"you're home!" violet ran to y/n, engulfing her in a hug as soon as walked through the front door.

"did you do this all yourself?" she quickly wiped away her tears as she admired the christmas decorations.


"hey, little sister."

y/n swore she was hallucinating, when she heard olivia's voice.

but there she was, standing on the stairs.

"oh my god! i missed you so much!" y/n dropped her bags, running to her. it was exactly what she needed.

"i missed you."

"tell us about scotland." once y/n had settled in they went to the kitchen to make cookies.

"well, when it's freezing scottish girls wear short shorts and high heels when we go out to bars and stuff."

"you go to bars?" violet gasped.

"everybody does. legal drinking age is eighteen over there."

"you drink?, who is she?"

"she's liv."

"are you going to invite louis over for dinner?" violet asked, olivia, giving her a tight lipped smile.

"why don't we just make it a family night?'

"that means you can't invite wanna." y/n widened her eyes, olivia had no idea wanna was even in her life, let alone was in a fake relationship with him.

"wanna?" olivia asked, luckily the doorbell rang, y/n excused herself.

"hey, we need to talk." i guess it wasn't so lucky, wanna stood on her porch, his hand in the pockets of his hoodie as it was freezing outside.

"talk." y/n closed the door behind her, waiting for him to speak.

"just so you know, nothing happened between me and coco last night."

"what happened what that you went to her room in the first place."

"look, coco and i dated for a long time, those feelings aren't going to go away, we have history."

"i'm so tired of being second best, or fake best, i don't know."

"no, you don't get it. last night was-"

"last night was a mistake." y/n cut him off.

"wanna physical stuff might not be a big deal to you, but to me it is."

"who says it's not a big deal to me?"

"says every guy on the bus! clapping and praising you like a god."

"okay, look i-"

y/n was done, there was nothing he could do that could excuse his actions.

"wanna, just leave."

"can we go inside and talk?"

he took her hand.

"she asked you to leave, mate." louis walked up to the porch, looking down at wanna.

"louis, i'm fine, just go back inside." she did not need these two fighting when olivia was home.

"nah, it's alright." he waved her off.

"are you fucking kidding me? this isn't about me and coco, this is about you and louis. are you serious? this is the reason you broke up with me? because you're still in love with him?" his voice grew louder and louder.

"if y/n broke up with you, it's because she came to the life-altering revelation, that she's too good for you." just as y/n was about to say something, olivia beat her to it.

"you're in love with louis?" her voice was shaky, meaning that she was on the verge of tears.

"liv, no." she turned around running inside.

y/n sobbed, everything was falling apart all at once.

"wanna, go home."

"god. you were never second best." he shook his head, walking away.

"i didn't she was home yet." guilt running through louis voice.

"yeah, she finished her exams early. it was a surprise."

well at least the worst was over, she could move forward without having to worry.

until a notification from her phone buzzed through her pocket. she screamed as a video of her and wanna, making out in the hot tob was leaked to the entire school.

she ran to olivia's room, olivia shooed her away.

"i'm busy." she muttered as she unpacked her suitcase.

"wait, liv please."

"well, you're completely covered up, we only see your back. if you hadn't been tagged it could be anybody. it's worse for wanna than it is for you." she said as his face was facing the camera.

"god, how could i let this happen? i'm so stupid." she fell back into the bed, holding olivia's squishmallow for comfort.

"y/n, we're gonna fix this." she sat beside her.

"i know you're only being nice to me cause i accidentally made a sex tape and you feel bad."

"i do feel bad for you, but i also don't understand why you didn't just tell me all of this was happening in the first place."

"because i thought you would hate me."

"i could never hate you. i thought you hated me, i mean what was i supposed to do? you wouldn't even skype with me?"

"i wouldn't call you because i was lying to everybody, and i knew i couldn't lie to you."

olivia pouted, pulling y/n into a hug.

"no more secrets between the covey girls, alright?"  they pulled away, y/n held up her pinky, olivia following as they locked pinkies.

"but, i have a secret." the two whip their heads to the door, violet leaning against it.

"what are you hiding vi?"

"okay, but if i tell you, you can't get mad." y/n furrowed her eyebrows, what could an eleven year old do that's so bad?

"..i mailed the letters." y/n's smiled dropped, anger flowing through her.

".. i'm gonna kill you." she paused, before wiggling out of olivia's grip, sprinting towards violet as she screamed and ran away.

"i'm sorry! you just seemed so lonely, and you were always writing those letters, and i figured i'd mail them for you!" she ran around y/n's room, jumping over the clothes and pilllows that covered her floors.

"so you just decided to mail all five of them?" y/n chased her around with a random princess wand from an old costume.

"i thought five chances were better odds!" olivia grabbed her, stopping the two of them from running.

