Day 12

A plane woke me up this morning. “Ugh go away Chris” I groaned putting my head under my pillow.

“Alex come on get up” Bridgette said.

“No” I said stubbornly still under my pillow.

“I bet Duncan’s looking for you” She sang.

I snapped my head up “You know I really hate you”

“Love you too” She said with a smile. We both got changed and went outside to whatever challenge was set up for us today. Honestly, after last weeks shit show, I don’t think they could top it. Between the drill bit Chef challenge, and the emotional bullshit with Courtney, that was easily the worst challenge I’ve been a part of.

Once Bridgette and I were outside, I felt arms go around my waist. “Hey baby” I said turning to kiss Duncan. “Hey sleepy” He said. It was true I could barely keep my eyes open.

Until Chris tried to kill us with a plane that is. “Incoming!!!” Chris yelled, he swooped his plane down low enough to turn all of us into teenager sushi.

“Hit the deck!!” Geoff yelled as we all ran screaming and ducked from Chris’ incoming plane.

“Just flexing your muscles for today’s EXTREME SPORTS CHALLENGE” Chris said through a mega phone. We all cringed.

“Ugh it’s too early for this” Gwen groaned.

“This week you’ll participate in three challenges. First up extreme sofa bed skydiving!!” Chris said in the mega phone again. “Contestants will plummet……uhhh sky dive to awaiting sofa bed target below” Chef demonstrated, jumping off the landed plane onto the sofa bed, but the sofa bed snapped shut on him as soon as he made contact with it. Ouch.

“Of course you’ll be sky diving from five thousand feet and using these” Chris said throwing two parachute bags out, they looked musty and old, and very unreliable. “Our lucky contestants are Trent and DJ”

“Sure, why not?” Trent said “You know what they say on black comb mountain, bro? Best glimpse of heavens on the way into hell. Let’s do this!” Trent seemed pumped grabbing hold of DJ, DJ on the other hand, not so much.

“Yeah, uh, sure, bring it on” DJ tried to sound convincing.

“Not so fast, because the second challenge of the day is EXTREME RODEO MOOSE RIDING!!” Chris yelled in the megaphone again. “Contestants will rodeo ride the great Canadian bucking moose for eight seconds or get hoofed into a giant pile of socks from the lost and found”

“That stink pile ain't nothing but laundry day back home” LeShawna said.

“It’s your lucky day LeShawna you’re riding for Gopher’s and Geoff you’ll ride for Bass” Chris told them.

“Yeah!!” Geoff cheered. Owen went down to the moose. “He doesn’t look too bucky to me. Hi beautiful” The moose then hit him knocking him over, good judgement moose.

“And the final challenge EXTREME SEADOO WATER SKIING! Contestants will water ski a race course grabbing as many flags they can before crossing the finish line. While a member of the opposing team drives the seadoo” Chris said.

“How can we water ski without water?” Heather asked.

“It’s really hard. Check it out” Chris said as Chef demonstrated, he tried and got thrown into a tree. “Hahahaa, awesome!! Harold you’ll ski for killer bass”

“Sweet!” Harold said happily. “And Lindsay for the screaming Gophers” Chris said.

“Cool! I can model my new bikini!” Lindsay said happily.

“Now for the cool swag, whoever scores the most challenges get bragging rights for the night, saves their butt’s from elimination and wins a tricked out multi massage mobile shower” Chris said, we all looked at the glittering clean shower in awe. Oh I have to have that.

“Can it be!?” Heather asked in awe.

“Oh, it be” Chris said. Owen just groaned “Ugh, a shower? How about something good?”

“Listen to me you marshmallow eating goof! We are gonna win that shower if it’s the last thing we do, got it!?” Heather yelled at Owen. Owen was so fearful he started choking on the marshmallow he was eating, Heather ran in fear of getting hit by Owen’s goopy-chewed up marshmallow, Harold smacked Owen’s back making him spit out the marshmallow, sending it flying all the way to the back of Heather’s head knocking her over.

“Okay gang. Chow for breaky then report back in twenty minutes for the extreme sports challenge!” Chris said going back off in his plane sending out a massive dust storm all around us.


We all headed to the dining hall but I stayed back for a second. “Alex you coming?” Duncan asked.

“Yeah, one minute” I said, I had some comments to make to two people specifically, first II pulled Harold’s shoulder back. “Harold” I said.

“Are you gonna hit me?” He asked blocking himself.

