TRENTS POV (3rd person)

Trent slowly walked up to the door with the rest of his friends, oh well, the drama brothers. Cody ran to ring the doorbell, pressing the button multiple times like a child. Justin and Harold walked up from behind, chit chatting on the way up the steps. While Trent was waiting, he look at Geoff's mansion, it shined with riches, this house was more then Trent could ever afford.

Trent noticed the door starting to open, to be greeted by an enthusiastic Geoff.

"Whats up Brahs?  Come Inside!" Geoff welcome the drama brothers.

Cody ran inside the second he could, looking around at the gigantic house. Trent decided to wander his own path to find the kitchen. He saw Justin walk over the the living room, where he would lay down with the decorative cushions filling up the space. Alejandro was there as well, and it seems he was wearing a face mask while relaxing next to Justin, who did the same.

Trent finally was able to find the kitchen, where he saw a variety of dishes and drinks waiting for the guests. He decided to take a plastic cup from the side of the table and pour some random drink into it.

He brought his drink over the the main entrance, where he saw team escope make their way in. Trent stared at them while Izzy ran inside the house, practically dragging Noah and Eva with her while Owen followed. Trent just kept wandering around, drinking his drink while waiting for everyone to come.

HEATHERS POV (First person)

I walked into Geoff's mansion, all I could think of was how fucking big it was. The place welcomed you from the outside with its beach atmosphere, but the inside was even better. The living room was huge, with a kitchen being on the side just to be bigger. The house was spacious, I wonder what I could do with the other 3 stories if I lived here. How does Geoff even afford this? Last time I checked the dump Total Drama has become wont get you to make a quarter of the price of this shit. 

Alejandro walked up to me, he was wearing a sheet mask on his face which made me giggle, why tf is he doing a face mask at a party?

"Hey mi ex-amor, have you seen Tyler?" Alejandro asked me while trying to scan the room, like eye contact much?

"No, why? Are you gonna suck faces with him" I taunted, knowing that would make Alejandro even more annoyed yet probably more desperate.

"Whatever, im going to look for him" Alejandro sighed, while shoving past me to explore the house even more.

I rolled my eyes, of course he is looking for Tyler, gay bitch.

I walked into the kitchen, met by the deluxe foods and tropical decorations. The counters were white, along with the rest of the theme. The tropical scene portrayed through the big windows made the kitchen seem as a place of light. There was 2 other people in the kitchen, Trent, who is already walking out with a cup of some shit. Then there was Cody, stashing some candy on the countertops. I decided to walk up to Cody out of boredom, but before I could reach him he looked at me and started to talk to me.

"Hey Heather, have you seen any candy?" Cody begged, he looked like a desperate kid after walking into a candy shop, mesmerized by all the sweets.

"No, you already have enough" I replied, knowing damn well what happened the last time I let him have sweets.

"Aww please Heath" He said to me with puppy dog eyes, I am immune to his stupidity though and leave him there with the rest of the candy, although most of its gone. Stupid Cody.

CODYS POV (First person)

I ran around the house, not knowing what to do since I ate that whole bucket of candy. I saw some of the other total drama contestants by the living room, some stayed in the kitchen, some were by the entrance, and more and more appeared the more I looked. 

I did feel sick after all that candy but it was so fucking worth it. I walked over to the living room to be greeted by an overly hyper Izzy, a bored Noah, an angry Eva, a hungry Owen, and Justin who appeared to be doing a face mask. It seemed like Izzy was trying to get Noah to join their game of monopoly, but of course Noah disagreed to play. I also saw Owen in the corner of my eye with a stash of food. He sat next to Noah, eating a whole buffet worth of snacks. With nothing better to do, I walked up to the living room to join their game.

"Hey can I play?" I asked Izzy, who was begging Noah to join.

"Sure! But you know what else would be cool? If Noah joined too!" Izzy screamed, Noah replied with rolling his eyes and going back to the book he was reading. I caught myself staring at him while Izzy was still feisty as ever.

Eva looked at Izzy, then looked back at Noah. Im pretty sure Noah knew what would happen next after Eva told him to join, and it worked.

