15: Fantasy 😩🍵

(A/N: WARNING: SMUT and we get some Jamie x Luke content because they're gay af and Jamie's a pansexual icon (according to an edit I saw on TikTok). Also, it's a lengthy one, so grab your snacks🧋🍩and tissues🧻, Jamie simps (including myself))

When [Name] woke up from a long nap, she was sitting in a fancy living room, naked, tied up with rope, with tape over her mouth. This was horrifying! Sharon stood there, sneering. "Well, look at that. I wonder when someone will come and save a bastard of a child like you. Your father hardly saw anything in you, and everything in me," she said.

"Wrong! Dad loved me, and he loved my mom! You manipulated him to date and then he married you!" [Name] thought as tears welled up in her eyes.

Sharon rolled her eyes and picked her up, tossing the Hawaiian girl into a room, crashing into bottles full of some kind of substance. The woman walked into the room, being careful not to touch the liquids. She tore the tape off [Name]'s face as she panted. "Wrong! Dad loved me, and he loved my mom! You manipulated him to date and then he married you!" she yelled.

"Ah, that's what you think. But here. Do you know what this is here?" Sharon asked, holding up some liquid in a bottle.

[Name] looked at it and smelled it, her nose scrunching up. "Herbal tea... It's been steeped for a little bit too long..." she muttered.

Before an answer was brought to her lips, Sharon was cutting the ropes, drenching the young woman in said tea. "Wh-what's going on?! Stop that!!" [Name] exclaimed.


"We're here," Cammy said as she landed the jet.

Ryu guided the group to the exit as they left, facing the large mansion ahead of them. "So, this is where [Name]'s dad lives now?" Chun-Li asked.

"Huh. Appears so. I hope it has a candy jar inside. I'll be stealing that," Juri replied.

"And we have to help her?!" Blanka added.

"You are correct, my friend," Dhalsim replied.

Luke, Kimberly, and Jamie could see something in the top floor's reflection. It was a person. But... it couldn't be [Name]. She didn't have the same [length] hair as she did. Instead, it was wavy and short. Her body seemed curvier than [Name], so it couldn't be her. "Remind me; who's her padre married to again?" Lily asked.

"A woman named Sharon Carter. She's a Hollywood movie star and... somehow, [Name]'s dad began dating her shortly after their family business reopened years ago after [Name]'s grandma died. She's starred in many romance movies, so I guess that's her key to picking a man who helped his family run a restaurant in Hawaii," Cammy responded.

With that, the large group set forth into the mansion, being greeted by bodyguards. "Stop! You aren't allowed in Carter's mansion unless you have permission from Mrs. Carter herself," one said.

Manon lowered her sunglasses to the bridge of her nose, arching her right eyebrow. Ken rolled his eyes and stepped forward, punching them in the faces with a fiery fist. "It's all clear now. Let's go."

He led the group forward as they came across a large room with many corridors, hallways, and staircases. Cammy looked at her tablet and sighed in irritation. "She's on the top floor from what's on here. We have to split up. I'm sorry, but we need to cover as much ground as possible to find [Name]. It won't be easy," she muttered.

"Then I'll go this way," Jamie said, running up one flight of stairs.

Juri was about to pull him back but was stopped by Zangief. "Let the man go. He wants to help out in any way he can," he said.

Lily, Marisa, and Manon shared one final group hug before going their separate ways. Ryu and Ken gave each other a fist bump before going down different corridors. Everyone went their way with one goal in mind. Find [Name] and bring her back to her home in Metro City.


Back in the herbal tea-infested room, [Name] sat, drenched in said liquid. It reeked of the same beverage that Jamie loved. "It was only one swig... How did it happen so quickly?" [Name] asked herself.

Had he drunk a bit before having their first time? The last time she came in contact with it was back in the bathhouse. But... thinking of that moment... when he put the gourd to her lips, making her take a swig. The intoxicated fever [Name] underwent. That's when the door was kicked open. "Hey, [Name] – ... Oh... my God..."

In the doorway stood Jamie, sweating from running all over the mansion. "Thank God! You're here!" [Name] cried.

After closing the door, Jamie ran to her and got on his knees. But that's when something kicked in. He bit his lip and held her hands. "Hey, [Name]. I hate to break the moment, but... Do you remember what I told you about my... personal fantasy?" he asked.

"Yeah. You wanted... me, drenched in your medicinal tea... nude... and you were touching me..." [Name] replied.

She was in that same predicament... "Do you mind?"

He wanted to do it. He wanted to live his fantasy. But of course, he wanted her to feel safe. She shook her head and he got behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. He went to the crook of her neck, taking in the addictive scent of herbal tea. Jamie's body began acting up on its own as he began to leave wet kisses on it, running his hands all over her body. "Mh... M-More..." [Name] breathed.

"Hm... Do you want more? ... Then I'll give you more~"


The second floor was more of a maze. It was worse than what Manon had told her on the phone. Cammy looked at her cell phone, and then she looked at a door to her left. "I could check the other one," she thought, glancing at the door on the right.