“No. I was actually gonna thank you” I said.

“What?” he asked letting his guard down.

“Oh don’t play dumb” I said hitting him lightly. “I know you rigged the votes to get Courtney off! But what I want to know is why didn’t you get me off instead?”

“Cause Duncan liked Courtney more at the moment” Harold said, “They always prank me so much, I just wanted to get back at them, Duncan was with Courtney so I figured getting her out would mess with him right back” He sounded almost proud, but slightly scared telling me.

Personally, good for him for standing up for himself, it got Courtney out, and he proved to not be as wimpy as we thought he was. Not that that means I’ll stop ripping on him, I’m just beyond grateful he got Courtney out of here.

“Wow, well I must say, well done. But just so we’re clear, that was a one time thing, and if you do rig the votes again to get me off, I will not let you get away with it” I said cracking my knuckles “If you know what I mean”

“Got it” He said running away. I smiled and went back to the dining hall.

Alright, now to handle our little pink-shirted friend. I set my sights on Geoff and went over to him. Bridgette saw me and gave me a “What are you doing?!” Look. I told her about Geoff supporting Duncan being a stupid dick and kiss Courtney, which obviously made her extremely mad at Geoff.

I know Geoff’s not a bad guy, so I just want to talk to him and hopefully get an apology from him as well, then I can tell Bridgette he was nice and apologized and she can go back to being into him, and everything will be right with the world again.

Geoff was sitting near Duncan and DJ, I went over to them with a smile, I didn’t want to scare Geoff the way I did Harold, even though it would be pretty entertaining to see. “Hey babe” Duncan said pulling me close to him and kissing my cheek.

“As cute as you are, I’m actually not here for you” I patted his cheek. He smirked “Oh really now?”

“Yep, Geoff” I looked to him, “Come on, we gotta square up on something” He looked at the guys then to me, “What about?”

“Just come on” I grabbed his arm pulling him with me. I just walked outside the mess hall with him and turned to face him “So, am I in trouble?” he asked.

“A little bit” I said leaning against the building with my arms crossed.

He sighed “This about the Duncan thing?”

“Exactly” I nodded, “I was pretty livid when I first saw you encouraging Duncan, and Bridgette got the bad end of my anger as well”

He groaned “Aw man…she hates me now doesn’t she?”

“She’s not too thrilled. But I figured Duncan apologized, he and I are good, I don’t want our friendship to end, and I of course don’t want Bridge to hate you, so I just wanted to talk it out with you and see what you had to say”

“I’m really sorry for encouraging Duncan so much with the Courtney stuff, he’d told me he thought she was cute before, and he’s my friend, so I don’t know, I just kind of took his side on that one” He scratched the back of his head.

“You didn’t find it just a little bit fucked up that he was into her while he was with me?” I asked.

“I did, but like I said, I wasn’t really thinking and I didn’t take into consideration how you might feel, I’m honestly really sorry for that, you’re my friend, and I’m sorry I made you hate me” I smiled at his apology, I couldn’t stay mad at Geoff, and it was even better that he wasn’t trying to deny anything.

“That’s all I needed to hear, I’ll get Bridgette back on your good side” I said, he smiled putting an arm around me “You’re the best, add in that I was so sincere and apologetic that it blew your mind away” He said dramatically.

“Just make you sound fantastic huh?” I asked with a laugh.

“I mean if it’s not too much to ask” he said, “We’ll see buddy” I smirked as we went back into the mess hall. Geoff patted my shoulder before taking his arm back and rejoining the guys.

I brought myself over to Bridgette and Gwen sitting next to Bridge

“Hey guys” I said opening my bottle of water.

“Hey” they greeted me.

“What was that with Geoff?” Bridgette asked frantically. “Oh nothing, just some apologizing on Geoff’s part” I filled her in.

“He apologized?” She asked sounding surprised.

“Uh huh” I nodded. “Oh, well, that’s good” She said smiling a little taking glance at him. I smirked, she could never say she doesn’t like him.

Owen was near the three of us grabbing some food, he shoved some sort of slop on his plate and ate all of it at once, then burped out some sort of card. “Sweet grub bro!” Owen said to Chef before walking off.

Chef read it out loud “For the girl with smoldering eyes?” He then just tossed it to the ground. “Check it out it’s a corny Haiku poem” Gwen said picking it up.

“Haha, wow” I said reading it, it was pretty dumb and cheesy.

