Chapter 2: (Code:Rescue) part 4

Ogami's a traitor, Toki's been brainwashed by Nikki, and Sakura's been kidnapped. Does the villain have the upper hand? What does he want with Sakura anyway? Why can't Nikki brainwash Sakura? Is there something about her that won't let that happen? Who else is a player in this evil organization? Let's see if this latest installment answers any of these burning questions!

"You will personally do whatever I, or the being RaSaKun, ask of you. You will act inconvenienced and complain, as you usually would but still defer to me. You will protect Sakura Sakurakouji at all costs."

I will do as I'm told. I will protect Sakura.

This was going to be a long, frustrating day. At least, according to Rui Hachiouji.

No one had any information on Rasakun, who Yuuki said approached a young street kid named 'Nya Nya' or Nikki Maru. He felt it was important so he told Heike Masaomi. Heike sent Rui to investigate.

Nothing had gone right, especially since Heike called saying Sakura and Toki disappeared.

"Excuse me, ma'am." A quiet voice asks from behind Rui asks. A smallish girl with mousy brown hair and blue eyes. In direct opposition to her sweet appearance was the tattoo on her face, over her right eye. It's shaped like an ornate tiger with wings.

"Yeah? What is it?" Rui asks the girl. She sits astride her bike in a studded leather jacket, her short blue hair swaying in the breeze. Looking at the two from afar, one would think that Rui Hachiouji was the gangster.

"My street name is Grayscale." The small girl introduces herself. "I'm part of the Power Beasts gang."

"Really?" Rui asks the girl.

Grayscale, also known as Grace McKylie, nods, "Our gang leader told me to tell you that you should look in the old theatre."

Rui stares at Grace for a moment, purple eyes calculating. Can I trust this kid? "Got it. Thanks for the tip."

Sakura Sakurakouji blinks her eyes open with a gasp, looking up with her dark pink eyes to find a young girl with spiky rainbow hair, gray eyes, multiple piercings and a choker standing above her. "Yo." Nikki Maru greets.

"Ah!" Sakura replies, propping herself up on her elbows. "Hello. Who are you?"

"I'm here on the behalf of RaSaKun." Nikki leans forward. "Remember him? He wants me to bring you in. I just have to ask. Are you going to do this the easy way, or the hard way?"

"I'm not going willingly if that's what you're asking."

"Bring in the prisoners!" Nikki calls.

Rei Ogami and Toki Fujiwara are led in. "Let go of me!" Toki growls. "Get off!"

"Sakura!" Rei whispers, dark blue hair concealing his blue eyes. Sakura's eyes soften at the sight of him, and she begins to absentmindedly comb her purple hair.

Of course, she's excited to see him. Toki thinks bitterly, brushing his own hair into its usual blonde symmetrical style. Previously, he had a bad case of bedhead. His blue-and-amber eyes look away from Sakura.

"What's going on?" Sakura demands, staring at Nikki.

"Rei here has been a model prisoner. He's useful. We don't want to kill him. When we captured Toki, he begged for his life. We haven't decided yet. If you say yes, we'll spare his life. What's you-"
