chapter 13.

Who the hell does he think he is, first he ghosts me for three days, THREE DAYS!! Then he sends his Beta to come look for me, as if I'm the one avoiding him. My wolf and i have been suffering greatly because of him, he should have just rejected us, at least then we could be sure he doesn't want us. Then he has the guts to come to our Cafe with all his sexiness and calling me cute names with a Panty dripping voice!. I mean I can only handle so much.

At that particular moment I felt this sudden rush of anger that is still pumping in my veins. I don't want him near me ,well at least for now.
Me hitting him was just reflexes and maybe a little revenge. If it was going to get me killed then so be it , then this suffering is going to end.

I don't even now where I'm running off to, I just want to put distance between us. Heavy steps started closing on me fast, fugde he is faster than I thought, of course Liah he's the alpha.

I screamed as the said alpha tackled me to the ground. Before we could hit the hard land he suddenly shifted having me on top as his back collided with the ground. I stared wide eyed ,is he okay, I was about to fuss over him when he growled at me.

"Don't invoke a chase with a predator you can't out ran MATE!"
I continued to stare at him .
He stood up, throwing me over his shoulder like I weighed nothing. That had me regain my senses.
" put me down stupid wolf "
Dammn is hard to find a good insult for this man.
Then a hand landed on my floral shorts clad buttocks.
He freaking spanked me!!
"Aaah how dare you, put me down right now or you are going to regret it"

My face was resembling a tomato, from embarrassment, anger and arousal. Jesus what is wrong with me ,I can't seem to control myself around this man.
The guy just chuckled and continued walking. Well glad to know I'm amusing tsk. I might as well enjoy the view, damm he has a nice ass, maybe I should also spank.. bad Liah bad.

The bare grass changed to a triple stone pathway with trimmed grass between the stones. They looked like they lead to a house,  wait the pack house doesn't have a stone pathway ,where is he taking me.
"Where are we"
I didn't know what was worse, the fact that I wasn't scared or that I was hoping he wouldn't leave me like last time.
Tha alpha remained silent as he finally came to a stop on wooden patio.
He opened the door walking inside and closing it behind him. His scent is all over this place,  did he just take me to his house!! Oh my goodness was he going to punish me for hitting him and running away, or mate me, maybe Mark me. I don't even know if this thoughts are scary or exciting, my wolf was already whimpering and panting ,guess to her it was exciting. Hony wolf.

Tha alpha removed his shoes making his way across the living room barefooted. At this point I think he has forgotten I'm still on his shoulder, should I remind him?

He opened another door leading to a home office, his home office. He suddenly readjusted me to his front making me make a very embarrassing shocked sound. He smiled again amused as he settled down on his office chair. If that smile wasn't so beautiful I would have smacked him.

He wrapped his arms around my waist tightly as I straddled him. His face buried deep on my neck sniffing me. I didn't hesitate as I also wrapped my hands around him, one on his neck the other in his soft curly hair. Goodness he smells soooo good!

I missed this, I missed Him.
This position seemed to make all our differences fade away every time. It feels like home.
I don't even know how long we stayed like that until a deep phone sound broke our bubble.
Elijah growled in annoyance, the vibrations shaking me slightly and I couldn't help but giggle.
He looked at me with one of those smiles of his and I couldn't help but squirm a little. Why do people say he doesn't smile, that's all he does when he looks at me and it's slowly killing me, aaah my poor ovaries.

He reached out for some airpods, placing one on his left ear and received the call.
The call turned out to be some pack matters and he ended up carrying out his alpha office duties with me still on him. After around twenty minutes I tried getting off him cause I was worried, I was comfortable I won't lie, maybe more than comfortable. But wasn't my mate tired. He grunted holding me closer leaning backwards on his office chair slightly swinging it.
Between the deep raspy delicious voice of my mate, to the soothing sparks flying between us, to the slight swinging of the office chair and the strong muscular hand holding me securely , I drifted to the best sleep in my life.