“Whoa, haha some dude’s crushing big time” Bridgette said. “It’s probably for you” she said to Gwen.

“No way Bridge it’s for you” I said.

“I thought Duncan might have written it for you” Gwen said to me.

“Trent’s totally crunching on you, I’ve seen the way he always scams an extra muffin for you” Bridgette said.

“Oh come on Bridge, Geoff is so into you” I said, “Did I forget to mention he asked me to make him sound fantastic for you? He wants you to love him”

“But Duncan like loves you Alex, he’s probably trying to make up for the whole Courtney thing” Gwen said to me, it would be a really sweet gesture if he did.

“But don’t you guys remember at the dock yesterday how Geoff tried to get Bridgette’s attention?” I asked we all remembered Geoff on the dock yesterday. Gwen Bridgette and I were sitting out on the lounge chairs, while Geoff was going to go water skiing with Trent. Geoff wa sso buys smiling and waving at Bridgette that he didn’t see Trent’s boat coming and hit him pretty hard. We all laughed together.

“Then again Geoff probably couldn’t pronounce Haiku let alone write one” Gwen joked, I saw Bridgette’s joking face go to serious, oh shit.

“Ouch I felt that from over here” I said laughing lightly trying to squash Gwen’s comment.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Bridgette asked, not attempting to let Gwen off the hook.

“Nothing he’s just not exactly the scholarly type” Gwen said, oh?

“And Trent is?” I said. Gwen looked to me starting to look annoyed “Of course, because you know Duncan’s the smartest guy you can find”

“Oh and I suppose that Trent is boning up on his nietzsche in his spare time?” Bridgette said.

“I think Trent is more nietzsche  then Geoff is Haiku-y” Gwen said.

“Haiku-y?” I asked.

“Pff well at least Geoff and Duncan aren’t posers” Bridgette said, yay, she’s on my side.

“Trent probably doesn’t even write his own songs” I shot at Gwen, we all tried grabbing the letter and it ripped in 3 pieces.

“Tell you what Betty’s, I’ll bet you two night’s dessert that the poem was meant for me” Gwen said.

“Oh it’s on. It was so for me” I said.

“Alex!” Bridgette said.

“I won’t insult Geoff, I’ll just say that the note was for me” I said.

“Whatever, I’m up for that ... down with that. Whatever, you're on!” Bridgette said as we all fist pounded.


We all went to the first challenge which was by the plane and sofas on the beach. “Hey you” Duncan said as I went by the couch. He was leaning back on it and I sat down next to him giving him a kiss “Hello” Duncan was definitely showing affection for me much more since the whole Courtney incident, I didn’t mind though, it was nice, it was his way of attempting to make up for the whole fiasco, and I was just basking in it.

“Now remember, ground teams can wheelie the sofa beds wherever they want in order to help their comrade with the landing” Chris told us.

“Sayonara Trent, I hope your attempts to impress weird Goth girl are worth the chalk outline” Heather said as she drew an outline of Trent’s body.

“Uh did you ever think that maybe Trent’s doing this as a form of self expression? Like Haiku?” Gwen said. Everyone was silent. “Or not” She said. Bridgette and I smiled at each other, we have this in the bag...well, I do. Duncan had to have written that for me!

“What's got you happy?” Duncan asked pulling me onto his lap.

“I made a bet with Bridgette and Gwen and I think I may be winning” I said.

“Mind sharing the bet?” He asked.

“Mmm, yep, not telling” I said.

He nodded “Okay, I’ll remember that next time I have a secret”

I smacked his arm “And then you’ll get in trouble with me!”

“Oh so you can keep secrets but I can’t?” He asked. I smiled and nodded “Sounds about right”

“You’re such a bitch” He said making us laugh together.


DJ and Trent went up into the plane and were preparing to jump, the rest of us tried moving the sofa bed around to catch them. Suddenly we heard screaming from above and looked up to see Trent falling from the sky, he missed the Gopher’s sofa bed by an inch landing hard into the sand.

“Ah that’s gotta burn” I cringed looking at him, I hoped DJ wouldn’t have the same fate.

“Trent?” Gwen asked looking over him. He just groaned in his sandy grave.

The rest of my team just focused on pushing our sofa bed around so DJ wouldn’t get the same fate as Trent. “You know what's really romantic?” Bridgette asked Geoff as we pushed the sofa bed.

“Uh, writing someone’s name in the snow with your pee?” He asked. I coughed trying to hide my laugh, oh Geoff.

