as she laid in bed, rethinking everything, her dad's voice came from the kitchen. "y/n, louis is here!"


she obviously knew she couldn't escape from the front door, so she used her only way out, the window.

carefully crawling out, she sighed in relief as she made it out successfully. well that was until a bird flew a little too close for comfort, causing her to stumble on the roof, falling off.

"ow." she got on her bike, riding to her favorite diner, just a mile away from her house.

she thanked the waiter as she placed a glass of coke with a cherry in it in front of her, taking a sip of it.

"hey, covey." her eyes widened, almost choking, as it scared the hell out of her.

"oh, anything for your friend?" joan, a waitress who had become quite fond of y/n, asked wanna.

"i'd like a chocolate shake, thanks."


"so what are you doing here?"

"what do you mean? i'm just here to take down one of those chocolate shakes."


"actually, i stopped at your house, your sister said you'd probably be here. look, i just wanna be super clear."

he still remembered where y/n lived?


" i'm flattered, i am, but... coco and i, like, just broke up so..." y/n cringed at his words.

"wanna, are you trying to reject me?"

"yeah, cause it doesn't really seem like it took back the first time." he referenced to the three hours ago where she stuck her tounge down his throat on the track.

"wanna, i am not trying to date you."

"yeah, but your mouth is saying something, but your mouth said something completely different."


"thank you, uh.. joan." peter read her name tag as she gave him his shake.

"okay, um... so here's the thing, i don't actually like you. i just had to make it look like i liked you so someone else wouldn't think i liked them." she'd hoped that explanation made sense.

"oh, okay, who?"


"who? you gotta tell me who this mystery stud is, otherwise i'm gonna go on believing that you have a secret tattoo with my face on your ass."


"should i tell the school that you wrote me a love letter?" she threw her head back, rolling her eyes.

"fine. it's louis partridge,"

"partridge, doesn't that guy date your sister?"

god it really did sound bad from another perspective.

"yeah... well, he dated my sister, in the past tense. and he also got a letter, so you can see how awkward and complicated that one's gonna get if he thinks i like him." she began rambling again.

"hold on. stop. i'm not the only guy that got a letter? wow, you really think you're special, then you find out she wrote love letters to two guys."

"i write five, so don't go feeling too special." she corrected.

"you wrote five letters?" he laughed.

could this be any more embarrassing?


"damn covey, you're a player. who else did you write letters to?"

"if i tell you will you leave me alone?"


"okay, lucas james."

"he's gay."

how was y/n so oblivious?

"you don't know that."

"everyone knows that, who else?"

"um, someone from camp and someone that i went to model un with in fifth grade, so are we good here?" she was way over this whole conversation, talking about it only made her feel more ashamed of her stupid, young actions.

"yeah, we're good."

"wait, is that you're sparkly blue bike out front your ride?"


and somehow y/n covey had ended uo in wanna's truck, awkwardly sitting in his passenger seat.

"thanks for driving me."


"sorry for the whole, jumping you thing."

"coulda been worse. so what are you going to say to partridge?"

"well i guess i'm gonna have to tell the truth."

"and what is the truth?"

she hadn't really thought about that either.

"it's not your problem, wanna." she reached for the door handle.

"hey, hold on. what if you didn't tell him?" he grabbed her hand, stopping her.

"what?" she turned back around to face him.

"what if we let people think we were actually together? just for a little while. and not just partridge. I mean everybody."

she for sure thought he was joking, he had to be.

"why would you want that?"

"for starters, when coco heard you kissed me, she went nuts, and if she thinks you and i are a thing, she'll want to get back together."

"oh, so you wanna use me as your pawn?" she nodded, understanding guys motive.

"ah, well see, technically you used me as your pawn first when you jumped me. you don't have to give me an answer now, just think about it, okay?"

"yup, don't hold your breath." y/n took the whole idea as a joke, no way would she fake date wanna just to make coco jealous.

"she waved at him again, before walking into her house.

she laid on the floor of her bedroom, thinking about wanna's offer, which surprised her as she'd just sworn that she wouldn't even think twice about it.

it would solve her louis problem.

you only live once.. right?


"hey! walton! y/n walked through the game of lacrosse being played on the field.

"what?" he took his helmet off.

"let's do this."

he nodded, pulling her into a kiss, causing his team mates to laugh and cheer him on.

she pulled away, not expecting him to kiss her on the spot like that.

"i'm going to the tree."

"carry on!"


"so, first things fist, we need to have a contract so we're on the same page about the rules." y/n looked up at him, as he sat on top of the picnic table.

"you got rules? come on you really know how to zap the fun out of a situation."

"it's important to know where you stand on certain issues."

"okay, like what?" he took a sip of his gatorade.

"for example, i don't want you to kiss me anymore."

"you crazy? who's gonna believe we're in a relationship if i'm not allowed to kiss you?"

"you may be the james dean of this kind of stuff but i've never had a boyfriend"

"you have the references of an eighty-year-old woman, what does that matter?"

"it matters because i don't want all my first to be fake! if i'm gonna be making out with someone, i wanna do it for real."

"but you kissed me first."

"this is non-negotiable." she shook her head, writing on the page of her notebook.

"fine, but we need to figure something out, people are gonna be suspicious if i'm not allowed to touch you."

he had a fair point.

