Sherlock At Night (?)


'John's gonna kill me if he find's out' the curly hair stressed. 'he can't hurt a fly even if he wanted too' states the monolid girl as a matter of fact.

The howling of the dogs or wolves (?) (we don't have wolves in Georgia) the girls suddenly notice that tonight was different than their previous midnight hangouts. The reason why they think so? no reason at all to be honest, this was just like all their hangouts, minus the cold air. Maybe because the girls will be starting a new semester? or maybe because destiny has something in store.

'I think you forgot he's 6 feet' shudders the third shortest of them who looks like a kinder gardener beside johnny, Jenny's brother.The two girls snicker in response. 'I think youuu forgot, he's a big softie at heart' laughs juli.

'Anyway what's the plan bitches' Amy the shortest howls and jumps like a monkey on narcotics. The streets of Georgia were dimly let as the girls pass by the community Park and off to the nearest 24/7 convenience Store. There was not a single soul in the store other than the cashier who was snoring behind the magazine, anyone could walk in and thrift the store if they so wanted to.

Passing by the shelves of Ramen and snacks, the 3 Minions quote by Johnny look for their midnight rendezvous. 'peach milk or matcha milk' contemplate's Amy as if her life depends on it, a little indecisive my bestie here. 'matcha babygirl' Smiles Jenny as she walks past Amy looking for her own drinks. Amy nods in the affirmative at her friends suggestion.

'besties I'm done choosing the ramen and sides. how're the drinks?' asks Juli as she makes her way to the cashier to start paying. 'coming right up mom' Snicker Amy and Jenny while making their way towards Juli to complete their purchase.

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'ah good taste'
'you sound like you taking a shot or something geez' tsks Juli to which Amy stick's her tongue out. They were seated on the lone rusty bench near a ghostly tree in an area which wasn't theirs. Hats off to their travels they came across a standard Park, scary and sketchy but safe nonetheless.

'girlies, did y'all notice that today feels somewhat different. I don't know why but I feel so...' Jenny finishes her cup of noodles as she voices her thoughts. 'I know right, I feel the same' Amy nods sharing the same sentiment. 'Right! I feel like her babes gonna pop out the bushes anytime' deadpans Juli slurping her noodles to which Amy glares at her. Juli Winks at her in reply putting her finished pack away. 'On a serious note though, I feel it too... like as if something's about to change or perhaps Johnny's finally gonna find a girlfriend who is not his grandmother LOL' the trio burst laughing.

'true, maybe dude's been single for sooo long and if it continues mom's really gonna set him up with her friend's daughter' laughs Jenny. 'don't tell me' Juli and Amy cringe. 'yea, the one with the funky car. Mom's been bugging John to accept Amyra's invite to her luxury owned by her dad's hotel-which is not even a hotel- to stay at' Jenny laughs. 'you won't believe me how terrified Johnny is'.

'Geez, what does auntie even see in her?' Juli frowns. Amyra, the daughter of a rich businessman and a fashion crazed mom. She isn't the most liked, her personality to blame. She has chronic main character syndrome, major-incorrigible princess syndrome from being the only child. TRUST, Juli's an only child too. No bias, she's far from it. Amyra, with all this has a low functioning cerebellum and a very low naturalistic POV...which in other words could be described as common sense.

Hear them out, its just her personality and not her looks. Amyra, is by far one of the prettiest girls the trio knows of. Which is why they're afraid johnny might actually get hitched up with her.

'My condolences to johnny, if that's true' Amy makes the sign of the cross. As jenny was about to reply, they hear a branch snap which alerts the three. Juli puts up her forefinger up to her lips to sign them to shush as she checks around them. After a few minutes, there's silence sheer silence. Amy whisper shouts, 'I read a newspaper yesternight, a serial killer is on loose we gotta run, I don't wanna die, I haven't found-' 'Shush' shushes juli. 'You don't even read newspapers what the heck' jenny wears a wary look not believing her friend.

Amy whispers as she gives a sheepish smile 'doreadoo, duh' Juli massages her temples and jenny rolls her eyes as if both were to say knew It. Juli, a while later signals them to get up while glancing at her screen. 'times up besties, let's go'

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'wait-' 'Istg, if it is another of y'alls pee breaks-' while halfway on their way Amy had to pee for which they had to go all the way back to the convience store for her business. 'jen-' 'no wait, doesn't that funky car look familiar' pointing at the car at a distance. After a minute of dead silence, Amy notices their surroundings and nods. 'yup, that's definitely blondie'.


She smiles. She never smiles that way, Don't get juli wrong. Amy does smile but the smile she wears now makes her look innocent and she's everything but innocent. Narrowing her eyes at her, jenny asks 'what?'
Amy smiles, 'y'all wanna play with snow?'

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'Istg Amy, if we get caught I'm putting the blame on you' huffs juli as she gets down the last step of...Amyra's house gates. 'Hey!' Amy frowns 'You hate her too, just admit it already-''I don't hate her, I just dislike her presence, that's the end of it' juli says nonchalant.

'same thing? that's not the point. Are u even fr my bestie? You don't even support my agenda?!?' Amy cries dramatically. 'No, don't worry babe I do and I love you' Jenny hugs Amy and tries to enact cheap jack and rose. Julia snorts and clears her throat quickly 'spill the plot bestie'

'Oh yea-' Amy takes out a can of fake snow from under her jacket like a genie and jenny high fives her at her wit. 'Why do u have this, my god!?' laughs juli in disbelief. Amy shrugs and taps at the side of her temple with a smug look.

Before the two could question Amy more, she starts spraying fake snow at a window, amyra's window. Jenny and juli laugh at the evil act until they hear it.


Juli's ears go red, eyes wide mouth agape. Amy has her eyes even wider like saucers in disbelief and Jenny, shocked yet still has a smirky face (she's a perv guys).
In panick, upon registering the event Amy flings the fake snow can up in the air and hisses at the cling that rings in the dark and soon the lights turn on.

Quickly cursing Amy, juli and jenny dash off with Amy in the opposite direction from where they came, not before hurriedly picking the can back up. Not knowing where they're off to they stumble into the neighbour's house through a hole in the fence but are no less than worse off as a giant black Doberman greets their way.

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The next events are hard to register, they were in slow moo. The trio's eyes going wide. Jenny was first in line, she screams, the dog alerts. She turns to her right and the rest follow. Luckily, the dog still had the leash on so they survived...barely, yes.

Unaware of the direction of their dash, they bump face first into a window of the neighbour's backyard. No problem though, Jenny's reflex's were fast enough as she put her arms out. Stupidly enough, as Jenny bumps into the window hands out, Amy bumps into Jenny and while Juli bumps into Amy she flings the can of snow in the air and...


Panicked gazes, rushed steps and hushed voices, they dash and climb the vintage fence which I mind you was HIGH. Amy falls on her butt, jenny arms out like she's crawling and juli on her knees as if begging for forgiveness. The fall was harsh and the three knew they were bruised yet they dash till they reach Jenny's house but was luck on their side haha

Johnny in his 6 feet glory stood mighty and tall at the front porch. Arms folded and feet on stand looking like some grim reaper without his cloak and axe. Nonetheless he was no less than scary.