And that's where she went; opening the door on her right, Cammy turned her phone's flashlight on and searched the room. "[Name], are you in here? ... My name is Cammy White. Don't be scared. I won't hurt you."

She shone her light around the room, seeing no sign of [Name]. Cammy rolled her eyes and left the room. There were 6 stories to the mansion.  "I wonder how the others are doing..." she thought.

As she thought about this, Cammy went down another hallway to see more doors. "Bloody hell... Let me check in here."

She opened the door, revealing a private spa as she spoke with Guile over the phone. "Is she in there?" he asked.

"Unfortunately, not. I checked half of the multiple rooms on the second floor. Where are you now?" Cammy replied.

Guile explained he was checking the backyard, surprised that Sharon wasn't finding any of them. Not even a security guard was outside. Cammy sighed and exited the room, closing the door behind her. Now where was she to go?


By then, both were now lying down, Jamie having gotten his clothes off. [Name] groaned as he kept marking her hips lightly so as to not hurt her. She looked at her reflection in a puddle of tea, seeing many hickeys and marks on her body. It wasn't like the bathhouse or after their first kiss; there were more than just five. [Name] made her way down so her face was leveled with his. "I never got to say how beautiful you look, all marked and touched by me," Jamie whispered in her ear.

It sent shivers down her spine, but they were good ones. [Name] then looked at him, still panting. "You didn't kiss me yet."

Jamie arched his brow as he cocked his head to the side. "Do I owe you one?" he asked.

"Damn right, you do."

He smirked and kissed her passionately, hands on her waist. [Name] never understood the euphoric feeling of intimacy, but this. This moment she was having may just be the feeling, not from the bathhouse, but of true intimacy. Jamie turned them over, now on top as he ran a hand down her body, feeling her drenched skin, and any flaws that made her feel insecure. As he was about to take his hair out of its braid, the door opened. "Hey, you in here– ... Woah..."

[Name] and Jamie pulled away to see Luke in the doorway. His face was flushed red with shock as both were red from embarrassment. "Luke, I can explain! Don't tell anyone you caught us–"

"In 4K. I know. And I won't tell anyone."

Luke began to strip his top off, walking to Jamie and [Name] after closing the door behind him. "Since when did this become a threesome?" [Name] asked, eyes wide in shock.

"Oh, I'll leave you two at it when I'm done showing you something. Some people have been saying you don't like your appearance. But look. You're dating my rival, and you know taekwondo, mixed with some hula dancing. That's interesting," Luke replied.

Jamie bit his lip as Luke finished stripping, watching as the blonde male went to sit behind him. "It's not for the thrill of it, but to show you that even when getting railed, you look gorgeous. You always look beautiful, and if someone says otherwise, don't listen to the–"

"Enough talking, Jamie. Let's give her a one-round show."

[Name]'s eyes widened as she sat and watched Luke slam into Jamie, causing his mouth to hang open as a silent moan came out. "Let's play a game~ Every time you cum before I do, take a swig of that tea, okay~?" Luke asked, going into him hard and fast.

Unable to form words from the loud moans he was making, Jamie obliged, getting his gourd within reach. [Name] bit her lip as her lover's tongue almost hung out of his open mouth. It was a lewd sight. But... she somehow liked seeing him submissive like this. It was different from his dominant state at the bathhouse. About two minutes passed, and Jamie came as Luke showed a cruel smirk. With a trembling hand, Jamie grabbed his gourd, taking a small swig. "There you go~" Luke whispered in his ear, still going at the same pace as beforehand.

Upon pulling the gourd away from his face, Jamie hastily undid his braid, letting his raven hair fall as his face was flushed with heat. [Name] felt her pussy getting wet again. Was it the sight of her lover's lewd expressions every time Luke got his favorite spot? Or was it how his dick was still dripping cum? She shook the thought off and continued to watch with a flustered expression. "It seems she likes seeing you like this~ Let's see if you can break your streak," Luke said, panting.

It got Jamie excited and moaning even louder. "What was his streak?" [Name] asked.

"It was four- AAH~!! F-Four shots~" Jamie replied, arching his back in pleasure.

[Name] bit her lip again as she crawled to him, running a hand down his physique. Luke saw this behavior and smirked, whispering something to her. [Name] also smirked and began to play with Jamie's nips, causing him to roll his eyes back in pleasure. His nipples were sensitive?! "Alright then... I guess we're trying to break his streak," [Name] thought before playing with them more.

"A-Ah SHIT~!! Luke~~!! [Name]~!! I'm gonna–"

He came again. The blonde-haired male snickered as Jamie took yet another swig of his gourd, just as Luke came himself. [Name] sat back, eyes wide as Jamie's tongue hung out of his mouth and his eyes rolled to the back of his head yet again, now crossed. "I'm not gonna lie... An ahegao suits him," [Name] thought to herself.

Luke smirked and pulled out, going out to clean up after kissing Jamie on the lips. "Be careful. He's two shots in now. Oh, and because you're covered in his favorite beverage, he may do the same," he said, leaving.

