16: Verify

[Name] lay beside Jamie, panting hard. They had just finished cleaning up after their three rounds of feverishly intoxicating pleasure, and a light makeout session in the bath. And no worries, he used protection and asked for consent throughout the entire three rounds. "That... was fun... You never mentioned you had some condoms with you!" she exclaimed.

He chuckled and wrapped an arm around her, feeling the soft towel covering her torso. His eyes then trailed to her neck; the one he marked with hickeys, bites, and soft kisses. "Well, I didn't want to make it obvious that I wished for this. I brought them just in case. Don't judge me for it, alright?" he asked, seeming a little embarrassed.

She only laughed and got her clothes, getting his as well. [Name] tossed Jamie his cropped jacket and jeans as he got up, tying his hair into a high man bun. "The others should be outside. Let's go," Jamie said, taking [Name]'s hand gently.

He then stopped. She lost leg privileges. Again. Picking her up bridal style, Jamie walked out of the room and to the 6th floor's kitchen. "Hold on-"

"You think you can walk? I mean, I did you kinda rough," Jamie whispered.

[Name] nodded as her lover set her down. She was wobbly at first, but she could stand and walk straight. Chun-Li, Ryu, and the others were sitting at the counter when the two came in. "There you are, [Name]!" Chun-Li exclaimed, running to hug her.

The others were happy to see her and Jamie were doing alright. Luke smirked and wiggled his eyebrows, earning a hidden middle finger from Jamie. "Oh, I forgot to introduce you to the others. Blanka, Cammy, Guile, Dhalsim, and Zangief. This is [Name], a good friend of ours who owns the Hula Hale outside of Chinatown," Ryu said, gesturing to the young woman.

Zangief grinned. "Hello, comrade. Care for some vodka?" he asked.

He was a very tall and beefy man, wearing red and silver wrestler gear with no shirt on. "N-no thanks..." [Name] replied sheepishly, pushing it away softly.

All Zangief did was chuckle before chugging it down the hatch. Dhalsim stretched a hand out to shake hers, smiling humbly. Stretchy limbs? As much as she wanted to refer to Luffy from One Piece, she held it inside her mind. "I heard you have a kind soul, miss [Name]. Or at least that's what Luke, Chun-Li, and Jamie have said. But it's wonderful to meet you in the flesh," Dhalsim stated.

It reminded her of Ryu's smile when she met him at the sleepover. Cammy snickered and walked to her. "It's good to meet you for the first time, [Name]. Jamie was worried sick about you. He wouldn't stop talking about you, not even for one second. He said that you were like the missing piece to his puzzle. The missing ingredient to his herbal tea," she said.

"Okay, enough of the mushy shit, Cammy!" Jamie groaned, face red in embarrassment.

That's when Cammy mentioned that [Name]'s mother was on her way.


When the group got out to the front of the mansion, E. Honda closed the door behind them as Sharon came storming to them. "I go on a trip to the supermarket, and I hear that YOU FREAKS broke into my house to take back your little friend?!" she exclaimed.

Ryu nodded, arms crossed. Sharon scowled, pursing her lips together. "She's nothing but a whore for that man she was with! All she wants is a new life when it's already set in stone! Theo's waiting for you to go back to Hawaii. Your trip to Metro City, according to your mother, was supposed to be for one month! You stayed there for far too long!" she added.

Ken stepped in front of [Name], arms crossed angrily. "Since when do you boss her around? She never listened to you because you weren't part of her adolescence. You stole her dad, making their business worsen, and she now has to care for her mom! [Name] texted me one time, explaining that her mom's got cancer and that running The Hula Hale is the only way she can make money to help!" he exclaimed.

"She could get a job!" Sharon yelled.

"They pay too much for newbies like her! Besides, it's been more than a month since [Name] came to Metro City!" Kimberly exclaimed.

"She should be classified as a citizen now! Maybe even one of us," Zangief added.

All Sharon did was scoff. [Name] looked at him in shock but he didn't respond. What was he trying to say? All of a sudden, someone could be heard calling her name. The group and Sharon looked back to see [Name]'s mother. She ran to her daughter, embracing her tightly. "M-Mom– be careful! My legs–"

The mother pulled off, smiling. Tears were in her eyes as she looked at the others. "Thank you all for helping my daughter," she said.

"No worries, miss. Anyways, did anyone stumble across a guy in the house?" Blanka asked.

Ryu raised his hand and explained he met a man that was in the male spa area. It must have been [Name]'s father. He'd left the man alone in the room, for he didn't respond to anything he said. "Hey, mom? Maybe we can try this again. Remarry dad and you guys can move to Metro City with me," [Name] said.

"Sounds like a good–"

"[Name]!! There you are!!"

