" you are beautiful "

Song : 'pretty girl' by clairo


| third person |

Author's note : if you are struggling with body image this oneshot is for you (: remember that you're beautiful and amazing just the way you are! Btw This one shot contains a too much fluff, enjoy <3


Zendaya looked at herself in the mirror, and she was everything but pleased.

She never used to see something wrong with her body, she was always an averaged sized person, and it was absolutely normal.

But being body shamed on Twitter for the past month made her hate every flaw she has, every small layer of fat, criticize herself more than anyone ever did.

And there she stood, in front of the mirror, wearing Tom's T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants,

She really isn't good enough.

She got sick of battling, resisting, attempting to undo the hatred she felt towards her body, so she just let that hatred sink in, the people aren't wrong, The haters aren't wrong, she isn't wrong,

Her body is a problem.

A small tear escaped her eye, all of these weeks keeping that in made her world slip into toxicity.

And she just couldn't bare the feeling anymore.

"Bubs, are you alright?" A deep, soft voice called from outside of the bathroom, Zendaya let a sigh slip out of her mouth and slowly opened the door, revealing her concerned boyfriend.

his brown greenish eyes full of worry, his lips parted slightly, curved into a sad smile, a curl resting on his forehead, and a few freckles splattered on his nose.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Zendaya spoke softly, her happy tone not exactly reaching her glossy teary eyes.

"This week hasn't been really easy for you" He said sadly, placing his hand on her cheek, as a few tears she tried to avoid escaped her eyes.

"Everyone constantly tell me how I should look, how I should count calories, how I'm never good enough-" She sobbed, hiding her face with her hands from embarrassment.

"Hey, you are beautiful" Tom spoke, Looking at Zendaya.

He wishes she could see herself from his point of view.

Her brown curly hair, that rests so beautifully on her shoulders, the hair he plays with every morning, carefully to not wake her up.

her green shiny eyes that lit up every time she's happy, those eyes who manage to make him have that stupid foolish smile across his lips.

That cute little nose, that wrinkles every time she makes a weird face, that nose he sometimes bops to annoy her.

Her lips, gosh her lips. Those soft pink lips he gets to kiss. That smile that makes him fall on his knees.

And her body, her beautiful long body. He thinks she has a fucking beautiful body! He wishes he could make her see it the way he does. Whatever she will wear will make her look good, please, believe him.

"I'm clearly not" Zendaya protested, letting her hands fall from her face, revealing her red puffy eyes and shaking lips.

Tom sighed softly, dragging her towards the bathroom with him.

"Take off your shirt" He said with all seriousness, looking at the crying brunette. She furrowed her eyebrows slightly in confusion, but she trusts him.

She stretched her hands up to the ceiling as he pulled off her shirt, gazing for a second before turning her so she could face the mirror.

"Do you see yourself, Bubs?" Tom asked as she nodded with tears running down her cheeks.

"Look at yourself, how can you not see it? Your body is perfect, perfect for me. What you see on the internet is girls starving themselves and working out all day to archive that kind of thin.
And look at you, how amazing your body is, you have that body and you're happy, you don't overwork yourself, you eat whatever you wanna eat. For gods sake zendaya, you are just so beautiful" He said cupping the girl's cheeks.

She let the tears flow, not caring about anything anymore, just him and his words.

"Repeat after me, 'I am beautiful"

Zendaya gulped looking at herself and then at tom who seems determined.

"I ca-"

"You know you are, please" he begged.

"I am beautiful" she repeated slowly,
Looking at her figure in the mirror.

Not believing him and he knew it.

"I am beautiful" he said once again, and as expected she repeated.

"Look at you, baby! Look how sexy your body is, how amazing it is. You are so beautiful!" He yelled which made her sad lips turn into a chuckle.

"Here's that pretty little smile" he said happily , giving himself a high five.

She chuckled, again.

"Bubs, my beautiful sweet Girl, you have no idea how I need to resist myself from kissing you all over right now" Tom chuckled, and she turned around to lock eyes with him.

He has beautiful eyes, the kind you can get lost, and she guesses she did.

She had never been at peace with her own reflection, until now, as saw it in his eyes.

"You are so freaking beautiful" he said as the both let their gaze fall on her reflection in the mirror.

"You know what Tom, maybe you're right" she said, smiling, finally smiling at her image.

"Maybe' is a weird way to say yes but I'll take it" he said and squeezed her in a big loving hug.