"okay, you can put your hand in my back pocket." she smiled, the opening scene of sixteen candles playing in her mind.

he looked at her like she was insane.

"hand in your back pocket? what the hell is that?"

her mouth fell agape.

"sixteen candles? it's the opening image. it's a couples thing."

"yeah maybe in the seventies."

she rolled her eyes.

"sixteen candles was in the eighties." she corrected.

he only shrugged, he'd never heard of that movie in his life.

"okay, two more rules, you have to watch sixteen candles with me because it's a classic, and two, we can never tell anyone that this is fake, because it would be to embarrassing for the both of us."

she couldn't imagine the entire school finding out, they'd probably assume it was all y/n's idea, that she forced him to do it, or some other insane rumor.

"duh, first rule of fight club."

y/n tilted her head, confused.

"covey, you've never seen fight club?"

she laughed at his reaction, shaking her head.

"oh my god, write that down, after we watch your candles movie, we are watching fight club."

she did as he said, writing in her notebook.

"anything else?"

he thought for a second, almost hesitating to suggest the idea.

"i could write you notes everyday."

she'd never thought wanna could be so.. romantic.

"you'd do that?"

"yeah, i mean, coco was always on me to write them for her, i never did. so if i write them to you, she'll be pissed."

"also you have to come to my boxing matches, and parties."

"fine, but you have to pick me and my sister up every day."

"okay, but you have to go to the ski trip with me."

woah. the adler high ski trip was notorious for being the location where teens have lost their virginitys. y/n has never been... obviously.

"uhm, that's like three months away, you still think we're going to be doing this by then?"

y/n assumed it would take a month at longest for them to get back together, but three months?

"let's call it a contingency, no one is going to let their boyfriend go on the ski trip with another girl, so if we are still doing this by then, you have to go with me."

she was certain that by the ski trip, y/n and wanna would be history, just two people who used each other, which is why she said..


she held her arm up for him to shake, he laughed before shaking it, sighing his name at the bottom of the paper.


y/n smiled as she saw wanna outside of her house, standing outside of his truck as he waited for the covey sisters.

"cmon vi we're going to be late." y/n scolded as she was taking extra long to get ready today.

"i hate taking the bus, can you please just man up and drive?" she groaned.

"actually." y/n motioned to wanna.

"ya'll ready?"

"oh hells yes!" she yelled, y/n let out a nervous laugh.

they piled into his truck, violet in the back seat.

"hey, little y/n, what is that?" he pointed to the peanut butter and chocolate chip muffin she held in her hand.

"a pb and chocolate chip muffin. and my name, thanks for asking, is violet, vi to my friends, you can call me violet." she stared him down.

"y/n you're still making those muffins?" he remembered when she'd sold them at the school bake sale, he was sure it was best muffin he'd ever tasted.

"what do i have to do, for you to bring me one of these tomorrow?" he turned to violet.

"you're driving us again?" he nodded.

"okay! you can call me vi!"

"progress." he whispered in her ear.

"so how do you know my sister?"

"i'm her boyfriend." wanna smirked as y/n's eyes went wide, it all became real to her, they were really going through with it.


it was lunch, y/n and wanna's big debut.

they stood outside the cafeteria doors, y/n eyed out the crowd, usually y/n was invisible, no one cared or knew who she was. but in a few seconds she'd be the talk of the school.

"you ready?"

"no." she looked at him nervously.

he laughed.

"cmon, just follow my lead." he took her hand, opening the doors.

wanna unclasped his hand with hers, sliding it into the back pocket of her jeans.

everyone began to stare almost immediately, whispering to each other, some girls flashed her dirty looks, hoping they'd be wanna's next girlfriend.

and coco. she looked up at them in utter disgust, y/n had never seen her so pissed, well maybe except for when y/n kissed wanna during spin the bottle.

her eyes stayed on y/n as she watched wanna swiftly pull her into him, placing his hands on her waist.

y/n thought she would've attacked her by now.

but what really set her off was wanna pulling a piece of paper out of his pocket, whispering into her ear.

she scoffed, stomping out of the cafeteria, her friends quickly running after her.

"not bad covey, i'll see you later?" he whispered, the vibration of his words sending goosebumps down her body.

"yeah." she nodded, there was a grip on her arm, tugging her away.

"bitch, how dare you not tell me about you and wanna?" ari pulled her into a random classroom, shutting the door.

"i know i'm sorry, i'm just as surprised as you are."

"how did this happen?"

y/n shut her eyes, she knew there was something missing with the plan, a story.

"uhm, i was at the diner and wanna was there, we ended up talking for hours, and i don't know, i guess we just clicked or something i don't know."

she was sure ari was gonna call her it on the lie, if she heard it from someone else she wouldn't believe it for a second.

y/n bit her lip as ariana went quiet.

she was already putting together a speech of how she was sorry and she just couldn't go through with the plan.

"that's adorable!" she squealed, stopping y/n's thought.

"i know." she said in a surprised tone.

"what did coco say when she found out, did she freak, i bet she totally freaked."

y/n laughed at her excitement.

"she definitely wasn't thrilled."

"good, it's about time someone dethroned her."

she shut her eyes as her best friend proudly hugged her, it was weird being hugged for something as simple as being in a relationship.

it was also weird that she was being congratulated on doing nothing more than accepting a note, and having an ass pocket for someone to stick their hand in, but i guess that's where y/n's life has taken her.
