Chapter 8 rewritten

Billies pov
I went to the green room so I could get finneas and Claudia because I wanted to leave. Nova is a person finneas is producing for. What I have hear they are a pretty cool person. And they are fucking gorgeous. I knocked on the door and nova opened it.

Here face went pale and she looked at me with blank eyes. "Holy fucking shit you're billie Eilish" they said tearing up. "Hi yes I am beautiful" I said pulling them into a hug so they would calm down. They just melt into me.

"Oh my fucking god" they mumbled into my chest as they was about 4 inches shorter then me. "Are you alright love" I asked them. "Yea yea I am good" they said pulling away from me. "Here give me your number so I can keep in contact with you" I said looking them in the eyes.

"Ok love well I am here to get finneas and Claudia so we can leave" I said looking at them. "Yea we can good now Billie" finneas said as he hugged who I assumed were ari and grey bye. So did Claudia then they got to me and hugged and said bye to me.

"Well good bye billie and by the way I am ari novas niece" she said waving to me goodbye. "And I am grey novas older brother" grey said waving to me.

Novas pov
"Well I guess I will text you" I said standing in the door way. "Yea I will be looking for it" billie said winking at me and walking away. They all left and it was only nova, ari and grey in the room. "Melt down in 3...2..." before she could get to one I screamed. "1" she said with a laugh which made grey laugh.

"OMG SHE HUGGED ME AND FUCKING CALLED ME LOVE OH LORD TAKE ME NOW" I screamed falling to the floor dramatically.

"Hey get up we got to get out of here" grey said pulling me up by my arm. "I still can't believe it and she smelt amazing" I said daydreaming about Billie.

"Well someone is love struck" ari said patting my shoulder. "Oh fuck off" I said give ari the middle finger.
We all walked out the car together.

I then get a text from an anonymous number.

you were really amazing on the stage tonight

Umm who is this

oh this is billie by the way you looked really pretty tonight ;)

Oh hi Billie you look really hot tonight as well ;)

Why thank you love, well I am going to bed goodnight beautiful

Ok well good night billie talk to later

I put my phone down but couldn't stop smiling. "What's got you smiling" ari asked me. "Nothing" I said look at her. "Well I am surprised you are still alive" she said with a laugh.

"Yea she hugged you, winked at you, called you love, and you got her phone number how ar should not dead" grey said laughing at me.

"Honestly I have no clue" I said with a breathy laugh.

Time skip

It currently 2 am and I couldn't sleep. I then felt my phone ring and I looked at it. To my surprise it was billie.

Hey you up

Yep I can't sleep

Well do you want to FaceTime

Sure but I thought YoU dIdN't Do FaCeTiMe

Wow you really are a fan and I don't but I will make an exception for you pretty ;)

Then billies contact comes across the screen as she calls me.

"There's that beautiful face" Billie said when I picked up the phone. "Well hello to you too billie" I said with a laugh. She had her hair up with two strands in the front and her red light laminated her room.

"Well I was just say what I see" she said with a smirk. "Oh my god shut up" I said trying to hide my blush.

"So how has touring been" she asked me. "Eh it's the same as every other one haha" I said looking at her. "Oh yea I forgot we started at the same time" she said laughing.

"Yea it was really cool to see my idol grow up with me" I said just staring at her. "I can't believe we haven't meet before this" she said. "Yea know it's crazy" I said.

"You know you are really chill and pretty nova" she said. "Why thank you Billie" I said with a blush rising to my face. "You can call me Bils you know that right" she said. "Yea ok bils" I said blushing really hard.

"Ok love" she said with a silly grin. "You are so silly you know that" I said with a smirk. "Yea I do" she said with a proud smile. Before I could answer I started to feel my eyes getting heavy.

"I should really get to bed I have a flight tomorrow at 6" I said with a sad face. "Yea you really should" she said just looking at me. "Can you sing something for me" I asked her. "Sure what do you want to hear" she asked me.

"Wish you were gay" I said in just above a whisper as my eyes started to shut. "Of course I can" she starts to sing wish you were gay. I slowly start to fall asleep. The last thing I hear was Billie singing to me.

End of chapter