Coming out of a fancy limousine nearby was a boy. He had tan skin, shaggy dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and wore a thin tank top with baggy jeans. All over his arms were tattoos. This was Theo, [Name]'s ex-boyfriend. Luke and Jamie scowled seeing the young man approach the Hawaiian girl. Marisa arched a brow as Manon rolled her eyes. "What are you doing here? We need to go back to Hawaii! Now!" Theo exclaimed.

[Name] backed away, not wanting to hear about it. All of the thoughts rushed into her head; the neglecting. The disobeying. The punishments he handled on her for saying no. But then the thought of moving. She remembered when she met Luke and he helped her open The Hula Hale. When she was attacked and Jamie unknowingly rescued her. When the two of them began to bond.

Then they were all invited to a sleepover at Chun-Li's where [Name] fell for an elaborate setup, all because Li Fen noticed she was crushing on Yun and Yang's cousin. Then the thought of her first kiss with Jamie flashed in her mind. Dhalsim lay a land on the girl's shoulders, saying to listen to her personal desires and do what she wants to do. It wasn't Theo that controlled what she did. "Did you just disagree with me?" Theo asked, arms crossed.

With an inhale and exhale, [Name] nodded. "Yes. You heard me. I don't want to be in a relationship with JUST Hawaiian boys. That was a rule our parents came up with years and years ago, dating back to our great-grandparents. I wanted to spice things up, so Mom had me move to Metro City to start our business from scratch. And I met a whole bunch of new friends. They're way better than you," she explained.

Zangief and Blanka shared a grin as Cammy put her hands on her hips, a small smile appearing on her lips. "Just to verify, you're staying in Metro City with us, right?" Chun-Li asked.

"Exactly. I'd never leave you guys. It's like I made some amazing new friends when I arrived. At first, I thought that Luke would be my only friend. But then I met you, Jamie, Li Fen, Ryu, Ken, Kimberly, Juri, and so many more. I don't want to leave you guys," [Name] replied.

Jamie smiled brightly and hugged her from behind. Theo saw this action and pushed Jamie off, scowling. "Who the hell are you to touch [Name] like that?! I've never heard of you, nor have I ever seen you before, and you're acting like you've known her all your life!" he yelled.

Luke sighed as Kimberly leaned on him. "Listen. Jamie and [Name] have been dating for quite some time now. Not to mention finally having some nice and passionate se–"

"ALRIGHT, THAT'S ENOUGH!!" Jamie called, his cheeks red in embarrassment.

Kimberly and Luke snickered, fist-bumping each other. Theo's eyes widened in disbelief. "[Name]... You had sex with that guy? ... And not... me? ... Damn, you are a hopeless slut," he said, spitting in her face.

The mother gasped and pulled Theo back as [Name] bit her lip, trying to hold back her sadness and anger. She wiped the spit out of her face, fighting the tears in her eyes. "This is why I broke up with him... He never loved me. He saw me as someone who would easily cheat on him... It's an abusive relationship I was in..." [Name] thought.

Ryu went to the young man, telling him that she never intended to do it. It was about consent. If she didn't wish for it with him, then he had to listen, which was something he failed to do. "When I started dating Jamie, I threw our relationship away, Theo! I'm sick and tired of being USED by you! I'm staying with Jamie whether you like it or not!" [Name] cried, hugging him.

Sharon crossed her arms impatiently, watching this all occur before her eyes. "And you're all gonna ignore me?" she asked.

"Yes," Lily replied, giving her a playful tongue.

Seeing it, Sharon scowled yet again. "Well then, it sucks to be your daughter! She would have had an amazing life with Theo! The wedding would have been next week if she hadn't begun dating that Chinese boy."

Jamie looked at the woman, almost losing his temper. He wanted to reach for his gourd, take a long sip, and beat the shit out of her. "Dude, chill out," Luke said, hands on his shoulders.

He took a deep breath and splashed his herbal tea on the woman's face. "Don't insult these guys, me, or [Name] ever again, you fucking asshole. Ayo, Cammy. Can we go get [Name]'s dad and get the hell out of here? I hate these people!" he called.

"Sure. Ryu, what room was he in again?" the British woman asked.

Ryu pursed his lips. "3rd floor, 5th door on the left side of the right hallway," he replied.

Ken and E. Honda looked at each other in bewilderment. How did he remember that? "Well, let's not waste time. Oh, and Theo. Your limo's waiting for you. Get back to Hawaii and live a better life without me. I never wanted you. Ever since you forced me to date you because you thought you'd get ANY woman in Hawaii, you've been nothing but abusive, neglectful, and an utter asshole," [Name] said as she left.

Theo and Sharon stood there as Ryu led the group to the mansion, going up the stairs to reach the third floor. "Atta queen!" Kimberly called, hugging the Hawaiian girl.

[Name] giggled and hugged back, finally feeling free from the shackles of an abusive relationship.