“Uh actually I was thinking more of the written word” She said.

“Ohhh, you mean like a tattoo haha, yeah, I got one on my butt wanna see?” He asked dropping his shorts immediately. She covered her eyes and I looked away then laughed at Bridgette. “Down for the count?” I asked.

“Okay well let’s see what you got” She said getting all competitive again. We continued pushing the sofa bed when I decided what to say. “You like me right?” I asked Duncan.

“Of course, a lot” He smiled.

“Well you know those little romantic poem things?” I asked. He looked kinda blank.

“Ummm, Haiku’s? Yeah that's it” I said trying to pretend I hardly knew what I was talking about.

“Oh yeah, I think I remember learning that in English one year” He said, clearly racking his brain for this information.

“Yeah that, a lot of guys write them to girls to show how much they like them”

“Yeah……softies” he shook his head laughing a little. I basically choked on air. “What?!”

“Well you wouldn’t expect me to do that right?” He asked. I sighed, Nope, not at all”

Bridgette smiled at my defeat, but then who the hell wins? My thoughts about this dumb haiku were cut short when we heard yelling coming from above us, it was DJ.

“Go, go, go!!” Bridgette and Harold said frantically as we all rushed to push it towards where DJ was falling.

We moved over to where DJ was floating down, unlike Trent, his parachute deployed so I couldn’t imagine he’d get hurt even if he didn’t land on the bed. He yelled the whole way down until finally landing softly on the sofa bed that we’d parked safely below him.

“Everything’s still here, nothings broken, phew” DJ sighed in relief, suddenly the bed shut tightly on him as it did with Chef. We all gasped and walked away whistling like nothing happened.

“Gopher’s lose Bass win, one-zero!” Chris told us as he flew by in his plane. At the same time a hospital crew had come to get Trent and fix him up after his massive fall.

“Nice going Trent” Heather said in an annoyed tone.

“Trent, is there anything you wanna ask me before they take you to get you…re-boned?” Gwen asked.

“Yeah, is my hair messed up?” He asked before being taken away, Gwen just looked at him helplessly Bridgette and I put our arms around her smiling.


After the shit-show of the skydiving, we moved onto the next challenge. “Okay cowpokes, let’s start the rodeo moose challenge” Chris said through a mega phone.

“Rodeo ridings kinda like surfing, once you catch the lift you just flow with the mojo” Geoff said.

“Yeah flow, kinda like the ancient art of Japanese haiku” Bridgette said, trying once more to prove Geoff wrote the haiku for her.

“What's a haiku?” Geoff asked. Bridgette sighed, realizing it was clear Geoff didn’t write the poem.

“Hey Bridge haha, wanna see that tat?” Geoff asked while standing on the moose pulling his pants down to show us.

This time I didn’t have much time to look away, “Whoa” Gwen and I said.

“Definitely not haiku-y” Bridgette said. At this time, I guess the moose noticed Geoff’s pants around his ankles while he was on top of it, and wasn’t too pleased about it. The big guy snorted as Chef went to let him out of the gate, the moose charged through it though while Geoff was on top of it, pants hanging off his feet, screaming the whole way.

The moose short stopped which chucked Geoff over it’s head and into the sock pile.

“And Geoff’s-out?” Chris said in shock at how quick it took Geoff to get chucked in some dirty socks. “Ooh that stinks big time for Bass! No seriously that is some rank stuff. LeShawna let’s jet!” LeShawna cracked her knuckles looking more ready than ever.

As LeShawna’s furious moose started running around the challenge area, Gwen Bridgette and I were still doing our little bet/fight deal.

“So your guys a metro with a broken back” Bridgette said to Gwen.

“So your guys a grammatically challenged skater flake” Gwen said to Bridgette.

“Yeah well he’s better than being accident prone” I said to Gwen, seriously, dude’s been in the hospital more than anybody else on the show. While we were fighting, LeShawna was yelling every now and then in the background from her crazy moose ride.

“So your guys a cheating punk” Gwen shot back about Duncan. Oh she didn’t just say that…

We kinda looked and glared at each other then looked away. “Okay, so it wasn’t Trent Geoff or Duncan” Gwen said.

“Yeah, plus we kind of  just assumed it was for us” Bridgette said.

“Friends?” I said and then we hugged. “Well whoever it is we’re gonna find out” Bridgette said. “Deal?”

