in it, mean I am okay with bullying because I am not. I was privileged enough to go to a smaller school where bullying didn't really happen so I didn't get picked on like most kids. DON'T YOU EVER BULLY SOMEONE FOR BEING DIFFERENT OR NOT LIKE YOU. Never!

Anyways, enough serious talk. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter though! I promise things are going to start getting more involved. Thank you guys for being so supportive and amazing with this new story! I am loving seeing all the comments you guys are leaving! <3

<3 <3


P.S Thank you a million for 71k followers!! 71 THOUSAND of you follow little old me!! HOW?! Am I dreaming? Because it sure feels like it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! <3 <3 <3