"give me the wand." olivia held her hand out, y/n sighed rolling her eyes, giving in.

"look, her logic was off, but her heart was in the wrong place."

"her face is going to be in the wrong place!"

"y/n, before you murder our sister, could i just ask you a question? if you really, truly didn't want those letters to be sent, then why did you address them?" y/n paused, why did olivia always have to be right?

"it's not like i added a stamp." she crossed her arms over her chest.

"can you maybe admit that some part of you doesn't want everything in your life to be a fantasy?"


"so... if i can forgive you for writing my boyfriend a love letter, do you think you could forgive vi for sending them?" y/n looked at violet, then back to olivia.


"thank god. i was really hoping to make it seventh grade." violet sighed in relief.

it didn't feel like Christmas knowing her hot tub escapades had gone viral, but, of course, olivia knew exactly what to do and anonymously emailed instagram to have them take the videos down under child pornography laws. she couldn't believe she had inadvertently dabbled in porn before she lost her virginity, but it's been a strange year all around.

"okay, you're officially pg-13 again." olivia handed her phone back, y/n bit on the inside of her cheek.

"i guess i should change my background." she frowned, looking at the photo violet took of the two napping on the couch, wanna's hands wrapped around her as she laid on top of him.

"or you could talk to him."

but y/n knew she couldn't, with everything that happened, coco still won.


it was the first day of the second semester, y/n felt like everyone had seen the video, she swore people were talking about her every time someone would whisper something. she wanted nothing more than to just disapear.

"the debate society's new year's eve nitrous oxide scandal knocked it out of top spot." ariana had her arm over y/n's shoulder, attempting to give her some good news, out of a shitty situation.

"that's good news right? people don't care about me anymore."

it seemed like every time something good happened to y/n, something horrible would come moments after.

as the two turned the corner, they noticed people surrounding her locker.

what now?

y/n stood frozen as everyone turned to her, whispering as she inched closer. a picture of wanna and y/n in the hot tub, along with the words, 'it's always the ones you never expect' defaced on her locker.

ariana quickly snatched the photo, crumpling it up into a ball.

"whoa, what's going on?" wanna walked up to her, clenching his jaw as read the writing.

"you didn't even say it wasn't true? you just let everyone think we had sex in the hot tub when you know we didn't?" she looked at him in pure disgust, scoffing as he stood there quiet, unable to answer any of her questions.

"y/n i promise when i find out who did this-"

"i know who did this, and so should you." this had coco marked all over it, who else had it out for y/n that they'd leak a tape of her?

"i bet you're just happy the video leaked." she angrily pushed past him, hitting him with her shoulder.

"you gonna do something about this?" ariana shoved the paper in his arms, he un folded it, glaring at the people watching.

"not that it's anyones business, but nothing happened in the hot tub, so if i hear anyone talking shit about y/n, i'll beat all your asses."


y/n's vision blurred as tears filled her eyes, gripping onto the bathroom sink, as she looked at herself in the mirror, disappointed.

how could she let this happen?

the stall behind her opened, revealing coco, the two held eye contact as y/n looked at her through the mirror.

"you're a real bitch, you know that?" y/n turned around, facing her.

"excuse you?"

"i know you posted that video."

"uhm, nope. wasn't me." it took everything in y/n not to fight her.

"but just so you know, if you're gonna have sex in a public place, you gotta deal with the consequences." she smirked, knowing y/n was becoming more upset as she continued to talk.

"you're insane."

"you know, i am glad someone did, cause now every gets to see who you really are."

"what's wrong with you? who does this to another girl?" it was bad enough for a guy to pull something like this, but a girl?

"oh don't play the girls girl card on me, covey. cause you kissed the boy that i liked!" she pointed at y/n, getting closer to her.

"coco you guys are broken up!"

"no! before that." y/n looked at her like she was crazy, well not like, she is crazy.

"are you talking about spin the bottle?"

"you knew i like him, but you kissed him anyway."

"it was a game you psycho! and it was tongueless." she threw her arms up in the air.

"well it wasn't tongueless to me!" she screamed, stomping out of the bathroom, leaving y/n beyond confused.

she always thought no one was paying attention to what she was doing, that the only drama in her life was in her head, but it turns out that y/n wasn't as invisible as she thought.

"so, liv left huh?" louis walked into the living since the first time in what felt like forever, the two plopped down onto the couch.

"yeah, few days ago." y/n had invited him over to explain the whole situation.

"louis. you were the first boy i ever really liked. everyone else, all the other letters , were born out of a fantasy. but yours was based off of actually knowing you, and knowing that you're an amazing person. i knew i always liked you, the thing is i could never tell you, and when i finally did have the guts to say something.. liv took you first, i guess."