“Deal” I said shaking Bridgette’s hand, Gwen did the same, just as LeShawna passed us on her moose, riding it all the way to victory.


“So we have a tie, whoever wins the EXTREME SEADOO WATER SKI CHALLENGE wins invincibility” Chris said coming in on a motor bike.

“I’m ready!!” Lindsay said coming out in her new bikini. The guys were google-eyed over her, but she looked the least bit ready to actually ride.

“We are so dead” Heather said in panic. “Unless, I get to ride the wave jumper!!”

“Just win the dang shower so I can get my hair did” LeShawna said a little beaten up after the moose ride.

I turned to Duncan. “You sure you’re okay with riding the Jet Ski, without water?”

“Positive, come on I’ll be fine” He patted my shoulder.

“I’m not so sure on that one but whatever you wanna do” I said giving him a quick kiss. Bridgette pulled me over to Gwen while Duncan still looked lost on what was going on with us.

“Okay so haiku-ist candidates are Harold DJ or Owen” Gwen said.

“Well Harold’s just,” I said. He came out of the confessional with his pants still down and sunglasses on. “Ladies” He tried to be smooth, then fell over on his pants.

“Yeah” Gwen said, Harold really didn’t need an explanation. “I’ll take Owen, you guys take DJ” Gwen said. We fist pounded walking away.

Harold went on the skis while Heather drove, then Lindsay was on the skis while Duncan drove. I wasn’t really paying attention too much since Bridgette and I were trying to get DJ to talk. “Hey DJ” I said.

“So read any good poems lately?” Bridgette asked simply.

“So asked any arbitrary way-out-of-left-field questions lately?” DJ asked in the same tone back to us.

“Aren’t you just a little smart ass” I laughed at DJ. He laughed back and shook his head “To answer your question, no, I have not”

Bridgette and I shook our heads to Gwen, well this was another dead end. Harold started out the race not-so-great, Heather slammed on the gas so hard that he went flying off his skis and straight into the mud.

As Heather went off the first ramp Harold collected the first flag with ease. “Flag one for Bass!” Chris announced making Duncan DJ Bridgette and I cheer happily. “No!” Heather yelled angrily at Harold. She tried to swerve around the course, but Harold just kept grabbing the flags one after another.

“Five flags and heading home!” Chris announced once again sending my team into a happy frenzy. “That’s impossible!” Heather yelled in anger.

“Heather has to cross the finish line or be disqualified” Chris said riding next to her on his quad. “But when she does, Harold will take five flags to victory for the Killer Bass!”

Heather gasped once she saw the finish line, the way into the finish line was masked by a bunch of trees making it hard to see the two of them. I wasn’t worried though, Harold had all the flags and Heather had to cross, what could possibly go wrong?

Suddenly as they emerged from the woods, the jet ski crashed right into a rock, making Harold let go of all the flags, and making Heather go flying back onto land.

“What the hell just happened!?” I yelled angrily.

“I don’t know what Heather did to make Harold lose his concentration, but it’s a total wipe out for the Bass team!” Chris announced. Ugh, from the top to the bottom in three seconds. My team all glared at Harold, angry we’d most likely lose this challenge.

Bridgette nudged me and I looked over at Gwen. I’d believe anyone would’ve written that letter except Owen. He’s just so, Owen. She talked to him for a minute before burping a nasty looking burp right in her face. After recovering, she looked at us and shook her head.

“What? No one else could have wrote it” I said to Bridgette in shock. I was starting to believe that it was just left over here from whoever owned the island before Chris got his hands on it.

“Chris or Chef?” Bridgette asked. We thought about it then we just laughed.

“Hahaha, yeah right, that's good Bridge” I said. “I know, what was I thinking?” She said as we laughed about the idea of Chris or Chef writing such a sappy little note.

Up next were Lindsay and Duncan on the jet ski. “Ready, set, ride it like it’s sweeps week! GO!” Chris started them off. Unlike Harold, Lindsay stayed on her skis the whole time, grabbing the first flag with ease. “Flag one!” Chris announced.

“Flags two, three, four” Chris announced as Lindsay collected each with ease. Duncan attempted to throw her off, but it really didn’t do any good, and he just got angrier by the second.

“Lindsay has snagged flag five and is racing home for the win” Chris narrated as we watched, it was pretty intense. I sighed, looks like we’re kissing that shower goodbye. “Duncan is euchred! He has to cross!”

