Chapter 4: Waiting

Thomas wakes up and rubs his eyes as he walks into the lab. He flips the light on in the room that the man in ice is in.
He sees that one of his arms is thawing.
As he looks over the body closely he grabs his clipboard and makes a few notes of the progress.
The melting prosses is working better than expected. 
With that final thought he left to prepare for breakfast and to tell James the good news.

As Thomas prepared for breakfast he got more and more excited about the progress in the lab.
"Finally" he thinks out loud "captain James will be proud of me" 
After about twenty minutes of trying to figure out what to say. Thomas was ready. One last look at his proud face in the mirror and he headed out the door to the pramanade deck.

Thomas was so happy that not even the rainy day could bring him down. He happily walked down the path greeting everyone he saw with a smile and a tip of his hat.

He reached the deck he stepped inside the double doors and looked around to see who was there so far. Unfortunately it was no one he knew. But that didn't matter to him today. He just simply shrugged off his coat and sat down. Now he waits ..