I took a seat next to Noah, while Izzy and Eva were seated at the other side. We all soon picked a character and started playing the game. The game got boring within a couple minutes but all that mattered was Noah- I mean playing the game ofc!

GWENS POV (Third person)

Gwen walked into the party, she arrived with Courtney who begged her to be early but as plans have it they were arriving an hour late. Gwen made her way in while holding her lovers hand. Dang this house was big.

"Hey my dudette!" Geoff welcomed Gwen, pulling her in for an awkward but alright hug. She could see Courtney getting hints of slight jealousy with Geoff's easygoing personality. 

"Hey Geoff! Awesome party" Gwen said while trying to let go of the hug.

"Hey love, why dont we go to the kitchen?" Courtney suggested, out of jealousy obviously.

"Sure" Gwen replied, while gripping back onto Court's hand.

Gwen and Courtney slowly made their way to the kitchen. Gwen saw Owen grabbing a stash full of food while Tyler was also there drinking some of the offered drinks. Gwen decided to grab a cup, pouring in the beverage just to drink it later. Courtney followed Gwen, doing the same while taking multiple sips. 

Gwen decided to wander other parts of the house, she saw Cody and others playing monopoly in the kitchen, Heather painting Lindsay's nails on the stairs, Duncan being a bitch, Alejandro walking up to Tyler, the regular. It had been so long since the cast reunited, she almost forgot all the drama caused by this group.

LINDSAYS POV (First person)

Heater was painting my nails a shade of red. I think it looks really pretty, I thought Hippo was mean, but she was being so sweet right now! Bent was also with me earlier but she left because it was past her 'bedtime'. Like what is bed time? Last time I checked the bed was not a clock.

Anyways, so Hunter was finishing my last nail, as I gossiped along with her.

"Did you hear anything from Alejandro and Tyler?" Heller asked, while focusing her attention on my pretty nails, the color is so pretty after all!

"No, but I did hear Noah and Alan talking to each other in the kitchen, I think Noah was saying about he likes girls!" I responded, although I gave Hugger what she asked for, she looks annoyed.

"Was Noah the one with the red jacket?" Healthy questioned, while she placed the bottle of nail polish back in her bag.

"Oh, yea!" I replied happily, I bet Hungry is so happy with my great detective work!

"Thats Tyler" She mumbled under her breath, I dont know what Tyler she was talking about but whatever!

Hillary looked like she was about to get up from her position, and I was right. She walked over near the kitchen and I followed watching what was happening.

"Its time to pay back that favor" Apple smirked, making Noah have a pink tint on his face.

"I like girls!" Noah blushed, leaving Angelic with a small grin on his face.

"Then why all you blushing?" Applejack responded. I couldnt hear the rest of their conversation due to Giraffes loud music, but they did sneak off to another room.

"Did you hear what they said?" Hint asked me, with her usual cranky face.

"Yes, Antonio was talking about a favor, I think, I dont know.." I responded, hoping Humble wouldnt get mad at me for not remembering.

"Whatever, im going to the dining hall, see you" Hero scoffed, while walking off.

NOAHS POV (First person)

I swear if this game doesnt end im gonna jump in a pool of cement.

"Noah, your turn!" Izzy screamed, I swear she is trying to make me go deaf.

"Whatever" I scoff while rolling the dice.

I memorize my number and move my figure along the monopoly board. I dont understand why we are playing monopoly at a party, and how Izzy hasnt broken the board yet.

I finally land on a property, which to my luck wasnt taken. The more I stay in this game the more I wanna leave this stupid place, if only Eva wasnt a little bitch.

"So, do you wanna buy it?" Izzy askes with an over exaggerated 'buy this please' tone. 

"No" I respond, probably in a rude tone, but again, I dont care.

"Awww, why? Your so not fun" Izzy complained, while still being the energetic crazy person she is, she just took all my money and bought the property for me, like okay geez.

Turns passed and passed, until we were getting close to the end. Eva and Owen got eliminated first, which led to them being able to escape this hell of a game.

Izzy also ended up getting eliminated, as she was too busy moving my piece for her to keep track of hers. 

Since I couldnt care about this game, I read my book the whole time while Cody and Izzy finished the game. I hoped Cody would win, as its Izzy fault im here in the first place so she doesnt deserve it.

