Chapter 1....

Warning: This book will contain 'slut-shaming', bullying, name calling. This is an ANTI-BULLYING BOOK! It is never okay to bully someone because they are different. Everyone is going through a struggle you know nothing about. 

Love this thank you! <3 kimberly_white

Song above is....Warrior by Demi Lovato  (Thought it fit well :) )

Happy Reading!

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"I can't believe she'd do that to Mitch Lingston. Who the hell does she think she is?"

"He deserves so much better than that tramp."

All around I heard similar things being said about me. For the past two and a half weeks these kind of comments have followed me to and from classes. The only time I could get away from them was at lunch and when I go home. Even on the weekends I hear it if I go outside.

Tucking my head down I scurried towards the library. I hated the attention I was getting and the only place that was my solstice was the back corner of the library. There I wouldn't have to worry about seeing or hearing anyone.

The moment the library doors closed I was met with blissful silence. Blowing out a breath I made my way towards 'my' area. No one ever came back here so it was all my own. The librarian, Mrs. Anderson, liked me enough to get one of the janitors to put a comfy chair in the corner. And to make it even better I was right in the romance section that housed all my favorite books. It was the perfect little corner.

With a huge sigh I dropped my bag on the ground and fell into the chair. While it was used it was by far the softest, most comfortable chair I've ever sat in. A couple of times I've found myself falling asleep in it.

Tilting my head to the side I looked out the window on my right. The window had a dark film so no one could see who was inside but I could see everything outside. From here I could see students milling around outside on the benches and tables. It was the signature senior hangout during lunch. I use to sit out there but that was before.

I tried hard to ignore the pinch of sadness and anger at seeing everyone out there. I wish I could be sitting out in the nice weather, talking to friends and laughing. But being out there was not an option. Not anymore.

Only 144 days left until I leave this place. I thought to myself.

Graduation was too far though. Just too many days being in this hell hole listening to horrible things people say about me. If I could I'd leave but with this being my senior year I couldn't. I was almost done though. I just had to make it a few more months.

I really shouldn't care what people say about me but I did. Like anybody I don't like people judging me for things they knew nothing about. But this is high school. This is where no one believes what is real, they only care about themselves and their status, and they could give two shits about hurting someone. And at the moment I was the lowest on everyone list to be nice to.

Turning away from the window I pulled out an apple and a bottle of water. I got up a little late this morning and didn't have time to grab anything. If I was brave enough I would have gone to one of the vending machines by the cafeteria or gone somewhere, but I wasn't brave.

Munching on my apple I got up to grab the current book I was reading. Perk of having this spot to myself I could read a book and put it back to read the next day without worrying that anyone would take it. Plus it left out one book I had to carry to class and home.

I spent most of the lunch break finishing my apple and reading. Before the bell rang I glanced out the window once more. What I saw made me glare. Sitting there like he was the king of school was Mitch Lingston, aka the guy that broke my heart.

He sat on top of the table surrounded by his three best friends and his little groupies. Being captain of the football and baseball team he was the popular 'it' boy of Central High School, along with his all american looks. Blonde hair that was styled perfectly, light blue eyes, and a body that had all the girls drooling over.

Mitch comes off as the sweet, popular boy that you can't help but like, however he is nothing like that. He played girls like they were yoyo's and couldn't give two shits who he hurt. Doesn't matter what he really was like though, girls still flocked towards him and his friends. HIs friends were just as bad as he was.

Brent, Vik, and Rich were Mitch's closest friends since middle school. You couldn't go somewhere without seeing all four of them together. And just like with Mitch they only thought with their dicks not their heads.

For a while there I actually thought they were nice, of course it was all just an act. But you see that is how they get all the girls to sleep with them. It also helped they were all really good looking and they knew it.

Now looking at them I couldn't see what I ever saw in them. How did I not see Mitch using me for some bet? I was blinded to everything and over the moon that golden boy Mitch Lingston was actually paying attention to me, nerdy Riley Carson. It was a dream come true for any girl.

When the bell finally rung I sighed. Time to leave my little oasis. Putting my book back and grabbing my things I headed for my next class, Biology. Before leaving the library I took a deep breath.

I can do this. Just ignore them Riley.

That was a lot easier said than done though. I tried to walk quickly to my next class without running into anyone. But luck has not been on my side lately. As soon as I turned the corner I ran right into someone.