"i always liked you, y/n. i liked that you didn't care what the other kids would say about you, i liked that you weren't afraid of anything. i liked everything about you. i just could never tell you."

all these years of holding in feelings, only to find out he'd felt the same way.

"why didn't you say anything?"

"i was scared, didn't want to loose my best friend."

"i'm so sorry i treated you like absolute garbage, you didn't deserve it at all."

"it's okay, i get it now."

"did you ever stop loving olivia after she broke up with you?" she had to know if the feelings she was feeling for wanna would ever go away.

"no, not at first. at some point it changed though, the longer she was gone, the more i understood why she ended things. do you feel the same way about wanna?" he said his name with pure hatred.

"i know you don't like him."

"i like how he stood up for you today, he should of done it a lot earlier, but then again he's a jock, they're a little slow in the head." y/n laughed, she missed the way they spend hours talking.

"if you miss him, why don't you just tell him?"

"i can't" she frowned.

"why's that?"

"because if it wasn't real, i didn't lose anyone, but if i say that it was real, and he still doesn't want me.."

"then at least you'll know. y/n you've gotta tell people how you feel when you feel it. you can't just sit in your room writing love letters you're never going to send. wanna wouldn't even be in your life if they hadn't gotten out in the first place."

"you definitely have a point.. I don't know, I'm just tired of writing love letters. It'd be nice to be receiving them." y/n picked at the pillow in her hand.

"y/n, i have something for you. don't kill me. it's just, you were always throwing those away, and I thought they were something you should keep." violet came down the stairs, the infamous teal circular box in her hands.

she set it down on the coffee table, sitting on the floor in front of louis. y/n opened it up, letting out a small gasp, as every love note from wanna sat inside the box.

"you saved all these?" y/n picked one up, reading it.

y/n. you looked so pretty today, i couldn't stop looking at you during my boxing match. ps. you're the reason i lost.

y/n. everyone was so impressed by your presentation in lit, but especially me. I love having a smarty pants fake girlfriend.

you did so good today, i need you to come to sunny's party with me.  before you say no, it's in the contract!

y/n smiled sadly as she read the first letter he'd written her, god this boy had her head over heels.

"still think you haven't gotten a love letter?"


y/n made it to wannas home, it did take her a good five minutes to paralel park, but she did it nonetheless.

marching up to her door, she fought her own thoughts, telling her to back out and go back home, but she refused.

she rang the doorbell, her anxiety rising every second that she waited. she shook her head, turning around to leave, maybe this just isn't meant to be.

"y/n?" the door opened, wanna's voice filling the air.

"hi." she turned around, fiddling with the ends of her hair.

"hey." he closed the door behind him.

"i have to tell you something."


cmon y/n, you can do it, if he doesn't feel the same, your life won't end.

actually, no. fuck this.

"i drove here."

"really? wow, that's... that's... that's great, congrats." he obviously knew she didn't drive three miles, knowing she'd rather walk three miles in five inch heels, than drive just to tell him that.

"thanks." she nodded, turning to leave, and never show her face in piblic ever again.

"whoa, wait. what's in your hand?" he pointed to the note she'd been holding, she knew it was going to come down to it, she knew she wouldn't be able to just tell him how she felt, so she wrote it in a letter.

"uhm, nothing." she attempted to hide it behind her back, but he was quicker, snatching it out of her hands, opening it up, stopping as he read the words, dear wanna."

"if you want me to read it, you need to read it to me."

she hesitated before agreeing.

"fine, but can you turn around?"

he looked at her, tilting his head. his expression saying, 'seriously?'

"please, i can't read it if you're staring at me."

he playfully rolled his eyes, turning around like she pleaded.

"dear wanna, i need you to know that i like, and not in a fake way, and even if you don't feel the same i just needed you to know, because i can't handle going another day, sitting in my room with these feeling, because i really, really like you wanna., and i guess thats all i came here to say, so." the blank expression on his face was enough to give y/n her answer, she quickly walked away, wanting nothing more than to disappear off the face of the earth.

"y/n, wait!" he chased after her.

"don't i get to say something? the reason that i went to coco's room that night, was to tell her that it's over.. because i am so in love with you,
y/n. and not in a fake way." he placed his hand on her waist, pulling her closer to him, just as the two were about to kiss, she stopped him.

"wait.. how do we do this." she put her hands on his forearms, stopping him.

"what do you mean?"

"what do you put into contact for a real relationship?" wanna let out a small chuckle.

"'nothing. you gotta trust. you gonna break my heart, covey?"

"never." she whispered, placing her hands on the back of his neck, closing the cap between them as they passionately kissed.

y/n had always fantasized about a boy going to her house to confess his love, she just never thought it's be the other way around.

the end.

thank you so so much for reading! it truly does mean a lot!! i definitely will be writing the sequels to these! hope you enjoyed!

