Chapter 3

He led me down the stone path, we stopped under a gazebo. We were far from the ball but I didn't mind, it was nice to just have a bit of us time.

"The night sky is beautiful but not as beautiful as you" Sebastian spoke looking into my emerald green eyes.

I felt very flattered and blushed. I had never felt like this before. He took my hand and pulled me close and grabbed my waist. We started to dance, just the too of us. I felt so calm and relaxed when I'm with him.

"uh..mmm" a voice spoke from behind me.

We broke out of the dance quickly to see my father and Sebastian's father standing at the bottom of the gazebo. Both fathers looked at each other and nodded.

"I think you've chosen your husband" my father spoked

"and I think you've chosen your wife" Sebastian's father continued

I just blushed as I knew Sebastian was looking at me. Sebastian took my hand and got down on one knee.

"I knew from the very first moment I laid eyes on you, you would be the one I want to spend my life with. Princess Rosaline of Mongolia, would marry me." Sebastian spoke

I just nodded, there was no words for this special moment. Sebastian got up and placed a sliver bedded ring on my hand and gave a small peek on my cheek.

"let's head back to the ball and announcement the engagement to everyone" my father spoke.

We all followed my father back into the ballroom. Father got the attention of everyone. Every one stopped what they are doing and drawed their attention to father.

"I would like to announce that my daughter Rosaline is now engaged with Prince Sebastian of Deamor" father spoke and everyone cheered for excitement. Then they resumed back to what they were all doing.

Sebastian gave a peek of my cheek than headed off to get some food. Irene came up to me and grabbed my hand, she walked me into a small room on the east side of the ball room.

"Rose, how do I tell father" she spoke being very worried.

"tell father what?" I replied being all confused.

"I found my future husband but I'm not at age yet, how do I tell father" she replied back.

"Don't worry I will tell father for you but promise me to stay in the ball room okay" I spoke before leave the small room to join back in with the ballroom guests.

As the night went all, the guests started to leave. Sebastian gave a kiss on my cheek and headed back home. Soon it was just me, my four other sisters and father left in the ballroom.

"You girls should head off to bed, there's a lot of planning tomorrow" father spoke.

All the girl started to leave but before I could leave I grabbed father's attention.

"There is something I need to tell you" I spoke, looking at Irene as she left the ballroom

"of course, my dear, shall we head to my office and have a chat with a cup of tea" father suggested.

We entered father's office; a tea set was all ready for us. We sat down by the window. Father poured the tea into the two china cups and handed me mine once finished. I took a sip of my drink before I spoke.

"There's something I need to tell you and it's about Irene" I said putting my cup on the table.

My father looked at me over his cup and then took a sip. I continued as father placed his cup down.

"She's only 15 but as the ball she told me that she has found her future husband." I said firmly.

"oh, well, you should be off to be my dear, you've got a busy day tomorrow." He spoke pointing to the door.

I got up from my chair, my cup of tea is still half full but I did as my father asked and I headed out of the office and up to my room. I was confused with why father started acting that way but I didn't let it bother me, I had other things to worry about more.