Looking up at who it was I inwardly groaned. I really think the universe was aspiring against me at the moment.

"Looks like someone can't stay away." The sound of my ex-boyfriends voice made my heart clench painfully.

"Yeah can't get enough." I mumbled sarcastically. "Can you get out of my way?" Oh how I wanted to smack that smug look off of his face.

"Been missing me?" He asked suddenly.

"Like I miss stepping on legos." I replied flatly. Mitch was the last person I would miss. After what he did to me he could rot in hell for all I care.

"You can act like you don't care Riley but I know you do. I was with you for 5 months remember?"

"5 months of lies need I remind you. Now get out of my way." Instead of waiting for him to move I shoved past him to get to class before I was late.

"Lie all you want Riley, you miss me." Mitch called after me. Rolling my eyes I ignored him. If I hadn't known better I'd think he wanted me to miss him.

Once again ignoring all the comments being said about me I walked into Biology and took a seat near the back window. From here I could see everyone and they can all ignore me per usual.

When I was with Mitch I suddenly became 'popular'. People knew my name, said hi everywhere I went, and even invited me to parties. I was suddenly thrown in the spotlight, something I was definitely not familiar with.

Now I was back where I started. Although this time I was hated and had no friends. The few that I did have slowly stopped talking to me when I started dating Mitch. I was with him basically everyday and because of Mitch I became distant from them. Then when the whole bet came to light they couldn't handle being around me. They knew if we became friends again they would be hated on just as much as I would.

So now I was left to my own devices. While I didn't mind it too much I missed having someone to talk to or to hang out with. Being by yourself tends to get very lonely, very quickly. With a soft sigh I tuned back in as class started.

* * * * * * * * * *

The moment the final bell rang I was out of my seat. Ducking my head down I weaved in-between people wanting to get out of this hell hole. Central High didn't look like a prison though. With its newly redone outside, new brown paint and brick, and freshly painted walls inside you would almost think it was a friendly place. But it was far from that.

The walls may be a light yellow and each classroom a different color scheme, it was basically prison. I've never been a fan of school but lately the feeling of hate has grown.

With stares on my back I quickly made my way to the parking lot. Maybe today my car won't have silly string on it. How someone's been able to get so much silly string I don't know.

Up ahead I noticed Mitch standing by his car with his friends and I made sure to go the long way around them. I once made the mistake of walking past them hopping they wouldn't notice. Well they did and it was horrible.

Once I pass them and headed for the back of the parking lot I let out a breath. Less interaction with them the better.

Because of my social status at the moment I got one of the worst parking spots. I was in the very back where it took forever to get out and forever to walk into school if I was ever late. I was only a few cars away when I caught a glimpse of my poor car. Groaning loudly I stomped towards it.

My silver 2010 Honda Accord was covered in bright pink and purple silly string. While the car wasn't brand new it still ran like a champ. The moment I saw it last year it became my baby. I had made a deal with my parents that if I got straight A's and saved half the money they would help me buy a car. Well 5 months later I got this beauty.

Unlocking the car I placed my bag in the passenger seat before I started the horrible task of getting rid of the silly string. The past week this is what's been happening and it takes a good 15 minutes to get it off. Fortunately it sticks together for easy clean up. I was just grateful it was only silly string and nothing else that permanently ruined my car. 

As I started picking off the string I could hear the annoying laughter of everyone behind me. Gritting my teeth so I wouldn't yell back at them I tried to ignore it. It would do me no good in saying anything.

"Have fun cleaning that up, tramp!" Rebecca Roberts yelled. Ah Rebecca head cheerleader, and Central High's resident bitch. She hated me the moment Mitch asked me out and I never understood why until now. She wanted Mitch all to herself and now that I am not in the way she didn't waste any second in grabbing him up.

The day after Mitch let it known he used me for a bet he showed up with Rebecca hanging on his arm. Every where I looked I saw them together either eating each others faces and dry humping or making snide remarks towards me.

The thing about Rebecca though is she isn't your average blonde bimbo. No, she's smart and knows she doesn't need to dress slutty to get a guy. Rebecca wore enough to show off her killer body but not enough come off as slutty. Every girl wanted to look like her and every guy wanted to be with her. Of course she knew that and used that to her advantage.

I rolled my eyes at her comment. It was ironic that she called me a tramp when she's been with basically every football player on the team.

