Chapter 3 rewriten

Nova's pov
"Nova, I wonderful to meet you." Sam said shaking my hand. "Hi yes it's nice to meet you too Sam." I said sitting down at this long table.

"So I know you are interested in being part of our team, so I am just going to go over everything with you today." Sam said pulling out a stack of papers. "Ok sounds great" I said.

"So since you are so young we want just make sure you don't do anything you will regret and have it on social media so we will have partial control over your social medias." Sam explained to me.

"Yea that makes sense." I said looking at him.

2 hours later

"This will be your producer" Sam said passing me a card. "His name is finneas I think he is actually here today" Sam said then a tall ginger man walked in. "Hey Sam you wanted me" he said sitting down next to Sam.

"Yea remember the person I told you that will be working with you on music" Sam said gesturing to me. "This is nova Kia and you will be producing for them" Sam said with a smile.

"Oh sick I have been waiting to meet you" who I am guessing is finneas reached his hand out so I shook it. "Yea it nice to meet you too I can't wait to start working with you" I said with a smile.

The meeting finally ended. I talked with finneas a bit more and got more information. And now I am super tired.

"Hey novs how was the meeting" Zoe asked when I hopped in her car. "It was really good I officially signed with them and I got to meet my producer he seems nice kinda reminds me of grey" I said as I laid my head on the head rest.

We arrived home and I immediately went to my room and flopped on my bed. "God I am so tired" I mumbled to myself. I sit up and plug my phone in and play my night time playlist.

Meteor shower by cavetown comes on. I start to dance as I brush my teeth. Then the door to my bathroom opens and it's Zoe and she is on the phone with someone.

"OMG ZOE YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME" I said with the toothbrush still in my mouth. "Umm Zoe you ok" a voice from her phone said while Zoe is trying to catch her breath from laughing.

"Yea bil i am good" she said once she calmed down. "Anyways I wanted to say goodnight to you nova" she said smiling. "Oh well good night I love you" I said after I spit out the toothpaste in my mouth.

Once Zoe left I hopped back into my bed and immediately fell asleep.

End of chapter
Hey y'all Umm we reached 10k reads this is actually crazy thank you all so much on the responses of this book it's crazy