“Says you!!” Duncan yelled, he then let go of the handles and crashed into a rock which sent him flying into a tree. “Duncan!” I said in panic going by the tree.

“Gopher’s win!” Chris announced, looking shocked about it. I think we all are.

Lindsay cheered as she crossed through the finish line. “Sorry about that Doug, I just really wanted that shower!” Lindsay said. Duncan looked up from the tree. “Ugh, whatever” Duncan said.

I went by the tree. “You okay?!” I yelled up to him.

“Perfect, I just gotta- whoa!” He said as he fell down on his back. “Ah! Fuck” He yelled in pain.

I kneeled down next to him. “I told you, you were gonna get hurt” I helped him up. People should learn to listen to me.

“No, ah, just a hard fall. I’ll live” He said stretching his arms out trying to find an injury.

“Yeah, yeah” I said slapping him in the back lightly. “Damn it!” He yelled in pain. I laughed at him “Oh yes you’re totally fine”

He smiled devilishly  “And you're dead”

“No way bruised back” I said backing up holding my hands up in surrender, god knows what form of torture he had thought out for me.

“Oh yes you are” He said and began running at me, I giggled running away as fast as I could. He finally caught up to me, and held tight onto my waist, then threw both of us into the mud.

“Aw Duncan!” I yelled feeling the mud soak into my clothes, hair, just about everything. “This is disgusting!”

He smiled successfully sitting up and pulling me up with him. His front and sides were mud soaked, while my back was drenched. “You know this would have been a fun thing to do if we had actually won the shower!” I picked up some mud and tossed it on his chest, adding to the mess.

“That chick was unshakable! How was I supposed to win!?” He said going straight into defense mode. I smirked at seeing his ego inflate to the size of a mountain.

“You did your best and that’s all I can ask for. At least you didn’t drop all our flags, I still say it’s Harold’s fault we lost” I said putting my muddy hand to his muddy face. He smiled at me “Thanks babe” He then wrapped me in a tight hug, which normally, I’d adore, but right now, I loathed with every inch of myself.

“Duncan!! Mud! Everywhere!” I yelled at him.

He smirked devilishly again “I know, figured I had to get you all over”

I tackled him to make sure to get his back drenched in the gunk as well. “There! Now we’re even!”

He gave me a quick kiss, both of us muddy and messy. “You’re lucky that I was planning on sneaking into that shower tonight anyway” I said trying to wipe my face clean, I’m sure it still looks like I just dove into some chocolate pudding.

“Nice and sneaky, I like it” He smirked wrapping a muddy arm around me. We walked back over to everybody else earning some odd looks. “Duncan thinks he’s a mud wrestler if any of you are wondering” I said to all of them.

“Alex thinks she’s tough, gotta keep your girl in place, am I right guys?” Duncan said, very asshole-like. I laughed and shook my head smacking his back hard making him cringe.

“Gotta keep your man in place, am I right ladies?” I mimicked him, blowing him a kiss as I sat down next to Bridgette at a picnic table, Gwen was across from us and that dumb haiku was in the middle of the table.

Gwen and Bridgette smirked at my appearance and how Duncan and I just acted with each other. “So much for him being a sweetheart?” Bridgette asked.

I shrugged “He’s still nice, but that’s the Duncan I started dating. Total dick and I love it” I smiled as he and Geoff stood near eachother talking, since besides me, they were the dirtiest and smelliest of the group.

I tied my muddy hair up into a messy bun and Gwen offered me a water bottle to at least clean my face and hands off with. “I give up on this thing” Gwen said about the haiku.

We still don’t know who wrote that stupid letter or who it was even for, but at this point I couldn’t care less. “So we ruled out Owen and DJ” Gwen said.

“I know, so who could it be?” Bridgette asked.

“I think I’m starting to believe it was Chef or Chris” I said.

“Who could what be?” LeShawna asked coming over, freshly showered and clean. I envied her with every piece of me, even though I’d sneak in it tonight, the mud was starting to harden all over and I felt repulsive. Bridgette gave LeShawna the letter which we taped back together. “Another note from your secret admirer LeShawna?” Chris asked coming by us.

“LeShawna’s the crush girl?!” Bridgette Gwen and I said.

“You three know someone else here with a kick butt attitude? Like mine?” LeShawna said going away.

“But who wrote it?!” Gwen asked.

“Ugh!! This is killing me. Whatever Bridgette we have an elimination” I told her. She groaned in annoyance getting up with me.


