it was the day of jules and harry's date, and she was quite nervous.

what were they going to talk about, does she hug him when she arrives, will he even arrive?

all the thoughts were storming through her head and she had to find a way to get them to stop, and what better than to annoy your best friend?

"ally can you help me find an outfit?" she called from her room, it was saturday morning, meaning she didn't have work today, or tomorrow, so hypothetically if something were to go wrong on the date today, she could drown her sorrows in alcohol.

"i already have." ally said walking out of her room with a handful of clothes.

"here here. go put this on and come back out here, i tried my best to not go overboard.

"that is perfect." ally said.

"it really is, thanks my personal stylist."

"it is truly my honor." ally said with a hand to her heart. "ok you have to go before you are late! bye! don't be nervous you'll do great!"

she leaves her apartment and sets off toward their agreed coffee shop. it's a cute little cafe that is earthy and has plants all over.

she arrives and finds him already sitting a table, waiting for her. he looks up from his phone and sees her and a bright smile adorns his face.

he stands up from the table and walks over towards her and wraps her in a small hug.

"hullo, i hope i didn't keep you long."

"no i've basically just arrived, it's no problem."

"oh perfect, what are you getting?"

"probably just a spicy chai latte and a muffin, what's your go to?"

"i usually just get the tea of the day from this shop, you can never really go wrong."

the two hop in line, a pretty long one for the time of day and get into a small conversation about their favorite types of tea. eventually it's jules turn to order.

"hi can i just get a medium of whatever the tea of the day is?" she says quietly with a smile on her face.

"of course that will be 2.36, can i have a name for the order?" (i'm american i've got no clue how much tea is in england!)

"juliet." jules replied and handed the woman her card and went over to the waiting area where her tea would come out and waited for harry.

"you whipped your card out too fast, couldn't even sneak in there to pay." harry said as he made his way over to jules.

"oh sorry, maybe next time love." she said with a smile looking into his blues.

"not maybe."

"is that a challenge?"

"it most certainly is miss davis." she looked at him surprised.

"how'd you find out my last name lewis?" his face suddenly turned red.

"i may or may not have stalked your instagram last night." he said quietly with a smirk.

"medium blueberry tea for juliet!"

"pause one second." she said quickly to go retrieve her tea.

"juliet?" he said when she came back.

"oh that wasn't in your in depth search mr. detective?" she teased.

"no it wasn't, jules just a nickname then?" he questioned, then heard his order called and gave her a small wave before going to retrieve it.

"yeah, when my i was born my brother was still pretty young and couldn't pronounce juliet, so jules just kinda stuck. i don't prefer one or the other, just less people call me juliet." she said then took a sip of her tea. "is harry short for anything, harold?"

"yes actually."

"see that showed up in my research." she teased again and he laughed quietly.

"well you're better than me i guess."

"guess i am."

the two continued to chat until both of their teas were gone and harry had finished his muffin.

"how many siblings do you have?" she asked him as he walked her back to her apartment.

"two, one brother one sister, both younger, you?"

"two brothers both older. what are their names?"

"rosie and josh, rosie's the youngest out of us all."

"so she's like me."

"yes i suppose so, what are your brothers names?"

"andrew and tom."

"they live around here?" he asks, genuinely interested in her life.

"andrew does, but tom has a wife and a baby boy, they live back home." she says smiling. "andrew may be the most annoying person on this earth though, i wish it were the other way around."

"sounds like him and josh would get along." harry says looking down at her.

"maybe they'll meet one day."

"i bet they will."

"do rosie and josh live around here?" she asks in return.

"nah their both back home in guernsey."

"oh a guernsey boy huh?" she asks with a small laugh.

"yes yes."

"i've heard it's lovely over there." she said quietly when they arrived at her building.

"it actually is quite nice, nothing like over here though."

"nothing is like london i suppose." she replies looking up at him. "would you like to come up?"

"i unfortunately have to run to go film with the boys for moresidemen soon. i'll stop by later though?" she smiled up at him.

"sounds perfect, i'll get takeout, is chinese good?"

"perfect." he opened his arms for her to walk into and they shared a hug before he walked off to go film for the day.

both of them realizing, their date wasn't even awkward.
