Chapter 2

Tonight's the night where father would choice who I will be marriage in 2 month's time. I was becoming scared, what if he.... I don't want to know. I flung my body down on my bed. Than suddenly there was a knock on my door.

"Come in" I spoke sitting up on my bed.

As the door opened it was father who had entered.

"Are you alright my dear" he asked while sitting next to me on my bed "I know this is hard for you, but how about I let you decide who you want to me with" he smiled as he stood up

I smiled back and jumped into a hug. He knew that I felt happy about this.

"you can choose your future husband but you have to stay with tradition my dear" he spoke pulling himself away from the hug to look at me face to face

"of course, father" I bowed.

Later that evening, I started to get myself and Irene ready for the ball. My other sisters were getting help with their maids. I did Irene's hair and she did mine. She got behind my screen, when she came out, she was wearing rosy-pink ball gown.

"Go on, your turn" she giggled.

None of my sisters knew what ball gown I will be wearing. Irene will be the very first one to see it.

"okay, okay." I laughed while walking behind my screen.

My maid brought my gown in and helped me to get into it. As I walked out, I saw Irene's mouth drop to the floor. I could tell she was impressed.

"Is it a bit too much?" I asked

She had nothing to say but just shook her head 'no'

Once we were both finished getting ready, we had to go and meet father and our other sisters at the west entrance of the ball room doors.

We reached the end of the corridor; Irene turned the corner first and headed towards everyone. A few second afterwards I turned the corner, everyone was amazed with my ball gown. Father meet me halfway.

"You look just like your mother" he wept

I bowed; I could hear my young sisters mumbling under their breath. The head butler informed father that everyone has arrived and it was our turn to enter the ball room.

The doors opened and we entered.

"Ladies and gentlemen, boy and girls, May I announce our royal highness. King Jack and his daughters." The crowd clapped.

"We will start from the youngest to the eldest" father spoke.

Princess Maggie entered the room first, she may only be 9 years old but she is such a brave young lady. Princess Lilly followed behind than followed by Princess Ruby and Irene. Finally I was last to enter.

"I now announce the eldest daughter, Princess Rosaline" the royal guard spoke.

As I entered everyone was looking at me, my golden dress sparkling as I walked down the white marble stairs. I had my fan in from of my face only showing my eyes. As I got to the bottom of the stairs, father took my hand and walked me a bit more into the ballroom.

"Let the ball, begin" father spoke and the conductor started the band.

We all scattered around, mingling with the other families and even meeting some new faces. Some people were dancing, some people were just chatting. I headed out into the garden off from the ball room, I took a deep breath but suddenly I heard a voice behind me.

"You must be Princess Rosaline" the voice spoke.

I turned around to see a young man wearing a smart tuxeduo. I just nodded than he continued to speak.

"I am prince Sebastian of Deamor" he spoke.

"its very nice to meet you" I replied back, lowering my fan.

When i did this, father was watching in the ball room and he knew I had found my future husband.

"shall we go for a walk" Sebastian spoke holding his arm out for me to hook on to

"we shall" I replied place my hand on his armand we headed down the steps into the garden.
