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We had finished hearing the speech that Mrs. Keebler- who happened to be my physics teacher- had just gave. I had complained throughout the whole thing- Mrs. Keebler even stopped once and she basically said 'shut up'- but in that sophisticated, Erudite way. The Dauntless got a laugh out of that and a couple gave out fist bumps. Mrs. Keebler just rolled her eyes and continued on with her speech.

Now, we were heading towards the Erudite testing rooms. All our tests were being administered by the Amity. It was supposed to be Abnegation, but Jeanine switched it up- given our current situation with the Stiffs.

Lacy, Kelyn and I all walked up to different doors. I playfully blew them a kiss and walked into my testing room. There was an older woman there, and she smiled when she saw me. "Alexa! How nice to see you here. What a coincidence, Abbey was just talking about you this morning. Something about you stealing her chocolate?"

I rolled my eyes, "Ok Hannah, you know me. I hate chocolate."

She laughed and nodded her head. "Yes, I suppose that is true. I wonder what she could have been on about then."

"Oh, she was probably talking about taffy. Yeah, I totally stole her taffy. I returned it though! It's in her sock drawer." I smirked.

Hannah chuckled. "Oh my, well- I'll be sure to pass on the message. Come now, have a seat."

I sat down in the chair and Hannah handed me a small glass of a clear blue liquid. I sniffed it. I shrugged and looked at Hannah. "Seems safe enough."

She chuckled. "Go on then."

I took the whole thing in one gulp. I gagged. "Ew, no smell but a horrid taste. Hannah why didn't you warn me!"

I turned to where the woman was just moments before. "Hannah? What the... "

I jumped off the seat and looked around. When I turned back, the chair was gone. I brought my brows together in confusion. "What is going on?"

Suddenly a voice came from seemingly all around me, "Choose."

I was confused until I looked around again. There were plates with various items around me. My eyes landed on a knife. Well, worst case scenario- I think a knife would get me farther than a gross hunk of meat. I quickly grabbed the knife, but when I looked up- the rest of the plates had vanished.

I heard a growling come from behind me. I looked to see a rabid dog, with saliva dripping from is snarling jaws. I faced it, ready incase it decided to pounce. It did. The dog ran towards me, so I ran forward as well. When we were just inches apart, I jammed the knife through the dog's eye. It whimpered and fell to the ground. I huffed, adrenaline rushing through my veins.

I felt bad for only a moment, before I realized that I was most likely putting it out of its misery anyway. I heard a voice behind me. "Excuse me, do you know this man?"

When I turned, the scenery around me changed. I was on a train, filled with factionless. I looked to the man directly in front of me. He was holding a poster. It was my father's face on the front. I stiffened. 'What does a factionless want with my father?"

I shook my head. "No sorry. Can't help you."

I went to walk to the opposite end of the train, but the man grabbed my arm and viciously whipped me back around. "You know! You know him! Tell me! If you don't tell me I'll die!"

I shoved the man away from me, and he fell out the train doors. His body was dragged along for a moment, before falling off the track completely. I looked over the edge and watched him fall. "Better you than him."

Suddenly, I was pushed from the train as well. I felt the air rush past my face and shut my eyes tight. Then, I felt myself back in a sitting position. I opened my eyes with a start, gasping for air.

I looked to see Hannah smiling beside me. I chuckled like a mad man, adrenaline coursing through me. "Woah. That was crazy."

Hannah laughed softly. "Yeah, mine was too. However I believe it's gotten a bit more extreme these days."

I laughed, "So, what is my fate."

Hannah smiled at me. "Well, I believe everyone- and I mean everyone- in Amity knew where you were going to end up. I think your family did too."

I beamed at her. "... Dauntless?"

She nodded, "Dauntless."

I laughed and jumped up and hugged the woman. Her feet came off the ground as I spun her around. "Oh Hannah, I'm so excited! I always felt that's exactly where I belong! Now, I know for sure!"

Hannah giggled and I set her back down. She turned back to the computer and sent my results in. I placed my hand on her shoulder. "I'll miss you. All of you. You are all my family, even if not by blood. Tell Abbey I love her, along with the others. Ok? And next year, at her choosing- wish her luck from me, yeah?"

Hannah smiled and gave me a warm hug, which I gladly returned. "We love you too. I'm glad we all got to know you. You are Abbey's role model, you know that? She'll be torn, but I know she'll be proud. Now, run along. This will be your last day in Erudite. Spend it shamelessly."

I smiled and nodded, heading out the door of the testing room.

