" you're stealing your brother's style "

Song: 'creep' by Radiohead


| Zendaya |


"Why does people crave for happiness, love, family, friendship? Why do we even make friends? Why can't we be satisfied from our own presence?"

"That is a very existential question my friend, but i have no idea, maybe studying acting was not the suitable profession for you to learn. like, here's an idea that popped in my head; Neuroscience"

He rolled his eyes, as impatience played out on his face. As for him it seemed like the entire world slipped into a gray boring, not too aesthetic tumbler world.

"You owe me five hundred cash" He reminded resting his chin on his palms.

"Playing Monopoly is definitely not how I planed on spending my Friday night" I said grabbing the Monopoly money I earned in a couple turns and handed it to him.

"My turn" I said leading a scoff, "erm did you buy Indiana?"

"Are you mentally prepared to loose Zendaya? Cause.." he replied flashing a smirk

"I did not only bought it, I have a hotel" he said, grinning ear to ear.

"I quit" I stated while starting to get up.

"But nobody has won yet!" He whined, even though in the corner of his eye he sees the big lead he has on me.

"Let's go do something fun! we two morons are playing monopoly on a Friday night whilst everyone are going out and having the time of their lives"
I complained facing us to reality.

Tom smirked playfully "I think I just got the perfect idea"

"Which is?" I questioned raising my eyebrows.

"Bowling!" He cheered walking towards the door.


"Yeah?" He asked smiling, as the confusion overcame him.

I grinned sheepishly whilst pointing on his head.

"Maybe you should take that off before we're heading off?" I suggested.

He smiled wildly and crossed his arms, making me feel extremely stupid and unreasonable.

"You're obviously saying it because bandanas don't look good on you as good as they look on me"

I scoffed and started walking towards the door.

"Your laughing now but you know you're stealing your brother's style and he'll notice it!"


"Wait, let me take out my phone and record it" Tom said when I was about to grab the bowling ball.

I smiled sweetly. "Why? So all your fans could see how I strike?"

"I was thinking more about a failure but go ahead then" he said and started recording.

I threw the ball as strong as I could and managed to hit four pins.

"Not bad!" I shrugged lightly whilst coming back and pulled my phone out of my pocket, So now we both exchanged roles.

Tom threw the ball and didn't manage to hit even one pin, all the confidence that played out on his face earlier faded like it has never been there before.

"he he he" I mocked hitting his back playfully.

"Dude my nephew can do better than you" Jacob teased and earned a groan from the brunette guy.

after the huge failure with the bowling. Me and Tom headed towards the hockey machine, he leaned his back against it and laughed.

"What's funny Holland?" I questioned raising my eyebrows. by now rain was pouring outside and his hair was disheveled.

"Nothing, let's play shall we?" He asked rhetorically and put the coins in the machine.

A few seconds later, we started playing.

Sweat started to form in each one of our bodies, and the determination to win was the only thing our eyes managed to see.

"Boom!" Tom yelled out of the sudden, i wore a confused look until I realized he scored.
"Let me do my happy dance" he said smugly and stated dancing like a maniac. He danced like no one is watching, which was the complete opposite in his case.

"Oh man, Chandler would be so disappointed when he'll find out you stole his dance" I said sarcastically,
He sighed, clearly annoyed, and put his hands up in surrender.

The game then lasted for few good minutes before he won with the score of 3-2

"I say we celebrate, drinks on Zendaya" Tom cheered while placing his hand on my shoulder, "I want a rematch"  I spluttered, receiving Tom's harsh head shake.

And as everyone probably expected, the boys got drunk.

and just like that, we spent the rest of the night discussing about whether penguins have knees or don't.


Sup fellows!
Thanks for reading this chapter!
It's based on the time the FFH cast went out bowling.
It's a bit messy, but I tried my best.
Lots of love,