That night at the ceremony we had all cast our votes and were waiting for the results. I wasn’t really feeling Harold anymore. I know he helped with the whole Courtney situation, but still, if he had held onto his flags we would’ve won, besides, I’m sure one less Harold at camp will make it a bit more bearable.

“As you know if you do not receive a marshmallow you will be forced to walk the dock of shame and you can never EVER return to camp. Bridgette and DJ you are safe” Chris said.

Chris took out a mega phone. “Geoff! You’re safe too!” he said throwing a marshmallow to Geoff who was over in a tree cause he still reeked terribly after the whole sock incident.

“Muchos luchos, compadre!” Geoff yelled from the tree, Duncan looked a little nervous realized it was between me him and Harold and looked a little nervous.

“Annnnnnnnnnd Alex” Chris said. I got up and stood next to Bridgette. They better hope to god they didn’t vote Duncan out. But they probably wouldn’t. Well Bridgette Geoff and DJ wouldn’t, which is ninety-nine percent of our team.

“Okay that leaves Harold, who bailed big for reasons unknown” Chris said. “And Duncan who bailed even bigger because Lindsay left him circling the drain in a shameless-”

“The chick was determined!” Duncan said threw his teeth holding Chris by his shirt collar.

“Duncan” I said warningly, as much as I’m sure we all wanna kill Chris at this point, it’s not that worth it. “Which is why you're safe” Chris said handing him the last marshmallow. He came over to me wrapped his arm around me and ate the marshmallow. I rolled my eyes but found a smile on my face, theres the douchebag I’m super into for some reason.

“Harold, sorry dude, you're done like dinner” Chris said. Harold got up grabbed his stuff and highfived us all as he went to the boat. “Well it’s been fun guys” He said.

Before he got on the boat he looked back at us. “Farewell, Total Drama Island. I loved, I lost, and I saw boobies. What more could a man ask for?” He said.

Well THAT'S a shock. “You loved?’ Gwen asked.

“You’re a man?” LeShawna asked.

“You saw boobies?!” Bridgette said in shock.

“Alright somebody better fess up who flashed Harold” I said, they would never hear the end of it from me if I find out who did.

“LeShawna I meant every word of that poem!” Harold said.

“Poem? That was you…?” LeShawna asked in shock.

“No way” Bridgette glancing between Gwen and I. LeShawna ran over to him, Harold ran towards her, the classic slow-mo run, only this time, when they reached each other, LeShawna took the man role and picked up Harold. “Baby, you some kind of freaky!” She said. “Give daddy some sugar!” Harold sounded strained from being held by her, and then they kissed.


Um, wow! Chef pulled him away and onto the boat of losers, LeShawna waved as he got sent away, well, that was very unexpected. “Wait a sec, so Harold saw your chest?” Geoff asked LeShawna once she was back.

“Can we see?” Owen asked.

“Heck no!.........Wait a minute, WHO’S CHEST DID YOU SEE!?” LeShawna yelled out to Harold. Heather stepped out of the shower and LeShawna went over to her.

“Uh uh, Uh uh, uh uh, uh uh! Oh-oh-oh! See now you messed with the wrong sister!” LeShawna said.

“Oh, please, it was a total fluke. You think I'd actually show that dweeb my boobs on purpose?” Heather asked. LeShawna started chasing her. “Get back here!!” She yelled while Heather ran and screamed for her life.

“Well that's settled, night” Gwen said to us. “Night” Bridgette and I said going to our cabin and off to sleep.

What a day.


What a good episode, the start of all the LeShawna and Harold stuff, that relationship will never get old!

I loved the whole haiku thing in this episode though, with Bridgette and Gwen trying to see if Geoff or Trent wrote it for them, I just had to add Alex into the mix of that haah.

Also! I’m reediting these as you all probably know, and I know that the canadian version of this show is slightly different than the US version, you know, saying suck and crappy when the US one says stink?

Well in this episode, in the US version, when LeShawana reveals she’s the crush girl, the line I’ve heard my whole life of watching this show was always you know somebody with a kick but attituuuude? Like mine? And to reedit these I’m using netflix, and since netflix is airing the canadian version, LeShawana’s line was “You two someone else here with a booty as luscious as an apple?” So normally I’ll change the lines to the canadian version, but I’m keeping her US line, just because I’m so used to hearing it lol,

also, in the candian version they say boobies alot more than chest, which is extremely funny to me and sounds so childish, so I’m sticking with the word chest