Cursing under my breath I shook the string from my fingers to the ground. The curse words that came out of my mouth were probably making my grandma roll over in her grave but I didn't care. I was done with this stupid shit.

"Who knew the nerd could swear like that." A voice spoke behind me.

"Good thing I'm not a fucking nerd." I muttered, keeping my back turned.

"Damn, you need some soap for that mouth."

"Can you leave me alone." I was almost done with the stupid silly string and I could finally get out of here.

"And why would you want me to do that?" I could practically hear the smirk in the guys voice.

"Because I don't want to talk to you." No doubt he was here to make jabs at me like everyone else. I mean why else is he talking to me? No one does unless its to humiliate me. 

"That hurts."


Picking off the last clump I wiped my hands on my jeans. Still feeling the guys eyes on me I turned around, meeting a pair of really pretty grey eyes. Standing in front of me was a guy that put fictional characters to shame.

Silky black hair that was slightly long, a few strands falling into a pair of stunning grey eyes. Of course the guy had long lashes that any girl would kill for, as well as eyebrows. High cheeks bones and a jawline that even made my knees a little weak.

He was hot, no denying that. But of course he had to be Alex Kinley, aka the other 'popular' guy at school but for different reasons. You either loved the all american, blonde hair and blue eyed Mitch. Or the bad boy, dark hair and steel eyed Alex. Cliche, I know. 

Alex Kinley was known as Central High's bad boy but I wasn't sure what made him that. He did ride a motorcycle, had tattoos, and rumored to be in a gang but I wasn't so sure. Rumors around here ranged from stupid to bizarre. Half the stuff wasn't true; I would know about that.

Realizing that Alex was staring at me I quickly looked away. My cheeks heated at the fact that I clearly check him out and add on the fact that I talked back to him like I did.

"Uh..sorry about earlier." I murmured, looking at my shoes. I didn't care about rumors but I also didn't know Alex at all so who knew what he would to do me. At least he couldn't ruin my reputation more than it is.

"I didn't know you had a mouth."

"I didn't think anyone was listening." I dared a glance up at him to find he had a permeant smirk on his face. Damn he was hot.

"Glad I was." I wasn't sure what to say to that. I wasn't even sure what to do right now with him talking to me. Out of everyone he was the last person I thought I'd ever speak to. Alex was the type to keep to himself and his small group of friends. I rarely ever saw him talking to anyone else.

"Well um...I have to go." Not wanting to embarrass myself anymore I turned and practically threw myself into my car. With one last glance at Alex, who was standing there with a weird look on his face, I put my car in drive and drove off.

My hands shook slightly as I drove out of the parking lot. Did Alex Kinley really just talk to me? It was the most anyone has said to me in over two weeks and he didn't call me any names, which had to be a record. 

As I headed towards work I just knew that talking to Alex was going to get me in trouble. And trouble was the last thing I needed right now. I just needed to keep my head down until the end of the year and then I would be free. 


Hello guys, and welcome to my brand new story! Just a quick reminder...the first few chapters of any new story are going to start out slow. The first bit is always to just establish the characters, the setting, and a bit of the plot. I do like taking the first few chapters slower just so you guys don't get too confused with everything happening and who's who. 
So, just stick with it for a little bit. I won't drag it out too long I promise!

Also, this book the chapters will be shorter than my usual chapters. I decided to try writing 2-4k chapters instead of 4-7k. That way I can update faster. Plus this book is going to be Cliche, cheesy, fun, and if it has super long chapters that kind of defeats the purpose. So just a quick warning that the chapters are slightly shorter than my average ones (although as we go on no doubt I'll make them longer, cause that's just who I am :D)

AGAIN...THIS BOOK IS CLICHE, CHEESY, TYPICAL TEEN BOOK. You do have the jock/golden boy, bad boy, nerd, bet made for a relationship, etc. I am making it not so stereo-typical but there will be a few instances you will be like "Ugh this is such a wattpad book". Yes it is. I wanted a break from a serious/mature book so I am making this one light hearted. 

I do hope you guys enjoy this book though! I am excited to start it because I have so many ideas!!! I will be uploading weekly as I already have a lot pre-written. 

Anyways, thank you guys so much for taking the time to read this new story of mine! It means the world to me :) LOVE YOU GUYS!

<3 <3 <3

P.S Always feel free to send me any fan-art you make or covers! I love seeing them and I love posting them on each chapter! :)

