chapter 9: it all comes into perspective

Jack's POV
I woke up dazed. where am i? i look around the unformilar room i hade woke up in.
how did i get here? the last thing i remember was the weird lab.. and the man and rose.
jack jumps up and runs to the door and pulls it open. he swiftly walks through the empty corridors of the the to formilar place. it didnt take him long to relize its a ship. he didnt know what ship or where he was but it was a start. he made his way up to the promanade deck. 
he looks at the sky in awe. it was dark and he saw a star lit sky and a moon bright enough to dimly light the deck. 
what time is it? what year is it? 

so many questions filled jacks head at once he had to sit down. he sits at a bench at the other end of the deck. he shivers slightly as a warm breeze hits his neck. warm wind must be around summer  or spring he thought to himself. 

after a few minutes he stoood and looked over the railing at the water below. a glissening blue that sparkles against the moons light. he stayed there till he could see the sun coming up the herizon before slipping back down into his room and falling to sleep once again


when jack again woke up it was to a knocking at the door. he sleepishly stood and opened the door to see a very tall man standing at the door holding a tray of food and a canister of coffee.
Good morning mr dawson the giant said.
im alexander but everyone calls me alex.
he smiles
im jack pleasure to meet you.

You as well. i brought you breakfast, i had a feeling you wouldnt want to come to the dining hall just yet and i didnt know what to get you so i had the chef just make you his specialty. eggs benidict.

thank you alex... what is it?

umm well its- its fancy eggs.. for rich people.. i think.

oh ok thanks. he takes the tray thinking, this alex guy is really nice maybe he can tell me where i am. Hey alex..


where am i?
your on the keldish 

okay.. when am i?

you mean the year its 2019.

oh... okay

well i will leave you be. let me know if  you need anything.

before jack could reply alex was gone 

jack looks down at his steaming hot tray. he didnt relize how hungry he was till now. 
he closes the door and eats. it only took him 10 minutes to clean his plate of food. it was good! after he finishes he looks around his room for a phone to contact someone to come take his tray. he didnt want to leave his area dirty. when he didnt find one he thought it was odd but didnt think anything of it. instead he picked up his tray and decides to try and find the kitchen himself. it cant be that hard to find right? he thought to himself and started on his misson.

after about 20 minutes jack was for sure lost. he had maked his way back into the labs he was in  the night before last. he decided too look around for a bit. he always was a curious one.  he was looking in a file cabnent he found a file with his name on it. he flipped open and started  reading.
the pages got worse and worse as he read. Rose was dead.she died in1996 at the age of 101 and to make it worse according to the file he was dead too!
