chapter 5

It's been nearly...What a month.

You've been staying with the humans, being feed greatly and having a nice bed.

You loved it!...

However toothless hasn't left you alone, any chance he has he'll try for your attention but you pay no mind. Though you felt your heart clenched when he whimpered and retreated.

Hookfang, Barf&belch, meatlug, stormfly and the night terrors kept you company and had loads of fun.

Hiccup has been trying to saddle you and ride you however he is currently in crutches.

You liked flying alone but no one would come. Hookfang isn't aloud since you and him got carried away and burnt a few ships.

Astrid doesn't allow stormfly and same with meatlug.

Hiccup is working on something in his workshop for toothless where you and toothless currently resided. The others are tracking some of dragurs boats.

A low grumble came from toothless as you sighed, getting up you pushed your nose under hiccups arm and looked curiously at the paper, nothing made sense all squiggles and what not.

"Hey there girl, what's up?" He asked, as you huffed and nudged at the paper.

"I know you're bored but...I can't take you out flying, but this is a secret ok. I'm working on a new tail for toothless, one that doesn't need me to saddle him" he grinned.

You growled lowly and nudged him to the corner.

He chuckled as he held his hands out and grabbed his crutch.

"Hey! Hey! What's up?" You didn't answer and pushed him far into the corner.

Jumping on him you pinned him down and extended a wing over him.

"Hey! What's going on?" You growled lowly and flashing your teeth as you heard it.

The loud roar from the monster outside.

"W-whats that?" He stammered fearfully.

You didn't listen as you walked forward. The shack shaking as the claws scraped along the roof.

The roof caved as molten lava burned through the wooden roof.

You flew through it as you caught sight of the red tails, chasing quick and fast as it flew out from the island.

You shot a plasma blast, missed. Roaring aloud you shot throw the sky easily catching up with it.

You took the chance and dug your claws into its back, roaring in pain the Dragon beneath shook as it spun round.

You noticed ship's and other dragons below you.

"Fishlegs! Look it's Y/N" Astrid yelled.

The fighting stopped as everyone stared at the dragons.

Hookfang began to get fidgety as snoutlout growled.

"Hookfang! Stop" he snarled.

"He's scared for her snoutlout, it's on my natural" fishlegs said.

The Dragon before you hissed and roared as it's top lip snagged in a snarl showing its teeth.

It wanted dominance, it was fighting for your position.

You let out a menacing growl much more powerful than his as you felt the fire ignite.

You roared loudly. He shouldn't be doing this.

The Dragon retaliated not giving in to his lunas order.

He charged and you dodged, flying into the clouds, dark blue hues of smoke escaping you.

You looked from above as he searched. He looked down, using the opportunity you charged down and tackled him.

Claws deeply wedged into his flesh as you barreled your way down, crashing into the water.

You retracted your claws and swan to the surface waiting for him to come up...

He did and he didn't submit. You were angered seeing red as you emitted one last roar. This one being the loudest and by far the most powerful one.

He flinched, recoiling and flew off.

You huffed and panted as you turned to everyone, they stared too long for your liking growling you raced back them in full persuit.

"Fishlegs and barf and belch stay here and handle the boats. Me and snotlout will go after her!" Astrid informed.

With a firm nod snotlout and Astrid whizzed after you as you shot a plasma blast at a passing boat.


You landed, breathing heavy and laboured.

Your eyes turning to slits. Your back raising slightly as you looked frantically around.

Your head snapped to the rustling as a small black night terror stumbled out. it looked over, it's tongue hanging out as it ran over.

A fighting stance took your body as your head lowered to the ground a scowl on your face and a rumbling in your throat.

You weren't by any means willing to go with dragons right now and this one was just adding to the adrenaline.

It whimpered and lay down. A submitting position as it lay flat on its stomach.

You relaxed slightly and let it edge closer.

You spread your wing over it, protecting the small Dragon as something rustled once more.

You growled and arched your back pulling the night terror closer, making sure it was under your leg.

Hiccup walked out, slowly with his hand held out and crutches in the other.

"Hey girl..." he smiled softly.

It blurred to you as you shot a plasma blast his way.

He jumped to the side and you shot another. This time he didn't dodge and it was deflected instead.

Toothless stood baring his teeth at you. His back raised as he huffed and puffed.

"Toothless, woah bud. She's not herself...ok she didn't mean it" hiccup explained, resting his hand behind toothlesss' ear.

You shot one after the other plasma blasts, no longer did you glow or with blue smoke emit from your mouth.

"!" Hiccup yelled.

You looked up seeing her holding a net.

She dropped it quickly and you dodged it.

You had enough....

Your scales rose with you back as you began glowing a dark blue.

Your eyes into slits as your mouth opened, dark blue puffs escaping.

Astrid and stormfly landed. A nervous look on her.

"Hiccup, what's happening?!?" She asked frantically.

You growled once again, only to stop as you heard a raspy whimper.

You looked over seeing the night terror trying desperately to free itself from the netted trap.

You whimpered, walking over making sure to keep an eyes on them.

You lifted the net and pulled it under you, protecting it.

"Hey! Astrid..I got the narcotics......" he trailed off.

Hookfang and him landed. Your eyes landed on hookfang and you growled lowly.

Hookfangs' eyes turned to slits as he shook snoutlout off and walked over.

Stormfly was next. You turned your head to her and a rumble came from your chest.

Astrid grabbed stormflys saddles strap and tried pulling her back.

Stormfly growled and extended her wing. Astrid was pushed away as stormfly ran over.

You, hookfang and stormfly growled at the four before you.

"Hiccup! What's going on, why isn't she listening" Astrid cried, continuing to shout stormfly it's me!.

"She can't hear you. She's not exactly your Dragon right not Astrid" hiccup explained.

Toothless stood forward and arched his back lightly.

A low rumble came from his throat, warning you to back down.

You refused "toothless! You must have some alpha blood in you, use it" hiccup cried desperately.

Toothlesss' scales glowed a light blue hue.

He growled lowly..wanting You to back down.

You growled, retaliating against his order.

"Hiccup! Why isn't she submissing?" Astrid asked.

"She can't, it's not in her blood. She's like toothless...except not an alpha. She's a luna" he explained.

"Toothless, try and get stormfly and hookfang back" hiccup ordered.

Toothless attention went to stormfly. His eyes turned to slits and a low rumble came from her.

Her head shook and she whimpered, eyes no longer in small slits instead big as she ran to Astrid.

Hookfang was next. You and toothless growled both trying to seem more powerful.

Hookfang roared and flicked it's tail. He wasn't going back.

"Hookfang! It's me" snoutlout whimpered, he looked to be on the verge of tears.

Hookfang shot a flame his way, which made snoutlout yelp and cower.

"Snoutlout use the narcotics on her!" Hiccup ordered.

You hissed and raised your back at snoutlout who shook.

Astrid growled and snatched the bow and arrow from him and shot it at you.

It sliced through your scales and into your flesh.

Two more were shot and soon enough you fell onto the ground.

Your eyes fluttering shut as you fell asleep...