[Name] watched the door close as Jamie smirked. He took a concealed bottle of an unknown beverage and took the cap off. Tipping it over his nude body, she saw white liquid come out, drenching his body. "Coconut milk?! ... Oh Lord..." [Name] thought.

The look he was giving was sinful. He glared down at her like she was his prey, hanging his tongue out as he emptied the bottle, some coconut milk on his tongue. (REFER TO THE TOP IMAGE IF NEEDED) He kept that sinful glare, licking across his teeth hungrily, the coconut milk running down his lips now. Jamie then pounced on her, the coconut milk bottle empty, his hair closing out what was around her as the milk dripped from his body onto her tea-drenched body. It was like a fantasy she had had one night. "Turn around, sweetheart~ Then lemme see that ass~"

Well, that went from 100 to 1000 fast. [Name] did as told, turning over and lifting her rear for him to see. The sound of latex snapping was heard. She was then pushed forward by the sheer force of him pounding himself into her. A loud moan ripped from her throat as her lover drilled his dick into her, still aware of how delicate she was. "Same game for you, darling~ If you cum before I cum into the condom, then you'll have to drink out of your canteen of coconut milk, got it~?" Jamie asked before tugging lightly at her hair.

[Name] arched her back as she moaned out a yes. But the male had other tricks up his sleeve. A hand slowly went to [Name]'s left breast, gently kneading and playing with it. Her breath was shaky as she rolled her eyes back, loving every second of getting toyed with. "Come on, my love~ Lemme see your pretty makeup ruin your gorgeous face as we release both our feverish thoughts~" Jamie groaned.

[Name] moaned in response and spilled her fluids over him, leading to him giving her the canteen. With a quick drink, her head, for some reason, felt funny. He put a bit of his herbal tea in it. That damned bastard. She looked back at Jamie, who was completely drunk. He must've been drinking while doing her from behind. His face was still flushed red, but his actions were more animalistic yet sloppy. "We're gonna have a lot of fun during these three rounds~"

Shit. That's when [Name] felt her orgasm flow over her, making her have another drink of coconut milk. She felt light-headed as tears previously unable to be felt ran down her cheeks. Jamie snickered and then came into the condom, groaning in pleasure. [Name] bit her lip, a small bit of drool running down her lip. When he finished, Jamie pulled out, taking off and throwing away the used condom. He then gently wiped her tears away. "God, why don't you just *hic* drop the condom and ra-"

"Because *hic* I don't wanna get you pregnant yet~ I don't want your mom to *hic* worry about it~" Jamie slurred, gently but quickly turning her over to lay on her back.

Now she had the whole view. He still had coconut milk dripping down his toned physique, and small strands of hair stuck to his forehead from the sweat. "Wanna open your legs for me~? Pretty please~?"

[Name] obliged and opened her legs, biting her lip hungrily. He was about to do something but stopped. Jamie looked at [Name], seemingly asking for her consent. Thank goodness he was still himself inside, despite being drunk. With a nod, he took a piece of cloth and tied it around her eyes. "Wh-What are you doing~?" [Name] asked before hiccupping.

"You'll feel it~"

That's when something wet touched her pussy. The sudden jolt of pleasure made her back arch, moaning softly. [Name] bit her lip, trying to move her legs, but Jamie's hands grabbed them, keeping them there. Was he... He was down there, between her legs. "H-Hey~ *hic*" [Name] groaned, trying to hold a release back.

Jamie snickered and pulled away, biting his lip. "Listen, doll. I'm craving something more sweet than just the outside. But *hic* I need your response. *hic* Do y-you want me to~?" he asked.

"Please, just do it~"

Counting this as the second round, Jamie obliged, going back to her drenched pussy, feasting on it. [Name] moaned even louder, feeling something wet enter her. He was sure as hell eating her out. And it felt so freaking good. "I know for a fact this will be the greatest hour of my life~!" [Name] thought, rolling her lidded eyes back.

Jamie furrowed his brows, pulling away, but not too far, from her. A single strand of her fluids was attached to his lip. "I can't hear *hic* you, darling~" he cooed, slapping her ass.

[Name] gasped and cried out in pleasure as this continued; the lewd slurping noises from below her. How her skin felt drenched with not only tea but with sweat. It was getting feral, dirty, and passionate. Her tongue hung out of her mouth as Jamie kept feasting on her pussy, getting hella drunk on it. He loved seeing her submit to him. "So g-good~ I'm g-gonna-" [Name] moaned as another orgasm washed over her.

This was her third one. Her juices were so sweet. Jamie took all of it in, swallowing it. He sat up and undid the blindfold, his face and lips being drenched in her liquids. "G-God, you look hot with my essence on you~" [Name] whispered, kissing his neck.

A smirk spread across his lips as he pushed her down, her face now near his hard dick. "Wanna cap it off by giving me head, baby~?"

Well, crap.







(A/N: AND THIS IS HOW HORNY I CAN GET FOR HIM- but anyways yeah. 2nd smut chapter is done and thrown out the window.)
