Cats over dogs

The halls of the university were ringing with chatters. Students were discussing about lunch to their majors, the latest drama and everything included with some sugar and spice. Friends filling friends in on their lives.

‘This year the secretary's being selected from the sophomores right?’ Juli nods.

‘Yea, the president from senior, vice from junior and secretary from sophomore’.

The two were waiting outside the art class for Amy. Juli frowns, ‘I heard that Jinhwan was at her's yesterday. Did he confess? ’

Jenny snorts ‘pfft you wish! No he didn't and idk why but Amy's on some weird shit... She been acting weird you know why? ’

Juli shrugs ‘kinda confusing but then again not Amy's first’
‘You're running for the secretary right? ’


‘So, we're doing our assignment on celestial bodies?’ Chelsea's face brighten's up tenfold. Jo nods
‘It's an interesting one and I'm sure its not been taken. We can go all out on this one’. The 5 art geeks who had been assigned a group project had now successfully agreed on a topic.

Celestial bodies

Today was their 1st meet excluding the day they got assigned together. Safe to say, these people were fast paced and prioritised getting work done quick.

Amy was so in for the ride. With the promise of meeting again, the five bid goodbye.

‘Bye people, see y'all again’.

It was lunchtime so the whole of the hallway was deadly packed.

‘–yea hopefully I can balance both council duties and academics’

‘What are y'all talking about?’ Amy butts into the ongoing conversation between her two besties.

‘LMAO Amy don't make that face. We're not excluding you’ Jenny snorts as Amy fakes hurt.

Juli smiles ‘Hello to you too Art geek’.

The three were now making their way towards the uni cafeteria. Seemingly engrossed in their conversation, Juli bumps into someone.

‘sorr–eww’ Juli grimaces at the face that greets her, the latter smirking up at the reaction. Jenny and Amy hold their breaths knowing the usual routine.

Yet to their utmost surprise, Juli breathes in and out and starts walking from beside the boy, mister Jo who thinks annoying Juli is his number one priority.

‘Lily woke up and chose peace huh? Surprising’ Jo smirks making his way to Juli who was now squeezing her fist tight.

The sight now was comical, so Wattpad coded laughs Amy. The sight being of Juli being a head shorter than Jo.

Code red Whisper Amy and Jenny in unison

Juli fuming sasses at Jo ‘Who shat on you today Jojo siwa? Did Kun not play fetch with you today?’ Kun snorts

‘Nope, will you?’

‘I prefer cats’

‘Meow meow’

Juli could feel her eye twitch at that. All while Jo grins flashing his 32 chips bright. Juli swear's she's a good puncher. Kun who was watching this all with a smile so wide says ‘Just kiss y'all c'mon’ which gets him daggers thrown respectfully.

Kun was the president of the JJ ship, he prays for them three times a day. Amy, though she swore in front of Juli she doesn't condone such acts. Her with a lie detector would call her out guilty, she was Kun's partner in this.

Juli was obviously fuming and she was aware Jo was enjoying every second of it. She takes something outta her bag tugging Jo's collar down. Momentarily Jo loses his composure.

‘If you wanted a kiss should've ask—what the’ Kun and Amy start laughing hysterically, while Jenny chokes on air.

Juli had put a leash round Jo's neck and pulled his hood down to shut him up.

‘Let's go’

And she's gone.

Jo was calm, the flame to disrupt his calm was Juli's snarky attitude Who put him off in every way. Jo was pissed. Juli was nice to everyone but him. One look at him and she's gagged, not in a good way. Being civil is out of question, when they can't even breathe next to each other.

This all started a year ago, when during freshmen orientation Jo had mistakenly called Juli Uli when not even a second ago the professor introduced the two.

Jo blames his lack of state of mind during that moment. Still no excuse.

While Juli had accidentally stepped on the cords of Jo's guitar during one of his many important performances. When Jo got to know he was pissed. Rather than being a sensible adult and confronting Juli, the stupid guy just assumed that this was out of spite.

So guess what

The two had terrible first impressions neither did they ever work this through accepting their faults or wave the white flag. Their ego's big and fat.

Back at the present moment. Jo was stunned. The tip of his ears burning at Juli's antics. Kun was laughing his ass off. Jo wouldn't lie that was kinda hot

Shaking his head, Jo shrugs and pulls Kun with him to somewhere, out of the cafeteria.

──★ ˙ ̟

──★ ˙ ̟

‘Li, I'm fine, better I say’

‘Are you sure? I kept the porridge in the microwave. Heat it up when you're hungry. Don't forget your meds okay? Call me if you need me Or do you want me to co–’ Juli concerns over the phone.

Noah's diarrhea was fine now, though he was still weak and needed rest.

‘No, I'm fine Li. I can look after myself thank you!’ He hangs up before Juli could stress more.

Juli groans and sighs. Her two best friends sharing curious looks. They were now at a cafe right opposite their university. She couldn't stand being in the same presence as Jo.

Curious, Jenny asks ‘Does he still have diarrhea?’ as she slurps her drink. Amy laughs and adds explosive diarrhea.

‘Nope, he's fine though he needs rest and meds’ Juli says biting the last of her sandwich. ‘What's his name?’ Jenny inquiries.

‘Noah Pham’

Jenny nods and hesitantly asks again ‘What does he look like?’ The other two pause. Juli narrows her eyes at her best friend, her lips pulling into a teasing smile.

‘Hello? Is someone interested in my brother?’

Shit she shouldn't have asked Jenny panick's

‘No! I-I just wanted to know–I was just curious geez’ ‘Sure sure’ Amy laughs. Juli smiles as she looks through her gallery for Noah's pics.

‘Here, take a look.’ Juli passes the phone.

‘Hello guys! What a coincidence’

Jinhwan shows up on their table in his soccer jersey. He must've been out from practice Amy thinks. Jenny quickly passes the phone back to Juli, as she greets Jinhwan not sparing a glance at the screen.

‘Guys! you know there's a friendly soccer match this Saturday. I would love for you guys to join and cheer for me!’ Jinhwan pleads.

The three smile and agree without much trouble, happily nodding at him.

He hugs Juli as she was right beside him. Chuckling Juli returns the hug. None pay notice to a shift in someone's eyes. Amy laughs as she says ‘What a cute couple, just get married already! ’

As Juli and Jinhwan naturally indulge in a conversation, Jenny was on her phone texting Johnny. She takes note of Amy's change of behavior.

Even now, Amy looks...upset.
Especially the way she keeps glancing at Juli with that look.

──★ ˙ ̟
──★ ˙ ̟

Juli was about to follow Amy and Jinhwan when she's pulled by Jenny to a corner. Their Little coincidental lunch was now extended to ice cream as dessert at Amy's favorite ice cream parlor.

Juli gives Jenny a questioning look ‘What?’

Jenny heaves a sigh ‘I think Amy likes you’.



